
Zadetki iskanja

  • rázlog reason; cause; grounds pl, ground, motive

    iz rázloga, da... on the grounds that
    iz rázloga, ker... because...
    iz kateregakoli rázloga for whatever reason
    iz tega rázloga for this reason
    iz tega ali onega rázloga for some reason or other
    prav iz tega rázloga for that very reason
    tehten rázlog cogent reason
    ni nobenega rázloga za kako spremembo there is no reason (ali motive) for a change
    nimaš rázloga za pritoževanje you have no ground(s) for complaint
    dati rázlog to give one's reason
    navajati kot rázlog to allege as a reason
    navesti rázlog to supply a reason
    navesti rázloge to show cause (ali ground) (za for)
    razjezil se je iz praznega rázloga he got angry without any real reason
    ne bomo ga več videli tu, in to iz jasnega rázloga (= vé se zakaj) we shan't see him here again, and for a good reason
    to ni zadosten rázlog, da tako ravnaš that is insufficient reason for your behaviour
  • razvpíti to defame, to decry; to bring into disrepute

    razvpíti koga to bring disrepute upon someone
    razvpíti koga kot ženskarja to decry someone as a womanizer
  • rdèč red; (lica) ruddy

    rdèč nos (pijančka) coppernose, grog-nose
    Rdeči križ Red Cross
    Rdeča armija Red Army
    Rdeča Kapica Little Red Riding Hood
    Rdeče morje Red Sea
    rdèčih lic redcheeked
    rdèča detelja red clover
    rdèča barva red colour
    rdèče krvno telesce red corpuscle, red blood cell
    rdèč kot kri blood-red
    rdèč kot vrtnica (as) red as a rose
    rdèč kot puran (as) red as a turkey cock
    rdèč kot pesa (as) red as a beetroot
    rdèče oblečen dressed in red
    slep za rdèčo barvo red-blind
    od joka rdèče oči eyes red with tears
    rdèč kot rak (as) red as a boiled lobster, (as) red as a peony
    temno rdèč dark red
    biti rdèč od jeze to be red with anger
    postati rdèč to turn red
    ves rdèč je od sramú he is blushing to the very roots of his hair
    postati rdèč kot kuhan rak to turn (ali to flush) scarlet
    to ga razdraži kot rdèča krpa bika it is a red rag to him
  • rečèn2 said

    kot rečèno as I said
    med nama rečèno between you and me ➞ rêči!
  • rêči to say; to tell; to utter; (izraziti se) to express in words; (izjaviti) to declare; (kot priča) to depose

    rêči "da" to say yes, to agree
    rêči "ne" to say no (ali nay), to refuse
    zopet, ponovno rêči to repeat
    rêči bobu bob to call a spade a spade
    rêči zbogom to say (ali to bid) goodbye (ali farewell)
    na uho komu rêči to whisper in someone's ear
    rêči komu svoje mnenje to give someone a piece of one's mind
    rêči enkrat "da", enkrat "ne" to say and unsay
    tako rekoč so to speak; as it were; as one might say; so to say
    recimo, da... granted that...
    recimo, da bi to bilo res... supposing (that) it were true...
    kot se reče (ljudje rečejo) as the saying goes
    dal mi je, reci in piši, 8 tolarjev he gave me precisely 8 tolars
    rečeno, storjeno no sooner said than done, quick as thought
    kratko rečeno... the long and the short of it is...
    mimogrede rečeno... by the way, by the by (ali bye)
    kot že rečeno as I have said already, as I said before
    med nama rečeno between you and me
    laže rečeno kot storjeno easier said than done
    recimo let us say, say, suppose
    reci odkrito! speak up (ali out)!
    reci brez okolišenja! don't beat about the bush!
    recimo, da je tako admitting that it is so (ali it to be so)
    recimo, da je to res, kaj potem? say it were true, what then?
    če lahko tako rečemo if one might put it this way
    to je lepo rečeno that is nicely put
    kaj naj rečem k temu? it is incredible!
    ni kaj rêči o njegovi poštenosti his honesty cannot be called in question
    nimam več kaj rêči I have nothing more to say
    proti temu se ne da nič rêči there is nothing to be said against that
    to se samó tako reče that's merely a way of putting it
    on si ne da nič rêči he is deaf to all advice, he will not listen to reason
    kar on reče, mora biti what he says goes
    kako bi se to reklo v angleščini? how would you put that in English?
    težko je rêči... it is hard to say...
    ne more se rêči kdaj there is no saying when
    rekli so mi, da je doma I was told that he was at home
    kolikokrat sem to rekel? how often have I said (ali told you) that?
    rekel sem svoje I had (ali I've had) my say, (kaj mislim) I spoke my mind
    kar sem rekel, nisem oporekel I kept my word, I did not go back on my word
    upravičeno lahko to rečem I could well say so
    kaj bodo pa ljudje rekli (figurativno) what will people (ali they) say?
    to je težavno, ali bolje rečeno, to je nemogoče it is difficult, or rather (ali knjižno nay), it is impossible
    to je težavno, da ne rečem nemogoče! it is difficult, not to say impossible!
    Je to res? Če ti pa rečem! Is it true? You can take my word for it!
    ne vem, kaj hočeš rêči I don't follow you
    kaj hočeš rêči s tem? what do you mean by that?
    ravno sem hotel to rêči you have taken the words out of my mouth, it was on the tip of my tongue, I was going to say
    preden sem sploh mogel kaj reči... before I could get a word out
    vse še ni bilo rečeno o tem we haven't yet heard the last of it, we haven't yet got to the bottom of it
  • réd1 -a order; (odlikovanje) decoration; (ocena) mark; (urejenost) tidiness

    brez réda in disorder
    v rédu (kot treba) in due order
    v vzornem rédu in apple-pie order, shipshape, all shipshape and Bristol fashion
    po abecednem rédu in alphabetical order, alphabetically
    po vrstnem rédu by turns, one after the other
    zaradi réda (pravilnosti) for regularity's sake
    v gosjem rédu in single (ali Indian) file
    v rédu! all right!, O.K.!; okay!
    besedni réd word order
    bojni réd battle array, order of battle
    cestni prometni réd traffic regulations pl
    dnevni réd order of the day, agenda
    vozni réd (railway, bus) timetable
    vrstni réd order of precedence
    Red hlačne podveze Order of the Garter
    frančiškanski réd religija Order of St. Francis of Assisi
    kapucinski réd Order of Capuchins
    meniški réd monastic order
    nemški viteški réd Teutonic Knights
    viteški réd order of knighthood
    templarski réd Knights Templars
    družbeni réd social order
    smisel za réd sense (ali love) of order
    mir in réd law and order
    nekaj ni v rédu v njegovi glavi (figurativno) he has a screw loose (in his head)
    to ni v rédu (prav) this is not right (ali proper), this is not as it should be
    račun je v rédu the bill (ali account) is correct
    z njo ni nekaj v rédu there is something amiss (ali wrong) with her
    soba je v najlepšem rédu the room is in apple-pie order
    vse je v rédu all is in order, all is right
    biti na dnevnem rédu to be on the agenda
    dobil je dober (slab) réd (v šoli) he got good (bad) marks
    sedaj je stvar v rédu the matter is settled now
    dati, spraviti v réd to put in order, to tidy, to make tidy
    imam rad réd I like things tidy (ali shipshape)
    manjka mu réda he lacks order, he is unmethodical
    vse iz réda spraviti to throw everything out of gear
    držati, vzdrževati réd to keep order
    obdržati na dnevnem rédu to keep on the agenda
    pozvati k rédu (npr. demonstrante) to call to order
    priti iz réda to come out of order
    (v)stopiti v (cerkveni) réd to take holy orders, to go into the Church
    zopet vzpostaviti réd to restore order
  • rêklo phrase; saying; adage

    stalno rêklo stock phrase
    kot pravi (je) rêklo as the saying is (ali goes)
  • rekóč

    tako rekóč so to say, so to speak; as I may say; as it were
  • réven poor; indigent, destitute; (brez denarja) penniless; needy; beggarly

    réven z poor in, destitute of, void of
    réven belec na jugu ZDA poor white
    biti réven to be poor
    réven kot cerkvena miš as poor as a church mouse
  • ríba fish

    Ribe astronomija Pisces pl (s konstr. v sg), the Fishes
    ríbi podoben fishlike
    ríba pilot pilot fish
    ríba roparica predatory fish
    leteča ríba flying fish
    morska ríba sea fish, salt-water fish
    sladkovodna ríba freshwater fish
    koš(ara) za ríbe fish basket, creel
    prodajalec, -lka ríb fishmonger
    trgovec z ríbami fish merchant
    nož za rezanje ríbe fish slice
    gojitev ríb fish farming, pisciculture
    nasoljena ríba salt fish
    jata ríb shoal, school
    zdrav kot ríba sound as a bell, fit as a fiddle, in the pink, in fine fettle
    zdrav je kot ríba he is as fit as a fiddle
    loviti ríbe to fish, s trnkom to angle, s podvodno puško to spearfish
    poloviti vse ríbe v ribniku to fish out a pond
    počutiti se kot ríba na suhem (kopnem) to feel like a fish out of water
    molčati kot ríba to be as mute as a fish
    počutil sem se kot ríba v vodi I was fit as a fiddle
    bogat z ríbami abounding in fish
    male ríbe (figurativno) small fry, ZDA pogovorno small potatoes pl
  • rjúha sheet

    bel kot rjúha as white as a sheet
  • rób2 (mize) edge; (prepada, groba itd.) brink; (ceste) roadside, verge; (strani) margin; (mesta itd.) outskirts pl, confines pl; (gozda) border, margin, pesniško marge; figurativno verge; (kozarca, klobuka) brim

    čisto na róbu on the verge of
    na róbu propada (vojne) on the verge of ruin (of war)
    do róba poln brimful
    čez rób poln full to the brim, brimful
    napisan na róbu (obroben) marginal
    kot (je) ob róbu (zapisano) as per margin
    na róbu dobrega okusa on the margin of good taste
    biti na róbu histerije to be on the verge of hysterics
    na (skalnem) róbu griča on the brow of the hill
    napolniti do róba to fill to the brim
    napraviti rób (zarobiti) to hem
    privesti na rób to lead to the brink (of)
    postaviti se po róbu to make a stand against, to get up on one's hind legs
  • rôka hand, (do rame) arm

    brez rôke handless, armless
    v rôki in one's hand
    pri rôki at hand, near at hand; available
    od rôke do rôke from hand to hand
    pod rôko (se držati) arm in arm, (kupiti) underhandedly
    rôke kvišku! hands up!, stick them up!, reach!
    rôke proč! hands off!
    z rôko v rôki hand in hand, jointly
    s sklenjenimi rôkami with clasped hands (as in prayer)
    z zvezanimi rôkami in nogami bound hand and foot
    rôko na srcé! hand on heart!
    močna rôka strong hand
    žuljava rôka a callous palm
    moja desna rôka (figurativno) my second self
    on je moja desna rôka he is my right-hand man
    polna rôka a handful
    narejen z rôko (ročno) made by hand, handmade; (posel) handiwork, manual work
    od rôk (oddaljen) out of the way
    praznih rôk empty-handed
    na svojo rôko (figurativno) in one's own name, of one's own accord, unauthorized
    risanje s prosto rôko freehand drawing
    držeč se za rôke hand in hand
    prekrižanih rôk with one's hands (oziroma arms) folded
    z dvignjeno rôko (with) hand upraised
    z rôkami uprtimi v boke akimbo
    držati, imeti rôke uprte v boke to hold one's arms akimbo
    iz prve rôke at first hand
    ne da bi rôko premaknil hands down
    boriti se z rôkami in nogami to struggle with might and main
    braniti se proti čemu z rôkami in nogami to fight against something tooth and nail (ali with might and main)
    dati v rôko, rôke to hand
    dati komu proste rôke (da kaj naredi) to give someone a free hand (to do something)
    dobiti informacije iz prve rôke to get information at first hand
    dvigniti rôke to lift up one's hands
    dvigniti rôke nad glavo v začudenju to throw up one's arms in astonishment
    dobiti kaj v rôke (figurativno) to get hold of something
    rôke križem držati to fold one's arms and do nothing, to be idle
    imeti pri rôki to have at hand
    imeti polne rôke dela to have one's hands full
    imamo ga v rôki (figurativno) he is in our power
    imeti proste rôke (figurativno) to have free play
    imeti mrzle, hladne rôke to have cold hands
    dati rôko komu to give one's hand to someone, (v pozdrav) to shake hands with someone
    imeti položaj trdno v rôki to have the situation well in hand
    iti skozi mnogo rôk to pass through many hands
    iti komu na rôko to help someone; to support someone, to patronize someone, to aid someone
    lomiti rôke (figurativno) to wring one's hands
    to mu gre od rôk (figurativno) he is skilled (ali clever) at it
    izpustiti iz rôke, iz rok to let go
    posel mu ne gre od rôk he is unskilled, he is a poor worker
    delo mu gre dobro izpod rôk he is a quick worker
    kupiti iz prve (druge) rôke to buy new (secondhand)
    mahati z rôkami to gesticulate
    ne izpustiti iz rôk not to let go, (da pade) not to let go (ali to let slip)
    méti si rôke to rub one's hands
    nositi na rôkah koga (figurativno) to treat someone with great care, to make much of someone, to treasure someone
    nosijo ga na rôkah (figurativno) he is treated with the utmost consideration, he enjoys all kinds of favours
    pasti komu v rôke to fall into someone's hands
    prijeti za rôko to take by the hand
    ponuditi, prožiti komu rôko to give (ali to hold out) one's hand to someone, (figurativno) to lend someone a helping hand
    pljuniti v rôke (figurativno) to spit on one's hands
    podaj mu rôko! shake hands with him!
    prodati pod rôko to sell by private bargain (ali contract, treaty)
    preiti v druge rôke to change hands
    prosíti za rôko to propose (to), to ask in marriage, (nenadoma, pogovorno) to pop the question
    pričakati koga z odprtimi rôkami to meet someone with outstretched hands, to meet someone enthusiastically
    položiti rôke na kaj to lay hands on something, to put one's hands to
    položiti rôko nase (figurativno) to commit suicide
    položiti rôko na srce to lay one's hand on one's heart
    podati si rôke to shake hands
    sprejeti ponudbo z obema rôkama to jump at an offer
    prekrižati rôke to cross one's arms
    stisniti komu rôko to squeeze someone's hand, (pri pozdravu) to shake hands with someone
    stiskati rôko v pest to clench one's fist
    stati s sklenjenimi (prekrižanimi) rôkami to stand with folded (crossed) arms
    vzeti v rôke to take in hand, to undertake
    zadevo bom sam vzel v rôke I will take the matter into my own hands
    fanta je treba vzeti v rôke (figurativno) the boy wants taking in hand
    zlomiti si rôko to break one's arm
    rôko si je zlomil he broke his arm, he had his arm broken
    umijem si rôke nad tem I wash my hands of it, I will not be responsible
    rôka rôko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, fair exchange is no robbery
    z obema rôkama zgrabiti priliko to jump at an opportunity
    živeti iz rôk v usta (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth
    bolje je vrabec v rôki kot golob na strehi (figurativno) a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  • rutínski routine(-)

    rutínsko delo routine work
    rutínsko prislov by rote
    rutínsko kaj napraviti to do something as a matter of routine
  • sánje dream (o of), dreaming

    v sánjah in a dream
    niti v sánjah ne (figurativno) far from it
    dežela sánj dreamland, world of fancy, dream world
    kot v sánjah as in a dream, like a dream
    razlagalec sánj interpreter of dreams
    imel sem slabe sánje I had bad dreams
    mladostne sánje youthful dreams pl
    moje sánje o bogastvu so se razblinile my dreams of wealth have vanished like smoke
    moje sánje so se uresničile my dream has come true
    sánje varajo dreams deceive, dreams are a delusion
  • séči2 (sežem) to reach (po for)

    segel je po palici he reached for his stick
    séči v žep to put one's hand in one's pocket
    globoko séči v žep (figurativno) to dip deep into one's purse
    kakor daleč seže oko as far as the eye can see
    séči si v roke to shake hands
    kakor dolgo bodo segle (trajale) naše zaloge as long as our provisions last
  • sejáti to sow; to seed; (presejati) to sieve, to riddle

    sejáti žito to sow corn
    sejáti razdor to sow discord, to sow (the seeds of) dissension
    sejáti teror to sow terror
    sejáti seme sovraštva (upora) to sow the seeds of hatred (of revolt)
    sejáti veter in žeti vihar to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
    treba je sejáti, če hočeš žeti one must sow if one wishes to reap
    kakor boš sejal, tako boš žel as you sow so you shall reap
  • selítev migration; (iz hiše) removal; change of abode (ali of residence, of dwelling)

    selítev narodov migration of people; (masovna) trek; (ponoči, ne da bi plačali stanarino) moonlight flit
    doklada za selítev allowance for removal
    po naši selítvi v to hišo after our removal to this house
    tri selítve je isto kot požar three removals are as bad as a fire
  • selíti to move

    selíti se to move to another place (oziroma dwelling, house); to change one's residence; to migrate
    trikrat se selíti je isto kot pogoreti three removals are as bad as a fire
  • sétev sowing, sowing time; seeding; (kar je posejano) seed (s pl)

    sétve lepo kažejo the crops are promising, the crops look well
    kakršna sét, takšna žetev as you sow you shall mow, as a man sows so shall he reap