best3 [best] prislov
najbolje, najugodneje
to give it best odreči se
you had best najbolje bi bilo, če bi
as best one could na vso moč
Zadetki iskanja
- better2 [bétə] pridevnik
boljši; primernejši; ki se bolje počuti
no better than pravzaprav
he is no better than he should be nič boljšega ne moremo od njega pričakovati
she is no better than she should be razuzdanka je
my better half moja boljša polovica
better part večji del
better than več kakor
pogovorno the better the day the better the deed čim večji praznik tem več dela opravimo
upon better acquaintance če se človek bliže seznani
one's better angel angel varuh
he has seen better days nekoč se mu je bolje godilo
he is better than his word naredi še več, kot je obljubil
the better hand prednost, premoč
the better sort pomembni ljudje
his better self njegova boljša stran
I am better as I am raje sem tak kakor sem
he is none the better for it nič mu ne koristi - bežáti to flee; to run away, to fly; to take to flight, to make one's escape
bežáti pred (izogibati se) to avoid, to shun, (knjižno) to flee from
kako čas beži! how time flies!
bežal je, kar so ga noge nesle he ran as fast as his legs could carry him
sovražnik je bežal v popolnem neredu the enemy was fleeing in a panic
Beži(te) (pojdite no!) be off with you! - bīcessis -is, m (pravzaprav vīcessis, kakor pri Prisc.: vīgintī in as) dvajset asov: Varr.
- bik bull
močan kot bik as strong as a horse
draženje bika bull-baiting
zgrabiti bika za roge (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
z bikom se ni bosti (figurativno) he that sups with the devil must have a long spoon
plemenski bik service bull - bind*1 [baind]
1. prehodni glagol
povezati, vezati; prisiliti; obrobiti, okovati; potrditi, ratificirati
medicina ustaviti (drisko); oviti, ovenčati; naložiti
2. neprehodni glagol
strditi se
medicina ustaviti se; obvezati se
to bind s.o. as apprentice dati koga v uk
to bind the bargain potrditi kupčijo - bíti (sem) to be; to exist; to live; to take place
je (= se nahaja) there is
so (= se nahajajo) there are; (bivati) to stay
bíti lačen, žejen to be hungry, thirsty
bíti ves iz sebe to be beside oneself, to be overwrought
3 x 5 = 15 three times five equals fifteen
kaj je, kakó je (kaj) z njim? how is he?, how is he getting on?; how are things with him?
kaj je s teboj? what is the matter with you?
toplo (mraz) mi je I am warm (cold)
ne morem bíti brez (cigaret) I cannot do without (cigarettes)
bíti brez denarja to be short of money
bíti brez premoga to be short of coal
po čem je kruh? how much is (the) bread?
koliko je do postaje? how long does it take to the station?
bodi previden! be careful!
on je iz Londona he is (ali comes) from London
kdo je? who is there?
kdo je tam? (vojak na straži) who goes there?
po meni je, z menoj je konec I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
kaj Vam je? what is the matter with you?
nič mi ni there is nothing the matter with me
slabó mi je I feel sick
jaz sem (to) it is I, pogovorno it's me
če bi jaz bil Vi (bil na Vašem mestu), bi ostal doma if I were you, I would stay at home
če je (to) takó if it is so, if that be so, if that be the case
naj bo takó! arhaično let it be so!
naj bo (to), kot hoče! be that as it may
naj bo tako ali tako in either case
to bo dovolj this will do
kar je bilo, je bilo let bygones be bygones
bíti v napoto to be in the way, to inconvenience, to hinder
ni mi za... I don't care for...
za to mu ni he does not care about it
nič mi ni zanj pogovorno I couldn't care less about him, I don't care a fig for him
ni mi do šal I am in no mood for joking
to ni (nič) zame that is not in my line
nič ni bilo iz tega nothing came of it
ni mi do poezije I have no time for poetry
mnogo mi je do tega, da... I am very anxious to...
vem, pri čem sem I know where I stand
on je proti meni he has set his face against me
hiša je v gradnji the house is being built
bilo mi je, da bi jokal I felt like crying
on bi bil dober učitelj he would make a good teacher
tu gre za bíti ali ne bíti this is a matter of life or death
šlo je za bíti ali ne bíti it was touch and go
pri tem sem ob 50.000 SIT I am fifty thousand tolars out of pocket over it - black1 [blæk] pridevnik
črn; temen, mračen; jezen, srdit; obupan, žalosten
black art magija
black ball črna kroglica (volitve)
to beat black and blue pošteno naklestiti
to be in s.o.'s black books biti pri kom slabo zapisan, v nemilosti
black death kuga
the devil is not so black as he is painted stvar ni tako huda, kakor je videti
to have a black dog on one's head biti zelo potrt
black drops opijeve kapljice
to get off with a black eye poceni jo odnesti
to be black in the face biti besen
as black as ink (ali soot, your hat) črn ko smola
black friar dominikanec
black frost suh mraz
black heart hudobno srce
the kettle calls the saucepan black sova sinici glavana pravi
a black letter day nesrečni dan; delavnik
black look čemeren, preteči pogled
to get a black mark priti na slab glas
Black Mary (ali Maria) zeleni Henrik
Black Monday nesrečen, kritični dan; prvi dan pouka v šoli
the black ox has trodden on his foot potrt, zaskrbljen je
black peper poper
the pot calls the kettle black sova sinici glavana pravi
black pudding krvavica
Black Rod najvišji uradnik Gornjega doma
black rust botanika pšenična snet
a black sheep in the family črna ovca v družini
Black & Tans vzdevek britanskih čet na Irskem
to swear the black is white prisegati, da je črno belo
as black as thunder skrajno razdražen, besen
Black Watch 42. škotski polk - blackberry [blǽkberi] samostalnik
botanika robidnica; črni ribez
as plentiful as blackberries obilje česa, več ko dovolj - bléd pale; medicina pallid; wan; sallow(-faced); (barva) light, pale
bléd kot zid, ko smrt as white as a sheet, as pale as death, a pale as a ghost; (luna) pale, wan
ob blédi svetlobi zvezd in the pale (ali faint) light of the stars
bléda barva watery colour
bléda lica pale (ali wan) cheeks
bléde ustnice bloodless (ali colourless) lips
bléd nasmešek a wan smile, the ghost of a smile
bléd od strahu pale with fright
blédo moder pale (ali light) blue
blédo rdeč pink
blédo zelen pale ali light green - blind1 [blaind] pridevnik (blindly prislov) (to za)
slep, zaslepljen; neviden, neopazen; skrit, tajen; jalov; nepremišljen, prenagljen; topoglav, nepoučen
sleng pijan
botanika brez cveta
blind alley slepa ulica; figurativno zagata; mrtvi tir
blind-alley occupation poklic, ki nima bodočnosti
blind coal antracit
anatomija blind gut slepič
blind (drunk), blind to the world pijan ko žolna
figurativno to have (ali apply) the blind eye zatisniti oko
to go at blind na slepo srečo se česa lotiti
blind leaders of the blind tisti, ki dajejo nasvet v stvareh, ki jih sami ne razumejo
blind letter pismo brez naslova
a blind man may perchance hit the mark slepa kura zrno najde
blind man's holiday somrak
as blind as a mole (ali a beetle, an owl) čisto slep
to get on s.o.'s blind side izrabiti slabo stran koga
blind pig, blind tiger nedovoljena točilnica
blind shell slepi naboj
blind spot mrtva točka
to strike blind oslepiti
to turn a blind eye to delati se slepega za kaj
there's none so blind ne da si dopovedati
it will happen when the devil is blind to se ne bo nikdar zgodilo
blind window (door) zazidano okno (zazidana vrata)
blind side nezavarovana, slaba stran
blind corner nepregleden ulični vogal
blind in an eye na eno oko slep
blind to one's defects zaslepljen - blíže nearer; closer
čim blíže as near as possible
sedel je najbliže vrat he sat nearest the door - bob1 botanika broad bean, horsebean
to je bob ob steno figurativno that is a waste of time
kot da bi bob ob steno metal you might as well talk to the cat
vse je bob ob steno pri njem it's a waste of breath talking to him
moje besede so bob ob steno my words are like water on a duck's back
reči bobu bob to call a spade a spade - bogát rich (z in, with); wealthy; well off; affluent, opulent; (obilen) abundant, copious
zelo, neizmerno bogát enormously rich; as rich as Croesus
bogáta izbira a wide selection
bogáta pojedina a rich feast
bogáta rima rich rhyme
bogáta zemlja rich (ali fertile) soil
bogáta žetev a rich harvest, heavy crop, bumper crop
z zlatom bogáta ruda an ore rich in gold
bogát z živino rich in cattle
bogáto ilustriran profusely illustrated
biti zelo bogát to be rolling in money, to be made of money
biti bogát z to be rich in
postati bogát to become rich - bold [bould] pridevnik (boldly prislov)
smel, drzen, srčen, neustrašen; podjeten; jasen, izrazit; strm
to make bold drzniti si
as bold as brass predrzen
bold face masten tisk
to put a bold face on ne se za kaj zmeniti
I beg (ali make) bold to say upam si trditi, prepričan sem - bond1 [bɔnd] samostalnik
vez; okovi; dolžnost, obveznost; zadolžnica; zastavnica; prvovrsten pisemski papir; državno varstvo nad še neocarinjenim blagom
out of bond ocarinjen
in bond še neocarinjen
his word is as good as his bond mož beseda je - bóter godfather; (birmanski, krstni) sponsor
botri (pri krstu) godparents pl
biti bóter to be someone's godfather
biti za bótra to act as sponsor (for), to sponsor (čemu something) - brass1 [bra:s] samostalnik
medenina, med, bron
pogovorno denar
glasba trobila
množina medeninasta posoda; nagrobna plošča, spominska plošča
ameriško, sleng častniki
figurativno nesramnost, predrznost
as bold as brass kar se da nesramen - brátovščina brotherhood; fraternity; fellowship
piti brátovščino s kom to drink together the customary pledge of friendship, after which the parties may adopt intimate forms of address (in Slovene, to address each other as ti) - brew1 [bru:]
1. prehodni glagol
(s)kuhati, (z)variti
figurativno pripraviti, povzročiti; (s)kovati
2. neprehodni glagol
kuhati, variti se
figurativno pripravljati se
a mischief is brewing nesreča grozi
a storm is brewing nevihta se pripravlja
as you have brewed, so you must drink kakor si postelješ, tako boš spal