zób1 -a tooth, pl teeth; (glavnika) tooth; (čipk) jag; (skale) jag; (žage) tooth, jag
zób kočnik molar, grinder, molar (ali grinding) tooth
zób mlečnik milk tooth
zób podočnik canine, dogtooth, (gornje čeljusti) eyetooth
zób sekalec incisor
zób strupnik poison fang
zób čekan fang, (veprov, slonov) tusk
zób kolesa cog, tooth
modrostni zób wisdom tooth
gnil zób rotten (ali decayed) tooth
majav zób loose tooth
mlečni zóbje milk teeth, baby teeth, first teeth
drugi, stalni zóbje second, permanent teeth
spodnji (zgornji) zóbje lower (upper) teeth
sprednji zóbje front teeth
umeten zób false tooth, artificial tooth
zdrav zób sound tooth
vrsta umetnih zob denture
brez zób toothless
škrbina zóba stump of a tooth
zób za zób, oko za oko an eye for an eye, measure for measure, retaliation, (latinsko) lex talionis
zób časa (figurativno) the ravages of time
do zob oborožen armed to the teeth
dobivanje zob cutting teeth, dentition, teething
izdrtje zoba extraction
jezik za zobé! (= molči!) shut up!, hold your tongue!
boriti se z zóbmi in nohti (= na vso moč) to fight tooth and nail
dobiti kaj za pod zób to have a snack, pogovorno to get some grub
dobivati (prve) zóbe to be cutting one's teeth, to be teething
dobiti zóbe to cut one's teeth, to teethe
zób me (zelo) boli I have (a bad) toothache, my tooth aches
(o)čistiti si zóbe to clean (ali to brush) one's teeth
ničesar ne imeti za pod zób to have nothing to eat, to have neither bite nor sup
izdreti zób to pull a tooth
dati si izdreti zób to have a tooth out, to have a tooth pulled
plombirati zób to stop (ali to fill) a tooth
pokazati zóbe to show one's teeth
človek bi si pri tem polomil zóbe (figurativno) it's a hard nut to crack
tu si boste polomili zóbe (figurativno, to je za vas posebno nevarno) that's where you'll come to grief
priti ljudem v zóbe (figurativno) to become the talk of the town
stisniti zóbe to clench one's teeth, to set one's teeth, (figurativno) to keep a stiff upper lip
škripati, škrtati z zóbmi to gnash (ali to grind, to grit) one's teeth
trebiti si zóbe to pick one's teeth
upirati se zóbu časa to stand the test of time
vsi jo vlačijo po zóbeh everyone's talking (ali gossiping) about her
vreči komu kaj v zóbe (figurativno, v obraz) to cast something in someone's teeth
Zadetki iskanja
- zràk air; atmosphere
tekoči zràk liquid air
neprepusten za zràk airtight
dvigniti se v zràk to rise in the air
iti na zràk to take an airing, to take the air
izpostaviti zràku to air
zràk je čist figurativno (nikogar ni) (žargon) the coast is clear
ta plin je lažji kot zràk this gas is lighter than air
nekaj leži v zràku (figurativno) there's something in the air
pognati v zràk to blow up
zleteti v zràk (figurativno) to be blown up
ne pridem do zràka (figurativno) I can't breathe
prinesti na zràk to air
postaviti, vreči na zràk (figurativno) to throw out, to turn out
iz zràka sneti (figurativno) to invent
dve lovski letali sta trčili v zràku two fighter planes collided in mid-air
viseti v zràku (figurativno) to be undecided yet
sušiti na zràku to dry outdoors, ZDA to air-dry - zráven beside; alongside
čisto zráven close by, hard by
zráven mene beside me
biti zráven to be present, to take part (in) - zrcáliti to mirror; to reflect
zrcáliti se to be mirrored (v in), to be reflected (v in)
v tej knjigi se zrcalijo ideje našega stoletja this book reflects the ideas of our century
njegova žalost se zrcali v glasbi, ki jo je tedaj komponiral his grief is reflected in the music he wrote at that time - zvedáv inquisitive (gledé, o about, regarding, concerning); curious
zvedáva oseba inquisitive (ali prying) person, pogovorno snooper, Nosy Parker
biti zvedáv to be curious, pogovorno to snoop - zvelíčan religija saved, redeemed; (blažen) blessed
biti zvelíčan to be redeemed, to find salvation - zvelíčati religija to save, to redeem
zvelíčati se to be saved (ali redeemed) - zvéza union, association; alliance; league; federation; confederation; coalition; connection, connexion, relation; communication
v zvézi z with reference to, in connection with
v tej zvézi in this connection
v zvézi z vašim dopisom, pismom with reference to your letter, in connection with your letter
strokovna zvéza trade union
Socialistična zvéza delovnega ljudstva Jugoslavije (Slovenije) the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia (of Slovenia)
Zveza komunistov Jugoslavija (ZKJ) the League of Communists of Yugoslavia
Zveza sindikatov Slovenije the trade Union Federation of Slovenia
zvéza držav confederation
strokovna zvéza professional association, trade union, VB trades union
obrambna zvéza defensive alliance
poslovne zvéze business connections pl
poštne zvéze postal communications pl
Svetovna poštna zvéza Universal Postal Union
prometne zvéze traffic communications pl
železniška zvéza communication by rail
zakonska zvéza conjugal union, matrimony
to nima nobene zvéze z mojim vprašanjem it has nothing to do with my question
prav nobene zvéze ne imeti z to have no connection at all with, to have absolutely nothing to do with
to nima nobene zvéze s tem vprašanjem this has no bearing on (ali bears no relation to) this question
imeti zvézo z to be connected with; to have something to do with
sobi sta med seboj v zvézi the rooms communicate with each other
ostati v zvézi z to keep in touch with
z njimi imamo telefonsko zvézo we communicate by telephone, we keep in touch by phone
imeti (dobre) zvéze (figurativno) to have useful contacts, to know the right people
z zvézmi si priskrbeti službo (figurativno) to get a job by pulling strings
izkoristiti svoje zvéze to exploit one's contacts, to exert backstairs influence
dovesti, spraviti v zvézo to bring into contact
vlak ima zvézo s parnikom the train connects with (ali makes a connection) with the boat
prekiniti, pretrgati zvézo z to break off contact with; to sever one's connections with
skleniti vojaško zvézo to enter into a military alliance
stopiti v zvézo z (zvezati se z) to ally oneself to (ali with), to enter into an alliance, to form an alliance
stopiti v zvéze z to enter into relations with
vzdrževati trgovske (prijateljske) zvéze z to entertain (ali to maintain) commercial (friendly) relations with
zamuditi (železniško) zvézo to miss one's connection - zvijáča ruse, (majhna) trick; guile, artifice, wile
kup, koš zvijáč the whole bag of tricks
vojna zvijáča stratagem, ruse, military manoeuvre
poslovne zvijáče the tricks of the trade
izvesti zvijáčo (žargon) to put one over (on someone)
spregledati (spoznati) zvijáče, biti kos zvijáčam kake osebe to be up to someone's tricks
poznam jaz njegove zvijáče I'm up to his tricks
uporabiti zvijáčo za dosego svojih ciljev to achieve one's purpose by trickery - zvônec (hišni) bell
električni zvônec electric bell, (brenčalo) buzzer
zvônec pri vratih doorbell
gumb zvônca bell push, bell button
vrvica, ročaj za zvônec bellpull
obesiti komu zvônec to bell someone
obesiti mački zvônec to bell the cat
nositi zvônec to take the first place, to be in the lead, arhaično to bear the bell
potegniti za zvônec to pull the bell
pritisniti na zvônec to press the button
iti in odpreti vrata, če pozvoni zvônec to answer the doorbell (ali pogovorno the door) - žál
1. (medmet) alas; what a pity!
2. prislov unfortunately, regretfully
žál jutri ne morem priti I am sorry I shall not be able to come tomorrow
nič žalega mu nisem storil I have done him no harm
on ne bi muhi storil nič žalega he wouldn't hurt a fly
ni mi žál nobenega truda I don't mind (taking) any amount of trouble
žál ne morem ustreči tvoji želji I am sorry I cannot comply with your request
žál (na žalost) ne moremo tega napraviti unfortunately that can't be done
žál moram reči I regret (ali I am sorry) to say
žál vidim, da... I am sorry to see that...
žál moram iti I am afraid I have to go
žál mi je zanj I am sorry for him, I pity him
žál beseda offensive word
žál ne I am afraid not - žálost sadness; sorrow; mournfulness; depression; gloom; melancholy; distress; affliction; grief
veselje se spremeni v žálost joy turns to grief
v dvoje se žálost laže prenaša (arhaično) two in distress make sorrow less
na mojo žálost to my sorrow
na njegovo veliko žálost to his regret (ali annoyance, vexation)
biti v globoki žálosti to be in deep mourning - žálosten sad; mournful; afflicted; melancholy; sorrowful; joyless; gloomy; dismal; downcast; (beden) wretched
žálosten pogled deplorable sight
to so žálostne novice this is sad news
tako sem žálosten zaradi tega I am so sorry (ali sad) to hear (oziroma to see) it
ona je vedno žálostna she is always miserable
žálostna nesreča a sad accident
žálostno pri tem je, da... the sad part of it is that...
biti v žálostnem (bednem) položaju to be in a sorry plight - žalostíti to sadden, to afflict, to grieve, to distress; to make unhappy
žalostíti se to be sad (ali distressed, grieved); to feel sad; to pine; to grieve (at), to distress oneself
ne žalostite se zaradi tega! do not distress yourself about it! - žalovánje mourning
globoko žalovánje deep mourning
biti v žalovánju to be in mourning, to wear mourning
zid žalovánja (Židov v Jeruzalemu) Wailing Wall - že already; as early as; yet
ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
že 30 let as long as 30 years
že včeraj as early as yesterday
že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
dan je že it is daylight already
(do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it! - žéja thirst
žéja (pohlep) po denarju thirst for money
ugasniti si žéjo to quench one's thirst
umirati od žéje to be parched with thirst
umreti od žéje to die of thirst
trpeti žéjo to suffer from thirst
žéja po znanju thirst for knowledge - žéjen thirsty; (figurativno) thirsting (for, after), desirous (of something)
biti žéjen to be (ali to feel) thirsty
delo, ki napravi koga žéjnega thirsty work - železna ruda stalna zveza
(naravna mineralna snov) ▸ vasérc
Iz Rusije uvažamo veliko surovin, predvsem nafto, plin, železno rudo. ▸ Sok nyersanyagot, elsősorban kőolajat, földgázt és vasércet hozunk be Oroszországból. - žêlja desire, wish; request; (hrepenenje) longing, yearning, craving, hankering, yen; (pohlep) cupidity, avidity, greed, greediness; (čestitka) congratulation
na žêljo trgovina if desired, on request
po žêlji as (ali if) requested, according to one's wish
na izrecno žêljo at the express wish (of)
dobre (slabe) žêlje pl good (bad) wishes pl
na splošno žêljo by general request
na žêljo g. X-a at the request (ali by desire) of Mr. X.
po moji žêlji in accordance with my wishes
moja srčna žêlja my heartfelt wish
pobožna žêlja (figurativno) pious hope (ali wish)
vroča žêlja ardent desire
to je moja edina žêlja it is the only thing I wish for, it is my only wish
naj bo po vaši žêlji! let it be as you wish!
izraziti žêljo to express one's desire
to so pobožne žêlje (figurativno, pogovorno) that's a piece of wishful thinking
od (dobrih) žêlja še nihče ni bil sit if wishes were horses beggars might ride
imeti žêljo to entertain a wish
vse je šlo (se je izšlo) po mojih žêljah everything turned out the way I wanted
to je bila le moja pobožna žêlja (figurativno) that was only my wishful thinking
uganiti žêlje koga to anticipate someone's wishes
ne morem ustreči tvoji žêlji I cannot comply with your wish
treba je znati brzdati svoje žêlje one must learn to cut one's coat according to one's cloth
izpolniti žêljo to satisfy a desire