
Zadetki iskanja

  • pést fist

    polna pést a handful, a fistful
    stisnjena pést clenched (ali closed) fist
    na lastno pést (figurativno) on one's own account, on one's own
    udarec s pestjo punch, žargon fourpenny one
    pravica, pravo pésti club law, fist law
    boriti, tepsti se s péstjó to brawl, to have a punch-up (ali fistfight)
    groziti s péstjó to shake one's fist at someone
    imeti koga v pésti (figurativno) to have someone in the hollow of one's hand
    udariti po mizi s péstjó to bring one's fist down heavily on the table
    v pést se smejati to laugh inwardly, to laugh up one's sleeve
    dobil sem ga v pést (figurativno) I have got him into my clutches
    iti (naprej) na lastno pést to go (ahead) on one's own
    bíti, udariti s péstjó to punch, to strike with one's fist, to fist
    udariti koga s péstjo to give someone a punch
    borba, pretep s péstmi punch-up, fistfight, humoristično bout of fisticuffs
    stisniti pésti to clench one's fists
  • pét five

    bilo jih je pét there were five of them
    ura je pét it's five o'clock
    ob petih at five o'clock
    čaj (malica) ob petih five o'clock tea
    bilo je pét minut do sedmih it was five to seven
  • pêta heel (tudi pri čevlju, nogavici)

    nizka (visoka) pêta low (high) heel
    čevlji z visokimi pêtmi highheeled shoes pl
    Ahilova pêta Achilles' heel, (občutljivo mesto) (figurativno) tender (ali weak) spot, vulnerable point, weak point
    od glave do pête from head to toe
    na pêtah raztrgane nogavice socks pl worn out at the heel
    on je džentlemen od glave do pête he is every inch a gentleman
    biti (slediti) komu za pêtami to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to dog someone's steps, to be upon someone's heels
    tik za pêtami to come close upon someone's heels, to pursue someone closely
    vedno mi je za pêtami he is always on my heels, he is always following me about (ali dogging my footsteps)
    lizati pête komu (figurativno) to fawn on someone
    napraviti čevlju novo pêto to heel, to reheel a shoe
    pokazati pête (pobrisati jo) to show a clean pair of heels, to take to one's heels, to run (ali to get) away
    pête odnesti (figurativno) to escape
    komaj je odnesel pête he narrowly escaped, he had a narrow escape
    sedeti na pêtah to sit on one's heels
    zavrteti se na pêtah to spin round on one's heels
  • péti (pôjem) to sing, (v cerkvi) to chant; (o zvonu) to ring; (ptice) to warble, to twitter, to chirp; (petelin) to crow; (pesnikovati) to be a poet, to compose poetry

    péti v zboru to sing in a choir
    péti z not brez vaje to sight-read
    péti po notah to read music, to sing from a score (ali from music)
    prenizko péti to sing too low, to sing flat
    previsoko péti to sing too high, to sing sharp
    péti (vesele) božične pesmi to sing (Christmas) carols, to go carol-singing
    večglasno péti to sing in parts
    enoglasno péti to sing in unison
    učiti se péti to learn singing
    začeti péti to intone, to begin to sing
    napačno péti to sing out of tune
    prav(ilno) péti to sing in tune
    péti na vse grlo to sing at the top of one's voice
    péti komu hvalo to sing someone's praises
    péti vedno isto pesem (figurativno) to be always harping on the same theme
    korakali so in peli na vse grlo they marched on, singing at the top of their voices
  • peticija samostalnik
    (pisna pobuda) ▸ petíció
    podpisovati peticijo ▸ petíciót aláír
    izročiti peticijo ▸ petíciót átnyújt
    Jezni kmetje so vladi izročili peticijo s 100.000 podpisi. ▸ A dühös gazdák 100 000 aláírást tartalmazó petíciót adtak át a kormánynak.
    poslati peticijo ▸ petíció elküld
    napisati peticijo ▸ petíciót megfogalmaz, petíciót megír
    podpisniki peticije ▸ petíció aláírói
    pobudniki peticije ▸ petíció kezdeményezői
    podpisati peticijo ▸ petíciót aláír
    spletna peticija ▸ online petíció
    peticija za kaj ▸ petíció valamiért
    peticija proti čemu ▸ petíció valami ellen
    zbirati podpise za peticijo ▸ petícióhoz aláírásokat gyűjt
    zbirati podpise pod peticijo ▸ petícióhoz aláírásokat gyűjt
    komisija za peticije ▸ petíciós bizottság
    podpisovanje peticije ▸ petíció aláírása
    Po spletu krožijo tudi številne peticije za prepoved festivala, pri čemer imajo nekatere več milijonov podpisnikov. ▸ Számos petíció is kering az interneten a fesztivál betiltása érdekében, néhányat már több millióan aláírtak.
  • pétje singing; song; (cerkveno) choir-singing, chanting; (ptičje) warbing

    dvoglasno, triglasno pétje two-part singing, three-part singing
    večglasno pétje part-singing
    gregorijansko pétje Gregorian chant, plainsong
    petelinje pétje crowing, cockcrow
    ob petelinjem pétju at cockcrow
    škrjančkovo pétje the song of the skylark
    šolsko pétje class singing
    učitelj, -ica pétja singing teacher, singing coach, singing master, singing mistress
    učiti se pétja to learn singing
    s pétjem sprejeti novo leto to sing the New Year in
    uspavati otroka s pétjem to sing a child to sleep
  • piano prislov
    glasba (značilnost skladbe) ▸ piano
    Začel je imenitno, z divjim, polnim, napadalnim tonom, potem pa je igral bolj in bolj piano. ▸ Nagyszerűen, vad, telt és támadó hangvétellel kezdett, aztán egyre inkább pianóba ment át.
  • pikírati

    1. aeronavtika to dive

    pikírati naravnost na cilj to dive straight at (ali on) an objective

    2. (zbosti ipd.) to pique (koga someone), botanika to prick out
  • pištóla pistol; firearm; handgun; automatic

    brizgalna pištóla (za barvo itd.) spray gun
    z naperjeno pištólo at pistol point, at the point of the pistol
    strel iz pištóle pistol shot
    ročaj pištóle pistol butt, butt of a pistol; (ta vrsta roča pri večjih puškah in orodjih) pistol grip
    nastaviti komu pištólo na prsi to hold a pistol to someone's breast
    streljati, ustreliti, ubiti koga s pištólo to shoot someone, to gun someone down
    udariti koga s pištólo to pistol-whip someone
    tok za pištólo holster
    streljati s pištólo to shoot
    otroška pištóla popgun
  • plačljív payable; to be paid

    biti plačljív to fall due, to become due (ali to mature)
    plačljív ob predložitvi payable on presentation (ali at sight)
    vnaprej plačljív payable in advance
    plačljív ob dostavi, izročítvi cash on delivery
  • planíti

    planíti na to fall upon, to leap on, to rush upon, to dash upon, to set upon, to pounce on (upon, at)
    planíti noter to rush in
    planíti na koga to rush at someone
    planíti kvišku to rise impetuously
    planíti na sovražnika to charge the enemy
    planíti za čem to make a dash for something
    planíti (navaliti) na vlak to pile into a train
    kri ji je planila v obraz the blood rushed to her face
  • plást geologija stratum, pl strata; (prahu itd.) layer

    najnižja družbena plást the lowest stratum of society
    izolacijska plást insulating layer, barrier layer
    plást premoga layer of coal, coal seam
    zračna plást stratum, atmospheric layer, layer of air
    v več plásteh many-layered, multilayered
    široke plásti ljudstva the public at large
  • plašíti to frighten, to intimidate; to scare; to startle; to awe; to put in fear; to make afraid; to alarm; (ptice itd.) to shoo away; to daunt; to strike fear into someone's heart; to terrify

    plašíti se to be afraid, to be startled, to apprehend, to stand in fear (ali awe) of, (konj) to shy
    plašíti se česa to shy at something; to dread something; to fear something
  • plín gas

    izpušni plín exhaust gas, burnt gas
    eksplozivni plín explosive gas
    gorilni plín combustible gas, fuel gas, heating gas
    pogonski plín power gas
    bojni plín chemical weapon, poison gas
    solzivi plín tear gas
    močvirski plín marsh gas
    pokalni plín explosive gas
    premogovniški, jamski plín blackdamp
    smejalni plín laughing gas
    svetilni plín lighting gas, illuminating gas
    strupeni plín poison gas
    jamski eksplozivni plín firedamp
    razredčen plín rarefied (ali rarified) gas
    neprepusten za plín gastight
    s polnim plínom at full throttle
    rezervoar za plín gasholder, gasometer, gas tank
    motor na plín gas engine, gas motor
    pedal, vzvod za plín avtomobilizem accelerator, ZDA gas pedal, aeronavtika throttle lever
    izbruh plína gas explosion
    uhajanje plína gas leak
    napeljava plína gas fittings pl
    oskrba s plínom, dovod plína gas supply
    pridobivanje plína gas production
    neprepusten za plín gas-proof, gastight
    zaščita pred strupenim plínom precautions against poison gas, gas-warfare defences, chemical-warfare defences
    metalec plína vojska poison-gas mortar
    zastrupljen s plínom gassed
    zastrupitev s plínom gas poisoning
    vonj, duh po plínu smell of gas
    vojna, vojskovanje s plínom gas warfare, chemical war (ali warfare)
    dati plín to step on the gas, to put one's foot down, to open the throttle
    odvzeti plín to cut off the gas
    spremeniti v plín to gasify
    razvijati plín to evolve gas
    prižgati plín to light (ali to turn on) the gas
    kuhati na plínu to cook by gas
    napasti s plínom to gas
    ugasiti plín to turn the gas off, (priviti, da manj gori) to turn the gas down
  • pobúda initiative; incentive; instigation; suggestion; impulse; stimulus, pl -li

    na pobúdo on the initiative (koga of someone), at the instigation (of someone)
    poln pobúd full of suggestions
    na lastno pobúdo on one's own initiative
    prevzeti pobúdo to take the initiative
    dati pobúdo to motivate
  • pocéni (cenen) cheap, inexpensive

    zelo pocéni dirt cheap, going for a song; prislov cheaply, at a reasonable price, inexpensively
    pocéni kupiti to buy cheap
    prodajati bolj pocéni kot kdo drug to undersell someone
    pocéni jo odnesti (figurativno) to get off cheaply (ali easily), to escape unharmed (ali unpunished), to get away scot-free
    zelo pocéni (prislov) at giveaway prices
  • pocúkati

    pocúkati koga za rokav to tug at someone's sleeve, to pluck (ali to pull) at someone's sleeve
  • počákati to wait

    počakaj malo! wait a bit!, wait a while!
    ta zadeva lahko počaka this matter can wait! (ali can be left pending)
    kar (ali le) počakaj! (bomo videli, kaj bo) wait and see!
    počákati na priložnost to bide one's time
    počákati na izid to await the outcome
    počakal te bom I'll wait for you
    počakaj, da pridem nazaj! wait till (ali until) I come back
    počákati koga na postaji to meet someone at the station
  • počénjati počéti to do

    kaj počenjate? what are you doing!, what are you up to?, what are you at?
    kaj počenjaš ves dan? what do you do with yourself all day?
    nimam kaj počénjati, počéti s tem I have no use for it
    ne ve, kaj bi počel od veselja he is mad with joy
  • počítniški holiday (-), vacation

    počítniški čas holiday time, break, holiday(s)
    počítniški dom holiday home (run at modest prices by a non-profitmaking organisation)
    počítniška kolonija holiday camp
    počítniško potovanje holiday trip
    počítniški tabor holiday camp
    počítniški tečaj vacation course
    počítniško razpoloženje holiday spirit, holiday mood