
Zadetki iskanja

  • domovína native country; native land; fatherland; mother country; homeland; native soil; home

    v domovíni at home
    druga domovína country of adoption
    hrepenenje po domovíni homesickness, nostalgia
    hrepeneti po domovíni to be homesick
    zapustiti domovíno to leave one's country, arhaično to expatriate oneself
  • grád (fevdalen, utrjen) castle; (kraljev, knežji) palace; castle; (graščina) manor; (podeželski) country seat

    grádovi na reki Loire Loire-valley chateaus (ali chateaux), chateaus on the Loire
    Versajski grád the palace of Versailles
    zidanje grádov v oblake (figurativno) wishful thinking; building (of) castles in the air
    obljubljati komu zlate grádove to promise someone the earth
    sesuti se kot grád iz kart to collapse like a house of cards
    zidati grádove v oblake to build castles in the air (ali in Spain)
    ne zidaj grádov v oblake! don't count your chickens before they're hatched!, arhaično sell not the bear's skin before you have caught the bear
  • graščína manor, manor house; country seat; mansion, mansion house
  • inozémstvo foreign countries pl, foreign country

    v inozémstvu abroad
    iz inozémstva from abroad
    novice iz inozémstva news from abroad
    iti v inozémstvo to go abroad
    potovati v inozémstvu to travel in foreign countries (ali foreign parts)
  • kmetíca countrywoman, peasant woman; country girl
  • malomeščán provincial; inhabitant of a small town; person of countrified manners (ali appearance, views); country cousin; figurativno narrow-minded townsman, bourgeois, philistine; ZDA (Mr.) Babbitt, John Citizen; lowbrow
  • nižína lowland; low country
  • okupátor occupier; enemy who occupies a country
  • optírati to opt to be a citizen of a chosen country

    po osvoboditvi je optiral za Slovenijo after liberation he opted for Slovenia
  • prekmórec inhabitant of an overseas country
  • provínca province; countryside; country outside the capital
  • provinciálec provincial; inhabitant of a province; country cousin
  • raván plain, plateau; table, tableland; level country
  • tujína foreign country, foreign parts pl

    v tujíni abroad
    biti v tujíni to be abroad
    iti v tujíno to go abroad
    živeti v tujíni to live abroad
  • višávje highland; high country

    Škotsko višávje the Highlands pl
  • vrtáča geologija sinkhole; funnel-shaped hole occurring in limestone country (in the Karst region)
  • vselíti se to move in; to immigrate, to settle in a new country; to colonize
  • zaméjstvo foreign countries pl, foreign country

    v zaméjstvu abroad
    odšel je v zaméjstvo he went abroad
    živeti v zaméjstvu to live abroad
  • adoption [ədɔ́pšən] samostalnik
    prisvojitev; posvojitev, adopcija; usvojitev, privzem; izposojenka (beseda), tujka; posinovljenje, pohčerjenje

    brother by adoption po pol brat
    country of adoption nova domovina
  • adoptíven adoptive

    adoptívna (nova) domovina country of adoption
    adoptíven otrok adoptive child