darováti to give, to donate, to present; to make a present of, to give as a present; to immolate; religija to sacrifice, to offer up
darujte peni za...! spare a penny for...!
darováti v dobrodelne namene to subscribe to a charity
Zadetki iskanja
- dejánsko actually; as a matter of fact; in point of fact; in fact; sure enough
- demantírati to deny; to contradict; to condemn as false; to give the lie to
vest je bila demantirana the news was strongly denied - dokazílen serving as a proof; proving; demonstrative
- dókler as long as
dókler ne until, till
to mi bo v spominu, dokler bom živel I shall remember it as long as I live
nisem šel, dókler ni (on) prišel I did not go until he came
kuj železo, dókler je vroče! strike while the iron's hot; make hay while the sun shines - doselíti se to migrate (to); (v deželo) to immigrate, to come (ali to enter) as a settler
- doslèj till now, up till now; up to now; up to the present; ZDA to date; hitherto; so far; as yet; yet
doslèj vse dobro so far so good
kakor doslèj as before, as in the past
doslèj še nimamo... as yet we have not... (ali do not have...) - efemêra zoologija mayfly; ephemerid; ephemera, pl -as, -ae
- eksantém medicina exanthema, pl -ata, -as
- ékstra
1. prislov extra, separately, apart; as a supplement
vino se plača ékstra wine is not included, there is an extra charge for wine, wine is extra
2. pridevnik superfine, extra-special, first-rate; pogovorno tip-top
ékstra (»prima«) slanina prime bacon - en blóc en bloc, as a whole
- enodnévnica zoologija mayfly; ephemerid; ephemera, pl -ae, -as;
- enoglásno prislov unanimously; with one voice (ali accord); as one man; en bloc
enoglásno sprejeto carried (ali passed) unanimously
izvoljen enoglásno razen dveh glasov elected with two dissentient votes
peti enoglásno to sing in unison - fibróm medicina fibroma, pl -as, -ata
- fórmula matematika, kemija itd. formula, pl -as, -ae
vljudnostna fórmula polite form of words, polite wording (ali formula) - fungírati to function; to act as, to officiate
fungírati kot porotnik to serve on a jury - gáčiti to stuff (birds, animals), to work as a taxidermist
- habilitácija habilitation, qualification as university teacher; higher doctoral degree; higher doctoral thesis; pedagogika rehabilitation
- habilitírati to habilitate; to qualify as a university teacher
- hláden cool; fresh; (mrzel) cold, chilly, frosty; (brezčuten) unfeeling, insensible; (mlačen) lukewarm, indifferent, unconcerned, equanimous; (neusmiljen) as cold as charity
hládno orožje cold steel, (tudi revolver) side arms pl, side arm; figurativno (nedostopen ipd.) cold-mannered, frigid; reserved, distant; (brez razburjanja) (as) cool as a cucumber
hláden pozdrav frigid greeting
hláden sprejem a cold reception
hláden val cold snap(s pl)
hládna ondulacija cold wave
hláden kot mrlič cold as death, cold as clay
hládno mi je I am cold, I feel cold
hládno postaja it's getting cool
ostati hláden to keep cool, to keep one's temper
to me pusti hládnega that leaves me cold
hládno koga sprejeti to give (ali to show) someone the cold shoulder, to give someone a cold reception, humoristično to give someone the frozen mitt