máša mass; (protestantska) (divine) service
črna máša mass for the dead
jutranja, zgodnja máša early mass
tiha máša low mass
navadna máša plain mass
péta, slovesna máša high mass
vélika máša full service
máša zadušnica requiem (mass)
máša polnočnica midnight mass (on Christmas Eve)
nova máša priest's first mass after ordination
otvoritvena šolska máša mass for the beginning of the school year
brati mášo to celebrate (ali to say) mass
iti k máši to go to mass
prisostvovati máši, biti pri máši to hear mass
šiba novo mášo pôje spare the rod and spoil the child
Zadetki iskanja
- Mecénas Mecén Maecenas
mecen Maecenas; patron (of arts and literature) - méč sword
dvorezen méč double-edged sword
méč dvoročnik two-handed sword
méču podoben sword-like
ročaj méča (sword) hilt
pas za méč sword belt
nosilec méča sword-bearer
nožnica méča scabbard, sheath
rana od méča sword cut
udarec z méčem stroke of the sword
z ognjem in méčem by fire and sword
na konici méča (figurativno) at the point of the sword
z golim méčem with drawn sword
ples (plesalec) z méči sword dance (dancer)
z méčem v roki sword in hand
brez udarca z méčem without striking a blow
izvleči, potegniti méč (iz nožnice) to draw the sword
nasaditi se, vreči se na méč to hurl oneself on one's sword
spopasti se z méči to cross swords
uničiti z ognjem in méčem to annihilate (ali to destroy) with fire and sword
vtakniti méč v nožnico to sheathe the sword (tudi figurativno) - méd -ú honey
gozdni, divji méd, -ú wild honey
turški méd, -ú Turkish delight
méd, -ú v satovju honey in the comb
tekoč méd, -ú liquid honey, pure honey
trcan méd, -ú strained honey
sladek kot méd, -ú sweet as honey, honey-sweet
méd, -ú in mleko milk and honey
iti, prodajati se za méd, -ú (figurativno) to sell like hot cakes
to gre za méd, -ú (figurativno) it's going like hot cakes
nabirati méd, -ú to gather honey
dežela, kjer se cedita méd, -ú in mleko a land flowing with milk and honey - mèd (predlog) (mèd dvema) between, pesniško betwixt; (med mnogimi) among, amongst, amid(st); (časovno) during
mèd učno uro during the lesson
biti mèd dvema alternativama to be between two alternatives
nobene podobnosti ni mèd njima there is no likeness between them, they bear no likeness to each other
to naj ostane mèd nama this must remain a secret between us
mèd nama rečeno between you and me, between ourselves, humoristično between you, me and the gatepost
lebdeti mèd nebom in zemljo to hover between heaven and earth
zaprt med štirimi stenami shut up within four walls
oče je razdelil svoje imetje mèd otroke the father shared his property among his children
mèd štirimi očmi in private, tête-à-tête
je razlika mèd njim in menoj there is a difference between him and me
ni ga več mèd nami he is no more amongst us
razdeliti si vsoto mèd seboj! divide the sum among you!, pogovorno split the lot between you!
ženijo, poročajo se mèd seboj they intermarry - mêni to me
kakor ti mêni, tako jaz tebi play ball with me and I'll play ball with you, arhaično claw me, and I'll claw thee
mêni je žal I am sorry
mêni ga je žal I pity him, I am sorry for him
mêni je drago I am glad (ali pleased)
mêni na ljubo to please me, on (ali ZDA in) my behalf
mêni se zdi it seems (ali appears) to me
mêni je do tega, da (ga vidim) I am anxious to (see him), I insist on (seeing him)
danes mêni, jutri tebi today is ours, tomorrow is yours - méra measure; (velikost) size; (obsežnost) extent, dimension
normalna méra standard; gauge; (stopnja) degree; (merjenje) measurement; (razmerje) rate, scale, index; (zmernost) moderation, temperance; (verz) metre, measure; glasba bar, time; (ukrep) measure, step
mére in uteži measures and weights pl
dobra (slaba) méra full (short) measure
dolžinska méra linear (ali long) measure
ploščinska méra square (ali superficial) measure
prostorninska méra cubic measure
votla méra measure of capacity
največja skupna méra matematika greatest common measure
obrestna méra rate of interest
zvrhana méra heaped up (ali strike, struck-) measure
do neke mére to a certain degree, in some measure; to a certain extent, to some extent
v obilni méri amply, richly
v veliki méri to a high degree, to a great (ali large) extent; largely, higly
prek mére beyond measure, beyond all bounds
v neki méri in a measure
čez vse mére exceedingly, excessively, immoderately, out of all measure
v isti méri kot... in the same measure as...
v enaki méri alike
napravljen po méri made to measure
obleka po méri bespoke suit, ZDA custom suit
po méri narejena oblačila clothes pl made to measure, ZDA custom clothes pl
enota mére unit of measure
krojač, ki dela po méri bespoke tailor
dati dobro méro to give good measure
držati se mére to be moderate, to observe due moderation
napraviti vse potrebne mére (ukrepe) to take all the necessary steps
podvzeti (lotiti se) primerne mére (ukrepe) to take appropriate action
podvzeti temeljite, dalekosežne mére to take sweeping measures
podvzeti vse potrebne previdnostne mére to take all due precautions
on ne pozna mére he knows no bounds
to presega vse mére that goes beyond all bounds
prekoračiti méro (figurativno) to overstep the mark, to go too far
napraviti méro polno (figurativno) to fill the cup to the brim
do kolikšne mére mu moremo zaupati? how far can he be trusted?
vzeti komu méro za kaj to take someone's measurements for something
vzeli so mi méro za plašč (za obleko) I have been measured for a coat (for a suit) - mériti to measure; (zemljišče) to survey; (ciljati) to point (na, v to)
mériti na to aim at, to tend to; (namigovati) to allude (na to), to refer to
pòd meri 10x8 čevljev the floor measures 10 feet by 8 feet
mériti koga z očmi to eye someone up and down, to run one's eye over someone
on meri 6 čevljev he stands 6 feet (6 ft.)
soba meri 5 m v dolžino, 4 m v širino in 3 m v višino the room is 5 metres long, 4 metres broad, and 3 metres high
na kaj merite (namigujete, cikate)? what are you driving at (ali getting at)?
ne vem, kam meriš s tem I don't know what you are getting at (ali what you have in mind)
mériti se z to compete with, to try one's strength against, to cope with
ne morem se mériti s teboj I am no match for you
ne bi se hotel mériti z njim I should not like to tackle him (ali to take him on ali pit myself against him)
on se more mériti s komerkoli he is a match for any one
to meri (= leti name) that is a hit (ali pogovorno a crack) at me
oboje moramo mériti z isto mero (figurativno) you must not make fish of the one and flesh of the other - mesó (hrana) meat; (živo) flesh; (sadno) pulp
divje mesó medicina proud flesh
dušeno mesó stewed meat, (beef) stew
goveje mesó beef
konservirano mesó, (mesó v konservah) preserved meat, tinned meat, ZDA canned meat
konjsko mesó horse meat
kuhano (pečeno, mastno, pusto, mehko, žilavo) mesó boiled (roast, fat, lean, tender, tough) meat
nasoljeno mesó corned beef
sesekljano mesó hash
surovo (prekajeno, sveže, zmrznjeno) mesó raw (smoked, fresh, frozen) meat
ovčje, koštrunovo mesó mutton
prašičje, svinjsko mesó pork
telečje mesó veal
barva mesa flesh colour, carnation
kavelj za obešanje mesa meat hook
kos mesa a slice of meat
lonec za kuhanje mesa pot for stewing (ali boiling) meat, a stew pot
strojček, mlinček za mletje mesa meat grinder; mincer
zastrupljenje z mesom botulism, ptomaine poisoning
nasoliti mesó to cure meat
sesekljati mesó to chop
sušiti mesó (v dimu) to dry meat, to smoke meat
lastno mesó in kri (figurativno) one's own flesh and blood
to mu je prešlo v mesó in kri (figurativno) it has become second nature with (ali to) him
začinjeno sesekljano mesó za nadev forcemeat (for stuffing) - mésto1 town; (veliko, VB) city, ZDA (že od 8.000 prebivalcev naprej) city; (kraj) locality, place; (v knjigi) passage; (služba) place, employment, post, (služabniško) situation; spot; stand, point
na méstu (takoj) on the spot, straight (ali right) away
v méstu in town
iz mésta from town
na samem méstu (kraju) pravo on the premises
na mojem méstu in my place
prav na tem méstu in this very place
na prvem méstu in the first place, first and foremost
častno mésto place of honour
glavno mésto capital, metropolis
podeželsko mésto country town
večno mésto the Holy City, Rome
industrijsko mésto manufacturing town
prazno mésto (služba) vacancy
dolnje mésto lower town (ali ZDA downtown)
gornje mésto upper (ali high) town
komandant mésta town major
zrasel v méstu townbred
sva iz istega mésta we are from the same place
ni na méstu (govoriti)... it is inappropriate (to speak)...
tu ni mést, da (bi govoril)... this is not the proper place (to speak)...
opazka ni bila na méstu (umestna) the remark was uncalled for
biti v méstu to be in town
ko bi jaz bil na tvojem méstu if I were in your place (ali position, figurativno shoes), if I were you
ne bi hotel biti na tvojem méstu I wouldn't like to he in your skin
vse mésto govori o tem it is the talk of the town, the whole town's talking about it
iti v mésto to go to (oziroma into) town
ne se ganiti z mésta not to stir
stopati na méstu to mark time
pojdite vsak na svoje mésto! go to your respective places!
potegovati se za kako mésto to apply for a post
postaviti koga na odgovorno mésto to place someone in a responsible position
vlak, ki vozi iz mésta (v mesto, v London) down train (up train)
vznemiriti mésto z velikim hrupom, razgrajanjem to paint the town red - méšati to mix; to blend; to stir; to shuffle
méšati barve to blend colours; (kovine) to alloy; (čaj, tobak) to blend
méšati karte to shuffle the cards
méšati si kavo to stir one's coffee
(raso, pasmo méšati, križati) to interbreed, to mongrelize
méšati poper in sol to mix pepper and salt
méšati vino z vodo to mix wine with water
méšati veselje z žalostjo to blend joy with sadness
méšati se to mix, to mingle, finance, pesniško to commingle (z with)
ne mešaj se v moje zadeve! mind your own business!
méšati se v tuje zadeve to interfere with (ali to pry into; to meddle with) other people's business
on se vedno v vse meša (figurativno) he is always poking his nose into other people's business, he likes to have a finger in every pie, he is always shoving his oar in
meša se mu (figurativno) he is rambling, he is raving, he is mad, he is delirious
se ti meša? are you crazy?, are you losing your mind? - miníster minister, VB Secretary of State, ZDA Secretary
finančni miníster Minister of Finance, VB Chancellor of the Exchequer, ZDA Secretary of the Treasury
notranji miníster VB Secretary of State for Home Affairs, Home Secretary; Minister of the Interior
zunanji miníster VB Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Secretary, ZDA State Secretary, Secretary of State
miníster brez listnice Minister without Portfolio
prosvetni miníster Minister of Education
poštni miníster VB Postmaster General
vojni miníster War Secretary, Minister for War, VB Secretary of State for War
miníster za zdravstvo Minister of Health
pravosodni miníster Minister of Justice
miníster za trgovino Minister of Commerce, VB president of the Board of Trade
miníster za delo Minister of Labour
miníster za letalstvo Air Minister
mornariški miníster VB First Lord of the Admiralty, ZDA Secretary of the Navy
miníster za prehrano Minister of Food
miníster za preskrbo Minister of Supply
miníster za poljedelstvo in gozdarstvo Minister of Agriculture and Forests
miníster za javna dela, delo in socialno varnost Minister of Public Works, Labour and Social Security
pooblaščeni miníster minister plenipotentiary - mír peace; (mirovanje) tranquillity, quietness, calm, stillness, rest
v míru at peace (z with)
v míru in vojni at peace and at war
brez míru peaceless
mír! quiet!, silence!
mír, prosim! quiet, please!
mír za vsako ceno peace at any price
mír pred viharjem a hush (ali a lull) before the storm
časten mír peace with honour
srčni mír a quiet mind
duševni mír peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
javni mír public peace
motenje javnega míru disturbance (ali breach) of the peace, riot
kršilec míru peacebreaker, disturber of the peace
kršitev míru breach of the peace, violation of the peace
grožnja míru threat to peace
pipa míru calumet, peace pipe, pipe of peace
pogodba o míru peace treaty
sklenitev míru conclusion of peace, making peace
proslava míru celebration of peace
zagovornik míru advocate of peace, pogovorno dove
ki ljubi mír peace-loving
zaradi ljubega mírú for peace' sake
ohranitev mírú preservation (ali maintenance)
mír bodi z vami! peace be with you!
ta deček ni nikoli pri míru this boy is fidgety
ni imel mírú, dokler ni... he knew no peace till...
kaliti kršiti mír to break the peace
ne si privoščiti mírú to take no rest
pusti me pri míru! leave (ali let) me alone!, stop bothering me!
skleniti mír to make peace, to conclude peace
ohraniti mír to keep peace
naj počiva v míru! may he rest in peace!, peace to his ashes!
prositi za mír to sue for peace
vzdrževati mír to maintain peace
vzpostaviti mír to restore peace (red order)
zagotoviti, zavarovati mír to ensure peace
želimo si samó mírú all we want is to be left in peace
živeti v míru to live in peace, to be at peace (s kom with someone)
boriti se za mír, čuvati mír to strive for peace, to wage peace - míza table
čajna míza tea table
delovna míza worktable
míza za kartanje card table
nočna míza nightstand, bedside table
okrogla míza round table
pisalna míza writing desk, writing table
toaletna míza dressing table, dresser
jedilna míza dinner table
raztezna míza extending table, pull-out table
prodajna míza counter
operacijska míza operating table
raztegljiva míza sliding table, telescope table
míza za biljard billiard table, snooker table
zložljiva míza folding table
kuhinjska míza kitchen table
krilo za podaljšanje míze table-leaf, map
sosed pri mízi neighbour at table
užitki pri mízi (jedi) the pleasures pl of the table
od míze in postelje pravo from bed and board
ločitev od míze in postelje pravo divorce, judicial separation
biti pri mízi (obedu) to be at the table
pogrniti mízo to lay (ali to set) the table, to lay the cloth
pospraviti mízo to clear the table, to take the things off the table
sesti k mízi to sit down to table
sesti na čelo míze to take the head of the table
streči pri mízi to wait at (ali on) table
udariti po mízi to pound the table - mlád young; youthful; adolescent, juvenile
od mládega, od mládih nog since one was a child, from childhood
v mojih mládih letih in my early years, in my youth
še mlád youngish
mládi in stari young and old
mláda kri youthful blood
mláda luna new moon
mlád krompir new potatoes pl
mládo vino new wine
Mladi Turki, mladoturki the young Turks
moj mlajši brat my younger brother
Grad mlajši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
ona ni več tako mláda she is no chicken
samó enkrat si mlád! you're only young once!
postati zopet mlád to grow young again
ko sem bil mlád in my early life, in my youth
mláda ljubezen young love, first love, early loveaffair
ona je bila njegova mláda ljubezen she was his old sweetheart
ostal je mlád od zadnjega he retained the spirit of youth to the last
videti je mlajša, kot je v resnici she does not look her age
tri leta je mlajši kot jaz he is three years younger than I, (ali pogovorno than me), he is my junior by three years
povreči, imeti, dobiti mláde (o živalih) to bring forth young, to litter, (o psici) to have pups, to whelp, (o medvedki) to cub - mladíč (pri živalih) young one; cub; whelp; little one; (lev, volk, medved) cub
psica in njeni mladíči a bitch and her young - mléčen milk(-), milky; lacteal, lactiferous, arhaično lacteous; kemija lactic; made with milk, containing milk
mléčna dieta milk diet
Mlečna (= Rimska cesta) astronomija Milky Way, Galaxy
mléčno bel milk-white
mléčna hrana milk food
mléčna kislina kemija lactic acid
sol mléčne kisline lactate
mléčna kaša milky porridge, arhaično milk pap, (s kruhom) bread and milk, narečno pobs
mléčna kava coffee with milk, café au lait
mléčni kruhek French roll, (z rozinami) currant bun
mléčna kuhinja kitchen serving milk dishes
mléčna kura medicina milk cure
mléčna restavracija milk bar
mléčni riž milk rice, rice boiled in milk
mléčna sestra foster sister
mléčni brat foster brother
mléčni proizvodi dairy produce (ali products pl)
mléčni sladkor lactose, milk sugar
mléčno steklo frost-glass, (brušeno) frosted glass
mléčni zob milk tooth
mléčno zobovje set of milk teeth
mléčna žleza mammary (ali lacteal) gland
predpisati mléčno dieto to put someone on a milk diet - mléko milk; žargon cow-juice
osličje mléko ass's milk
cementno mléko cement wash
kislo mléko sour milk
kondenzirano mléko condensed milk
kokosovo mléko coconut milk
mandljevo mléko milk of almonds
mléko v prahu powdered milk, dried milk, evaporated milk
neposneto, polmastno mléko whole milk
pinjeno mléko buttermilk
posneto mléko skim (ali skimmed) milk
sesirjeno mléko curds pl, curdled milk
stepeno mléko buttermilk
sveže mléko fresh milk, new milk
mléko kanglica, vedro za mléko milk can, milk pail
lonec za mléko milk-pot
steklenica za mléko milk bottle
naša krava ne daje mléka our cow has come (ali has gone) dry
dajati mléko to give (ali to yield) milk
posneti mléko to skim the milk
mléko se skisa milk goes sour, milk curdles
mléko se mi upira, studi I loathe milk
méd in mléko (= izobilje) milk and honey
dežela, kjer se cedita méd in mléko a land flowing with milk and honey
mléko se ga še drži (figurativno) he's still wet behind the ears - mlínski mill-
mlínski kamen millstone, arhaično quern-stone
spodnji mlínski kamen nether millstone
mlínsko kolo mill wheel
mlínski jez milldam, millpond
mlínske rake millcourse
mlínski dovodni kanal millrace, lead
med mlínskima kamnoma between the upper and the nether millstone - mogóč possible; likely; (izvedljiv) feasible, achievable, practicable
vse mogóče every possible (case), all possible (cases), all the possibilities
vse mogóči ljudje people of every sort and kind
ni mogóče! no!, is it possible!; you don't say!
kar največ mogóče as much as possible, to the utmost
če je mogóče if possible
vse, kar nam je mogóče everything possible, everything within our power
kolikor mi bo le mogóče to the best of my power
storil bom vse, kar mi bo mogóče I'll do my best (ali my utmost)
napraviti vse mogóče to do all in one's power, to do (ali to try) one's best, to try every possible means, to leave no stone unturned, to strain every nerve, to exert oneself to one's utmost
ni nam bilo mogóče it was beyond us
brž ko mogóče as soon as possible
vzpon na goro je mogóč le z ene strani the ascent of the mountain is possible (ali practicable) on one side only