
Zadetki iskanja

  • láhek (po teži) light, weightless; lightweight; (netežaven) easy, not difficult

    láhka atletika (light) athletics pl, games pl, track and field sports
    láhki atlet athlete
    láhko breme light burden
    láhka hrana light food
    láhek korak light tread, soft steps pl
    láhka cigara (tobak) mild cigar (tobacco)
    láhka konjenica light cavalry
    láhka poškodba, rana light (ali flesh) wound
    láhka roka light hand
    láhka križarka light cruiser
    láhko spanje light sleep
    láhko noč! good night!
    láhek slog easy (ali fluent) style
    láhka teža (pri boksu) lightweight
    láhka zmaga (figurativno) walkover
    láhko vino light wine
    bodi mu láhka zemlja! may the earth rest light on him!, may he rest in peace!
    to je otročje láhko it is as easy as pie
    načrt je otročje láhak the plan is foolproof
    sedaj láhkó greš! you may go now!
    láhka ženska (figurativno) fickle woman
    z láhkim srcem with a light heart
  • lás lasjé hair; (ščetina) bristle

    brez las hairless, (plešast) bald
    kratki (dolgi) lás, lasjéje short (long) hair
    gosti (redki) lás, lasjéje thick (thin) hair
    kodrasti (gladki) lás, lasjéje curly (straight) hair
    tanek kot lás, lasjé hair-thin; as fine as a hair
    za las natančno to a hair, to a T
    niti za las boljši not a bit (ali whit) better
    beljeni lasje bleached hair
    valoviti lasje wavy hair
    rdeči lasje red hair, žargon carrots pl
    na balin ostriženi lasje hair cut close to the skull
    negovani lasje well-groomed hair
    plavi (blond) lasje fair hair
    umetni lasje false hair
    za lasé privlečen (figurativno) far-fetched, strained
    za lás, lasjé within (ali by) a hair's breadth; narrowly, nearly
    beljenje las bleaching of hair
    barva las colo(u)r of hair
    barva za lase hair dye
    sredstvo za krepitev lás, lasjé hair restorer
    čop las tress, braid, pigtail
    kita las braid of hair
    čop las tuft of hair
    izpadanje las hair loss, loss of hair, fall of the hair
    pranje las shampoo, shampooing
    losjon za lás, lasjéé hair lotion, hair tonic
    pomada za lás, lasjéé pomade
    puder za lás, lasjéé hair powder
    navijač za lás, lasjéé wave clip, curler, curl clip, (iz papirja) curlpaper
    klešče za kodranje lás, lasjé curling tongs pl, curling iron
    rast las growth of hair
    striženje las haircut, haircutting
    sušílec za lás, lasjéé (fen) electric hairdryer, dryer
    mrežica za lás, lasjéé hairnet
    nakit za lás, lasjéé ornament for the hair
    ščetka za lás, lasjéé hairbrush
    trak za lás, lasjéé ribbon, bow for the hair
    koder las curl, ringlet, lock
    sredstvo za odstranjevanje las depilatory
    biti si v lás, lasjééh z to be at loggerheads with, to be at daggers drawn with, (gledé, zaradi) over
    lasje mi izpadajo my hair is thinning
    delati sive lás, lasjéé komu (figurativno) to prove a headache for someone, to turn someone's hair grey
    ne si delati sivih las glede, zaradi not to distress oneself about something
    lás, lasjéé si puliti to tear one's hair
    izgubiti lás, lasjéé to lose one's hair
    (po)česati si lás, lasjéé to comb one's hair
    urediti si lás, lasjéé, sfrizirati si lás, lasjéé to do (ali to dress) one's hair, ZDA to fix one's hair, to set one's hair
    pristriči lás, lasjéé to trim the hair
    razpustiti (si) lás, lasjéé to let one's hair down
    (po)vleči koga za lás, lasjéé to pull someone's hair
    imeti plave, blond lás, lasjéé to have fair hair
    dati si ostriči lás, lasjéé to have (ali to get) one's hair cut
    skočiti si v lás, lasjéé (figurativno) to come to blows; VB žargon to get stuck in
    to je nekoliko za lás, lasjéé privlečeno that's a little far-fetched
    lasje se mi ježé I feel my hair standing on end
    lasje so se mi ježili my hair stood on end
    pepelnato pobarvati lás, lasjéé to dye the hair grey
    za lás, lasjé je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was within a hair's breadth, it was a near thing
    za las je šlo! that was a touch too near (for comfort)!
    niti lás, lasjéú ji niso skrivili they didn't harm a hair of her head, not a hair on her head has been touched
    on ne bi nikomur skrivil lasá he would not hurt (ali harm) a fly
    za lás, lasjéé privleči to drag in by the head and shoulders, to force in
    oprati si lás, lasjéé to wash one's hair
    za las uiti to have a narrow (ali a hairbreadth) escape, to have a narrow (ali close, tight) squeeze
    za las smo ušli smrti we were within a hair's breadth of being killed, we just escaped death by the skin of our teeth
    za lás, lasjé zgrešiti to miss by a hair
    ni vredno, da si delate sive lás, lasjéé glede tega it is not worth while worrying yourself to death over it
    to visi (je) na lás, lasjéu zdaj it is touch and go now
    ta otrok mi dela sive lás, lasjée (figurativno) this child is a great worry (ali trial) to me
  • (samó) only; (edino) merely, solely

    lè on only he, nobody but he
    lè da... only that...
    lè tega ne! anything but this!
    lè tokrat, to pot (for) this once
    lè nekaj minut just a few minutes
    lè zaradi solely because of
    lè malo only a little, not much
    lè počasi, dečki! easy, lads (ali boys)!
    vse, lè denarja ne everything except (ali but) money
    ne lè..., temveč tudi... not only... but also...
    ne lè on, tudi ti not only he, but you also
    pa je lè res! it is true all the same!
    kdo (kje) lè...? who (where) on earth...?
    če lè provided (that)..., only if...
    lè kdo je to naredil? whoever could have done it?
    prišel sem ti lè povedat, da... I have come solely to tell you that...
    kolikor lè moremo just as much as we can
    prosim te lè, da mi obljubiš... I merely ask you to promise me...
    če lè ne bi toliko govorila! if only she did not talk so much!
  • lép -a, -o beautiful, fine; pretty, nice, handsome; sweet; (obraz) good-looking; pesniško beauteous; (vreme) fair, fine, favourable; (rast, stas) wellmade, well-proportioned, well-formed, wellshaped, shapely; (ljubek) lovely, graceful, charming

    lép, -a, -o kot slika as pretty as a picture
    lép, -a, -oo darilo (premoženje, kompliment) a handsome present (fortune, compliment)
    lép, -a, -oa godlja, zmeda a nice mess
    lép, -a, -oa pot good road
    lép, -a, -oi spol the fair sex
    lép, -a, -oa priložnost (znesek) a fair chance (amount)
    lép, -a, -oa vsota a round (ali respectable) sum
    lép, -a, -oe goré beautiful mountains pl
    lép, -a, -oo vreme fine weather
    lép, -a, -oe umetnosti fine (ali liberal) arts pl
    lép, -a, -o začetek a nice beginning
    lép, -a, -oe pozdrave tvoji sestri! best regards to your sister!
    lép, -a, -oega dne one fine day
    lép, -a, -oa pisava a fair hand
    imeti lép, -a, -oo pisavo to write a fair hand
    od lép, -a, -oih besed se ne da živeti fine words butter no parsnips
    lép, -a, -oo mnenje boste imeli o meni you will have a fine opinion of me, what are you going to think of me?
    barometer kaže "lepo" the barometer stands at fair
    to ni lepó od tebe that's not nice of you
    ta je pa lép, -a, -oa! a fine (ali story), this is!
    to je vse lép, -a, -oo, toda... that's all very well (ali fine), but...
    kar praviš, je vse prav lép, -a, -oo, toda... what you say is all very fine, but...
    to bi bilo še lepše! that would beat everything!, that would cap it all!
  • lés wood

    stavbni, tesarski lés timber
    gradbeni lés (building) timber, ZDA lumber
    gnil lés rotten wood
    suh lés seasoned timber
    rezani lés sawn timber
    vezan lés plywood
    mehek lés softwood
    trd lés hardwood
    jamski lés pitwood, pitprop
    beli lés white wood
    obdelava lésa wood working
    obdelovalec lésa woodworker, wood carver
    sečnja lésa wood felling
    impregnacija lésa wood impregnation
    vrste lésa species pl of wood
    lésu podoben ligniform, ligneous, woody, woodlike
    sladki lés botanika liquorice
    žagan lés sawn wood
    mlad, nov lés green wood
    umeten lés artificial wood
    sečni lés mature wood
    hrastov lés oak, oak wood, oak timber
    trgovati z lésom to deal in wood, to trade as a timber merchant
    on je malo čez lés (figurativno, žargon) he is up the pole (ali round the bend)
  • ležáti to lie, to be lying; to rest; to be situated, to be placed, to be located

    ležáti bolan to lie sick
    ležáti bolan v postelji to be ill in bed
    ležáti mrtev to lie dead
    ležáti v porodni postelji to lie in
    ležáti na hrbtu to be lying on one's back
    ležáti komu pred nogami to lie at someone's feet
    ležáti na mrtvaškem odru to lie in state
    ležáti v zadnjih zdihljajih to be breathing one's last
    ležáti v zasedi to lie in ambush
    ležáti v ruševinah to lie in ruins, in dust
    negibno ležáti (pritajiti se) žargon to lie doggo
    ležáti zasidran to lie at anchor
    (on) leži zaradi škrlatinke he is down with scarlet fever
    to leži na dlani (figurativno) it is obvious, it is plain, it's as plain as a pikestaff (ali as the nose on your face)
    to mi leži (figurativno) that is in my line
    to mi bolj leži that is more in my line
    ležáti komu težko na vesti to lie heavy on someone's conscience
    kakor si boš postlal, tako boš ležal as you make your bed, so will you lie
  • lílija botanika lily

    bel kot lílija lily, lily-white
    lepa kot lílija fair as a lily
    francoske lílije (figurativno Burbonci) the Bourbons pl
  • ljúb dear; (v pridigah) dearly beloved

    zaradi ljúbega miru for peace and quiet, for a quiet life
    karkoli ti je ljúbo anything you like (ali please)
    stori to meni na ljúbo do if for my sake, do it to please me
    napravi, kar ti je ljúbo! do as you like
    tebi na ljúbo bom to naredil I shall do it to please you
    ljúbo bi mi bilo, če... I should like (ali appreciate) it if...
    kava mi je ljubša kot čaj I prefer coffee to tea
    ta roman je moja najljubša knjiga this novel is my favourite book
    najljubše opravilo (»konjiček«) hobby
  • ljubó ➞ ljub

    komu na ljubó for someone's sake, to please someone
    meni na ljubó for my sake
    vam na ljubó hočem... to please you I will...
    tebi na ljubó? for the likes of you?
    meni na ljubó počakaj vendar tu! to please me, do wait here!
    resnici na ljubó to be quite honest, as a matter of fact
  • ljúdje people (s konstr. v sg ali pl); folk(s); (svet) the public, the world, mankind

    stari ljúdje old people
    (zelo) mnogo ljudi (a great) many people
    preprosti ljúdje simple people, ordinary folks
    ljúdje z dežele country people, country folk
    mali ljúdje (figurativno) people of small means and no standing
    prijatelj ljudi philanthropist
    izkorišcevalec ljudi slave driver, hard taskmaster
    iti med ljudi to mix with society, to go into society
    on ne hodi med ljudi he keeps himself to himself, he shuns company, he avoids society, he lives out of the world
    on sovraži ljudi he is a misanthrope
    oni so pošteni ljúdje they are honest people
    Angleži so čudni ljúdje the English are a strange lot
    ljúdje govorijo, da... it is rumoured that... there's a story going the rounds that...
    vsi ljúdje to vedó it is generally known, all the world knows it
    kaj bodo rekli ljúdje? (figurativno) what will Mrs. Grundy say?, what will the world say?
    kar ljúdje pomnijo within the memory of men, within living memory
    ljudi morate vzeti kakršni (pač) so you must take the world as it is
  • ločíti to separate; to sever; (razlikovati) to distinguish, to differentiate; (razporočiti) to divorce, to separate by divorce

    ločíti se kot prijatelji to part as friends
    ločíti se (razporočiti se) to divorce
    ločíti se od moža (žene) to divorce one's husband (one's wife)
    ločíti se (odcepiti se) to secede (od from)
    dati se ločíti od moža to obtain a divorce from one's husband
    ločíti se (raziti se) to part company
    ločíti se (razlikovati se) to be distinguished by, to differ from, to vary (from)
    zakon je bil ločen (razvezan) the marriage has been dissolved
    preden se ločimo (razidemo) before parting
  • mánj less

    vse mánj, vedno mánj less and less
    več ali mánj more or less
    mánj kot less than
    še mnogo mánj still (ali much) less
    še mánj still less, much less
    nič mánj kot no less than, as much as, as many as
    tem mánj, ker... all the less so since...
    nič mánj (= vseeno, kljub temu) nevertheless, none the less
    mánj znan avtor a less known author
    tri dni mánj kot en mesec three days short of a month
    mánj govoriti in več delati to speak less and to do more
    moral bi piti mánj vina he should drink less wine
    15 - 7 = 8 fifteen minus seven equals eight
  • máslo (surovo) butter

    sveže, presno máslo fresh butter, ZDA sweet butter
    slano máslo salted butter
    máslo za kuho cooking butter
    stopljeno máslo melted butter
    umetno máslo margarine, arhaično butterine
    žaltavo, žarko máslo rancid butter
    kalup za máslo butter-print
    kepica, reženjček másla pat of butter
    kruh z máslom bread and butter
    delati máslo to churn butter
    zabeliti z máslom to butter, to flavour with butter, to add butter
    namazati z máslom to spread butter on
    to je njegovo máslo (figurativno) he has a finger in the pie, he as a hand in it
    iti kot po máslu (figurativno) to run smoothly, to go swimmingly, to go like clockwork
    stvari gredo kot po máslu things are going swimmingly (ali like clockwork)
    to nam gre kot po máslu (figurativno) pogovorno we're getting on like a house on fire
    gre kot po máslu! it's going on swimmingly (ali like a house on fire)
    vse je šlo kot po máslu (figurativno) it was all plain sailing, it was a piece of cake (ali pogovorno a pushover, žargon a doddle)
  • maščevánje vengeance, revenge, zastarelo avengement

    kot (za) maščevánje za as vengeance for
    krvno maščevánje blood feud
    to bo moje maščevánje that will be my revenge
    hlepeti po maščevánju to thirst for revenge
    izpostaviti se maščevánju kake osebe to lay oneself open to someone's vengeance
    skušati si najti (se maščevati) nad kom to seek vengeance upon someone
    tak pokol vpije po maščevánju such slaughter cries (ali calls) to heaven for vengeance
  • méd honey

    gozdni, divji méd, -ú wild honey
    turški méd, -ú Turkish delight
    méd, -ú v satovju honey in the comb
    tekoč méd, -ú liquid honey, pure honey
    trcan méd, -ú strained honey
    sladek kot méd, -ú sweet as honey, honey-sweet
    méd, -ú in mleko milk and honey
    iti, prodajati se za méd, -ú (figurativno) to sell like hot cakes
    to gre za méd, -ú (figurativno) it's going like hot cakes
    nabirati méd, -ú to gather honey
    dežela, kjer se cedita méd, -ú in mleko a land flowing with milk and honey
  • mêhek soft; (meso) tender; (sadje) mellow

    zelo mêhek as soft as velvet (ali down, butter)
    mêhko kuhano jajce soft-boiled egg; (nežen, blag) mild, gentle, soft-hearted, tender-hearted; delicate, lenient; (omehčan) mollified
    napraviti mêhko, postati mêhek to soften; to tender
  • méra measure; (velikost) size; (obsežnost) extent, dimension

    normalna méra standard; gauge; (stopnja) degree; (merjenje) measurement; (razmerje) rate, scale, index; (zmernost) moderation, temperance; (verz) metre, measure; glasba bar, time; (ukrep) measure, step
    mére in uteži measures and weights pl
    dobra (slaba) méra full (short) measure
    dolžinska méra linear (ali long) measure
    ploščinska méra square (ali superficial) measure
    prostorninska méra cubic measure
    votla méra measure of capacity
    največja skupna méra matematika greatest common measure
    obrestna méra rate of interest
    zvrhana méra heaped up (ali strike, struck-) measure
    do neke mére to a certain degree, in some measure; to a certain extent, to some extent
    v obilni méri amply, richly
    v veliki méri to a high degree, to a great (ali large) extent; largely, higly
    prek mére beyond measure, beyond all bounds
    v neki méri in a measure
    čez vse mére exceedingly, excessively, immoderately, out of all measure
    v isti méri kot... in the same measure as...
    v enaki méri alike
    napravljen po méri made to measure
    obleka po méri bespoke suit, ZDA custom suit
    po méri narejena oblačila clothes pl made to measure, ZDA custom clothes pl
    enota mére unit of measure
    krojač, ki dela po méri bespoke tailor
    dati dobro méro to give good measure
    držati se mére to be moderate, to observe due moderation
    napraviti vse potrebne mére (ukrepe) to take all the necessary steps
    podvzeti (lotiti se) primerne mére (ukrepe) to take appropriate action
    podvzeti temeljite, dalekosežne mére to take sweeping measures
    podvzeti vse potrebne previdnostne mére to take all due precautions
    on ne pozna mére he knows no bounds
    to presega vse mére that goes beyond all bounds
    prekoračiti méro (figurativno) to overstep the mark, to go too far
    napraviti méro polno (figurativno) to fill the cup to the brim
    do kolikšne mére mu moremo zaupati? how far can he be trusted?
    vzeti komu méro za kaj to take someone's measurements for something
    vzeli so mi méro za plašč (za obleko) I have been measured for a coat (for a suit)
  • merodájen authoritative; decisive; competent

    merodájni krogi authoritative (ali influential) circles pl
    on zame ni merodájen I do not regard him as an authority
    v teh stvareh nisem merodájen tam no competent judge of these affairs
    to bo zame merodájno this will be decisive for me
  • míl (značaj) gentle, sweet; (podnebje) soft, mild, balmy, bland, temperate, genial; (ljubek) graceful; (obziren) benign, benignant, mild, indulgent, lenient; (zima) mild, gentle; (barva, zvok) mellow

    pod mílim nebom in the open air
    míla kazen a mild (ali lenient) punishment
    míla klima mild climate
    míl značaj mild temper
    mílo povedano, rečeno to put it mildly, to say the least of it
    zima je bila míla the winter was mild
    drži se kot míla jera he is cutting a sorry figure
    mílo soditi to judge leniently
    sreča mi ni míla fortune does not favour me
    vrniti mílo za drago to return tit for tat, to give as good as one got, to get one's own back, arhaično to give a Roland for an Oliver
    vrnil sem mu mílo za drago I paid him back in his own coin; I served him with the same sauce
  • misijonár missionary, missioner

    biti misijonár to work as a missionary, to do missionary work