
Zadetki iskanja

  • momènt moment, instant; second; (dejavnik) factor

    v momèntu (v hipu, kot bi mignil) in a second (ali in a jiffy, in a trice, in a twinkling), in an instant
    inercijski momènt moment of inertia
    psihološki momènt the psychological moment, the right time
    vrtilni momènt fizika torque, twisting moment
    v momèntu je bilo vse končano everything was over in a flash
    on ima svoje dobre momènte (figurativno) he has his decent spells
    moraš oditi ta momènt you must start straight away (ali right off)
    momènt, ne razumem te popolnoma! half a second, (ali pogovorno hang on a sec!), I don't quite get you!
  • obotávljanje hesitation; delay, delaying, tarrying; lingering; lag; waver(ing)

    sprejel je brez obotávljanja he accepted unhesitatingly (ali straight away)
    brez nadaljnjega obotávljanja without further ado
  • obráz face; pesniško visage; (figurativno lice, zunanjost) countenance

    obráz od spredaj full face
    obráz od strani (profil) half face
    bled obráz pale (ali livid) face
    kozàv obráz pockmarked (ali pitted) face
    naguban obráz wrinkled face
    odbijajoč obráz forbidding face
    smehljajoč se obráz smiling face (ali countenance)
    mračnega, jeznega obráza gloomy-visaged
    lep obráz good looks pl
    upadel, udrt obráz hollow (ali sunken) cheeks pl
    v potu svojega obráza in the sweat of one's brow
    tu je mnogo novih obrázov here are a lot of new faces
    brisati si obráz to mop one's face (with a handkerchief)
    delati obráze to pull (ali to make) faces, to grimace
    gledati koga v obráz to look someone in the face
    napraviti kisel obráz to pull (ali to make) a wry face (ob čem at something)
    napraviti prijazen obráz to look pleasant
    napravil je dolg obráz (figurativno) his countenance fell, he made (ali pulled) a long face
    napraviti jezen obráz to have an angry look
    pačiti obráz to grimace, to pull (ali to make) faces, to make grimaces, to distort one's face, to scowl
    ne upa se mi pogledati v obráz he dare not look me in the face
    pokazati svoj pravi obráz (sneti krinko) (figurativno) to throw off one's disguise
    v obráz (naravnost) komu povedati to tell someone straight to his face
    komu v obráz reči to say to someone's face
    v obráz sem mu to rekel I said it to his face
    v obráz se smejati to laugh in someone's face
    udariti koga po obrázu to smack someone's face
    zagrniti, zastreti si obráz to veil one's face
    v obráz zijati koga to stare someone full in the face
  • oddáljenost remoteness; distance

    oddáljenost v premi črti distance in a straight line
    oddáljenost v zračni liniji distance as the crow flies
  • okolíšanje figurativno beating about the bush

    brez okolíšanja straight from the shoulder, point-blank, bluntly, flatly, to the point, without circumlocution, frankly
  • ovínek turn, turning; detour; corner; (dolg) roundabout way; (cestni) bend, twist, wind; (rečni) meander

    brez ovínkov (figurativno) bluntly, straight
    po ovínkih (figurativno) indirectly, in a devious way
    oster ovínek a hairpin bend
    nepregleden ovínek blind corner
    velik ovínek a long way round, a roundabout way (ali route)
    napraviti ovínek to make a detour
    napraviti velik ovínek to go a long way round
    morali smo napraviti ovínek we had to take a roundabout way
    je le majhen ovínek it's only a short way round
    povem brez ovínkov I don't mince my words
    po ovínkih sem zvedel, da... I have learned by devious ways that...
    izjaviti brez ovínkov to declare bluntly
    govoriti brez ovínkov to speak straight out
    rezati ovínek to cut a corner
    zaviti na desno po ovínku to take a right turn round the bend, to take the right turn
  • pikírati

    1. aeronavtika to dive

    pikírati naravnost na cilj to dive straight at (ali on) an objective

    2. (zbosti ipd.) to pique (koga someone), botanika to prick out
  • príča witness; (očividec) eyewitness

    pri tej príči (takoj) at once, immediately, on the spot, pogovorno straight off
    bremenilna (razbremenilna) príča witness for the prosecution (witness for the defence)
    zaprisežena príča sworn witness; deponent, ZDA affiant
    kriva príča perjured witness
    poročna príča witness to a marriage
    pred príčami in the presence of eyewitnesses
    (križno) zasliševanje príče (cross-)examination (ali hearing) of a witness
    izpoved príče deposition, evidence, testimony
    biti príča to witness
    poklicati za príčo call to witness, to call someone in evidence
    izjaviti, izpovedati kot príča to witness, to bear witness, to testify, to give evidence
    biti zaslišan kot príča to be put into the witness-box
    bil sem pozvan kot príča v tej razpravi I was summoned as witness in this trial
    príča je bila podkupljena the witness was bribed
    pripeljati príče to produce witnesses
    zaslišati príče pravo to hear evidence
    ne morem ti povedati pri tej príči (kar takoj) pogovorno I can't tell you straight off
  • propàd ruin; decay, decline; destruction; downfall; wreck

    biti na robu propàda to be on the brink (ali verge) of ruin
    drveti v propàd to be on the road to ruin, to be heading straight for destruction, pogovorno to be riding for a fall
    še en takšen udarec bo moj propàd another blow like that will finish me off (ali will do for me), one more like that, and I'm done for (ali and it's all up with me)
    povzročiti lasten propàd ta bring about one's own ruin
    rešiti svoje premoženje pred propàdom to save one's estate (ali possessions) from ruin
    dežela je na robu propàda the country is on the verge of ruin
  • résno prislov in earnest; seriously

    zelo, smrtno résno in sad earnest
    (jaz to) résno mislim I really do think so
    tega ne misliš résno? you can't be in earnest?
    misliš résno? are you really in earnest (ali in real earnest)?
    čisto résno (brez šale) in sober earnest
    mislim popolnoma résno I am quite serious
    misliš (to) résno? are you serious?
    résno govorim I am speaking in earnest
    résno se držati (zadrževati smeh) to keep a straight face
    résno se lotiti dela to really get down to work
    premalo résno kaj vzeti to take matters not too seriously
  • sekvénca glasba, kartanje sequence

    sekvénca 5 kart (pri pokerju) straight, (od desetke do asa) high straight, (od devetke do kralja) low straight
  • skóz skózi through, (ZDA tudi) thru

    skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi thoroughly, throughout, through and through, (ZDA tudi thoroly), out and out, completely
    skóz, skózi več tednov for several weeks
    skóz, skózi vse leto all the year round
    republikanec skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi ZDA a straight Republican
    on je športnik skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi he is a sportsman to his fingertips
    on je vojak skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi he is a soldier to the backbone
    govoriti skóz, skózi nos to speak through one's nose
    pogledati skóz, skózi prste (figurativno) to condone, to overlook, to turn a blind eye to
    vreči, zagnati skóz, skózi okno to throw out of the window
    biti skóz, skózi in skóz, skózi premočen to be wet through
  • smér direction; course; line; tendency; trend

    v sméri (česa) in the direction (of)
    v eni sméri one-way
    v vse sméri in all directions, in every direction
    v ravni sméri straight on, straight ahead
    v nasprotni sméri in the opposite direction
    v obeh sméreh both ways
    v (proti) sméri kazalca ure clockwise (anticlockwise)
    pluti v določeni sméri to steer a course, to set course (for)
    sprememba sméri change of direction
    nova smér v pesništvu a new tendency in poetry
  • svéča candle; (kot svetlobna mera) candlepower

    lojena svéča tallow candle
    voščena svéča wax candle, (tanka) taper
    ledena svéča icicle
    ob, pri svéči by candlelight
    raven kot svéča bolt upright, straight as a dart (ali as an arrow)
    10-svečna žarnica a ten candlepower lamp
    ogorki svéč candle ends pl
    jakost svéče candlepower
    svetloba svéče candlelight
    stenj svéče candlewick
    prižgati svéčo to light a candle, to apply a match to a candle
    škarje, utrinjač za svéče candle-snuffers pl
    od svéče kaplja, teče the candle runs (ali gutters)
    utrniti svéčo to trim a candle
  • tŕkanje knock, knocking; (rahlo) tap, rap

    tŕkanje na, po rap at, on
    vstopiti brez tŕkanja to walk straight in (without knocking)
  • védno always; every time, at all times; ZDA all the time; ever; pesniško aye, ay

    skoraj védno nine times out of ten, as often as not
    še védno still; as yet
    za védno for ever, for good, for good and all
    enkrat za védno (vselej) once (and) for all
    védno več more and more
    védno hitreje faster and faster
    védno večji bigger and bigger
    še védno ne not yet
    za védno zapustiti to leave for good
    še védno ga ni he hasn't arrived yet
    védno je bilo tako it was ever thus
    poslovila sta se za védno they bade each other farewell for ever
    védno in védno se vra-, čati to keep coming back
    védno naravnost (naprej)! keep straight ahead!
  • vír source; (izvir) spring, well; fountain; figurativno authority, origin

    iz najboljšega víra on the best authority
    zanesljiv vír reliable source
    iz zanesljivega víra (pogovorno) straight from the horse's mouth
    víri finančnih sredstev (the) sources of funds
    novice iz prvega víra first-hand news (ali information)
    vem to iz dobrega víra I know it from a good source (ali on good authority), pogovorno I got it from the horse's mouth
    navedite mi víre give me your authority
    iz najboljšega víra on the best authority
    sklicevati se na víre to quote one's sources
  • vítek slender; slim

    vítek kot jelka (as) straight as a poplar
    vítka linija waistline
    vítek stas slender waist
    napraviti vítko, postati vítek to slim
    paziti na svojo (vítko) linijo to watch one's waistline
    vítko dekle wasp-waisted girl
  • vŕsta row (hiš of houses); line; rank; vojska file; turn; series; kind, sort; set; type; genus, species; variety; quality

    dolga vŕsta long row
    v vŕsti in a row, in a line
    v vŕstah in rows
    sprednja (zadnja) vŕsta front (back) line
    v sprednjih vŕstah in the front ranks
    v nepretrgani vŕsti in straight succession
    po vŕsti in turn, by turns; in rows; (po eden) one at a time, successively
    naslovna vŕsta headline
    vŕsta sedežev row of seats
    vŕsta topolov row of poplars
    kdo je na vŕsti? whose turn is it?
    jaz sem na vŕsti it is my turn
    počakati moraš, da prideš na vŕsto! you must await (ali pogovorno wait) your turn!
    prideš kmalu na vŕsto your turn will soon come
    ne (se) držati vŕste pri čakanju (preskočiti vŕsto) to jump a queue
    čakati v vŕsti (za kaj) to queue (for something)
    sedeti v prvi vŕsti to sit in the front row
    brati med vŕstami to read between the lines
    brali smo po vŕsti (eden za drugim) we took it in turns to read
    korakati v vŕsti to march in file
    razredčiti vŕste to thin out the rows
    postaviti v vŕsto to put (ali to set) in a row; to rank, to file, to draw up
    postaviti se v vŕsto (štartno črto pred tekom) to toe the line
    imeli smo vŕsto deževnih dni we (have) had a succession of rainy days
    imamo tri vŕste vina we have three sorts of wine
  • zapómniti si to keep (ali to bear) in mind, not to forget, to memorize; to remember; to commit to memory, to retain (in one's mind, in one's memory); to mark

    zapómniti si si melodijo to memorize a tune
    ona si ne more zapómniti si imen she cannot remember names
    to sem si dobro zapomnil it sank deep into my mind
    zapomni si, kaj ti pravim! remember what I tell you!
    nisem si zapomnil njegovega imena his name has escaped me
    zapomnite si moje besede! you mark my words!, ZDA get this straight!
    ne morem si zapómniti si datumov I have no head for dates
    dobro si zapomni tole! take note of this!, take this to heart!
    zapomnil si bom to! I'll not forget that!
    zapomnil si te bom! I'll remember you!