krivíti to curve, to bend, to crook
(dolžiti) krivíti koga česa to accuse someone of something, to blame someone, to lay the blame for something on someone, to impeach someone, to incriminate someone; to lay something to someone's charge, to charge someone with something, to tax someone with something, to impute something to someone, to lay at the door of someone
Zadetki iskanja
- kvéčiti (kriviti) to curve, to bend; to distort; to twist; (hrbet) to hunch
- nagíbati to incline (k to); to decline, to slope, to slant, to sway, to bend
nagíbati se to lean; to incline, to bend over, to bow, to tilt, to dip; figurativno to lean (k to, towards), to be inclined (ali disposed, prone) to
javno mnenje se nagiblje njemu v prid public opinion is veering his way
zid se nagiblje na desno the wall is tilting to the right
nagíbati se k prehladom to be subject to colds - nágniti2 to incline, to slope, to lean, to dip, to bend, to tilt; to bow
nágniti se to incline
nágniti se k to lean forward (ali over) towards; to dip; to list; to bend; (oseba) to bend, to incline, to lean
dan se je nagnil the day was drawing to a close
nágniti se skozi okno to lean out of the window - nakloníti (nagniti) to incline; (upogniti) to bend
nakloníti si koga to win (ali to gain) someone's favour, to find favour with someone
(podariti) nakloníti kaj to make a present of something, to present (someone) with something - nakrivíti to bend, to crook; to twist
- napénjati to strain; to stretch; (lok) to bend; medicina to cause flatulence
napénjati oči to strain one's eyes
napénjati vse svoje sile to make every effort, to exert oneself to the utmost
to napenja medicina that causes flatulence
napénjati se (figurativno) to struggle, to endeavour, to exert oneself to the utmost, (pri delu) to overwork - napéti1 (napnem) to strain; to stretch; to draw tight; to tighten up; to make tense; to brace; (lok) to bend, to draw; (nategniti) to tauten; (petelina pri puški) to cock; (žico) to string up
napéti ušesa to prick up one's ears
napéti vse sile to make every effort, to move heaven and earth - počép knees-bend; crouch; squat
- pregíbati to bend; to bow; to inflect; (v lok) to curve
pregíbati se to take (physical) exercise; to move - prikloníti se to make a bow; to make a curtsy; to bow; (skloniti se) to bend down
- pripogníti to bend (down); to bow
pripogníti se to bend down
pripognjen bent - rída hairpin bend
kačje ríde succession of hairpin bends up a steep slope - skljúčiti to curve, to bend, to crook
- skloníti to bow, to bend
skloníti se to bow down, to stoop
skloníti se k otroku to stoop down to a child - skrivénčiti to curve; to bend; to make crooked
- skrivíti to bend, to curve; to crook; figurativno to distort, to deform; (les itd.) to warp
vročina je skrivíla platnice knjige the heat has warped the covers of the book
skrivíti se to warp
les se je pri sušenju skrivíl the wood has warped in drying
niso mu lasú skrivíili not a hair of his head has been touched (ali hurt)
on ne bi lasú nikomur skrivíil (figurativno) he wouldn't hurt a fly - ukloníti to bend, to submit
ukloníti se to submit (oneself), to bend
uklonil se je zakonu he submitted to the law
nimam druge izbire, kot da se uklonim I have no choice but to submit
ukloníti se odločitvi to submit to a decision
ukloníti koga (pogovorno) to bring someone to heel - ukrivíti (se) to curve, to bend; to crook
- ulékniti (se) to bend; to sag