kládivo hammer; (na vratih) knocker
težko, kovaško kládivo sledge-hammer
leseno kládivo mallet
met kládiva šport throwing he hammer
med kládivom in nakovalom between the devil and the deep blue sea
Zadetki iskanja
- kljúč key; glasba clef
altovski kljúč alto clef
basovski kljúč bass clef
violinski kljúč treble clef
navojni kljúč tehnika spanner; (vitrih) skeleton key; (od vseh sob v določenem poslopju) master key
kljúč od hišnih vrat, patentni kljúč latchkey; (serpentina, rida) hairpin bend
pod kljúčem (figurativno) under lock and key
tat je že pod kljúčem the thief is already under lock and key
imeti pod kljúčem (zaklenjeno) to have under lock and key
hraniti pod kljúčem to keep under lock and key
kljúč problema je v... the key to the question lies in...
projekt »na kljúč« turnkey project - klúb club; clubhouse
član, članica klúba clubman, pl -men, clubwoman, pl -men
avtomobilski klúb automobile club
igralni klúb playing club, card club
kegljaški klúb skittle club
klúb planincev Alpine club
teniški klúb tennis club
veslaški klúb rowing club
stanuje in hrani se v svojem klúbu he lives and eats at his club - ko when; as; (= če) if, in case of, in the event of; (= kot, kakor) than; as
ko ne bi bilo tega »ko« if ifs and ans were pots and pans
šli bomo, ko boste pripravljeni we shall start when you are ready
to boš naredil, ko bo prepozno you'll do it when it's too late
strese me, ko samo pomislim na to I shudder even to think of it
ko ga človek samo vidi, bi mislil, da... if you only saw him, you'd think that...
aretirali so ga, ko je odhajal iz hiše he was arrested as he was leaving his house
močnejši sem kot ti I am stronger than you
več ko ima, več hoče imeti the more he has the more he wants - kočíja coach; carriage; equipage; cab; hansom; (enovprežna) fly, chaise
dvovprežna kočíja carriage and pair
štirivprežna kočíja coach and four
poštna kočíja zgodovina stagecoach
izdelovalec kočíj coach-maker
kozel (sedež za kočíjaža) na kočíji coach box
vprežni konj za kočíjo coacher
voziti kočíjo to drive a coach
peljati koga v kočíji to drive someone by coach
peljati se v kočíji to ride in a coach
peljati se v štirivprežni kočíji to drive a four-in-hand - kolébati (cene itd.) to fluctuate; to vacillate; (biti neodločen) to be irresolute (ali undecided), to hesitate, to sway, to waver, to falter; (gugati se) to swing, (v hoji) to totter, to reel, to rock
kolébati med upom in strahom to vacillate between hope and fear - kombinácija combination
alpska kombinácija šport »Alpine combination« of slalom with downhill racing
nordijska kombinácija »Nordic combination« of ski jumping and cross-country racing - komédija comedy, play, burlesque; farce; figurativno sham, mere show
sentimentalna komédija sentimental comedy
debata je bila čista komédija (figurativno) the debate was a mere farce
igrati komédijo (figurativno) to sham, to make a pretence, to act, to put on an act
komédija je končana (figurativno) the play is finished, the thing is over and done with - komisíja commission; board of commissioners, body of persons entrusted with some investigation; committee; (naročilo) commission, order
v komisíji on commission
kupiti in prodati v komisíji to buy and sell on commission
dati (vzeti) v komisíjo trgovina to give (to take) in commission
biti v komisíji to be (ali to sit) on a committee
imenovati, postaviti komisíjo to appoint, to set up a commission, a committee
imeti blago v komisíji trgovina to have goods on commission
seja komisíje committee meeting
arbitražna komisíja arbitration committee (ali board)
izpitna komisíja board of examiners
komisíja izvedencev committee of experts
nadzorna komisíja supervisory committee
posebna komisíja special committee
stalna komisíja permanent committee, standing committee
preiskovalna komisíja committee (ali commission) of inquiry
mandatno imunitetna komisíja credentials commission
komisíja za volitve in imenovanja commission for elections and nominations
mešana komisíja joint commission - komparácija comparison; parallel; retorika simile
njegov slog je bogat s komparácijami his style is rich in simile and metaphor - kompilácija kompilíranje compilation
ta knjiga je kompilácija, kompilíranje (figurativno) this book is scissors and paste - kônček end-piece; end; small piece; bit
kônčki sveče candle ends pl
narejen iz kônčov made of odds and ends - konjeníca konjeníštvo cavalry; horse
lahka konjeníca, konjeníštvo light cavalry, light horse
konjeníca, konjeníštvo in pehota horse and foot
oddelek, eskadron konjeníce squadron - kóntra (proti) against
glasovati kóntra to vote against
pro in kóntra for and against; (pri kvartanju) double
dati kóntra to double - kontróla control; supervision; inspection; checking; checkup; superintendence
imeti pod kontrólo to be in control of, to keep under control
izvajati kontrólo nad to exercise (ali to exert) control over
dobiti kontrólo nad čim to get something under control, to bring something under control
izgubiti kontrólo nad to lose control over
družbena kontróla public control
samoupravna delavska kontróla self-management workers' supervision
kontróla mér supervision of weights and measures
kontróla nad prometom blaga in storitev čez mejo supervision of exports and imports of goods and their crossing the State border
politična kontróla political control
ukiniti kontrólo cen to revoke (ali cancel) a price freeze - kontrolírati to oversee; to supervise; to superintend; to inspect; (obvladovati) to control
kontrolírati cestni promet to control the traffic
kontrolírati fakturo in blago to check invoice and goods
kontrolírati svoja čustva to control one's feelings - kopíto hoof, pl hooves, -fs
čevljarsko kopíto last
dati na kopíto to put on the last
puškino kopíto rifle butt, butt end of a rifle
pobrati šila in kopíta to pack up one's traps, to pack up one's goods and chattels, to clear out with bag and baggage, to clear out - kôpno land; mainland
po kôpnem by land
na kôpnem ashore
po kôpnem in po morju by land and sea
doseči kôpno to reach land
iti na kôpno to go ashore; to disembark
prevoz po kôpnem land transport
zagledati kôpno pomorstvo to make land, to sight land
kôpno na vidiku! pomorstvo land ho!
izgubiti kôpno iz vida to lose sight of land - kósiti1 to have (ali to take) lunch; to lunch; to dine
kósiti purana to have turkey for dinner, pogovorno to have a turkey dinner
hočeš z nami kósiti, kar pač imamo? will you stay (here) for dinner and take potluck (with us)? - kóst bone
do kósti to the bone
lična kóst cheek-bone
ribja kóst fish bone
slonova kóst ivory
kóst z mozgom a marrowbone
mehčanje kósti medicina rickets pl (s konstr. v sg), softening of bones, rachitis
brez kósti without bones, boneless
moker do kósti soaked to the skin, wet through
do kósti premražen frozen (ali chilled) to the marrow
kóst glodati to pick a bone
sama kóst in koža ga je he is nothing but skin and bone, he is a bag of bones
obirati kósti to bone
kósti mu lahkó prešteješ you can count his bones
spremeniti se v kóst to ossify
ni mesa brez kósti (figurativno) every rose has its thorn
močnih kósti big-boned