
Zadetki iskanja

  • priložíti to add; to annexe; to enclose
  • primákniti to move (ali to push, to draw, to shove, to pull, to bring, to approach) nearer (ali closer) (k to); (dodati) to add

    primákniti se to move (ali to come) nearer
  • primésiti to add; to admix; to mix in

    primésiti še malo moke to add (ali to mix in) a little more flour
  • priméšati to add; to admix; to mix in; to mix with
  • pripísati (opombo) to annotate, to make a note; to add in writing; (vzrok) to ascribe to, to attribute to, to assign to, to put down to

    pripísati krivdo komu to impute the blame to someone, to lay the blame at someone's door; (zaslugo, v dobro) to put to someone's credit
    to je treba pripísati njegovi nevednosti this is due to (ali owing to) his ignorance
    to pripisujem njegovi malomarnosti that I ascribe to his negligence
    to si ima samó sebi pripísati he has only himself to thank for it
    slabo letino pripisujejo pomanjkanju dežja the crop failure is attributed to poor rainfall
  • priračúnati priračunávati to add in reaching a total, to include in the same account (oziroma amount, figure), pogovorno to throw in when reckoning up
  • prisolíti to add salt (to)

    prisolíti komu zaušnico to slap someone's face
  • pristáviti (dodati) to add

    pristáviti lonec to put on the pot (to boil)
  • prišíti to sew on, to stitch on; to add (ali to attach) sewing (ali stitching)

    prišít sewn on
  • prištéti prištévati to add up

    prištéti, prištévati med to number among, to reckon among
  • pritákati to pour in; to add
  • pritakníti to put in contact with, to join; to add

    pritakníti se to touch (česa something)
  • pritočíti to pour in; to add
  • privréči to add (to)
  • prizídati to add to a building, to build an extension

    prizídati krilo to add a wing
    prizidan built as an extension
  • seštéti to add up, to add together; to reckon up; to sum up
  • solíti to salt, to add salt; to sprinkle with salt; (nasoliti) to corn (meso meat)

    pojdi se solit! go to the deuce!
    pojdi se solit s tem! bother it!, devil take it!
  • začíniti to season, to add condiments, to spice; to flavour (with spices)

    začíniti solato to dress the salad
  • zakísati to sour; to add vinegar, to dress with vinegar
  • zalíti zalívati to water (rastline plants); to add water to; to pour water on; (namakati zemljo) to irrigate

    zalíti, zalívati kupčijo (figurativno) to wet a bargain
    zalíti, zalívati zob medicina to fill (ali to stop) a tooth
    zalít watered, (namakan) irrigated
    zalíta kupčija wet bargain
    zalítih lic chubby-cheeked