
Zadetki iskanja

  • jásen (veder) unclouded, serene, unobscured, fair, sunny; (očiten) evident, obvious, manifest; (viden) clear, conspicuous; (svetel) luminous, bright, shining, light; (razumljiv) intelligible, easily understood; (nedvomen) indubitable, unmistakable, not to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvoumen) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izrečen) explicit; (točen) precise, exact; (barva) light, light-coloured; (slog, stil) clear, lucid; (samoumeven) self-evident

    jásno in jedrnato izraziti to express tersely and neatly
    jásen kot beli dan self-evident, as clear as daylight (ali arhaično as noonday), as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as the palm of your hand
    nebo je jásno the sky is clear
    to je jásno that's clear, that's flat
    kot strela z jásnega out of the blue
    strela z jásnega a bolt from the blue
    ni mi čisto jásno it is not quite clear to me
    nisem si na jásnem o tem I am not (quite) clear about it
    sem jásen? do I make myself clear?, have I made myself plain on that point?
    jásno govoriti to speak clearly
    jásno se izraziti to make it clear
    jásno se odražati na obzorju to show clear on the horizon
    priti na jásno (figurativno) to clear up, to settle (o čem something)
    postalo nam je jásno it dawned on us
    to je popolnoma jásno (figurativno) it's perfectly obvious
  • jáviti to let someone know, to make known, (s pismom) to write (ali to send word); to communicate; to give notice; (obvestiti) to inform, to notify, to advise, to apprise, to announce, to report; arhaično to give out (ali forth)

    jáviti komu kaj to notify someone of something
    jáviti se (pojaviti se) to appear, (prijaviti se) (osebno) to report, to present oneself, (s pismom) to send word of oneself, to give some sign of life
    jáviti se (za razpisano mesto) to apply for, to offer oneself for
    jáviti se k izpitu to enter for an examination
    že mesec dni se mi ni javil I have not heard from him for a month, it's a month since I last heard from him
    kot je že bilo javljeno as already announced (ali reported)
    javite mi, prosim... please let me know..., please send me word...
    javila se je pri nas she has called on us, she has called round to see us
    tujci se morajo jáviti policiji foreigners must report to the Police
  • jáz I; (rabljen kot samostalnik) ego, self

    jáz na primer... I for one
    jáz sam myself
    to sem jáz it is I, pogovorno it's me
    on in jáz sva velika prijatelja he and I are close friends
    ti to veš tako dobro kot jáz you know this as well as I do
    on tega ne verjame in jáz tudi ne he does not believe it and neither do I (ali nor do I)
    jáz, ki sem to videl... as one who saw it, I...
    kult jáza egoism
    drugi jáz second self
    preveč misli na svoj jáz he thinks too much of self
    on je moj drugi jáz he is my other self
  • jegúlja zoologija eel

    osti za lov na jegúlje eel spear
    vrša za jegúlje eel basket, buck
    lov na jegúlje eel fishing
    gladek kot jegúlja (as) slippery as an eel
    je prava jegúlja he is as slippery as an eel
  • jêklo steel

    jêklu podoben steel-like, steel(y)
    trd kot jêklo as hard as steel
    besemersko jêklo Bessemer steel
    cementirano jêklo cement st.
    kaljeno jêklo hardened st.
    kromirano jêklo chrome st.
    lito jêklo cast st.
    Martinovo jêklo Martin steel, open-hearth steel
    plemenito jêklo high-quality steel, special alloy steel
    legirano jêklo alloy st.
    mehko jêklo low (ali mild, soft) steel
    nerjavno jêklo stainless (ali rustless) steel
    rapidno jêklo high-speed steel
    trdo high (ali hard) steel
    volframovo jêklo tungsten steel
    kaliti jêklo to temper steel
    mehko jêklo mild steel
  • jemáti to take

    jemáti na pósodo to borrow
    jemljem Vam čas I'm taking up your time
    jemáti kaj za čisto (sveto) resnico to take something as (ali for) gospel truth
    jemáti posojila to raise loans
    jemáti na up, na kredit to take on credit
    jemáti v poštev to take into consideration, to consider, to take into account, to allow for
    jemáti za zlo (zameriti) to take amiss, to take the wrong way
    ne jemljite mi tega za zlo! don't take that amiss!, don't take offence!
    jemáti slovo to take leave
    on vedno jemlje stvari preresno he takes everything much too seriously
  • jésti to eat; to take food; to take one's meal(s); to have one's dinner (oziroma lunch oziroma supper oziroma breakfast); (hraniti se) to feed

    dietično jésti to keep to a diet
    dobro jésti (gostiti se) to enjoy sumptuous fare, to be regaled
    glasno jésti to munch
    jésti pri kom (biti na hrani) to board with someone
    jésti s krožnika to eat from a plate
    pohlepno, požrešno jésti to eat greedily, to eat like a wolf, to wolf one's food, to be a gourmandizer
    naglo jésti to bolt down, to devour, to gulp down
    rad jésti (svinino) to be partial to (pork)
    rad jém sladice I have a sweet tooth, I like sweets
    jésti na tuj račun to sponge, to be a sponger
    jésti skupaj z (npr. v menzi) to mess with
    jésti s tekom to relish one's food
    jésti brez teka to eat without appetite
    dati komu kaj jésti to give someone something to eat, to feed someone, (živalim) to feed (animals)
    on ima komaj kaj jésti he lives from hand to mouth
    ona malo (veliko) jé she is a poor (a hearty ali a great) eater
    on obilno jé he is a great trencherman, he plies a good knife and fork
    preveč jém I overeat
    on jé samo ribe he eats nothing but fish
    pri njih se dobro jé they keep a good table
    jaz vse jém I eat anything
    rajši jém teletino I prefer veal
    mi jémo v restavraciji we take our meals in a restaurant
    ves dan nisem ne jedel ne pil I've had nothing to eat or drink all day long
    on mi jé iz roke (figurativno) he eats out of my hand, I've got him eating out of my hand
    jedel sem do sitega I have eaten (ali I have had) my fill, pogovorno I'm full up
    kdor ne dela, naj ne jé no work, no food
    jésti kolikor kdo zmore to eat as much as one can
  • junák hero

    junák dneva hero of the day (ali of the hour)
    Neznani junák Unknown Soldier
    grob Neznanega junáka Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
    boriti se kot junák to fight like a hero
    napraviti junáka iz koga to make someone (into) a hero, to venerate someone as a hero
    umreti kot junák to die a hero
    doma se vsakdo čuti junáka every cock crows on his dunghill
  • kakorkóli however, howsoever; anyhow; no matter how

    bodi temu kakorkóli be that as it may
    kakorkóli so stvari... however things are...
    kakorkóli, zanesljivo boste dobili odgovor anyhow, you are sure to get a reply
  • kámen stone; ZDA (vsake oblike) rock; medicina calculus, stone, gravel, concretion; (prodnik) pebble

    brusni kámen whetstone, grindstone
    drag kámen precious stone, gem
    drobilec kámna (oseba) quarryman, quarrier, (stroj) crushing machine, jaw (ZDA rock) crusher
    gradbeni kámen building stone
    kisli kámen (galun) alum
    kresilni kámen mint, flintstone, (za vžigalnik) (lighter) flint
    kámen kaldrme cobble, cobblestone
    ledvični kámen kidney stone
    loščilni kámen (za kovine) Bath-brick
    miljni kámen milestone
    mlinski kámen millstone
    peklenski kámen lunar caustic, silver nitrate
    preskusni kámen touchstone; test
    nagrobni kámen tombstone, gravestone
    otesan kámen hewn stone, dressed stone, ashlar
    sklepni kámen keystone
    kámen spotike stumbling block
    kámen modrih philosophers' stone
    vinski kámen tartar
    temeljni kámen foundation stone
    vogelni kámen cornerstone
    kámen v mehurju medicina urinary calculus
    žolčni kámen gallstone
    zobni kámen tartar
    umeten drag kámen imitation gem
    tvorba kámnov medicina lithogenesis
    mrzel kot kámen stone-cold
    gluh kot kámen stone-deaf
    trd kot kámen (as) hard as stone, stone-hard
    domet, lučaj kámna a stone's throw
    kup kámnov a heap of stones
    obdelovanje kámna stonework
    srcé iz kámna a stony heart
    trd kot kámen (figurativno) hard as stone, biblija arhaično hard as the nether millstone
    lomiti kámen to quarry
    metati kámne v koga to throw stones at someone
    to bi še kámen omečilo it is enough to melt a heart of stone
    odvaliti komu težak kámen od srca to take a load (ali a weight) off someone's mind
    kámen se mi je odvalil od srca a great weight has been taken off my mind, that's a great weight off my mind
    ne pustiti kámna na kámnu not to leave a single stone standing
    zmrzuje, da kámen poka it freezes hard
    porušiti, razdejati kámen za kámnom to pull down stone by stone
    od zgradbe ni ostal kámen na kámnu not a single stone of the building was left standing
    rajši bi kámne tolkel na cesti! I'd rather do hard labour, I'd rather join a chain gang
    zagnati, zalučati kámen v koga to cast a stone at someone
    ubiti dve muhi z enim kámnom to kill two birds with one stone
    kámen do kámna palača (figurativno) look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
  • kàr1 what; that which; which; that

    povej mi, kar veš tell me what you know
    kàr se mene tiče as far as I am concerned, as for me
    ni vse zlato, kar se sveti all that glitters is not gold
  • kàr2

    kàr najhitreje as soon as possible
    kàr vprašaj ga! just ask him!
    kàr smej se (naprej)! laugh away
    kàr išči! search away!
    kàr najemite nosača! just engage a porter!
    kàr pridi! come without ceremony!
    on še kàr dobro dela he works tolerably well
  • káro (karta) diamond

    káro kralj (as, desetka) the king (the ace, the ten) of diamonds
    káro devetica pogovorno the curse of Scotland
  • káro carreau

    (pri kartah) karo kralj roi moški spol de carreau
    karov as as moški spol de carreau
    karova sedmica sept moški spol de carreau
  • káro cuadro m

    karov as as m de oros
    karova sedmica siete m de oros
  • kávcija trgovina security; caution money; deposit; pledge; (na sodišču) bail

    deponiran kot kávcija deposited as a pledge
    zmožen kávcije able to afford security
    dati kávcijo to give security, to give bail
    biti na svobodi proti kávciji to be out on bail
    položiti kávcijo to put in bail
    spustiti na svobodo proti kávciji to release on bail
  • kér because

    kér (pač) as, since
    ni mogel priti, kér je bil bolan he could not come because he was ill
    kér je deževalo, nismo šli na pot as it was raining, we did not start
    kér se ti ne ljubi iti, lahko ostaneš doma as you don't feel like coming, you can stay at home
    kér mi (že, pač) ne verjameš... since you don't believe me...
    kér ni nič boljšega for want of something better
  • kip statue; (na konju) equestrian statue; (odlivek) cast

    kipi pl (kolektivno) statuary; (oltarni) altarpiece
    podnožje kipa pedestal
    miren kot kip still as a statue, still as death
    okrašen s kipi decorated ali ornamented with statues, arhaično statued
    podoben kipu statuesque, sculpturesque
    odkriti kip to unveil a statue
  • kmálu soon, (v kratkem) shortly; before long; early; presently

    bom kmálu nazaj I'll be back soon
    kmálu po moji vrnitvi soon after my return
    knjiga bo kmálu izšla the book will be published shortly, the book will be out soon
    kmálu se vrni! come back soon!
    kmálu bom prejel pismo I'll receive a letter shortly
    ti bi kmálu to obžaloval you'd soon regret it
    kmálu bi bil padel I nearly (ali almost) fell
    ne boš tako kmálu našel boljšega prijatelja! you won't find a better friend in a month of Sundays!
    kmálu nato, kmálu potem soon afterwards
    kar najbolj kmálu (čim prej) as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
  • kolegiálen collegial; (tovariški) comradely; loyal to one's mates (ali fellows, chums), behaving like a good comrade (ali fellow, chum, pal)

    kolegiálno ravnati to act as a good colleague