
Zadetki iskanja

  • nóht fingernail, nail

    lak (pila, ščetka) za nóhte nail polish (file, brush)
    kleščice (škarjice) za nóhte nail clippers pl (scissors pl)
    nega nóhtov manicure, (na nogi) pedicure
    umazani, črni nóhti grimy fingernails
    nóhte si gristi to bite one's nails, (figurativno) to be impatient
    nóhte si odstriči to cut one's nails
    nóht si pristriči to trim (ali to pare) one's fingernails
    za nóhte mi gre (figurativno) I am hard pressed (ali pogovorno up the creek)
    boriti se z zobmi in nóhti to fight tooth and nail
  • nosíti (paket ipd.) to carry; (nakit, obleko, čevlje) to wear; (ime, plod) to bear; (podpirati) to support, to uphold, to sustain, to hold up

    on z lahkoto nosi 100 kg he can easily carry sixteen stone
    stebri nosijo vso težo strehe the pillars support all the weight of the roof
    nosíti pri sebi to have about one
    nikoli ne nosim mnogo denarja pri sebi I never carry much money on me
    slana voda bolje nosi kot sladka salt water is more buoyant than fresh
    ta obleka (to blago) se dobro nosi this suit (this material) wears well
    to obleko bom nosil še ene leto this suit will last me another year
    nosíti očala to wear glasses
    nosíti obresti to bear (ali to yield) interest
    nosíti posledice to bear (ali to suffer) the consequences
    nosíti stroške, odgovornost to bear the costs, the responsibility
    dobro nosíti svoja leta to wear well, to be hale and hearty for one's age
    nosíti krivdo to be to blame (za for)
    visoko nosíti glavo to carry one's head high, to be haughty
    nosíti vodo v Savo (figurativno) to carry coals to Newcastle
  • ob at; by, along, on

    ob treh at 3 o'clock
    sestati se ob šestih to meet at six (o'clock)
    ob sobotah on Saturdays
    ob prvi priliki at the first opportunity
    ob letu in a year, in a year's time, a year from today, a year today
    ob takih okoliščinah under such circumstances
    ob ves (svoj) denar sem I have lost all my money
    ob vse so ga spravili he has lost everything (ali his all)
    pri tem sem ob mojih 10 funtov I am ten pounds out of pocket over it
    on je ob pamet he is out of his mind, he is not in his senses
    si ob pamet? are you out of your senses?
    hoditi gor in dol ob hiši to walk up and down by (ali outside) the house
    to se samo ob sebi razume this is a matter of course
    živeti ob kruhu in vodi to live on bread and water
  • običáj (osebni) habit, habitude, wont; (splošen) use, usage, custom

    po mojem običáju according to my wont
    dvorski običáj etiquette
    trgovski običáj (uzanca) usance
    splošno privzet običáj common practice
    star običáj an old (ancient) usage
    ukoreninjen običáj inveterate habit
    običáji in navade habit and custom, arhaično use and wont
    to mu je postal običáj it became a habit with him, this has grown habitual with him, it grew upon him
    prekiniti z običájem to break a habit
    priti iz običája to fall out of use (ali into disuse)
    običáj nastane, vznikne custom springs up (ali arises)
    drugi časi, drugi običáji other times, other manners
    običájen habitual; customary; usual; wonted; common
    nekaj običájnega a common (ali a usual) thing
    to ni več običájno that's no longer the way
    to pri nas ni običájno this is not the custom here
    to je postalo običájno pri nas it has become the usual thing with us
  • obískati to visit; to pay a visit (koga to someone); to come to see (someone), to call on (someone); (za kratek čas) to look (someone) up, to drop in, to come round

    obiščite me jutri come and see me tomorrow
    dovolil si bom obískati vas, brž ko bom mogel I shall take the liberty of calling on you as soon as I can
  • oblást (uradna) authority, (sodna) jurisdiction; (moč) power, might; the powers that be; (absolutna) absolutism, despotism; (najvišja) sovereignty; (gospostvo) dominion, rule, sway

    na oblásti in power
    ki ima oblást put in charge (of), set in authority
    civilna in vojaška oblást civil and military authorities
    državna oblást state authority
    neomejena oblást absolute power
    posvetna oblást secular arm
    tuja oblást alien rule
    zakonodajna oblást legislative power
    borba za oblást struggle for power
    oblást nad samim seboj self-possession
    prevzem oblásti assumption (ali seizure) of power
    prisvojitev oblásti usurpation of power
    pohlep po oblásti greed for power
    biti na oblásti to be in power
    biti v oblásti koga to be in someone's power
    vsa oblást je v rokah ljudstva all power is vested in the people (izvira iz oblásti all power derives from the people)
    imeti oblást to be in authority, to carry authority
    imeti v oblásti to have command of, to be master of
    ne imeti oblásti to be without authority
    imeti se v oblásti to have self-control, to be master of oneself, to be in control (ali command) of one's feelings
    to ni v moji oblásti that's beyond my power
    ni v moji oblásti, da... it is not in my power to...
    imeti koga v oblásti to have someone in one's power
    izgubil je oblást nad seboj he lost his self-control
    ivajati oblást nad to exercise (ali to wield) power (ali authority) over
    polastiti se oblásti to seize power
    prevzeti oblást to assume (ali to take over) power
    priti na oblást to come to power
    priti pod pristojnost sodne oblásti to come under the jurisdiction (of)
  • obléka clothes pl, clothing; garment, garb; (ženska, otroška) dress; frock; (kostim) costume; attire

    (kompletna) moška obléka suit (of clothes)
    civilna obléka civilian clothes, mufti
    detektiv v civilni obléki plain-clothes detective
    delovna obléka overalls pl
    duhovniška obléka clerical dress
    konfekcijska obléka ready-made suit (oziroma dress), ready-to-wear suit (ali clothing)
    obléka po meri suit made to order, bespoke (ali custom-made) suit
    kopalna obléka swimming (ali bathing) costume, swimsuit
    poletna (zimska) obléka summer (winter) garment
    večerna obléka evening clothes (oziroma dress)
    svečana obléka Sunday best, (črna) evening dress
    promenadna obléka walking dress
    ponošena obléka rags pl
    rabljena obléka secondhand clothes pl
    uradna obléka uniform, livery
    obléka iz tiskanine printed frock
    potapljaška obléka diving suit
    jahalna obléka riding habit (costume)
    elegantna, okusna obléka smart dress
    oguljena obléka threadbare dress
    neokusna, nemarna obléka dowdy dress
    staromodna obléka oldfashioned dress
    službena obléka (sodnika, odvetnika, učenca) gown
    odvržena obléka cast-off clothes pl
    omara za obléke wardrobe
    obešalnik za obléko coathanger, clothes hanger
    obléka in hrana food and clothing
    vsakodnena, navadna obléka lounge suit
    letalska zaščitna obléka G suit
    dal sem si delati obléko I ordered a suit, I had a suit made
    ponositi obléko to wear out one's clothes
    prerasti obléko to outgrow one's clothes
    obleči nedeljsko obléko to put on one's Sunday best
    razparati obléko to unstitch a garment
    vzeti komu mero za obléko to take someone's measurements, to measure someone for clothes
    obléka še ne naredi človeka don't judge a man by his clothes
    obléka dela človeka clothes make the man, fine feathers make fine birds, the dress proclaims the man
  • obljúba promise; word; parole; pledge, arhaično plight

    držati (svojo) obljúbo to keep (ali to honour) one's promise, to keep one's word, to be a man of one's word
    držal je obljúbo he was good as his word
    izpolniti obljúbo to fulfil (ali to carry out) a promise
    to so prazne obljúbe these are empty promises
    preklicati svojo obljúbo to go back on one's promise; to break one's promise
    sklicevati se na obljúbo to hold (someone) to a promise, to claim something promised
    on je zelo radodaren z obljúbami he is lavish with his promises
    obljubiti in obljúbo držati je dvoje it is one thing to promise and another to perform
    izpolnila je obljúbo she carried out (ali fulfilled) her promise
  • obljúbiti to promise; to give one's word; to give a promise; to pledge; to make a promise

    obljúbiti nekaj nemogočega to promise the moon
    obljúbiti zlate gradove to promise the earth
    obljubili so mi nagrado I was promised a reward
    on stori, kar obljubi he is a man of his word
    on stori več, kot obljubi he is better than his word
    obljúbiti in obljubo držati je dvoje it is one thing to promise and another to deliver, fine words butter no parsnips
  • obrésti1 interest

    navadne obrésti simple interest
    obrestne obrésti compound interest
    visoke obrésti high interest rate
    tekoče obrésti current interest rate
    dolgovane obrésti interest due
    zamudne obrésti interest for delay (ali for retardment)
    glavnica z obréstmi (vred) principal and interest
    zaostale obrésti interest unpaid, arrears pl of interest, outstanding interest
    5% letne obrésti interest at the rate of five per cent per annum
    dohodek od obrésti investment income
    izguba obrésti loss of interest
    z obréstmi together with (ali plus) interest
    brez obrésti free of (ali ex) interest
    debetne obrésti interest on debit balances
    dajati, donašati obrésti to bear interest
    dati 5% obrésti to yield an interest of five per cent
    naložiti denar na obrésti to put the money on interest
    dodati obrésti glavnici to add the interest to the principal
    posoditi denar proti obréstim to lend money at (ali on) interest
    poplačati z obréstmi to pay back interest
    pripisati obrésti kapitalu to add the interest to the capital
    vrniti kaj z obréstmi (figurativno) to return something with interest
    obrésti tečejo od 1. maja interest accrues from the first of May
    zahtevati oderuške obrésti to charge exorbitant rates of interest
    zaračunati obrésti to charge interest
    živeti od obrésti to live on annuities (ali investment income, income from investments)
    živi od obrésti svojega kapitala he lives on the interest from his capital
  • obŕt trade; craft

    domača obŕt cottage industry
    mala obŕt small trade
    tesarska obŕt carpenter's trade, carpentry
    umetna obŕt applied (ali practical) art, arts and crafts pl
    opravljati obŕt to ply a trade, to carry on a trade, to engage in (ali to practise) a handicraft
    on opravlja mizarsko obŕt he is a joiner by trade
  • ôče father; pogovorno papa, pa, governor, pater

    cerkveni ôčetje Fathers pl of the Church
    brez ôčeta fatherless
    krušni ôče foster father, fosterer
    stari ôče grandfather
    očetje (predniki) fathers pl, pesniško sires pl
    on je čisto kot ôče he is a chip off the old block
    vreči se po ôčetu to take after one's father
    on je izrezan ôče (figurativno) he is the very spit and image (ali spitting image, exact likeness) of his father
    kakor ôče, tako sin like father, like son
  • očí eyes pl; (vid) eyesight

    med štirimi očmi in private, face to face
    pred mojimi očmi before my eyes, in my sight, in my presence
    zaradi vaših lepih očí for your blue eyes
    boleče očí sore eyes, (od prenapenjana) eye strain
    barva očí colour of the eyes
    velike in okrogle očí saucer eyes
    plamteče (krmežljave, izbuljene) očí flashing (bleary, blear, goggle) eyes
    suhe (solzne) očí dry (tearfilled) eyes
    na lastne očí, z lastnimi očmi with one's own eyes
    prav pred njenimi očmi before her very eyes
    slabe očí weak eyes
    z odprtimi očmi with open eyes
    ki ima dobre (risje) očí keen-eyed (lynx-eyed)
    kot bi z očmi trenil (kot bi mignil) in the twinkling of an eye, in a flash
    paša za očí a sight for sore eyes, a delightful sight
    očí so mu bolj lačne kot želodec his eyes are bigger than his belly
    same očí in ušesa so ga he is all eyes and ears, he is all attention
    z očí brati komu to guess by someone's look, to anticipate someone's wishes
    to bíje v očí it offends the eye
    to bôde v očí that strikes (ali catches) the eye
    gledati smrti v očí to look death in the face
    gledati na kaj z drugimi (drugačnimi) očmi to take a different view of something
    imeti dobre (slabe) očí (vid) to have good (bad) eyesight
    imeti pred očmi to have (ali to bear, to keep) in mind (ali in sight, in view)
    vse solzne očí je imela her eyes brimmed with tears
    imeti stalno kaj pred očmi not to lose sight of something
    imeti očí za lepo(to) to have an eye for the beautiful
    imej odprte očí! (pazi se!) keep your weather eye open!
    očí si izjokati to cry one's eyes out
    očí si drug drugemu izpraskati to scratch each other's eyes out
    ne hodi mi pred očí! keep out of my way!, arhaično begone!
    izgubiti iz očí to lose sight of, to lose track of
    ne izpustiti iz očí to keep one's eye on
    ne izpustim ga iz očí I keep an eye on him, I don't trust him out of my sight
    povsod imeti svoje očí (figurativno) to have eyes at the back of one's head
    mencati, meti si očí to rub one's eyes
    napenjati očí to strain one's eyes
    izgini mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!
    nasuti komu peska v očí (figurativno) to throw sand (ali dust) in someone's eyes, to bamboozle someone, to hoodwink someone
    odpreti komu očí to open someone's eyes, to undeceive someone
    to mi je odprlo očí that was an eye-opener for me
    očí se mi odpirajo (figurativno) I begin to see now
    očí sem mu odprl (figurativno) I opened his eyes for him
    široko odpreti očí to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
    očí so se mu odprle (figurativno) the scales fell from is eyes
    pojdi mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!, arhaično begone!
    premeriti koga z očmi to eye from head to foot
    to pada v očí that leaps to the eye, that hits you in the eye
    pasti očí na čem to feast one's eyes on something
    pokvariti si očí to spoil one's eyes
    povesiti očí to look down
    v očí mi je padlo it struck me
    ne pridi mi spet pred očí! don't show yourself here again!
    to ti povem med štirimi očmi this is for your private ear
    z očmi je preletel vrt he cast a glance over the garden
    streljati z očmi (figurativno) to shoot glances (na at)
    očí si treti to rub one's eyes
    upreti očí v to fix one's eye upon, to look fixedly at
    škiliti z očmi to squint, to be squint-eyed
    očí se mi solzé my eyes are running
    kot bi z očmi trenil in the twinkling of an eye, in a trice, in a flash
    svojim očem ne verjamem I don't believe my eyes
    komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly believe my own eyes
    stopiti komu pred očí (figurativno) to face someone
    vreči očí na to have an eye for
    z lastnimi očmi videti to be an eyewitness
    na očeh se mu vidi, da je lopov his eyes show him up for the rogue he is, arhaično bespeak him a rogue
    od teme se ne vidi prsta pred očmi it is pitch-dark
    videl sem mu na očeh, da laže I could see (ali I saw) from his face that he was lying
    na lastne očí sem to videl I saw it with my own eyes
    zapreti očí to close one's eyes
    preteklo noč nisem mogel zatisniti očí last night I couldn't sleep a wink
    zavezati komu očí to hoodwink someone, to blindfold someone
    zatisniti očí ob, nad (spregledati) to shut one's eyes to, to turn a blind eye to, to condone, to connive at, to wink at
    zapirati očí pred čem to close one's eyes to something
    vrana vrani ne izkljuje očí one crow does not peck out another crow's eyes
    daleč od očí, daleč od srca out of sight, out of mind
  • odgovórnost responsibility; žargon the buck, the can

    brez odgovórnosti without responsibility
    na vašo odgovórnost at your risk
    čut odgovórnosti sense of responsibility
    na lastno odgovórnost on one's own account
    poln odgovórnosti involving great responsibility, responsible
    bati se odgovórnosti to be afraid of responsibility
    odgovórnost je na tebi the responsibility rests on you
    delati na lastno odgovórnost to act on one's own responsibility
    izogniti se odgovórnosti to avoid (ali to shirk) responsibility
    nositi polno odgovórnost to shoulder (ali to bear) one's full responsibility
    naprtiti komu odgovórnost to pin responsibility on someone
    napravi to na mojo odgovórnost do it and let me answer for it
    obesili so mi vso odgovórnost za vrat (pogovorno) I was left holding the baby
    odklanjati vso odgovórnost to disclaim all responsibility
    poklicati na odgovórnost to call to account, to take someone to task; to hold someone responsible
    prevzeti odgovórnost za kaj to take (the) responsibility for something, to take it upon oneself
    jaz bom prevzel odgovórnost za ta korak I'll take responsibility for this step
    prevzeti nezaželeno odgovórnost (figurativno, pogovorno) to carry the can (ali to be left holding the baby)
    ne sprejeti, ne prevzeti odgovórnosti to accept no responsibility
    osvoboditi, razrešiti, razbremeniti odgovórnosti to relieve of responsibility
    otresti se odgovórnosti to shed (ali to shrug off) responsibilities
    zahvaliti, naprtiti odgovórnost na to shift the responsibility on to, to pin responsibility on, (pogovorno) to pass the buck
  • odíti to go away (ali off); to leave; to set off (ali out), to start off; to go away; to be off

    odíti z vso svojo kramo to clear out (ali to clear off) bag and baggage
  • odlíčen (kakovst) excellent, first-class, prime, superior, choice, exquisite; (slaven, ugleden, znamenit) illustrious, eminent, distinguished, noted, prominent, of high standing, outstanding, conspicuous, notable, marked

    odlíčno! fine!, super!
    odlíčen v klasičnih jezikih in v matematiki double first in classics and mathematics
    izdelati (razred) z odlíčnim uspehom to pass with distinction
  • odnêsti to carry (ali to take, to bear) off (ali away)

    reka je odnesla most the river swept away the bridge
    poceni jo odnêsti (figurativno) to come off with a small loss
    celo kožo odnêsti to save one's bacon, to emerge safe and sound, to escape with life and limb
    peté odnêsti to escape
  • odnòs relation; term

    napeti odnòsi strained relations pl
    biti v dobrih odnòsih z to be on good terms with, to be on a good footing with
    prekiniti odnòse to sever relations
    biti v dobrih odnòsih z dvema nasprotnima si strankama (figurativno) to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
    mednarodni odnòsi international relations pl
    mezdni odnòsi wage labour relationships
  • odpírati to open; (s ključem) to unlock

    naučil se je odpírati oči in zapirati ušesa he learnt to keep his eyes open and his ears closed
    odpírati vrata privatni pobudi to open the door (ali the way) to private initiative
  • odznótraj within

    odznótraj in odzunaj within and without