nasvèt piece of advice; (splošno) advice; counsel; (ideja) suggestion
po nasvètu advised by
na njen nasvèt on her advice, at her suggestion
dal mi je dober nasvèt he has given me some good advice
poslušaj moj nasvèt! take my advice!, be advised by me!
prišel sem k tebi po nasvèt I have come to you for advice
vprašati koga za nasvèt to ask someone's advice, to consult someone
ravnati se po nasvètu to follow someone's advice, to take someone's advice, to take advice from someone
Zadetki iskanja
- navádno prislov usually, habitually; customarily; generally; as a rule; as usual
navádno večerjamo ob osmih we usually take dinner at 8 o'clock - navéden stated; quoted
ob navédeni uri at the hour stated
cene navédene v ameriških dolarjih prices stated in U.S. dollars - navésti to allege; to state; to indicate; to bring forward; to mention; (besede) to quote, to cite
navésti svojo starost to state one's age
cene so navedene v dolarjih prices are stated in U.S. dollars
ob navedeni uri at the hour stated - navsezádnje after all; last of all; eventually
navsezádnje politika retorika at the end of the day - navzkríž crosswise, crossways
vse navzkríž pell-mell, in all directions, in confusion
položiti navzkríž to lay crosswise (ali crossways, diagonally)
biti si navzkríž s kom to be at cross purposes (ali at odds) with someone - navzóč navzóčen present
povsod navzóč, navzóčen ubiquitous
med navzóč, navzóčenimi among those present
biti navzóč, navzóčen pri to be present at, to attend, to be in attendance at
nisem bil navzóč, navzóčen pri seji I was not present at (ali I did not attend) the meeting
človek ne more biti povsod navzóč, navzóčen one cannot be everywhere at the same time
vsi navzóč, navzóčeni so to videli all those present saw it
zapisati, zabeležiti imena navzóč, navzóčenih to take down the names of those present
seznam navzóč, navzóčenih attendance list, attendance sheet
ugotoviti število navzóč, navzóčenih to report the attendance, (pogovorno) to count noses, to count the house
navzóč, navzóčeni so izvzeti present company excepted - navzóčnost presence
tvoja navzóčnost pri slovesnosti je neobhodna your presence (ali attendance) at the ceremony is indispensable
v naši navzóčnosti nihče ne govori o tem no one speaks openly of it in our presence (ali in front of us) - ne (kot samostoina nikalnica) no; nay; (navadno pri glagolu) not (npr. nisem I am not)
ne malo not a little
nikakor ne not at all, by no means
gotovo ne! certainly not
še ne not yet
ne več no more, (časovno) no longer
jaz tudi ne (strinjajoč se z nikalnim stavkom) (that goes for) me too!
ne manj kot... no less than...
ne samó... temveč tudi... not only... but also...
kaj ne? isn't it?
mislim, da ne I think not
ne... ne... neither... nor...
če ne if not, unless
če ne vidim pisma, ne verjamem unless I see (ali if I don't see) the letter I shall not believe it
ne da bi jaz vedel not that I know of
odgovoriti da ali ne to answer yea or nay
ne, kaj takega! well I never
reči, odgovoriti ne to answer in the negative, to decline, to refuse
ne morem, da ne bi (rekel) I must (say), I can't help (saying)
Je oče bolan? - Upam, da ne. I Father ill? - I hope not.
on ne govori angleško, jaz tudi ne he does not speak English, nor do I - needín disunited; disagreeing; discordant
needíni so si they are at variance
biti needín gledé to be at variance with someone over something, to disagree with someone about (ali on) something
needínost disunity - nemogoč impossible; (neizvedljiv) unfeasible, impracticable; figurativno ungodly
ob taki nemogoči uri at such an ungodly hour
poskušati nekaj nemogočega (figurativno) to make bricks without straw, to weave a rope of sand
želeti si nekaj nemogočega, nemogoče to cry for the moon - nepotrében unnecessary; superfluous; dispensable; needless
po nepotrébnem unnecessarily, without need
nepotrébna naglica undue haste
to je nepotrébno that can be done without
to mi je nepotrébno I can do without, I can dispense with lt
nepotrébno prislov unnecessarily, needlessly
po nepotrébnem se truditi (figurativno) to knock at an open door - neprávi wrong, not right, improper, undue; (podtaknjen) supposititious; (nepristen) not genuine, spurious, counterfeit, apocryphal, sham; ZDA bogus; (umeten) artificial
ob neprávem času (uri) at the wrong time
neprávi biser (diamant) imitation pearl (diamond)
neprávi odgovor a wrong answer
nepráva stran blaga wrong side of material
neprávi ulomek improper fraction
neprávi mož (človek) na neprávem mestu (položaju) (figurativno) a square peg in a round hole - nepretŕgoma prislov uninterruptedly; without interruption
nepretŕgoma skozi več dni for several days running
delati 8 ur nepretŕgoma to work eight hours at a stretch - neprijétno prislov disagreeably; nastily; offensively
neprijétno se počutiti to be ill at ease - nepriméren1 unsuitable (za for), unsuited; wrong, inappropriate (za to); unbecoming; inconvenient; unfit, unfitting; inexpedient; (neumesten) improper, inapposite, out of place, unseasonable, inopportune; (nesposoben) inapt; (čas) wrong, inconvenient
nepriméren za mladino unfit for the young
neprimérno vedenje improper conduct
ob neprimérnem času at the wrong time
zelo neprimérno je... it is highly improper...
neprimérno prislov inappropriately, inopportunely - neréd disorder; derangement, untidiness, confusion; disturbance, tumult, riot; disarrangement; litter; (zmešnjava) chaos, jumble, mess, mishmash, shambles
v nerédu out of order, disordered, in a mess, out of gear, topsy-turvy
v velikem nerédu in a state of great confusion
biti v nerédu to be in a muddle
priti v neréd to fall into disorder
spraviti v neréd to derange, to throw into confusion, to mess up
poulični nerédi riots pl, disturbances pl
povzročitelj nereda, -ov troublemaker
poročajo o nerédih na jugu disturbances are reported in the South
biti v popolnem nerédu to be at sixes and sevens
kakšen neréd je v tvoji sobi! what a mess your room is in!, your room's a real shambles!
; ne morem živeti v takem nerédu I can't live in a pigsty like this
pustiti svoje knjige v nerédu to leave one's books in a jumble (ali in a muddle)
ob svoji smrti je pustil vse svoje zadeve v nerédu at his death he left all his affairs in a mess (ali in a muddle)
zasejati neréd v vrste to throw the ranks into confusion
njegovo poslovanje je v največjem nerédu his business is in a (rare) muddle (ali a terrible state) - neréšen not saved; figurativno unsettled, outstanding; (odložen) in abeyance, pending; (uganka) unsolved, enigmatic; problematic, puzzling; mysterious
neréšeno vprašanje an outstanding (ali unsolved) question
biti neréšen to await solution
svojci neréšenih rudarjev so čakali pred vhodom v jamo relatives of the trapped miners waited at the pithead - níč nothing; not anything; nought; not a thing; arhaično, pesniško naught, ZDA nought
čisto níč nothing at all
prav níč, popolnoma níč nothing at all; nothing whatever
níč razen nothing but
níč več nothing more, no more, nothing further
za níč for nothing
za níč na svetu not for the world; not for love or money; not for anything
níč in zopet níč nothing-repeat-nothing, absolutely nothing
níč drugega nothing else
níč novega nothing new
níč takega nothing of the kind, none of that
níč koliko (= mnogo) very much, very many
toliko kot níč, skoraj níč next to nothing
za prazen níč for no reason
vse ali níč all or nothing, neck or nothing
meni níč, tebi níč quite coolly, bold as brass
níč manj kot... no less than, anything but...
prav níč slabši kot... no whit inferior to...
níč boljšega od no better than..., nothing like as good as...
to ti ni níč mar! none of your business!
to še ni níč that is nothing
to ni níč zame that is no use for me, that won't do for me
to ni níč vredno that is worthless
on ni níč boljši he isn't any better
iz tega ni bilo níč nothing came of it, it came to nothing
níč novega ni v časopisu there is nothing new in the paper
iz tebe ne bo nikoli níč you will never be anything, you are a worthless fellow (ali pogovorno a dead loss)
nisi prav níč prekmalu you are none too soon
če ni níč drugega! if that's all there is to it!
rezultat je 2 níč (2:0) šport the score is two nil
to ni níč v primeri s tem, kar sem nekoč videl that is nothing to what I once saw
iz níč ni níč nothing begets nothing, one cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
ne morem níč za to I can't help it
níč ne dé, níč za to all right, there's no harm done, it doesn't matter, no matter, never mind
níč se ne da napraviti! there's nothing we can do (ali nothing to be done) about it!
(to ni važno) to níč ne pomeni this is of no consequence
níč ne marati, ne se meniti za níč not to care (ali pogovorno not to give a hoot) about anything
v níč devati to disparage, to belittle, to depreciate, to discredit, to attach no value (to)
níč več nimam povedati I have nothing more to say
s tem nimam níč opraviti I have nothing to do with it
to níč ne stane it is gratis, it is free, it may be had for the asking
na níč priti to be ruined, to come to grief
na níč spraviti koga to ruin someone
začel je z níč (v življenju) he started from nothing (ali from scratch)
kdor nič ne riskira, nič nima nothing venture, nothing gain - níčla nought; (pri toplomeru) zero, pl zero(e)s; cipher; (ledišče) freezing point, zero; (nepomembna oseba) nonentity; (pri telefoniranju) o
10° pod (nad) níčlo ten degrees below (above) zero
pri 5° pod níčlo at five degrees below zero
termometer je sinoči padel na níčlo the temperature (ali thermometer) fell to zero last night
on je níčla (figurativno) he is a cipher
dodaj níčlo! add a nought!
izpusti dve níčli! omit two noughts!
biti enaki níčli to be nil
izenačiti z níčlo matematika to equate to zero
nastaviti na níčlo tehnika to zero
absolutna níčla absolute zero
biti na níčli to be at zero
pasti na níčlo to fall to zero