čístiti to clean; to cleanse; to purify; (sladkor ipd.) to refine; figurativno to purge
čístiti si perje (o pticah) to preen one's feathers (ali oneself)
čístiti progo to clear the line
čístiti tla to scrub, to clean the floor
kemično čístiti (obleko) to dry-clean; medicina (o zdravilu) to act as aperient (ali as laxative)
Zadetki iskanja
- čŕn black
čŕno na belem (= pismeno) dati, napisati to put in writing
čŕn kot smola as black as soot (ali as ink)
čŕno na belem in black and white
to imam čŕno na belem I have it in writing
čŕna barva black (colour ali dye ali paint)
čŕna borza black market
čŕn kruh brown bread
čŕna kroglica (pri volitvah) blackball
čŕna lista (seznam), knjiga black list, black book
čŕna magija the black art
čŕna metalurgija iron metallurgy
čŕna nehvaležnost black ingratitude
čŕna (garjava) ovca black sheep
čŕna (žalna) obleka mourning, (widow's) weeds pl
črn, nesrečen dan unlucky day, black day
čŕno oblečen black-clad
čŕn kot vran as black as ebony
čŕno vino red wine
čŕno nebo a black sky
čŕno obrobljen black-edged
čŕno obrobljen pisemski papir black-bordered notepaper
delo na čŕno žargon scab work
delati kot čŕna živina to work like a nigger
čŕno se mi dela pred očmi my head begins to swim
dati, vnesti v čŕn seznam to blacklist
v čŕno (žalno) se obleči to wear (ali arhaično to don) mourning
udarec je zadel v čŕno the thrust went home
prisegati, da je čŕno belo to swear that black is white
vrag ni tako čŕn, kot ga slikajo the devil is not so black as he is painted
zadeti v čŕno to hit the mark - čŕta line; (pomišljaj) dash; (poteza) trait, stroke
cikcakasta čŕta zigzag line
kriva čŕta crooked line; curve
prema, ravna čŕta straight line
čŕta (poteza) v obrazu line, trait, feature, lineament
ostre čŕte v obrazu clean-cut features
čŕta v značaju characteristic
zračna čŕta pogovorno beeline
10 milj zračne čŕte ten miles as the crow flies
v ravni čŕti in a straight line
v zračni čŕti in a beeline
v glavnih čŕth in outline
na vsej čŕti (vsepovsod) pogovorno all along the line
potegniti čŕto to trace (ali to draw) a line - čúden queer, uncommon, unusual; eccentric; strange; singular; odd; original; curious; VB žargon rum
kako čúdno! what a curious thing!
čúdna opazka a strange remark
to je čúdno that is strange
on je čúden patron he is a strange fellow
nič čúdnega, če... no wonder if...
na tem ni nič čúdnega there is nothing strange in (ali about) it
čudno (presenetljivo, za čuda) curiously enough, strange to say
čúdno se počutiti to feel strange
čúdno, da tega niste (ne bi bili) slišali strange that you should not have heard it
čúdno se sliši žargon it sounds rum
kakor se utegne zdeti čúdno... strange as it may appear...
zaklel je in nič čúdnega (če je) he swore and no wonder - čúdež miracle, wonder; prodigy
gospodarski čúdež economic miracle
delati čúdeže to work wonders (ali miracles); figurativno to produce rabbits out of a hat, to move mountains
razen če se zgodi čúdež, bi se zdaj zdelo, da se ne da nič napraviti barring a miracle it would now seem as if nothing can be done
čúdeži se utegnejo zgoditi (dogajati) (figurativno) pigs pl might fly - da (veznik) that (v predmetnih in osebkovih stavkih se često izpušča)
z namenom, da bi (in order) that
da ne bi lest, but
da le, samó da (če le) provided (that)
takó da so that, so as to + nedoločnik
kakor da, kot da as though
slišal sem, da je bolan I heard (that) he was ill
mislim, da bo prišel I believe (that) he will come
gotovo je, da je kriv it is certain (that) he is guilty
res je, da ni bil tam it is true (that) he was not there
recimo, da pride danes suppose (ali supposing) he comes today
jémo, da bi mogli živeti we eat that we may live
preberite to dvakrat, da ne pozabite! read it twice lest you forget it!
; ni še tako pozno, da naši sorodniki ne bi mogli še priti it is not too late for our relatives to come
bila je tako prijazna, da mi je pisala pismo she was so kind as to write me a letter
tu ni človeka, da ga jaz ne bi poznal po imenu there is no one here (whom) I could not name, there is no one here whose name I do not know
nikoli ne pride, da si ne bi izposodil denarja od mene he never comes without borrowing money from me
da on ni bil tako priseben, bi nas bilo razneslo vse na kosce but for his presence of mind, we might all have been blown to pieces
nikoli ne dežuje, da ne bi lilo (= nesreča ne pride nikoli sama) it never rains but it pours - dáleč far (away, off); a long way off; widely, remotely, distantly
dáleč od tu far from here
dáleč naokoli far and wide
dáleč narazen wide apart
od dáleč from the distance, from afar
kako dáleč how far, to what extent
tako dáleč in ne dlje! thus far and no further ali farther
bil sem dáleč od doma I was far from home
kako dáleč je (to)? how far is it?
stanuje dáleč od tu he lives far away from here
dáleč boljši, dáleč najboljši better by far, by far the best
dáleč proč (še dolgo ne) far from it, not by a long way (ali chalk)
dáleč od tega far from it
še dáleč ne tako zanimiv not nearly so interesting
dáleč najboljša splošna zgodovina far and away the best general history
kakor dáleč seže oko as far as the eye can reach
lahkó tečeš tako dáleč? can you run as far as that?
držati se dáleč (stran) od to keep (ali to stand) clear of
kako dáleč si z angleščino? how far have you got with your English?
počasi se dáleč pride he that goes softly, goes safely - dán day; (dnevna svetloba, luč) daylight, daytime; (svetloba) light
dober dán! (zjutraj) good morning!, (popoldne) good afternoon!, (splošno) how do you do!, pogovorno hallo!, hullo!, ZDA hello, (pri poslovitvi) good day!, pogovorno see you!, be seeing you!; see you later!
deloven dán working day, weekday
črn dán figurativno a black day, a dark day, an unfortunate day
materinski dán Mother's Day
novoletni dán New Year's Day
beli dán broad daylight
plačilni dán payday
postni dán fast day
prazničen dán holiday
pasji dnevi dog days pl
prosti dán day off, (brez pouka) day off school
rojstni dán birthday
srečen dán a red-letter day
sodni dán the Last Day, Judgment Day, Day of Judgment, Doomsday
davni dnevi bygone days, arhaično day of yore
spominski dán Remembrance Day (11. november)
z dne 3. maja dated May 3rd
čez dán (podnevi) in the daytime; during the day, by daylight, by day
dán za dnem day by day
drugi (naslednji) dán next day, the day after
do današnjega dne to the preent day
od dneva do dneva from day to day
čez nekaj dni in a day or two
enega teh dni, te dni enkrat one of these days
dvakrat na dán twice a day
pri belem dnevu in broad daylight
lepega dne one fine day
oni dán (zadnjič) the other day
še oni dán only the other day
še isti dán that very day
od tega dne dalje from this day forth
par dni a couple of days
ta ali oni dán one day or another
svoj živi dán in all my born days, in my lifetime
nekega dne one day, (za prihodnost) some day
pred tremi dnevi three days ago
dán poprej the day before, the day beforehand
teden dni (7 dni) a week
danes teden dni this day week, (pred tednom dni) a week ago
14 dni (2 tedna) a fortnight, two weeks
čez 14 dni in a fortnight
vsak dán every day, daily
vsak drugi dán every other (ali second) day
vsakih pet dni every five days
ves dán all day long, for the whole of the day
ves ljubi božji dán the livelong day
za nekaj dni for a few days
prejšnji dán the previous (ali preceding) day
ki traja ves dán daylong
na dán z besedo! speak out!, out with it!
to je jasno kot beli dán it's as clear as daylight, it's as plain as a pikestaff
biti različen kot noč in dán to be as different as chalk and cheese
béli dán je it is broad daylight
dobiti prost dán to be allowed a day off
ni še vseh dni konec we have not seen the last of it yet
prinesti, spraviti na dán to bring to light
prinesti stvar na dán to broach a matter
sedaj prihaja na dán it now transpires
priti na dán to come to light, to transpire, to leak out, to become known, ZDA to develop
prinesti na dán svoje težave to air one's troubles
ko napoči dán at daybreak, at dawn
za vsakega pride njegov dán every dog has his day
sanja se ti pri belem dnevu you're day-dreaming
svoj živi dán nisem videl... I have never seen in all my born days (ali in my lifetime)...
dnevi so mu šteti his days are numbered
zagledati dán (luč sveta) to be born, to come to light, to come out
določiti dán to fix a day
voščiti dober dán to bid someone good day, zastarelo to give someone the time of day
bil je 2 dni prepozen he was two days late
delati noč in dán to work day and night
ne hvali dneva pred nočjo do not praise the day before it is over; laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before supper - danášnji today's, of today; of this day; present; modern; actual; up-to-date; present-day
z danášnjim as of today
danášnja angleščina modern ali presentday English
danášnji čas, danášnja doba the present time, the present age
danášnja dekleta modern girls ali the girls of today - dár; darílo gift; present; donation, donative; (nadarjenost) talent, faculty, gift, capacity; (za spomin) keepsake, token; offering, (cvetja) floral offering
dobiti v dár; darílo to get something as a present
nima dár; darílou za jezike he has no gift for languages
dár; darílo govora the gift of eloquence
poročno(a) dár; daríloilo(a) wedding gift(s); ZDA bridal shower
božji dár; darílo (miloščina) alms, charity
prositi za božji dár; darílo to ask for alms
pravi dár; darílo božji (pravi blagoslov) a veritable godsend
božično dár; darílo Christmas present, Christmas gift, Christmas box
danajsko dár; darílo arhaično Greek gift
za to on nima nobenega darú his talent does not lie in that direction
si izgubil dar govora? have you lost the use of your tongue? - dáti dajáti to give; (podariti) to present with, to give away; (podati) to hand on, to present, to turn over; (dodeliti) to allot, to assign, to apportion; (vročiti) to hand (over), to deliver; (karte) to deal
dáti, dajáti nazaj to give back, to restore; (podeliti) to grant, to accord, to award, ZDA to donate (to); gledališče to stage, to perform; (ponuditi) to offer; (dobaviti) to deliver, to furnish, to supply; (donašati) to yield, (sadove) to bear, to produce; (naslov) to bestow on, to confer something upon someone
dáti, dajáti naprej to pass on
ne (hoteti) dáti, dajáti to refuse, to withhold
dana veličina a given magnitude
če sta A in B dana, sledi, daje C... given A and B, C follows...
v danem primeru (če je tako) in that case; should the need arise; if need be; if so
dáti, dajáti duška (svoji jezi) to give vent (to one's anger)
dáti, dajáti prav komu to agree with someone, to concede the point
dáti, dajáti vsakemu svoje to give everyone his due
daj mu, kar je njegovega! give him his due!
ti bom že dal! I'll give it you!
daj to na mizo! put it on the table!
daj bog! God grant!
ne daj bog! God forbid!
kaj dajejo nocoj v gledališču? what's on at the theatre this evening?
to (gledališko) igro so dajali tri mesece the play ran for three months
dal sem mu roko I shook hands with him
moram da(ja)ti dober zgled I must set a good example
po čem dajete (koliko stane)...? what is your price for, what do you charge for...?
nič se ne da napraviti there is nothing to be done
dáti, dajáti na znanje komu to let someone know
dáti, dajáti na svetlo to publish, to edit
dáti, dajáti mnogo na to make much of, to think the world of
mnogo da na svojo zunanjost he pays great attention to his personal appearance
malo, nič ne dáti, dajáti na kaj to regard as worthless, not to give a brass farthing for
on ne da nič na moj nasvet he sets no value upon my advice
dal se je oslepariti, ogoljufati he let (ali allowed ali suffered) himself to be cheated
dam si striči lase I have (ali I get) my hair cut
kje si dajete delat obleke? where do you have your clothes made?
dáti, dajáti svojo besedo to pledge one's word
to mi daje misliti! that makes me wonder!
na to ne dam pečenega groša (nič) I don't give a hoot about that
dal sem si mnogo truda I took great pains
dáti, dajáti od sebe (ton) to utter
ne da se mi... I don't feel like, I am unwilling (ali loath ali disinclined) to...
ne da se mi brati I don't feel like reading, I am loath (ali unwilling) to read
(to) se ne da zanikati there's no denying (it)
dáti, dajáti se spoznati, prepoznati to make oneself known
dajati je lepše kot jemati it is better to give than to receive
dáti, dajáti življenje za to sacrifice one's life for
dvakrat da, kdor hitro da he gives twice who gives in a trice; arhaično while the grass grows the steed starves - daylight [déilait] samostalnik
dnevna svetloba, razsvit, svitanje
to burn daylight zapravljati čas
sleng to let (ali admit) daylight into s.o. ustreliti ali zabosti koga
ameriško daylight saving time poletni čas
to see daylight doumeti, razumeti; rešiti vprašanje
as clear as daylight jasno ko beli dan
in broad daylight pri belem dnevu - dead1 [ded] pridevnik
mrtev, brez življenja, crknjen; nedostavljiv (pošiljka); popoln; izumrl, neveljaven; otopel, otrpel; zamolkel, moten; slep (okno); jalov (sloj); temen (noč); ugašajoč; globok (spanje); ovenel; neraben, slab, izločen; neodločen (tekma)
ameriško, pogovorno dead above the ears neumen, topoglav
dead end slepa ulica; figurativno zagata
dead and gone že davno mrtev
dead colour osnovna barva
dead failure popoln polom
dead forms same formalnosti
to flog a dead horse zaman si prizadevati
ameriško dead freight nepokvarljiv tovor
ameriško, sleng dead from the neck up trapast, butast
a dead frost popoln polom
vojska dead ground ozemlje, ki je zunaj streljaja
a dead halt nenadna ustavitev
dead heat tekma brez zmagovalca
dead hand neprodajen
dead letter nedostavljivo pismo; izumrl običaj; zakon, ki ga ne spoštujejo
dead level figurativno enoličnost, neučinkovitost
to make a dead set on napasti z vso odločnostjo; truditi se, da se komu približamo
dead march žalna koračnica
pogovorno dead men (ali marines) izpite, prazne steklenice
as dead as a doornail (ali mutton, nit) mrtev ko hlod
dead nuts on popolnoma zaverovan, navdušen za kaj
dead office pogrebni obredi, zadušnica
perfectly dead neznosen
dead reckoning mornarica približna ocena (dolžine poti)
dead secret največja skrivnost
dead stock mrtvi kapital; neprodajno blago
dead set oster napad
waiting for dead man's shoes čakanje na dediščino
dead wall stena brez vrat in oken
dead weight lastna teža; figurativno huda ovira napredka
dead wind nasprotni veter
dead wood posušen les; izvržek, izbirek
dead silence popolna, mrtva tišina - deaf [def] pridevnik (deafly prislov)
gluh, naglušen (with)
deaf of (ali in) one ear na eno uho gluh
deaf as a post (ali door-nail, stone, beetle, an adder) popolnoma gluh, gluh ko zemlja
none so deaf as those who won't hear najbolj gluhi so tisti, ki nočejo slišati
deaf nut prazen oreh
to fall on deaf ears ne biti uslišan
to turn a deaf ear delati se gluhega, ne uslišati - death [deɵ] samostalnik
smrt; smrtni primer; uboj, umor; konec, uničenje; kuga
to be the death of s.o. ubiti koga, povzročiti smrt koga
to be in at the death vzdržati do konca
to bleed to death izkrvaveti
to catch one's death of umreti zaradi
to be bored to death strašno se dolgočasiti
arhaično to do to death pogubiti, ubiti, uničiti
it's a case of life and death gre za biti ali ne biti
ameriško, sleng sudden death slab whisky
worse than death zelo slab
sleng death on ves nor na; odličen
to put to death usmrtiti
to lie at the death's door umirati, biti na pragu smrti
pravno civil death zguba državljanskih pravic
as sure as death popolnoma prepričan, čisto gotov
Black Death kuga
field of death bojno polje
I am sick to death of it do grla sem tega sit
certificate of death mrliški list
tired to death na smrt utrujen - dēcernō -ere -crēvi -crētum „odločiti“, le pren.
1. (kaj dvomljivega) odločiti (odločevati), razločiti (razločevati), določiti (določevati), dognati: rem dubiam decrevit vox opportune emissa L., id quidem soli natura decernet Plin., de his Catonis praecepta decernent Plin.; z odvisnim vprašanjem: decernere, utra pars iustiorem habeat causam C., cum … non satis decernere possent, quā suis opem ferrent L.; odvisno vprašanje v mislih dostavimo: quid hoc malum infelicitatis? nequeo satis decernere Ter. = ne morem prav uganiti; pf. decrevi z ACI odločil sem se za to, da … = trdno verjamem (tega mnenja sem, menim, sodim), da … : duo talenta pro re nostra ego esse decrevi satis Ter. mislil bi, da zadostujeta, in quo omnia mea posita esse decrevi Ci., si id summum malum esse decreverit Ci., quod in me ipso satis esse consilii decreras Ci. (gl. opombo), ubi mihi reliquam aetatem a re publica procul habendam decrevi S; z dvojnim acc.: illum decrerunt dignum, suos cui liberos committerent Ter. razglasili (spoznali) so ga odločno za vrednega.
2. (kot razsodnik) soditi, razsoditi (razsojati); abs.: ita (da!), verum (pa) praetor decernebat Ci., sapiens praetor offensionem vitat aequabilitate decernendi Ci., si caedes facta, si de hereditate, de finibus controversia est, idem (Druides) decernunt C.; z obj. v acc.: Servius alia decernit L., decernere vindicias secundum servitutem L. pravno zadevo razsoditi v smislu sužnosti = prisoditi tožniku pravico do njegove sužnje; s praep.: fit, ut de eadem re saepe alius aliud decreverit Corn., alias revocabat eos, inter quos iam decreverat Ci., in eius controversiis quid decernas non a te peto Ci. ep., in iure dicundo ita decrevit, ut … Suet.; z dat. personae: alias inter aliquos contrarium … decernebat, ac proxumis paulo ante decreverat Ci. Kako? tu aliter decernere in eadem causa non potuisti Ci., Verres contra illud ipsum edictum suum sine ulla religione decernebat Ci., praetor decernit; quam aequum, nihil dico; unum hoc dico, novum Ci.
3. (o sklepajočih zborih, združbah) ukreniti (ukrepati), skleniti (sklepati); abs.: senatus satis severe decrevit Ci. je ostro ukrepal, qui ordo decrevit invitus Ci. je bil prisiljen k sklepu, exspectanda magis est decernendi ratio quam decertandi fortitudo Ci. bolj sklep na osnovi razuma kakor odločitev z orožjem, cum pontifices decressent ita Ci.; z obj. (acc. rei) ali s praep.: mihi uni gratulationem decrevistis Ci., d. bellum C., tu, miles, quid de imperatore Paulo senatus decrevit … , audi L., de summa salute vestra populique Romani. … decernite diligenter Ci., de imperio Caesaris et de amplissimis viris gravissime acerbissimeque decernitur C., simul de exercitu Catilinae et de omnibus coniuratis decernere S., sed ne id, quod placebat, decerneret (senatus) in (pri) tantae nobilitatis viris, ambitio obstabat L., at enim quis reprehendet, quod in parricidas rei publicae decretum erit? S. kar se bo ukrenilo zoper … , nuntiat inani populo pontifices secundum se (njemu v prid) decrevisse Ci., d. secundum Buthrotios Ci. ep.; z odvisnim vprašanjem: quo praesidio tuto et libere senatus quae vellet decernere auderet C.; s finalnim stavkom: senatus decrevit, darent operam consules S., decrevit senatus, ut Claudius leges conscriberet Ci., decrevistis, ne quis rem impediret Ci.; z inf. ali ACI: legiones decreverunt senatum defendere Ci., si hic ordo placere decreverit te ire in exilium Ci., omnes Numae Pompilio regnum deferendum decernunt L.; occ.
a) (s sklepom) določiti, izreči, izjaviti, razglasiti (razglašati): mea virtute patefactam esse coniurationem decrevistis Ci., mihi adsentiens senatus tumultum decrevit Ci. da je upor, da je država v vojnem stanju, Dolabellā hesterno die hoste decreto Ci.
b) odrediti, ukazati: senatus decrevit, ut pecunia solvatur Ci., decrevit senatus, ut eis agerentur gratiae Ci.
c) določiti, skleniti, dogovoriti se, postaviti (rok): pecunias ad ludos Ci., dilectus totā Italiā decreti sunt Ci., d. quaestionem de morte alicuius Ci. ali de morte alicuius per senatum L., quaestionem de bonis direptis decernunt C., supplicatio in dies XV decreta est C., d. tempus ad eam rem S., diem conloquio S.
č) dati, prisoditi (prisojati), izročiti, odkazati, dovoliti: honores alicui Ci., alicui coronam lauream, triumphum Ci., iudici praemium Ci., imperatori decem legatos Ci., duas Gallias duobus consulibus Ci., clarissimo viro decrevit imperium Ci., maiores nostri statuas multis decreverunt, sepulcra paucis Ci., eripueras senatui provinciae decernendae potestatem Ci., d. provincias privatis C.; z dvojnim acc.: praemium (za plačilo) servo libertatem d. S.
4. (o posameznem senatorju) glasovati za kaj, svoj glas oddati za kaj, izreči se za kaj: Silanus primus sententiam rogatus supplicium sumendum decreverat S., ea Sullae placuere, pauci ferocius decernunt S.; occ. (sploh o posamezniku ali posameznikih) skleniti, odločiti (se), nameniti se: Caesar Rhenum transire decreverat C., ibi manere decrevit N., decretum est non dare signum L.
1. (v vojni) odločiti (z orožjem), odločilen boj biti, (odločilno) boriti (bojevati) se: d. proelium Ci., certamina L., primus clamor atque impetus rem decrevit L., pugna per se decerni non poterat L.; brez objektnega acc.: decernendi potestatem Pompeio fecit C. ponudil je Pompeju odločilen boj, si decerni placet L., hostem … trahere ad decernendum L., Darius statuit ipse decernere Cu., cum hoc eodem (P. Cornelio Scipione) Clastidii apud Padum decernit N.; de salute rei publicae decernitur Ci., de summa rerum decernere L. ali summis de rebus decernere Q.; inter se d. Auct. b. Hisp.; cum suorum paucitate contra magnam vim hostium d. Auct. b. Afr.; solus … pro omnibus nobis … decernens Amm.; z odvisnim vprašanjem: Samnis Romanusne imperio Italiam regant, decernamus L., ineamus aliquam viam, quā, utri utris imperent, sine magna clade … decerni possit L. Kako? S čim? z abl.: navali certamine L., classe paucis diebus erant decreturi N. so hoteli biti boj na morju, spopadli so se na morju, d. acie N., L. spopasti se po vseh pravilih, reden boj biti, exercitu N., armis Ci. ep., V., L., ferro Ci., V., certamen ferro Ci., d. artificio magis quam viribus Auct. b. Afr., Marte, equestri proelio Cu., proelio cum proditore, omnibus viribus in Sicilia Iust., lapidibus et subselliorum fragminibus Suet.; pesn.: cursibus et caestu V. v tekmovalnem teku in rokoborbi, cornibus inter se decernunt (tauri) V.
2. pren. (z besedami) boriti (bojevati) se, poseb. pred sodiščem: decernite criminibus, mox ferro decreturi L., d. uno iudicio de fortunis omnibus Ci., pro meo sodali … et pro mea omni fama prope fortunisque Ci., qui iudicio decernent Q. pravdajoče se (sprte) stranke. — Od tod subst. pt. pf. dēcrētum -ī, n
1. sklep, odlok, ukrep oblasti ali kakega oblastnika: Suet., d. praetoris, decurionum Ci., vestra decreta Ci., hoc decreto (senatūs) C., eorum (Druidum) decretis … parent C., patrum decreta H., senatus gravissima decreta perfregerat Ci., omnium imperatorum de Deiotaro decreta Ci., sua decreta confirmare N., decreto stare C., L. pokoriti se ukrepu, ravnati po njem
2. fil. (= δόγμα) načelo, pravilo: Sen. ph., qui (philosophus) … decretis suis pareat Ci., quoniam enim id haberent Academici decretum (sentitis enim iam hoc me δόγμα dicere) Ci., dubitare … de suis decretis, quae philosophi vocant δόγματα Ci.
Opomba: Sinkop. obl. dēcrērit = dēcrēverit, dēcrēram (-ās) = dēcrēveram (-ās), dēcrēsse(n)t = dēcrēvissent, dēcrēsse = dēcrēvisse: Kom., Luc., Ci., L. idr. - decussis (v rokopisih nav. decūsis) -is, m (decem in ās)
1. desetica (= deset asov): Luc. ap. Varr., Stat., Fest.
2. pren. rimska desetka (X): Vitr., decussis sexis ali kot ena beseda decussissexis Vitr. šestnajsterica
3. pren. križanje dveh črt (X), križ, dve križajoči se črti: Vitr., Plin. - dél part; (delež) share; portion; (kos) piece; (obrok) ration, portion; (odsek ipd.) section, division
dober dél prebivalstva a good many of he population
nadomestni dél spare part, spare
največji dél the greater part
velik dél a great (ali a good) deal
sestavni dél component, (zmesi) ingredient; (zvezek knjige) volume
sprednji dél front
to je dél mojih dolžnosti it is part of my duties
dobil je pošten dél he came in for a good share
pripasti komu kot dél (delež) to fall to someone's share
razrezati na dva déla to cut in two
jaz, za moj dél I for my part; I, personally; as for me - délati to work, to be at work; to do; to make; to manufacture; (biti zaposlen) to be employed (funkcionirati) to function
težko délati to toil, to labour
délati za koga to work for someone
kaj delaš (sedajle)? what are you doing (now)?
délati v akordu to be a pieceworker, to do piecework
nimam kaj délati I have no work to do
délati kot črna živina to work like a nigger (ali like a slave)
delati na čem to work on something, to be busy with something, to be engaged on something
délati po navodilih to act (ali to proceed) according to instructions (ali as instructed), to follow the instructions
on dela le za svojo korist he looks only after his own interests
prekomerno délati to overwork someone
délati napake to make mistakes
délati krivico komu to do wrong to someone
délati za vsakdanji kruh to work for one's daily bread
on dela na svojo roko figurativno he is not authorized to act; pogovorno he's acting off his own bat
dela po svoji mili volji he has his own way, he pleases himself
površno délati to botch, to bungle
délati kot mravlja a to be busy as a bee
délati sitnosti to cause trouble
délati težave to make difficulties
stroj dela the machine is working (ali running)
stroj ne dela (je brez dela) the machine is idle, (je pokvarjen) the machine is out of order
trdo délati to work hard, to labour, to toil, to drudge
pri kom si dajete délati obleke? who is your tailor?
dan se dela it is dawn, it is daybreak, day is dawning
délati se (pretvarjati se) to pretend, to make pretence, to feign
dela se bolnega he pretends to be ill
dela se neumnega he plays the fool
dela se gluhega he pretends he is deaf
délati se norca iz koga to make fun of someone, to make a fool of someone
dela se bogatega he pretends to be rich, he makes believe he is rich
delal sem se jeznega I pretended to be angry
delal se je, kot da ničesar ne vidi he pretended to see nothing
kdor ne dela, naj ne jé arhaično no mill, no meal - denár money; žargon brass, lolly, dough; (kovan) coin, coinage, hard money, hard cash, specie; (papirnati) soft money, paper money, bank notes pl, currency, token money; (drobiž) change; (gotovina) ready money; (v prometu) currency; (ženi za drobnarije) pin-money; (sredstva) pecuniary resources, capital
ponarejen denár counterfeit money
razpoložljiv denár disposable funds pl
presežni denár surplus money
tuj, inozemski denár foreign money
lahko zaslužen denár ZDA žargon fast buck
pri denárju in cash
brez denárja penniless
denárja kot smeti loads of money
lovec na denár (na doto) fortune hunter
v škripcih za denár short or money, out of cash, in money difficulties, hard up for money
kovnica denárja mint
obtok denárja circulation of money
pomanjkanje denárja lack (ali shortage) of money, financial stringency
predal za denár money-box, till
tečaj denárja rate of exchange, value
posojevalec denárja moneylender
kopičenje denárja accumulation of money, slabšalno money-grubbing
denár v obtoku money in circulation
za denár je trda money is tight
biti pri denárju to be in the money, to be flush, pogovorno to be quids in
ne biti pri denárju to be short of money (ali of cash, pogovorno of the ready), to be broke, to be out of cash, to have no money
biti čisto brez denárja (suh kot poper) to be dead broke
dobiti denár povrnjen to get (ali to have) one's money refunded
za noben denár ne morem tega dobiti I can't get it for love or money
dolgovati denár to owe money
dvigniti denár to draw money, to withdraw money (iz from)
denár ne igra vloge money (is) no object
imeti mnogo denárja to have plenty of money
ima denárja kot pečká he is rolling in money
nimam nič denárja pri sebi I have no money on me
ima denárja kot smeti he has tons of money
izdati (potrošiti) denár to spend money
izgubiti denár to lose one's money
investirati denár to invest money
hraniti (varčevati) denár to save money
to gre v denár that's making (real) money
kovati denár to coin, to mint money
najeti denár pri banki to raise money at the bank
z denárjem se da vse napraviti money talks
denár proč metati to let money go down the drain
bil je ogoljufan za svoj denár he was cheated (ali swindled) out of his money
narediti si denar (figurativno) to feather one's nest
podpirati z denárjem to subsidize (koga someone)
lahko se pod nosom obrišeš za svoj denár you may whistle for your money
kopičiti si denár to hoard money
pobirati denár to raise (ali to collect) money
posoditi denár to lend out money
naložíti denár to invest money
potrošiti denár to spend money
razsipavati z denárjem to spend money right and left
prihraniti mnogo denárja to have a nest egg put by
priti na dan z denárjem to come out with one's money
spremeniti v denár (vnovčiti) to turn (ali to convert) into cash
spraviti kaj v denár (vnovčiti) to make money of something, to realize, to convert into money
lahko in hitro služiti denár (figurativno) to coin money
prispevati denár to contribute money
on me stane mnogo denárja he is a heavy burden on my purse
ta posel me je spravil ob denár this business (ali transaction) has left me out of pocket
ta posel mi je prinesel denárja this deal has paid off
zasluži mnogo (kup) denárja he is earning a lot of money
(po)vrniti denár to refund (ali to reimburse) money
vložiti denár v to put (ali to deposit) money in
vnaprej dati, plačati denár to advance money
valjati se v denárju to be rolling in money, to be as rich as Croesus
zbirati, zbrati denár to collect money
to znese mnogo denárja that amounts to a lot of money
denár je sveta vladar money rules the world
denár ali življenje! your money or your life!, stand and deliver!
priti do denárja, podedovati denár to come into money