
Zadetki iskanja

  • mikástiti to beat soundly
  • mlátiti to thresh, to thrash (tudi figurativno); (tepsti) to beat

    mlátiti žito to thresh corn
    mlátiti prazno slamo (figurativno) to flog a dead horse; arhaično to thresh (ali thrash) (over old) straw, to waste one's labour
  • nabíti (orožje) to charge, to load; (natepsti) to beat, to cudgel, to thrash; (lepak) to affix, to post up; (sod z obroči) to hoop
  • nabrísati (natepsti) to beat soundly; (ogoljufati, ukaniti) to dupe, to fool, to cheat (koga someone)
  • nabúnkati to beat soundly, to cudgel, pogovorno to give someone a good hiding
  • nakléstiti (veje) to cut off; (natepsti) to beat, to cudgel
  • natêpsti to thrash; to cudgel; to beat hard; (našeškati) to spank

    krepko, pošteno koga natêpsti to beat someone black and blue, to give someone a good thrashing (ali hiding)
  • obraníti to succeed in defending (pleading for, advocating, justifying); to beat (ali to ward) off, to keep off, to fend off; (zaščititi pred) to shield, to guard, to protect, to shelter, to preserve from
  • odbíti (odkloniti) to refuse, to decline; pravo (predlog) to reject, (v parlamentu) to throw out; (napad) to repel, to beat (ali to ward) off, to repulse; (parirati) to parry; (prošnjo) to reject; (pri izpitu) to reject; (od plače) to deduct; (žarke) to reflect

    odbíti napadalca (napad, ponudbo, snubca) to repulse an assailant (an attack, an offer, a suitor)
    odbíti sovražnika to drive back (ali off) the enemy
    odbíti tožbo (na sodišču) to nonsuit, to dismiss a case
    odbíti udarec to ward off a blow
    odbíti uro (o stolpni uri itd.) to strike the hour
    odbíti zahtevo to deny a claim
    odbíti vrh drevesa to cut off the top of a tree
    odbíti se to rebound; to bounce; to recoil; to be reflected; (odskočiti, kamen, krogla) to ricochet
  • oklátiti to beat down; to shake down; (sadje) to knock down with a pole
  • okolíšiti to beat about the bush; to shuffle; to prevaricate; to pussyfoot
  • opláziti to graze; to skim; to touch slightly; (udariti) to beat, to strike; to administer a drubbing
  • perútati to beat (ali to flap) one's wings
  • poráziti to defeat, to beat, to discomfit; vojska to rout, to put to rout, to put to flight; (duševno) to depress, to stagger, to overwhelm, to flabbergast

    odločilno koga poráziti to inflict a decisive defeat on someone
  • potólči (v boju, bitki) to beat, to rout, to put to flight; (zmagati) to emerge the winner ali victorious, to gain the day, to come through with flying colours; (pobiti) to kill off, to massacre (ali to finish, to slay, to butcher) to the last man, (tudi figurativno) to knock down, to knock out

    potólči rekord to beat (ali to break) a record
    potólči se to hurt oneself, to injure oneself
  • preigráti šport to beat; glasba to play (a piece) through
  • prekášati to surpass; to outdo, to outmatch; to beat; to excel (koga v someone at); to outrank, to rank above someone

    on prekaša vse v spretnosti he surpasses everybody in skill
    nihče ga ne prekaša v hitrosti no one can outstrip (ali outrun, outride) him
    prekášati svoje tekmece, konkurente to transcend one's competitors
    daleč je prekosil svoje brate pogovorno he beat his brothers hollow
  • prekosíti to surpass, to beat, to outdo, to outmatch (koga v someone in, at); to transcend; to excel

    prekosíti svoje tekmece to transcend one's competitors
    vse je prekosil v spretnosti he surpassed everybody in skill
    prekosíti samega sebe to excel oneself
    daleč je prekosil svoje brate pogovorno he beat his brothers hollow
  • premágati to defeat, to vanquish, to conquer; to overcome, to beat, to overwhelm; (strah, žalost, jezo) to get over; (prekositi) to get the better of; to win a victory over

    premágati svoja čustva to restrain one's feelings
    premágati težavo, zapreko to surmount a difficulty, an obstacle
    premágati se k... to bring oneself to...
    premágati svojo radovednost to restrain one's curiosity
  • premikástiti to beat (someone) up, to beat (someone) black and blue; to thrash (someone)