aludírati to allude (na to); to make an allusion (na to)
amia -ae, f (gr. ἀμία) riba tun: Plin. — Soobl. amiās, acc. -ān, m (gr. ἀμίας): Luc. ap. Varr.
amnestírati to amnesty; to grant an amnesty (koga to someone)
biti amnestiran to be amnestied
anestezírati to anaesthetize; to give (ali to administer) an anaesthetic
ankéten connected with an inquiry; of an inquiry
ankétna pola questionnaire
annōn, boljše an nōn, gl. an.
apelírati to appeal (na to), to make an appeal
apeliram na Vašo plemenitost I make an appeal to your generosity
arhimandrít archimandrite; abbot ali superior of an Orthodox monastery
bábji of (ali belonging to) an old woman; oldwomanish; like a(n old) woman
bábje leto Indian (arhaično St. Luke's ali St. Martin's) summer; gossamer; fine days in autumn
bábje pšeno sleet
bábje čenče trash, old wives' tale, nonsensical talk
bábje čenče! stuff and nonsense!
belják white of an egg; glair
namazati z beljákom to brush with white of egg
z beljákom namazan brushed with white of egg, glazed
bližati se (-m se) približati se
1. krajevno: sich nähern, näher kommen (einer Sache); časovno: näherrücken, nahen, v pričakovanju: entgegengehen (einer Sache); za dogodke, določene dni ipd.: näherrücken; dogodek: bevorstehen, grozeče: zukommen auf, im Anzug sein
2. (biti podoben) heranreichen an; pričakovanjem: [nahekommen] nahe kommen
bliže näher, predlog näher an, ➞ → blizu
brenka|ti [é] (-m) klimpern; zupfen an
figurativno brenkati na isto struno in dieselbe Kerbe schlagen
brezbóžnež -nik atheist; an impious (ali a godless ali an ungodly) person; unbeliever, disbeliever
brezímnež brezímnik an anonymous person
carovánje rule (ali reign) of an emperor
carováti to rule (to reign) as an emperor
ceniti, ceniti2 [é] (cenim) (spoštovati) schätzen, achten; würdigen
znati ceniti, ceniti zu schätzen wissen
začeti ceniti, ceniti [schätzenlernen] schätzen lernen
kako lastnost pri kom: rühmen an
ne ceniti, ceniti gering achten
ceniti, ceniti se sich [hochschätzen] hoch schätzen
nizko se ceniti, ceniti sich gering achten
cesárski imperial; (starorimski) imperatorial; of an emperor, belonging to an emperor
cesárska krona imperial crown
Njeg. cesársko Veličanstvo His Imperial Majesty
cesársk rez medicina caesarean (ZDA cesarean) section (ali operation)
cíkati (namigovati) to hint (na at); to allude, to make an allusion (na to)
ne vem, na kaj cikate I don't know what you're getting (ali driving) at
vino cika the wine tastes sour