pokázati mostrar; enseñar; hacer ver ; (dati na ogled, na razstavo) exhibir; indicar; señalar ; (termometer) marcar , (ura tudi) señalar
pokazati na kaj señalar a/c
pokazati proti severu señalar hacia el norte, apuntar al norte
s prstom pokazati na koga señalar a alg con el dedo (tudi fig)
mu bom že pokazal (grožnja) a ése ya le ajustaré yo las cuentas
pokazati se aparecer, manifestarse, mostrarse, presentarse; hacer acto de presencia
se bo že pokazalo eso ya se verá, ya veremos, el tiempo lo dirá
pokazati se pogumnega mostrar valor
pokazati se prijatelja mostrarse amigo
Zadetki iskanja
- polízati pòlīžēm polizati; ja ne mislim da poližem ni jedne svoje riječi, ja ostajem kod svojih izjava ne bom prelomil, snedel besede
- pómniti (-im) imperf.
1. ricordare; tenere a mente:
pretepel ga bom, da bo pomnil gli darò un fracco di legnate
2. ekst. immagazzinare, conservare:
računalnik pomni informacije il computer immagazzina le informazioni - póper pepper
potresti s póprom to pepper, to sprinkle with pepper
ti bom že dal pópra! (figurativno) I'll give you what for!
dati komu pópra (figurativno, žargon) to give someone beans
suh je ko póper pogovorno he's skint - popustíti (komu) céder à quelqu'un, se rendre (aux désirs de quelqu'un), s'incliner devant quelqu'un, déférer à quelqu'un ; (grožnji) familiarno caler ; (privoliti) faire des concessions ; (moč) s'épuiser ; (bolečina) relâcher ; (kaj) détendre ; (matico, vijak) desserrer ; (matica, vijak) se desserrer ; (hitrost) ralentir ; (miniti) passer ; (izgubiti svojo napetost) se détendre ; (oslabeti) faiblir ; (mraz) s'adoucir ; (vihar) se calmer, s'apaiser, tomber ; (zmanjšati se) figurativno diminuer, décroître ; (vnema) fléchir ; (strastem) satisfaire ; (odnehati) cesser, reculer, se rabaisser, se relâcher, en rabattre, céder du terrain, marquer un recul, battre en retraite ; (vezi) lâcher ; (cene) rabattre, réduire, diminuer, baisser
popustiti v čem transiger sur quelque chose, rabattre de quelque chose
popustiti v čuječnosti relâcher sa vigilance
popustiti v svojem delu se relâcher dans son travail
popustiti mišice relâcher les muscles
popustiti sili céder à la force
popustiti vajeti lâcher la bride (ali les rênes), laisser couler les rênes
popustiti vrv détendre une corde
popustiti v svojih zahtevah rabattre de ses prétentions, réduire ses prétentions
ne popustiti ne pas en démordre, tenir bon, tenir tête à quelqu'un
ne popustiti komu v čem ne pas céder à quelqu'un en quelque chose
napetost v odnosih je popustila les rapports se sont détendus
vročina je popustila la chaleur a diminué
vzmet popusti le ressort se détend
tudi za las ne bom popustil je ne céderai pas un pouce de terrain - pôrok warrantor, -ter, guarantor, guarantee; (za denar) surety; (na sodišču) bailsman
biti pôrok za to vouch for someone, to answer for, to stand security, to give security; to stand (ali to be) surety for; (na sodišču) to go bail for, to bail
jaz ti bom za pôroka I'll stand security for you, I'll be your guarantor, I'll vouch for you
najti pôroka to find surety - poskrbéti to attend (za to), to see (za to); to look after; to provide for; to take care (of)
poskrbel bom za vstopnice (za to) I'll see to the tickets (to it)
najprej moram poskrbéti za svoje otroke first of all I must provide for my children
poskrbeli bomo, da boste dobili denar we shall see to it that you get the money
poskrbljeno je, da... arrangements have been made that (something will be done) ali for (something to be done) - poskúsiti to try, to attempt; to make an attempt; to essay; to test; to experience
poskusi srečo! try your luck!, take your chance!
poskusi to napraviti, če moreš! try and do it if you can!
poskúsiti koga udariti to try to strike someone
še enkrat bom poskusil I will make another attempt, pogovorno I'll have another try (ali go)
vse poskúsiti to make every effort, to leave no stone unturned, to do one's utmost, to leave nothing undone
vse se je poskusilo no stone was left unturned
poskúsiti se v čem to try one's hand at something - poskúsiti, poskúšati ensayar; probar; intentar; tratar de, procurar
poskusiti doseči tratar de conseguir
poskusiti svojo srečo probar fortuna
bom poskusil voy a intentar (ali procuraré ali trataré de) (to storiti hacerlo)
vse mogoče poskusiti hacer todo lo posible; poner todos los medios
poskusiti se v čem ensayarse (ali hacer ensayos) en a/c - posmèh posmehovánje mockery, derision; scoff; jeer; scorn; gibe
predmet, predmet posmèh, posmehovánjea, tarča posmèh, posmehovánjea a laughingstock
biti v posmèh, posmehovánje to become an object of derision
v posmèh, posmehovánje bom I shall be laughed at (ali laughed to scorn)
v posmèh, posmehovánje je vsej vasi he is the butt (ali laughingstock) of the whole village - possibile
A) agg. možen, mogoč:
come è possibile? kako to, da?
rendere possibile omogočiti, omogočati
B) m možno, mogoče:
nei limiti del possibile v mejah možnega
farò tutto il possibile per aiutarti storil bom vse, kar bom mogel, da ti pomagam - possible [pɔsibl] adjectif možen, mogoč; eventualen; masculin kar je možno, možnost
au possible kar se da, zelo
il est gentil au possible on je nadvse ljubezniv
le plus possible, autant que possible toliko, kot je (le) mogoče, kar največ
le moins de fautes possible kar najmanj napak
dans la mesure du possible v mejah možnosti
le mieux possible kar najbolje
le plus souvent possible kar najčešče
fe plus tôt possible, aussitôt possible čimprej, čimbrž
le plus vite possible kar se da hitro, kar najhitreje
c'est très possible to je zelo mogoče, zelo verjetno
pas possible! ni mogoče!
je ferai (tout) mon possible storil bom, kar bo le mogoče, kar bo le v mojih močeh
rendre possible omogočiti
(familier) possible que ... možno (je), da ... - possibly [pɔ́səbli] prislov
mogoče, morda, morebiti
if I possibly can če bom le mogel
I cannot possibly do it tega nikakor ne morem narediti
how can I possibly do it? kako le naj bi to naredil? - postája station
avtobusna postája bus stop (ali stage)
bencinska postája (črpalka) filling (ali VB petrol) station
postája za taksije taxi rank, VB cab-rank
postája prve pomoči first-aid station, dressing station
postája požarne brambe fire station
obalna reševalna postája lifeboat station
policijska postája police station
radijska oddajna postája broadcasting station, (motilna) jamming station, (tajna) secret transmitter, (kratkovalovna) (radio) shortwave station
vremenska postája weather station
preprežna (poštna) postája zgodovina posting stage
železniška postája railway (ZDA railroad) station, (končna) (rail) terminus, pl -mini, (namenilna) destination, (tovorna) goods station, (ranžirna, premikalna) marshalling yard, shunting yard, ZDA switching yard, railroad yard; (vmesna) intermediate station
tuje postáje foreign stations pl
načelnik, šef postáje stationmaster, ZDA station agent
namenjen na postájo bound for (a certain) station
spremil te bom na postájo I'll see you to the station
ujeti (radijsko) postájo to pick up a station - posto2 m
1. mesto:
prendere il proprio posto sesti na svoje mesto
mettere ogni cosa al proprio posto dati vse na svoje mesto
avere la testa a posto pren. biti moder, preudaren
essere a posto biti urejen, v redu
essere, sentirsi a posto con la coscienza imeti mirno vest
essere una persona a posto biti spodoben, zaupanja vreden
mettere a posto qcn. koga okregati, ošteti
tenere la lingua a posto govoriti premišljeno, brzdati jezik
al posto di namesto
2. (prosto) mesto, prostor:
fare, lasciare un po' di posto narediti, pustiti malo prostora
posto barca navt. privez
posto letto ležišče (v hotelih, bolnicah ipd.)
posto macchina avto (parkirni) prostor; ekst. sedež:
automobile a cinque posti petsedežni avtomobil
posto in piedi stojišče
posto a sedere sedež
posto d'onore častno mesto
posto in Parlamento sedež v parlamentu
3. voj.
posto di blocco blok
posto di comando komandno mesto
posto di guardia stražarsko mesto
posto di medicazione previjališče
4. mesto, delo, služba, funkcija:
un posto di segretario mesto tajnika
ha trovato un ottimo posto našel je odlično službo
mettersi a posto najti lepo delo, službo
5. kraj, mesto:
usanze del posto krajevne navade
sul posto na mestu:
recarsi sul posto oditi na mesto
conquistare un posto al sole pren. izboriti si mesto pod soncem
6. (javni) lokal:
ti porto in un posto dove si mangia bene peljal te bom v lokal, kjer se dobro je
7. evfemistično stranišče:
devo andare in quel posto moram na stranišče - posvétiti2 to light
posvétiti z baklo v to shine a torch at
posveti mi po stopnicah! let's have a light on the stairs!, turn the staircase light on!
posvetilo se mi je (v glavi) (figurativno) it flashed across my mind
mu bom že posvetil! figurativno I'll show him what's what! - posvétiti (-im)
A) perf. tr. ➞ svetiti
1. risplendere, splendere, brillare; far luce:
pren. posvetil je dan si è fatto giorno
posveti mu po stopnicah! fagli luce sulle scale!
2. pren. respingere, ricacciare, rintuzzare; far vedere:
pošteno mu bom posvetil! glielo faccio vedere io!
B) posvétiti se (-im se) perf. impers. pren. capire, intendere, intuire:
ni se mu hotelo posvetiti non riusciva a capire - posvetováti se to consult; to deliberate, to hold a consultation; to confer (o about)
posvetováti se s kom to ask ali to seek someone's advice
posvetoval se bom z njegovim očetom I shall consult his father
posvetováti se o čem to deliberate (ali to confer) on some matter, to talk something over
posvetováti se med seboj to take counsel together, to talk matters over
posvetováti se z zdravnikom to consult a doctor
zdravnik se bo posvetoval s kolegom the doctor will hold a consultation with a colleague - pót1 -í way, (steza) path, footpath, trail; (cesta) road, street; (utrta) track, walk; (planeta) orbit, course; (smer) route, course; (potovanje) (splošno) travel, (peš) march, (po kopnem) journey, trip, (po morju) voyage, crossing, passage
prepovedana pót! no thoroughfare!, (čez tuje zemljišče) trespassers will be prosecuted!, no trespassing!, keep out, private!
srečno pót! a pleasant journey!, arhaično God speed you!, (ironično, neprijetnemu gostu) good riddance
to pót (tokrat) this time
vsaki pót each time
božja pót (romanje) pilgrimage
pót nazaj return journey, pogovorno the way back
pót domov homeward journey, journey home, pogovorno the way home
pót po morju voyage
javna pót public road
jahalna, jezdna pót bridle path
gozdna pót forest road
križev pót religija Way of the Cross, figurativno via dolorosa
prečna pót crossroad
neravna pót bumpy road
neutrjena pót gravel road
shojena pót beaten track
trnova pót thorny path
vodna pót waterway
vozna pót carttrack, cart-road
uporabna pót serviceable road, thoroughfare
zaprta pót closed path (ali way)
ob póti by the roadside
preko póti over the way, across the road
na pol póta halfway, midway
po mirni, prijateljski póti in a friendly manner, amicably
na vsej póti od... all the way from...
biti na napačni póti to be on the wrong road ali track, to lose one's way
biti na slabi póti (figurativno) to lead a wicked life
biti na póti (potovanju) to travel, to journey, (poslovno) to be on te road
biti na dobri póti (do uspeha) to be well on the road (to success), (o stvari) to be working out well
ta pót je neprehodna, nemogoča this road is impassable, there is no through road
biti sredi póti to be halfway on one's journey
biti na najlepši póti, da... to be well on the way to...
utreti pót za... to pave the way for...
otrok je na póti (figurativno) there is a baby on the way
njen je na póti (= noseča je) she is expecting (a child), she is with child, pogovorno she is in the family way
biti komu na póti to be in someone's way, to stand in someone's light
on mi je na póti he is in my way
pót je prosta the way is clear (za koga for someone)
on je na póti v X. he is on his way to X.
biti na pravi póti to be on the right track, pogovorno to be on the ball
iti po (isti) póti nazaj to turn back
iti komu s póti to get out of someone's way (ali to shun someone, avoid someone)
iti rakovo pót to go backward
iti svojo pót to go one's own way
iti na pót to set out (ali forth, off) (on one's way), to embark upon a journey, to start out, (v tujino) to go abroad; to be bound for
iti po najkrajši póti v... to make a bee-line...
šli so vsak svojo pót they went their respective ways
krčiti si, utirati si pót to cut (ali to carve) one's way, to plough one's way through, to remove obstacles
napraviti pót komu to make way for someone
narediti, utreti pót (figurativno) to pave the way, to blaze a trail, to be a pioneer ali trailblazer
s silo si napraviti pót to force (ali to fight) one's way
kazati, voditi pót to lead the way
polena komu na pót metati (figurativno) to place difficulties in someone's way
našel bom sredstva in póti I shall find ways and means
izgubiti (najti) pót to lose (to find) one's way
pót si prihraniti (figurativno) to save shoe leather
napravite prosto pót! make way!
moramo pustiti, da gre stvar svojo pót we must let matters take their course
dobro poznati pót to know every bump (ali twist and turn) in the road
priti pol póti komu naproti to meet someone halfway
spraviti koga s póti (figurativno, na oni svet) to kill, (žargon) to bump someone off
utreti si pót skozi... to force one's way through (robidje the brambles)
ustaviti se na pol póta to stop halfway
vprašati za pót to ask one's way
vrniti se po isti póti nazaj (obrniti se) to retrace one's steps
pošteno (krepko) vzeti pót pod noge to put one's best foot forward
zaiti na krivo pót to take the wrong road ali path ali turning - potegníti to pull; to tug; to draw (k to)
potegníti koga (za nos) to fool someone, to pull someone's leg, pogovorno to have someone on
potegníti dol to pull down
potegníti iz žepa to pull out of one's pocket
potegníti iz vode to haul (someone ali something) out of the water
močnó potegníti to tug hard (kaj at something)
potegníti nazaj (umakniti) to pull back, to draw back
potegníti koga (figurativno) to make a fool of someone, to make fun of someone, to pull someone's leg, to take someone in
potegníti se za koga to side with someone, to take sides with someone, to take someone's side
potegnil se je zanjo he spoke up for her
potegníti se za kaj to stand up for something
potegníti s kom (figurativno) to take someone's side, to side with someone
potegnil se bom zanj, naj se zgodi, kar hoče I'll stand up for him whatever happens
potegníti se (v rasti) to grow
zelo se je potegnil he has grown a great deal
dan se je potegnil the days are growing longer
potegníti se za slabotnejšega (figurativno) to take the side of the underdog