ostáti (bivati) to stay, to remain
ostáti zunaj to stay out; (vztrajati) to persist in, to stick to, to abide by, to keep to; (preostati) to be left over
ostáti doma to stay at home
ostáti v postelji to stay in bed, to keep to one's bed
ostáti pri predmetu to keep to the point
ostáti miren, hladnokrven to keep cool; to keep one's temper
ostani, kjer si! keep still!, stay where you are!
ostalo bo toplo it wilI stay warm
ostáti zdrav to remain healthy
to ostane med nama (figurativno) this is a word in your ear, I tell you this in strict confidence, this is quite between ourselves, this is strickly confidental
vse ostane pri starem no change will be made, everything will be as before
kje smo ostali zadnji teden? (v šoli) where did we leave off last week?
ostanem pri svojem mnenju I stick to my opinion
ostane pri tem! we will leave it at that!
nič drugega mi ne (pre)ostane... I have no choice but..., there's nothing for it but..., I have no alternative, it's a case of Hobson's choice
nič drugega (nam) ne ostane, kot da... there is nothing for it, but to...
ostanite pri telefonu! hold the line, please!
Zadetki iskanja
- óster (orodje) sharp, cutting, edged, keen; (koničast) pointed, peaked; (strog) strict, rigid, austere, severe; (bolečina) acute, intense, smart, severe, keen; (glas) sharp, biting, piercing, rigorous, severe; (jezik) sharp; (beseda) poignant, acrimonious; (pogled) penetrating; (poteze v obrazu) cleancut; (zrak) bracing; (kazen) severe; (veter) biting, keen; (popran) hot, piquant, peppery; (vonj ali okus) acrid
óstra konkurenca keen competition
óstri kót an acute angle
óster kis strong vinegar
óster kot meč sharp as a sword
óster mraz sharp frost
óster naboj ball cartridge
óstri ukrepi stern (ali rigorous) measures pl
ona ima zelo óster jezik she has a very sharp tongue
óster ovinek (zavoj) a sharp curve - otróčji childish; childlike; infantile
biti otróčji (figurativno senilen) to dote
ne bodi otróčji! be your age!
otróčja igra v primeri z child's play compared with
to je otróčje lahko it's as easy as pie, (ZDA as easy as falling off a log) - otrók child, pl children; (majhen) baby, babe, tot; (nedoleten) infant; (zaničljivo) brat
zakonski otrók legitimate child
nezakonski otrók illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock, bastard, natural child
otrók ljubezni love child
mrtvorojen otrók stillborn child
čudežen otrok infant prodigy
otrók brezdomec waif
brez otrok childless
ugrabitev otróka kidnapping
umor otróka, morilec, -lka otróka infanticide
varovalec, -lka baby-sitter
on je pravi otrók he is quite a child
ona pričakuje otróka she is with child (ali in the family way), she is an expectant mother
roditi otróka to give birth to a child
biti (krstni) boter otróku to stand sponsor to a child
varovati otróka (oziroma otroke) v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
ne biti več otrók to be no longer a child
on ni več otrók he is no longer a child
kot otrók se veseliti to be as pleased as Punch
dobiti (roditi) otróka to be delivered of a child
nobenega otróka ne več dobiti (roditi) to be past childbearing (ali childbearing age)
opekel otrók se boji ognja a burnt child dreads the fire - ozír regard, respect; consideration
brez ozíra na regardless of, irrespective of
v tem (nekem) ozíru in this (some) regard
v vsakem ozíru in every regard (ali respect), in all respects
z ozírom na with (ali in) regard to, as regards, in consideration of, with respect to
brez ozíra na starost (na posledice) without regard to age (to consequences)
z ozírom na njegovo mladost allowing (ali making allowance) for his youth
z ozírom na to, da... with regard to the fact that...
ne imeti ozíra do (ne upoštevati) to pay no regard to, not to take into consideration - oznáčiti označeváti (zaznamovati) to mark; to denote; to designate; to indicate; to style; (z etiketo) to label; to characterize; (s količki) to stake out (ali off)
oznáčiti, označeváti z žigom to brand
oznáčiti, označeváti X kot napadalca to label X as the aggressor - ožigósan branded
ožigósan (kot) stigmatized (as) - ožigósati to stigmatize; to brand
ožigósati kot napadalca to brand (someone) as an aggressor
njega je treba ožigósati kot praznoglavca he must be stigmatized as ignorant - pámtivek
od pámtiveka (kar ljudje pomnijo) from time immemorial, from time out of mind, as long as one can remember, for ages, pogovorno for donkey's years - pásti1 (padem) to fall; to drop; to slump; to tumble; to decrease, to decline; (vpliv) to wane; to ebb; (cene) to go down, to depreciate; to sink
pásti s konja to fall off (ali from) a horse, to be spilled, to come a cropper; (z višine) to topple down
pásti v boju to fall in action; (strel) to be heard; (v šoli) to do badly, to come down; (pri izpitu) to fail, to be ploughed
padel je na bojnem polju, na bojišču he was killed on the battlefield
pásti komu v besedo to interrupt someone
pásti po dolgem in širokem na tla to fall spread-eagled on the floor
pásti komu na hrbet to attack someone from behind, to stab someone in the back
pásti v oči to catch the eye
padel je z drevesa he fell from a tree
pásti v nezavest to faint, to swoon
pásti na nos to fall on one's face
padel sem v nemilost pri njem I lost his favour
padel je na izpitu he failed his examination
kocka je padla (figurativno) the die is cast
pásti na noge (tudi figurativno) to land on one's feet
pásti na zemljo to fall on the ground
novoletni dan pade na četrtek New Year's Day falls on a Thursday
otrok je padel the baby has fallen over (ali has had a tumble)
nizko pásti, globoko pásti (figurativno) to come down in the world, to sink low
to mi je padlo v naročje (figurativno) I got it without effort (ali without exertion)
padlo mi je na pamet, na um it suddenly struck me, it mashed through my mind, the thought struck me
pásti v pozabo to fall into oblivion, to fall into disuse
padla mu je okoli vratu she embraced him, she threw her arms round his neck
pásti na kolena to kneel down
pásti na kolena pred... to fall on one's knees before..., to prostrate oneself before...
padel je sovražniku v roke he fell into the hands of the enemy
to mi je kot z neba padlo (figurativno) it came as a windfall to me, it came like a godsend to me
sekira mi je padla iz rok the axe dropped from my hand
sekira mu je padla v med (figurativno) he sees his most fervent desires fulfilled, he is favoured by luck
pásti v nemilost to fall into disfavour
pásti v zmoto to fall into error
pásti pod zakon to come under a law, to fall within the scope of a law
zastor je padel the curtain has dropped
vlada je padla the government has been overthrown
nisem na glavo padel (figurativno) I am no fool
jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa (figurativno) like father, like son
pazi, da ne padeš! mind you don't fall! - páv pávica peafowl; (samec) peacock; (samica) peahen
mlad páv, pávica young peacock, pea chick
ošaben kot pav proud as a peacock
páv, pávica vozi kočijo, napravi kolo the peacock spreads its tail
šopiriti se kot páv, pávica to strut like a peacock - péd pédenj (mera, 9 col, 2,5 cm) span
(eno) péd, pédenj širok a span wide
péd, pédenj za péd, pédenjjo little by little, arhaično inchmeal
niti za péd, pédenj se ne premaknem I'm not budging an inch
niti za péd, pédenj ne odstopim, popustim gledé... as regards... I'm not yielding an inch
premikati se péd, pédenj za péd, pédenjjo to inch along, to move inch by inch (ali by inches) - perésce feather; small feather; plumule
lahek kot perésce as light as a feather - perésen feathery
perésna teža featherweight
boksar perésne kategorije featherweight
perése oblike feathery, feather-shaped
perésa vojna literary war
peréso lahek light as a feather - peró (pisalno) pen, nib; (ptičje) feather, (za okras) pume; (vzmet) spring
lahek kot peró light as a feather, feather-light
nalivno peró, nalivnik fountainpen
gosje (pisalno) peró quill(-pen)
jekleno peró steel nib
nalivnik z zlatim peresom a gold-nibbed fountainpen
risalno peró drawing-pen
poteza s peresom a stroke of the pen
rebro ptičjega peresa shaft, rib of a feather
s peresi okrašen klobuk a hat trimmed with feathers (ali plumes), a plumed hat
izpuliti peró to pluck a feather (iz peruti from the wing)
živeti od svojega peresa (figurativno) to live by one's pen - pès dog; (v otroškem jeziku) bowwow; figurativno (psovka) scoundrel, rascal, cur, dog
mlad pès pup, puppy
pès čuvaj house-dog, watchdog
pès na verigi arhaično bandog
pès jazbečar terrier
lovski pès hound
trop, povezka lovskih psov a pack of hounds, dog couple
pès mešanec mongrel; ZDA žargon mutt
mesarski pès, doga mastiff
morski pès shark
ovčarski pès shepherd dog
pès prepeličar spaniel
pès ptičar pointer
stekel pès mad dog
ljubitelj psov dog lover, arhaično cynophile
oddelek za pse dog box
konopec, vrvica za psa lead, leash, slip
reja psov breeding of dogs
sledilni pès bloodhound
lačen kot pès as hungry as a wolf
utrujen kot pès dogtired
biti na psu (figurativno) to be on one's beam-ends
naščuvati psa na koga to set the dog on someone
priti na psa to go to the dogs, to go down in the world, (žargon) to go to pot
vem, kam pès taco moli (figurativno) I know which way the wind blows
razumeti se kot pès in mačka to agree like cat and dog
živita (gledata se) kot pès in mačka they live (ali lead) a cat-and-dog life
pès, ki laja, ne grize his bark is worse than his bite
psom vstop prepovedan! no dogs admitted
pozor, hud pès! beware of the dog!
vidim, kam pès taco moli pri tebi I get your drift, I see what you're getting at - piján drunk, drunken; inebriated; tipsy; intoxicated; in a drunken condition
biti piján to be drunk; evfemizem to be under the influence (ali under the weather)
piján je kot muha he is dead drunk, he is as drunk as a lord
piján kot mavra (as) tight as an owl
piján kot klada, do nezavesti dead (ali blind) drunk, pogovorno dead to the world; žargon sloshed, soused, sozzled, smashed, plastered; drunk and incapable
piján kot žolna (as) drunk as a lord (ali a fish, a fiddler)
piján krví (figurativno) drunk with blood
piján od veselja wild with joy
postati piján to get drunk
kadar je piján, ne ve, kaj govori when he is in his cups, he doesn't know what he's saying
voziti avto v pijánem stanju to drive while under the influence of drink (ali while intoxicated), pogovorno to drink-drive - pík (kartanje) pique moški spol
pikov as, pikova dama as moški spol, dame ženski spol de pique - pík2 (kartanje) pique m
pik as as m de pique - pikov (-a, -o) Pik- (as das [Pikas] Pikass)