zamakníti to ravish; to put in an ecstasy, to enrapture
zamakníti (se) to be enraptured (ali ravished), to be in raptures, pogovorno to be on cloud nine
Zadetki iskanja
- zamáknjen rapt (with, by), enraptured, raptured, rapturous
biti zamáknjen to be in raptures
biti zamáknjen v premišljevanje rapt in thought - zaménjati to exchange; trgovina to barter (za for), to truck, to swap (ali to swop); (koga s kom drugim) to mistake for; to confound
zaménjati stražo to relieve a guard (ali sentinel); (nadomeščati v službi) to be deputy, to deputize (for), to be proxy, to substitute, to be substitute for, to replace, to represent, to act on (ZDA in) behalf (of), to be acting for; (nadomestovati zdravnika, duhovnika) to act as a locum (ali formalno locum tenens) for
zamenjal me je z mojim bratom he mistook me for my brother
zamenjal sem staro obleko za živila I exchanged my old clothes for provisions
zamenjala sva klobuke we have exchanged our hats
papirnati denar je zamenjal kovanega paper money has replaced specie
ne zamenjujte naše tvrdke z drugimi, ki imajo isto ime! don't confuse our firm with others of the same name!
zaménjati konja za kravo to swap a horse for a cow - zamísliti zamíšljati to conceive, to imagine, to picture to oneself, to fancy; (izumiti) to invent, to contrive
zamísliti, zamíšljati se to be absorbed in thought, to be lost in (deep) thought
ne morem si zamísliti, zamíšljati, kako je to storil I cannot conceive how he did it
si ga lahko zamisliš kot vojaka? can you imagine him as a soldier?
skušaj si zamísliti, zamíšljati, v kakšnem stanju sem bil! try to picture to yourself the state I was in! - zamúda lateness; delay; coming behind one's time
imeti zamúdo to be behind time
imeli smo pet minut zamúde we were five minutes late
vlak je imel precéj zamúde the train was very late (ali was well behind time)
ladja ima veliko zamúdo the boat is long overdue
vlak ima zamúdo the train is late (ali behind time, not up to time)
vlak ima 10 minut zamúde the train is 10 minutes overdue
to je povzročilo našo zamúdo that is what delayed us (ali threw us late)
biti v zamúdi za plačilo davkov to be in arrears (ali behind) with one's taxes
sem v zamúdi s svojo korespondenco I am behindhand (ali in arrears) with my correspondence - zanesljív reliable; trustworthy, trusty; dependable; (resničen, gotov, varen, siguren) true, sure, certain, proof against; (verodostojen) authentic, positive
to imamo iz zanesljívega vira we have it from a reliable source
zanesljíva (verodostojna) priča reliable witness
njegov uspeh ni le verjeten, je zanesljív his success is more than a probability, it is a certainty
zanesljíva oseba a person to be depended on (ali upon) - zanêsti to carry away
avto je zaneslo v stran the car went into a skid, the car skidded
zanêsti koga (figurativno, očarati, navdušiti) to carry someone away
zanêsti se na koga to rely upon someone, to depend on someone
nanj se lahko zaneseš he is as good as his word
nanj se ne moreš zanêsti he is not to be trusted
se nanjo lahko zanesem? is she dependable?
se lahko zanesemo na njegovo besedo? can we rely on his word?
upam, da se lahko zanesem na to I hope I can rely upon it
na to se lahko zaneseš! you may depend upon it!, depend upon it!
zanêsti se na srečo to trust to luck - zánka snare, noose, sling; mesh; loop
nastaviti komu zánko to lay (ali to set) a snare for someone
pasti v zánko to fall into a snare
ujeti (ptice) v zánko to snare
ujeti se v zánko to be caught in a snare, (figurativno) to put one's head in a noose; to ensnare, to noose
zadrgniti zánko to noose - zanosíti to conceive
zanosíti s kom to become (ali to be) pregnant by someone - zaostánek arrears pl
davčni zaostánek tax arrears pl
plačilni zaostánek payment in arrears
v zaostánku z behindhand with
biti v zaostánku to be in arrears, to be behindhand (z with), to be behind in (ali with)
sem v zaostánku s svojim delom I am behindhand with my work
smo v zaostánku z najemnino we are behind with the rent - zapísati to write down; to note down; to jot (down); to put down (za for); to register
zapísati voznika zaradi prehitre vožnje to take down a motorist's name and address for speeding (ali for exceeding the speed limit)
zapísati si to take a note (of), to take down
zapišite me za 50.000 tolarjev put me down for 50,000 tolars
zapisan noted down, registered, jotted down
biti dobro zapisan pri kom (figurativno) to be well thought of by someone, (pogovorno) to be well in with someone
on je dobro (slabo) zapisan pri meni (figurativno) he is in my good (bad, black) books
slabo je zapisan pri svojem šefu he is in a tough spot with his boss
smrt mu je zapisana v obrazu arhaično he has the seal of death in his face - zapíti
zapíti denar to squander one's money (ali to waste one's substance) on drink
zapíti se to take to drink; to be addicted to drink
on zapije vse, kar zasluži he spends all he earns on drink - zaplêsti to entangle; figurativno to implicate, to involve (koga v kaj someone in something)
zaplêsti se to entangle oneself, to be entangled
zaplêsti se v kaj to get involved (ali mixed up) in something - zapôslen employed; employed in an occupation, engaged (z in, with); busy
redno zapôslen on the active list
biti zapôslen to be in employment, to be employed
biti zapôslena čim to occupy oneself with (ali in) doing something
zapôslen sem z zbiranjem gradiva za novo knjigo I am busy (ali engaged) in collecting material for my new book - zaprašíti to cover with dust
zaprašíti se to be covered with dust - zapréka obstacle, hindrance (komu to someone), impediment; hitch; obstruction; barrier; (nenadna) check; bar, hurdle
brez zaprék without obstacles, without a hitch
tek čez zapréke šport hurdles pl; obstacle race
naleteti na zapréke to meet with obstacles, to run into obstacles
naleteti na nepričakovano zapréko to run into a snag
premagati zapréke to overcome obstacles
on je rekorden tekač čez zapréke he is a record hurdler
odstraniti zapréke to remove obstacles
delati komu zapréke to put (ali to throw) obstacles in someone's way
visoke gore so velika zapréka za promet the high mountains are a great obstacle to communication
konj je padel pri prvi zapréki the horse fell at the first jump
biti zapréka za to be an obstacle to
to je bila zapréka za njegovo napredovanje it was a bar (ali a barrier) to his advancement
nekje je bila kaka zapréka (figurativno) there was a hitch somewhere
ni poti brez zaprék no road is without obstacles - zaračúnati to charge (for)
preveč zaračúnati to overcharge
zaračunali so mi 10 funtov za kosilo they charged me ten pounds for (the) lunch
ti stroški se morajo zaračúnati tvrdki these expenses are to be charged to the firm, pogovorno this is on the firm - zaročèn2 engaged (z to), betrothed (z to)
biti zaročèn to be engaged
zaročèna je z mojim nečakom she is engaged to my nephew - zaródek embryo
v zaródku in embryo
biti še v zaródku to be still in embryo - zaséda ambush; vojska ambuscade; (preža) wait
biti v zasédi to ambush, to lie in ambush (ali in wait)
čakati v zasédi to lie in wait
napasti iz zaséde to waylay, to attack from an ambush, to ambuscade, to ambush
pasti v zasédo to fall into an ambush, to be waylaid
pripraviti zasédo to lay (ali to make) an ambush
postaviti zasédo to lay an ambush, to lie in wait (komu for someone), (prežati) to waylay
postavljač zaséd waylayer