
Zadetki iskanja

  • ugotovíti to ascertain (da that); to find (out), to establish; to state

    ugotovíti škodo to determine (ali to assess) damages
    ugotovili so, da dva moža manjkata, se pogrešata it was discovered that two men were missing
    kot je bilo točno, pravilno ugotovljeno as has been truly stated
  • ukázati ukazováti to order; to command; to give orders; to bid; to tell

    ukazali so nam, naj takoj krenemo na pot they ordered us to start at once
    ukazali so mu, naj pride they told him to come, arhaično they bade him come
    stori, kot ti je ukazano! do as you are told!
  • ukopán

    stati kot v zemljo ukopán to stand rooted (ali riveted) to the spot
    stal je kot ukopán he stood as if glued to the spot
    bil sem kot ukopán od začudenja I was rooted to the spot with surprise
  • úm reason, intellect, intelligence; sense; understanding; mind; brains pl; wit

    človek ostrega úma a man of sharp intellect
    brez úma out of one's senses, out of one's (right) mind
    omračen úm clouded mind
    je bistrega úma he is quick-witted, he is bright
    bil je največji úm svojega časa he was the greatest intellect of his time
    ves iz úma je he is out of his wits (ali out of his mind)
    úm se mu je omračil he is mentally deranged, he is out of his senses, his mind is unhinged, he has lost his reason, he has gone mad
    kaj ti pade na úm! what an absurd idea!
    ne pade mi na úm, da bi to naredil I am not so stupid as to do it
    ni ji prišlo na úm, da bi zaprla plin she had not the sense to turn off the gas
    priti na úm komu to enter someone's mind
    prišlo mi je na úm, da... I was struck by the idea that..., it occurred to me that...
    priti nazaj na um to recur (ali to come back) to mind
  • uporábiti uporábljati to use (za for), to make use (kaj of something); to bring into use; to employ; to apply

    tega nimam za kaj uporábiti, uporábljati I have no use for it
    uporábiti, uporábljati zavore to apply the brakes
    dobro uporábiti, uporábljati to put to good use
    to pravilo se da uporábiti, uporábljati tudi za naš primer this rule applies to (ali in) our case as well
    dobro uporábiti, uporábljati čas to make good use of one's time
  • úra (čas) hour; (žepna) watch; (stoječa, stenska, stolpna) clock; (namizna) timepiece

    úra budilka alarm clock
    peščena úra sand glass
    sončna úra sundial
    cerkvena úra church clock
    úra z nihalom pendulum clock
    zapestna úra wristwatch
    ladijska úra chronometer
    úra štoparica stopwatch
    policijska úra curfew
    konične úre rush hour
    huda úra thunderstorm
    učna úra lesson
    proste úre free (ali spare) hours pl
    smrtna úra the hour of death, dying hour, last hour
    v zgodnjih úrah in the small hours
    úra X vojska zero hour
    v teku ene úre, v manj kot eni úri in less than an hour, within an hour
    o úre do úre from hour to hour
    prav ob tej úri at this very hour
    po moji úri by my watch
    pol úre half an hour, a half hour
    pred pol úre half an hour ago
    5 milj na úro 5 miles per hour, 5 miles an hour
    vsake tri úre every three hours
    več kot eno úro over one hour
    ob tej úri at the present time, ZDA presently
    polni, celi 2 úri for two hours at a stretch (ali pogovorno on the trot)
    dobro úro a good hour
    ob 12. úri at 12 o'clock, at noon
    v smeri kazalca úre clockwise, (v nasprotni) anticlockwise
    jermenček za zapestno úro watch strap, strap for wristwatch; (wrist) watch band; strap (ali cord, link, expansion) band
    verižica za úro watch chain, (pri telovniku) watch guard
    kolesje úre movement of a watch
    ohišje úre clock case
    vzmet úre watch spring
    utež pri úri clock weight
    kazalec úre hand
    kazalec sončne úre gnomon
    številčnica úre dial
    tovarna úr clock factory, watch factory
    trgovina z úrami clock trade, watch trade, trade in clocks and watches
    koliko je úra? what time is it?, what's the time?, (redko) what o'clock is it
    úra je 5 it is five o'clock
    četrt na šest je it is a quarter past five
    pol šestih je it is half past five
    tri četrt na šest je it is a quarter to six
    na moji úri je tri it is three by my watch
    ob kateri úra? at what time?
    je ta úra prav? is that clock (tvoja zapestna úra your wristwatch oziroma pogovorno watch) right?
    on je točen kot úra he is as regular as clockwork
    moja úra je točna my watch keeps perfect time
    dobrih 5 úr je do mesta it's a good five hours to the town
    moja úra gre dobro my watch is a good timekeeper
    moja úra ne gre (se je ustavila, se je iztekla) my watch is not going (has stopped, isn't working)
    moja úra je pokvarjena there is something wrong with my watch
    navijte svojo úro! wind up your watch!
    moja úra je navita my watch is wound up
    úra bíje the clock strikes (oziroma is striking)
    úra bo zdajci (od)bila 11 the clock is just about to strike eleven
    úra je odbila 7 the clock has struck seven
    odbila mu je zadnja úra his last hour is come
    moja úra prehiteva my watch is fast (ali gains, is gaining)
    moja úra zaostaja my watch is slow (ali loses, is losing)
    vprašati koliko je úra to ask the time
    naravnati (regulirati) úro po... to regulate (ali to set) one's watch by...
    držati se rednih úr to keep regular hours
    letalo je doseglo poprečno 450 milj na úro the plane averaged 450 miles an hour
    dajati angleške úre (= lekcije) to give English lessons
    to úro je treba naviti this clock needs winding up (ali rewinding)
    moja úra je potrebna popravila my watch needs repairing
    razmakniti konične úre (da ni navala na avtobuse itd.) to stagger office hours
    rana úra zlata úra early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
    delati 24 úr brez prekinitve (noč in dan) to work around the clock
  • urejèn settled; in (good) order; tidy

    urejèna soba tidy room
    dobro urejèna hiša well-regulated household
    zadeva je urejèna the affair is settled
    s tem je stvar urejèna that settles the question, that settles it
    to je tako rekoč urejèno it's as good as settled
  • úsnje leather, (mehko) skin, (kozličevina) kid

    úsnju podoben leathery, leatherlike
    kačje úsnje snakeskin
    imitacija úsnja leatherette, leatheroid
    umetno úsnje artificial leather
    v úsnje vezan leather-bound, bound in calf
    žilav kot úsnje tough as leather, leathery
    odpadki úsnja leather cuttings pl
    stroj za valjanje úsnja leather-roll
    trgovec z úsnjem leather dealer
  • ustrelíti to shoot (dead), to kill by shooting

    ustrelíti na to shoot at
    bil je ustreljen kot špijon he was shot as a spy
    ustrelite ga, če bo skušal pobegniti! shoot him if he tries to escape!
    dezerterji so bili ustreljeni the deserters were shot
    ustrelil se je he has shot himself
    ustrelíti se v glavo to blow one's brains out
  • užívati užíti to enjoy, to delight (v in); to find (ali to take) pleasure in, to take delight in; to relish; to rejoice in; to revel in; to experience pleasure; (hrano) to partake (of food), to consume; to be the beneficiary (ali usufructuary), to have the benefit (ali use) of

    užívati, užíti glas, sloves kot... to have a reputation as..., to enjoy the reputation of...
    užívati, užíti dober kredit to enjoy good credit
    užívati, užíti splošno spoštovanje to be held in high esteem by everybody
    uživam v sprehodih I enjoy my walks (ali promenades)
    užívati, užíti zaupanje kake osebe to enjoy someone's confidence
    užívati, užíti v čem to get a kick out of something
  • váren safe; secure

    váren pred safe from
    na várnem in safety
    absolutno, popolnoma váren (pogovorno) as safe as houses
    toliko bolj várno so much the safer
    váren kraj a safe place
    váren pred napadi secure from attacks
    váren obstoj, eksistenca a secure existence
    váren pred nevarnostjo secure from danger
    várna investicija a safe investment
    most ni váren the bridge is not safe
    biti na várnem to be on the safe side
    biti váren pred volkovi to be safe from the wolves
    hraniti kaj na várnem to keep something safe
    tu smo na várnem pred vetrom here we are sheltered from the wind
    moje življenje ni več várno my life is no longer secure
    ni várno dotakniti se tega psa it is not safe to touch this dog, beware of the dog!
    zdaj se čutimo várne we feel safe now
    várno sem ga spravil (spremil) domov I saw him safe home
    spravil sem ga na várno I have taken him to (ali put him in) a safe place
    peljati na várno to lead to safety
    položiti na várno mesto to put in a safe place
  • vazál vassal; liege, liege man

    ravnati s kom kot z vazálom to treat someone as a vassal
  • vážnost importance; momentousness; consequence

    to ni majhne vážnosti it is not a trivial matter
    to je velike, silne vážnosti it is of the utmost importance
    pripisovati čemu posebno vážnost to attach particular importance to something, to regard something as a matter of the greatest importance (ali moment), to set (great) store by something
  • védeti to know; to be aware (of); to realize

    zanesljivo védeti to be positive about
    védeti za kaj to be in the know, to be aware (of something), to be cognizant (of something)
    dobro vedoč za kaj fully cognizant of something
    vem za nekoga, ki... I know of someone who...
    kolikor vem as far as I know, for aught I know (of)
    ne da bi jaz vedel (= kolikor mi je znano ne) not that I know
    pa še kako dobro to vem! don't I know it!
    bojim se, da zdaj nič več ne vem (kot prej) I fear I am none the wiser
    on dobro ve, kaj se je zgodilo he well knows (ali he is well aware of) what happened
    ne védeti za kaj to be ignorant of something
    rad bi vedel I should like to know, I wonder (ali, če whether, if)
    ko bi bil (jaz) vedel! if only I had known!
    védeti o čem to be well aware (ali arhaično apprised) of something
    nihče ne ve, kaj se utegne zgoditi there is no knowing what may happen
    védeti, kaj hočemo (= ne omahovati) to know one's own mind
    kako, da jaz ne bi tega vedel! don't I know it!
    to sam le predobro vem (= komu to pripovedujete?) you are telling me!
    influenca, defterija in ne vem, kaj še vse influenza, diphtheria, and goodness knows what else
    védeti najnovejše (o) to be well up (in), to be au courant (ali up-to-date) with
    človek nikoli ne ve (= nikoli ne veš) you never know, you never can tell
    kako naj vem, kam je šel how should I know where he went
    ali še veš? do you remember?
    ne vem ne kod ne kam I don't know which way to turn
  • védno always; every time, at all times; ZDA all the time; ever; pesniško aye, ay

    skoraj védno nine times out of ten, as often as not
    še védno still; as yet
    za védno for ever, for good, for good and all
    enkrat za védno (vselej) once (and) for all
    védno več more and more
    védno hitreje faster and faster
    védno večji bigger and bigger
    še védno ne not yet
    za védno zapustiti to leave for good
    še védno ga ni he hasn't arrived yet
    védno je bilo tako it was ever thus
    poslovila sta se za védno they bade each other farewell for ever
    védno in védno se vra-, čati to keep coming back
    védno naravnost (naprej)! keep straight ahead!
  • veljáti (stati, stanem) to cost, to be worth; (biti veljaven) to be valid, to be in force; to hold good, to hold true, to be true

    koliko velja ta knjiga? how much does this book cost?
    to zemljišče velja 2.000 funtov m2 this land is worth 2,000 pounds a square metre
    naj velja, kar hoče! cost what it may!
    veljáti za poštenjaka to pass for an honest man
    isto velja za vas the same holds good for you
    hoteti veljáti za... to set oneself up as...
    ne maram veljáti za moralista (purista) I don't set myself up as a moralist (a purist)
    velja (za) dva meseca valid for two months
    veljá! agreed!, it's a deal!
    ta vstopnica velja za večerno predstavo this ticket admits (you) to the evening performance
  • veljáven (pravno) valid; (denar) good, current; (vozovnica) valid

    veljáven denar current coin
    veljáven zakon (poroka) valid marriage
    veljáven 2 meseca valid for 2 months
    veljáven za... valid for..., admitting to..., pogovorno good for...
    veljáven od... effective as from...
    veljáven do preklica valid until recalled
    biti veljáven to be in force, to be good (for), (denar) to be in circulation, to be legal tender
    biti splošno veljáven to be current
    napraviti veljávno to validate, to render valid
    postati veljáven to come into force
    ta vozovnica je veljávna 2 dni the ticket is valid for two days
    ni veljávno it is not valid
  • verjéti to believe (komu someone); (zaupati) to trust

    lahko mi to verjamete you can take it from me
    verjamem samo, kar vidim seeing is believing
    ali lahko verjamemo njegovi besedi? can his word be trusted?
    tega pa ne verjamem (pogovorno) I don't fall for that one
    ne verjéti to disbelieve
    sveto verjéti to cling to (ali to cherish) a belief
    to naj ti drugi verjamejo! see if others believe that!
    bi verjeli kaj takega! would you believe it!
    če verjameš ali ne believe it or not
    verjéti nekaj neverjetnega (figurativno) to swallow a camel
    rad ti verjamem I willingly believe you
    nisem tako neumen, da bi to verjel I am not so foolish as to believe it
    komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly trust my own eyes
  • verjétno prislov probably, likely, presumably

    prav verjétno in all probability
    zelo verjétno, najbolj verjétno most likely, very likely, as likely as not
    komaj verjétno most unlikely, hardly likely
    več kot verjétno more than likely
    ni verjétno, da... it's unlikely that...
    ne zdi se verjétno it seems unlikely
    to je bolj verjétno that's more likely
    zelo verjétno je, da bo deževalo the probability is that it will rain, pogovorno it's probably going to rain
    verjétno bo doživel uspeh he will probably succeed
    verjétno bom pozabil I may forget, I'm apt to forget
    verjétno pojdem I may go
    malo verjétno je, da bo prišel he is unlikely to come, pogovorno it's unlikely he'll come
  • vesél merry, cheerful, gay; glad; joyful, joyous; pleased

    veséla družba cheerful company, happy band
    vesél božič! (a) merry Christmas!
    zelo vesél (židane volje) as merry as the day is long, as pleased as Punch
    vesél smeh merry laugh
    vesél sem, da vas spet vidim I am glad to see you again
    biti vesél česa to be glad about something
    veséla novica je prišla k nam včeraj the glad news reached us yesterday