
Zadetki iskanja

  • kóckanje dice, game of dice, dicing

    izgubiti pri kóckanju to lose at dice, to dice away
    vse izgubiti s kóckanjem to lose everything at dice
  • kód where

    od kód? from where, from what place, whence?
    od kód prihaja? where does he come from?
    ne vem ne kód ne kam (figurativno) I don't know which way to turn, I am quite nonplussed, I am at my wits' end, I am in a dilemma, pogovorno I'm in a fix
  • kolòp (dir) gallop

    v kolòpu at a gallop
    teči, jezditi v kolòpu to gallop
  • komád (kos) piece

    po komádih piecemeal, piece by piece
    po 1 tolar komád at a tolar each
    gledališki komád play, piece
    prodajati po komádih to sell by the piece
  • kompromís compromise

    doseči kompromís, priti do kompromísa to arrive at a compromise
    dosegel je kompromís z upniki he reached a compromise with his creditors
    napraviti kompromís to compromise, to make a compromise
    obe strani sta sklenili kompromís the two sides compromised
    sporazumeti se za kompromís to settle for a compromise
  • kônec end; finish; termination; completion, conclusion, close; (iztek) expiration; (prenehanje) cessation; (razpust) break-up; (posledica) issue, result

    brez kônca endless
    na kôncu finally, in the end, at the end
    do kônca to the end, to the last
    do kônca 19. stol. up to the end of the 19th century
    proti kôncu towards the end
    do samega kônca (= do smrti) up to the bitter end, to the very end
    konec koncev finally, at long last, in the long run
    kônec tega meseca at the end of the present month
    kônec svetá the end of the world
    na drugem kônu at the far end
    biti pri, na kônu to be at an end
    z njim je kônec (izgubljen je) he is done for, it is all over (ali up) with him, arhaično he is undone
    imeti slab kônec to come to a bad end
    vsega je enkrat kônec there is an end to every thing
    njegovi nevednosti ni kônca there is no end to his ignorance
    bližati se kôncu to draw to an end (ali to a close)
    poslušaj me do kônca! hear me out!
    priti do kônca to come to an end
    privesti do kônca to bring to an end
    napraviti kônec s kom (pokončati ga) to make an end of someone
    imeti na kôncu jezika (figurativno) to have (something) on the tip of one's tongue
    temu boš moral napraviti kônec (pogovorno) you will have to put your foot down on that
    napraviti čemu kônec to put an end to something
    to pride konec koncev na isto it comes to the same thing in the end
    ni še videti kônca the end is not yet in sight
    začeti na napačnem kôncu pogovorno to get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    kônec dober, vse dobro all's well that ends well
  • konkurénčen (cena) competitive, keen; (ki gre v prodajo) marketable; (zmožen konkurirati) able to compete; (tvrdka, industrija) competing, rival

    po konkurénčnih cenah at competitive prices
    konkurénčni boj competitive struggle, trade rivalry
    konkurénčna firma rival firm
    konkurénčni razpis call for tenders
    konkurénčno podjetje rival business concern
  • konvenírati to suit; to fit; to be suitable (for); to be appropriate (for)

    ta klima mi ne konvenira this climate does not suit me
    kar enemu konvenira, drugemu ne (figurativno) one man's meat is another man's poison
    pridi jutri, če ti konvenira come tomorrow if that suits you
    bi ti konveniralo, da bi se sešla ob...? would it be convenient for you to meet me at...?
  • kopalíški

    kopalíški zdravnik doctor at a spa, physician at a watering place
    kopalíški gost visitor at a watering place
    kopalíška sezona high season at a watering place
    morski kopalíški kraj seaside resort
    kopalíško mesto (kraj) watering place
  • korák step; (tempo) pace

    dolg korák stride; (hoja) walk, gait
    vojaški, brzi korák double, ZDA double time
    hitri korák vojska quick time (ali pace)
    paradni, pruski korák goose step
    telovadni, gimnastični korák double-quick
    čvrst korák brisk step
    hlačni korák crotch
    odločilen korák decisive step
    napačen korák (spodrsljaj) false step
    nagel korák a rash step
    prvi koráki first steps pl beginnings pl (pregovorov itd.) advances pl
    navadni korák vojska ordinary pace
    preudaren korák prudent step; figurativno (ukrep) step, move, measure, motion
    enakomernih korákov evenpaced
    počasnih korákov slow-paced
    naglih korákov at a fast pace
    nadaljnji korák a further step
    s hitrim korákom at a brisk pace
    korák za korákom step by step, pace by pace, by steps, little by little, (postopoma) gradually
    pri vsakem koráku at every step
    na vsakem koráku (povsod) everywhere, (vedno) all the time
    dolžina koráka length of stride
    menjava koráka change of step
    števec korákov pedometer
    to je velik korák naprej! that's a big step (ali move) forward!
    zima se bliža z velikimi koráki winter is coming upon us apace
    držati korák z to keep pace (ali step) with, to be in step with, to keep up with, (figurativno) to keep abreast of (ali up-to-date with)
    ne držati koráka to break step, to be out of step (s časom with the times)
    izmeriti razdaljo s koráki to pace out the distance
    delati velike koráke to make great strides
    napraviti korák naprej (nazaj) to step (ali to take a step) forwards (backwards)
    napraviti (potrebne) koráke (ukrepe) to take steps (proti against)
    napraviti prvi korák (figurativno) to take the first step, to make the first move, to take the initiative
    tudi koráka naprej ni mogel napraviti he couldn't walk a step further
    napraviti velik korák do uspeha to make great progress towards success, to reach a milestone in one's career
    iti v korák z to keep abreast of, to be in step with
    prvi korák je vedno najtežji the first step is always the hardest
    napraviti dolg korák to stride out
    delati dolge koráke to take (ali to make) long strides
    delati kratke koráke to take short strides
    prvi korák je storjen (figurativno) the first step is taken
    napraviti nekaj korákov to go a few steps, to take a few paces
    (iz)meriti s koráki to pace (out)
    vse moje koráke nadzorujejo they watch every step I take
    napredovati z velikanskimi koráki to advance with giant strides
    zadeva se ni niti za korák premaknila the affair hasn't got a step further
    podaljšati korák to lengthen one's stride
    priti iz koráka to get out of step
    podvzeti (hitre) koráke to take (swift) steps (v zadevi in the matter)
    pospešiti korák to quicken one's pace, to step out
    skrajšati korák to shorten one's stride
    (s)poznati koga po njegovih korákih (po hoji) to know (to recognise) someone by his step
    usmeriti korák to direct one's footsteps
    vzdržati korák to last the pace
    voziti v koráku! slow down!, dead slow!, ZDA drive slow!
  • korén root; matematika root; gramatika root, radical, (osnova) stem

    kvadratni korén square root
    kubični korén cube root
    potegniti kvadratni (kubični) korén to extract the square (cube) root (of)
    priti do koréna problema to get at (ali to) the root of the problem
    imeti korén v to stem from
  • korenína root

    pognati koreníne to strike (ali to take) root
    pognati globoke koreníne to strike deep roots
    s koreníno vred izpuljena rastlina plant torn up by the roots
    izruvati s korenínmi vred to pull up by the root
    príti do koreníne zla to get at (ali to) the root of an evil
    posekati koreníne zla to lay the axe to the root of an evil
    nastaviti sekiro na korenín (česa) to lay the axe to the root (of something)
    udariti po koreníni, odrezati koreníno (česa) to strike at the root (of something)
  • kós2 (komad) piece; (velik) chunk; (tanka rezina) slice; (del) part; (sladkorja) lump; (predmet) article

    kós pohištva piece (ali pogovorno stick) of furniture; (glasbeni) piece (of music); (poti) stretch; (zemlje, gredica) bed, patch, plot
    po kósu apiece, each
    kós za kósom piece by piece, piecemeal
    na kóse to pieces
    kós mila a cake of soap
    kós zemlje a plot (ali a piece, a patch) of land (ali of ground)
    po čem je kós? how much apiece?
    prodajajo se po kósu they are sold separately (ali singly)
    blago (tekstil) po kósu piece goods pl
    po tri funte kós at three pounds each
    delo po kósu piecework, paid for piece rate (ali by the piece)
    iz enega kósa of one piece
    delati po kósu, od kósa (na akord) to do piecework, to work piece rate
    hiša razpada kós za kósom the house is crumbling away bit by bit
    razpasti na kóse to fall to (ali to break into) pieces
    raztrgati na kóse to tear (ali to cut) to pieces, (skritizirati) to pull to pieces, to pick holes in
    prodajati po kósu (na drobno) to sell by retail, to retail
    razstaviti na kóse (demontirati) to take to pieces
    razbiti na kóse to smash in pieces
  • kosílo lunch

    svečano kosílo luncheon; early dinner, dinner
    gostje na kosílu (guests at a) dinner party
    prirediti kosílo v čast... to give a luncheon in honour of...
    ostati brez kosíla to go without one's dinner
    povabiti na kosílo to invite to dinner
    boste ostali pri nas na kosílu? will you stay for dinner (with us)?, will you stay here for dinner?
  • kozárec glass; cup; (velik) rummer, bumper, beaker; (za vodo) tumbler; (kupica) goblet, drinkingcup; (poln) brimmer

    kozárec vode a glass of water
    ostanek v kozárcu heeltap
    žvenket kozárcev clink of glasses
    en kozárec čez mero (figurativno) one over the top
    izpiti, izprazniti kozárec do dna to drink (ali to drain) to the last drop
    izpiti kozárec na dušek to drain at one gulp, to gulp down, to knock back
    rad pogleda v kozárec (figurativno), rad ga ima kozárec he is fond of his glass
    piti šampanjec s polnimi kozárci to drink champagne by the glassful
    pregloboko pogledati v kozárec (figurativno) to have a glass too much, to take a sip too much, to be in one's cups
    trčiti kozárec to touch glasses, to clink glasses (s kom with someone)
  • Kozorog samostalnik
    1. astronomija (ozvezdje) ▸ Bak
    ozvezdje Kozoroga ▸ Bak csillagképe
    Uran je v ozvezdju Kozoroga viden v prvi polovici noči. ▸ Az Uránusz a Bak csillagjegyben az éjszaka első felében látható.
    Sonce prečka ozvezdje Kozoroga od druge polovice januarja do sredine februarja. ▸ A Nap január második felétől február közepéig halad át a Bak csillagképen.

    2. v astrologiji (o horoskopu) ▸ Bak
    Luna v Kozorogu ▸ Hold a Bakban
    Sonce v Kozorogu ▸ Nap a Bakban
    planeti v Kozorogu ▸ bolygók a Bakban
    v znamenju Kozoroga ▸ a Bak jegyében
    Planeti v Kozorogu prinašajo dneve, polne zabave, veselja in avantur. ▸ A Bak csillagjegyben lévő bolygók szórakozásban, örömben és kalandokban teli napokat hoznak.
    Po sončnem horoskopu ima Luno v znamenju Kozoroga. ▸ A naphoroszkóp szerint a Holdja a Bak jegyében van.
  • kóža skin; (odrta z živali, za izdelovanje usnja) hide; (polt) complexion

    brez kóže skinless
    debela kóža thick skin
    kóža z dlako fell
    kóža z glave scalp
    surova kóža rawhide
    strojena kóža dressed skin, tanned hide, (z lasmi) coat; (kačji lev) slough
    občutljiva kóža sensitive skin
    zunanja kóža epidermis
    le kost in kóža nothing but skin and bone
    do kóže moker, premočen wet to the skin, soaked (ali drenched) to the skin, dripping wet, sopping wet, wringing wet
    barva kóže colour (of the skin), (obraza) complexion, (temna) tanned (ali bronzed) complexion, (svetla) fair complexion
    krema za kóžo skin cream, cold cream, face cream
    mazilo za kóžo skin ointment
    presaditev kóže medicina skin-grafting
    vnetje kóže medicina skin inflammation, dermatitis
    srbenje kóže itching, medicina prurigo; pruritus
    ne bi hotel biti v njegovi kóži I wouldn't like to be in his shoes (ali in his skin)
    braniti svojo kóžo to defend oneself
    sama kost in kóža ga je he is nothing but (ali he is only) skin and bone, he is as thin as a lath, he is a bag of bones
    iz kóže dati to skin, to flay; to strip the skin off
    za kóžo mi gre my life is at stake
    on ima debelo kóžo (figurativno) he is not thin-skinned, he is thick-skinned
    kóža se mi je ob tem naježila it made my flesh creep
    na lastni kóži občutiti to learn something to one's cost
    nositi svojo kóžo na prodaj (figurativno) to do something at one's personal risk
    odnesti celo (zdravo) kóžo to escape safely, to escape without a scratch; to save one's bacon, to escape unscathed; to get away scotfree; to escape with life and limb; to get off with a whole skin; to come out of something with a whole skin
    gre za mojo kóžo my safety (ali my life) is at stake (ali is in danger)
    iz kóže skočiti (figurativno) to jump out of one's skin
    kóžo odreti to flay
    strojiti kóže to dress (ali to tan, to curry) skins (ali hides)
    ustrojiti komu kóžo (figurativno) to tan (ali to curry, to warm) someone's hide
  • kráj1 place; locality, locus, pl loci ali locuses; site; spot; (vas) village; (konec) end, finish

    od krája do krája from place to place
    iz krája v kráj from one place to another
    od krája (od začetka) from the beginning
    na kráju samem on the spot
    od konca do krája from one end to the other, thoroughly
    iz vseh krájev from all parts, from all quarters
    na istem kráju at the same place
    rojstni kráj birthplace, place of birth, one's native place
    kráj in datum place and date
    kráj dejanja scene of action
    odmaknjen kráj a remote spot, ZDA pogovorno a one-horse town
    na vseh koncih in krájih all over the place
    moja potrpežljivost je pri kráju my patience is exhausted
    moja zaloga gre h kráju my stock is running low (ali is running short)
    z njim je pri kráju his end is near (ali nigh)
    to mi ni bilo niti na kráju pameti I never dreamt of it, far be it from me
    sem pri kráju s svojo pametjo I am at my wits' end
    temu ni ne konca ne krája there is no end to it
    kako ti ugaja ta kráj? how do you like this place?
    nisi me poslušal do krája you haven't heard me out
    potegniti krajši kráj (figurativno) (biti premagan, izgubiti) to come off a loser
    drugi kráji druge šege every country has its customs
    brez konca in krája endless, prislov endlessly
    vsi do krája all without exception, nobody excepted
    iti do krája (do konca) (figurativno) to go the whole hog
  • krátko short; briefly

    na krátko in a few words, in short
    da na krátko povem to sum up, to be brief, in brief, briefly told, to put it briefly
    jaz te krátko malo ne razumem I do not understand you at all
  • kráva cow

    kráva mlekarica milk cow, dairy cow
    molzna kráva milch cow (tudi figurativno), milker
    breja kráva a cow with (ali in) calf
    ponoči je vsaka kráva črna all cats are grey in the dark
    nikoli nisva skupaj kráv pasla (figurativno) he's no partner of mine
    to ti pristoji kot krávi sedlo (figurativno) it fits you like a top hat on a telegraph pole, it does not suit you at all