zaustáviti to stop; to bring to a standstill
zaustáviti kri to staunch (ali to stanch) blood
zaustáviti se to stop
zaustavil se bom nekaj dni I am going to stop a few days (v Parizu in Paris)
Zadetki iskanja
- zbíti to nail (ali to join)
zbíti (skupaj) together
zbíti cene to force (ali to bring) down prices
zbíti letalo to bring (ali to shoot) down a plane
ves sem zbit I am dead tired - zdáj zdájle now, at present; this moment; actually
zdáj, zdájle! šport time!
prav zdáj, zdájle, ravno zdáj, zdájle just now, this (very) moment
zdáj, zdájle ali nikoli now or never
zdáj, zdájle to zdáj, zdájle ono now this now that
zdáj, zdájle... zdáj, zdájle now... now, sometimes... sometimes, at one time... at another
takoj zdáj, zdájle at once, immediately, instantly
do zdáj, zdájle up to now, up to this moment, till now, by now, until now, up to the present
od zdáj, zdájle from now on, from this time on
od zdáj, zdájle naprej henceforth, henceforward, in future, in the future, from this time forward
kaj zdáj, zdájle! well then?
za zdáj, zdájle (za to pot) for this once, for the time being, for the nonce
kaj boš napravil zdáj, zdájle? what are you going to do now?
kako zdáj, zdájle? how now?
šele zdáj, zdájle, ko ga poznam... only now that I know him...
sedajle nameravam (pisati) I am going (to write), I am on the point (of writing), I am about (to write) - zébsti
zebe me I am (ali I feel) cold - zelena miza ženski spol der grüne Tisch
za zeleno mizo am Verhandlungstisch
sesti za zeleno mizo sich an den Verhandlungstisch setzen - zgodaj [ó] früh, zeitig; (pravočasno) beizeiten
zgodaj zjutraj in aller Frühe, früh am Morgen, frühmorgens
zgodaj poleti/jeseni im Frühsommer/Frühherbst
ki zgodaj … Früh-
(vstaja der Frühaufsteher, cvete der Frühblüher), früh- (rodi frühtragend, cvetoč frühblühend, zrel frühreif) - zlorábiti zlorábljati to abuse; to misuse; to strain, to overstep the limits (of)
zlorábiti, zlorábljati žensko to abuse (ali to maltreat) a woman
on zlorablja dobroto svojega varuha he takes unscrupulous advantage of his guardian's kindness
zlorabil bom vašo gostoljubnost I am going to trespass on your hospitality - zmánjkati to run short, to give out, to disappear
zmanjkalo mi je denarja I have run out of money, I am short of money
kruha je zmanjkalo there is no bread to be had
zmanjkalo nam je zalog our provisions were running short
zmanjkalo nam je premoga we have run short of coal
živil je zmanjkalo supplies began to give out
sape mi je zmanjkalo I am out of breath
moči mu je zmanjkalo his strength (has) failed him
zmanjkalo ga je he is missing, he has not been heard of again
zmanjkalo ji je potrpljenja she is out of patience - zméšan mixed; disarranged
sem čisto zméšan I am all mixed up; (duševno) deranged, mad, crazy - zmotiti to disturb (someone), to distract (someone)
zmotiti se to be mistaken, to make a mistake; to go astray
ne se zelo zmotiti not to be far wrong
vsakdo se lahko zmoti we are all apt to make mistakes
zmotil sem se v svojih računih I'am out in my calculations (ali reckoning), I miscalculated
če se nisem zmotil if I am not mistaken
zmotili smo se o njem we were quite mistaken in him
zmotil sem se o datumu I was quite mistaken about the date
ne dajte se zmotiti! don't disturb yourself!
zelo se zmotiti (figurativno) to be wide of the mark - znán known; noted (po for); well-known
splošno znán notorious (po, zaradi for)
po vsem svetu znán well-known all over the world
znán pod imenom... known as...
znán obraz familiar face
znána substanca kemija (the) known
znána veličina matematika (the) known quantity
drugače znán pod imenom... alias, also known as (krajšava: aka)
kolikor je znáno as far as is known
kolikor mi je znáno as far as I know
znáno mi je, da... I know that...
znáno je dejstvo, da... it is a well-known fact that...
on je znán kot dober učitelj he is known to be a good teacher
on mi je znán he is known to me
biti znán s kom to be acquainted with someone
si znán z njim? are you acquainted with him?
nisem osebno znán z njegovim bratom I am not personally acquainted with his brother - znojíti se to sweat, to perspire; figurativno (= garati, mučiti se) to toil, to toil and moil, to drudge, to sweat blood
znojim se I am perspiring, pogovorno I'm sweating - zóper against
nimam nič zóper I have no objection to it
sem (zelo) zóper to I am (dead) against it
ona je zóper to she is opposed to this
nahujskati koga zóper to set someone against
boriti se zóper to fight (ali to struggle) against (višje sile odds)
to je dobro zóper glavobol it is good for headaches
vzdigniti se zóper svoje voditelje to revolt against one's leaders - zvédeti to learn (od from), to come to know, to get to know, to discover, to ascertain, to find out, to hear, to be informed
zvedel sem (= kot slišim) I learn, I am told, I understand, I am informed
zvedel sem, da je on odšel I heard he'd gone, (pred kratkim) I've heard he's gone
včeraj se je (ra)zvedelo it was learned yesterday
to smo zvedeli od naših prijateljev we got to know it through our friends
pravkar sem zvedel, da je umrl I've just heard he's dead
to sem zvedel iz zanesljivega vira I have it on good authority - žaga|ti (-m) sägen, hlod: schneiden
figurativno žagati koga an jemandes Stuhl sägen
žagati vejo, na kateri človek sedi am eigenen Ast sägen - žál
1. (medmet) alas; what a pity!
2. prislov unfortunately, regretfully
žál jutri ne morem priti I am sorry I shall not be able to come tomorrow
nič žalega mu nisem storil I have done him no harm
on ne bi muhi storil nič žalega he wouldn't hurt a fly
ni mi žál nobenega truda I don't mind (taking) any amount of trouble
žál ne morem ustreči tvoji želji I am sorry I cannot comply with your request
žál (na žalost) ne moremo tega napraviti unfortunately that can't be done
žál moram reči I regret (ali I am sorry) to say
žál vidim, da... I am sorry to see that...
žál moram iti I am afraid I have to go
žál mi je zanj I am sorry for him, I pity him
žál beseda offensive word
žál ne I am afraid not - žálosten sad; mournful; afflicted; melancholy; sorrowful; joyless; gloomy; dismal; downcast; (beden) wretched
žálosten pogled deplorable sight
to so žálostne novice this is sad news
tako sem žálosten zaradi tega I am so sorry (ali sad) to hear (oziroma to see) it
ona je vedno žálostna she is always miserable
žálostna nesreča a sad accident
žálostno pri tem je, da... the sad part of it is that...
biti v žálostnem (bednem) položaju to be in a sorry plight - žéjati
žeja me I thirst, I am thirsty (po for); figurativno (hrepeneti) to long for, to thirst for, to thirst after - žív alive, living; live; (živahen) lively, vivacious, vivid, animated
žív in zdrav hale and hearty
žíve barve bright (ali gay, vivid, glaring) colours pl
žíva domišljija vivid imagination
žíva duša ne not a living soul (ali creature)
žívi jeziki living languages pl
žívo apno quicklime, unslaked lime
žíva meja hedge
žívo meso tender flesh, quick
žív opis vivid description
žív spomin vivid recollection
žíva teža live weight
žíva vera fervent belief (ali faith), living faith
žívo zanimanje vivid interest
žíva žerjavica live coals pl
živi (ljudje) pl the living
na žíve in mrtve in (real) earnest
vse svoje žíve dni all my (your itd.) life
žívo srebro quicksilver, mercury
žíva skala living rock, bedrock
žíva oddaja live broadcast
dokler bom žív as long as I live
je tvoj brat še žív? is your brother still alive?
on je žíva (verna) slika svojega očeta he is the living image of his father
kar sem žív all my life, in all my born days
biti med žívimi (figurativno) to be in the land of the living
sem bolj mrtev kot žív I am more dead than alive, I am half-dead
žívo se spominjati to have a vivid recollection (of)
ne morem ga žívega videti (figurativno) I can't bear (ali stand, endure) the sight of him
starost ji ne more do žívega (ji nič ne more) (pesniško) age cannot wither her
žív krst (žíva duša) tega ne ve not a living soul knows it
zadeti v žívo to cut (ali to sting, to touch) to the quick
zadet v žívo cut to the quick
žívi in mrtvi the living (ali arhaično the quick) and the dead - živ|ec1 moški spol (-ca …) anatomija der Nerv (bedrni, kolčni Hüftnerv, čutni Empfindungsnerv, Gefühlsnerv, Sinnesnerv, drobovni Eingeweidenerv, gibalni, motorični Bewegungsnerv, inhibitorni Hemmungsnerv, kolčni Ischiasnerv, obrazni Gesichtsnerv, očesni Augennerv, podlahtnični Ellennerv, slušni Hörnerv, Gehörnerv, stegenski Schenkelnerv, vazomotorični Gefäßnerv, vidni Sehnerv, vohalni Riechnerv)
medicina stisnjen živec die Nervenquetschung
… živca Nerven-
(ohromitev/ohromelost die Nervenlähmung, omrtvičenje die Nervbetäubung, trzanje das Nervenzucken, vnetje die Nervenentzündung)
medicina škodljiv za živce nervenschädigend
ki pomirja živce nervenberuhigend
slabih živcev nervenschwach
obolenje živcev das Nervenleiden
bolan na živcih nervenleidend, nervenkrank
močni/slabi živci starke/schwache Nerven, die Nervenstärke/Nervenschwäche
figurativno izgubiti živce die Nerven verlieren, durchdrehen
ki para živce nervtötend, nervenaufreibend
natezati živce komu (jemanden) auf die Folter spannen
žreti živce nervenaufreibend sein, an den Nerven zerren
iti na živce komu (jemandem) auf die Nerven gehen/ fallen, (jemanden) nerven
kdor/kar gre močno na živce die Nervensäge
ki gre na živce nervenaufreibend
spraviti/spravljati ob živce koga (jemanden) verrückt machen, rasend machen, entnerven
tu je vse odvisno od živcev das ist reinste Nervensache
skakati po živcih auf den Nerven herumtrampeln
dražilo za živce der Nervenkitzel
preizkušnja za živce die Nervenprobe
smrt za živce die Nervenmühle
zdravilo za živce das Nervenmittel
biti na koncu z živci mit den Nerven fertig sein, mit den Nerven am Ende sein, ein Nervenbündel sein
z močnimi živci nervenstark
z živci kot štriki mit Nerven wie Bindfäden