zakljúčiti to conclude (iz, da... from, that...); to draw a conclusion, to deduce, to infer (iz from); (dokončati) to bring to an end
zakljúčiti se to close
razstava se je zaključila the exhibition has closed
svoj govor je zaključil s temi besedami he concluded his speech with these words
zaključil je sejo he declared the sitting to be at an end
seja je zaključena the sitting is concluded
Zadetki iskanja
- zakúp lease; rent; pravo tenancy
v zakúpu on lease, rented, tenanted
dosmrten zakúp tenancy for life
(vedno možen) odpovedljiv zakúp tenancy at will
povraten zakúp leaseback
dati v zakúp to let out on lease, to put out to lease, to lease
(daje se) v zakúp (oglas) to let
imeti v zakúpu to hold on (ali by) lease, to tenant
vzeti v zakúp to take on lease, to rent - zakupništvo samostalnik
(vrsta imetniškega razmerja) ▸ haszonbérlet
Leta 1919 je že ugotavljal, da se je zakupništvo marsikje sprevrglo v podjetništvo. ▸ Már 1919-ben megállapította, hogy a haszonbérlet sok helyen vállalkozássá alakult át. - zaničevánje disdain; scorn; contempt; disregard
z zaničevánjem se izraziti to scoff (at)
zaničevánja vreden contemptible, despicable - zapírati to close, to shut; to lock up; (v zapor) to imprison, to arrest; to incarcerate; to commit to prison, to take into custody
zapírati se to shut, to close
se ta vrata zapirajo s ključem? does this door lock?
trgovina se zapira ob šestih the shop closes at six
zapiramo! (v parku, muzeju ipd.) we're closing!, it's closing time!, all out! - zapréka obstacle, hindrance (komu to someone), impediment; hitch; obstruction; barrier; (nenadna) check; bar, hurdle
brez zaprék without obstacles, without a hitch
tek čez zapréke šport hurdles pl; obstacle race
naleteti na zapréke to meet with obstacles, to run into obstacles
naleteti na nepričakovano zapréko to run into a snag
premagati zapréke to overcome obstacles
on je rekorden tekač čez zapréke he is a record hurdler
odstraniti zapréke to remove obstacles
delati komu zapréke to put (ali to throw) obstacles in someone's way
visoke gore so velika zapréka za promet the high mountains are a great obstacle to communication
konj je padel pri prvi zapréki the horse fell at the first jump
biti zapréka za to be an obstacle to
to je bila zapréka za njegovo napredovanje it was a bar (ali a barrier) to his advancement
nekje je bila kaka zapréka (figurativno) there was a hitch somewhere
ni poti brez zaprék no road is without obstacles - zapréti (knjigo, vrata ipd.) to shut; to close; to shut in; (s ključem) to lock (up); (z zapahom) to bolt; (ulico) to block, to bar, to obstruct
zapréti dežnik to fold one's umbrella
zapréti v ječo to lock up in jail, to take to jail, to imprison, to commit to prison, to take into custody
zapréti jetnika v njegovo celico to shut a prisoner up in his cell
zapréti oči to shut one's eyes, (umreti) to close one's eyes, to die, to expire
zapréti oči pred čim (= ne hoteti videti) to connive at something, to shut one's eyes to something
zapréti vodovodno pipo to turn the tap off
zapréti plin to turn the gas off
zaprl (zamašil) sem mu usta I shut him up
zapréti steklenico to cork (up) a bottle
zapréti za promet to close to traffic
zapréti tovarno (nehati z delom) to shut (ali to close) down a factory, to shut the works down
zapréti prodajalno, trgovino (pogovorno) to shut up shop
zapréti vstop v pristanišče to bar (ali to close) the entrance to a port
zaprli so pot, ki pelje preko njihovega polja they have closed the path that leads across their field
zapréti vrata pred kom (ne hoteti govoriti z njim) to shut the door on someone
pred nosom komu zapréti vrata to shut the door in someone's face
silovito zapréti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door
zapréti se (zakleniti se) to shut oneself up
zapréti se (o vratih) to swing to, to swing shut
zapréti se vase (figurativno) to shut oneself away, to immure oneself - zapretíti to threaten (komu someone, z with); to menace (someone)
zapretíti komu s pestjo to shake one's fist at someone
zapretíti komu s smrtjo to threaten someone with death
zapretili so nam s kaznijo they threatened us with punishment
vsem nam je zapretil s kaznijo he threatened us all with punishment
zapretil je, da bo fanta pretepel he threatened to beat the boy - zasídrati to anchor, to moor, to cast (ali to drop) anchor
zasidral je ladjo v zalivu he anchored his ship in the bay
zasídrati se to anchor, to come to anchor
zasidran at anchor
biti zasidran to lie (ali to ride) at anchor
njegova vera je trdno zasidrana his faith is firmly grounded - zaskrbéti
zaskrbéti koga to make someone anxious (ali concerned, apprehensive), to trouble someone; (postati zaskrbljen) to be worried (ali alarmed), upset (ob at, about), to become anxious (ali concerned) (ob about), to worry
mater je zelo zaskrbelo Mother was very anxious (ali most upset) - zastáva1 (prapor) flag, (zlasti vojska) colours pl; standard; banner
zastáva na pol droga flag at half-mast
bela (parlamentarska) zastáva flag of truce
bela zastáva white flag
piratska zastáva skull and crossbones, Jolly Roger, (pirate's) black flag
kraljevska zastáva (prapor) royal standard
državna zastáva Velike Britanije Union Jack
zastáva britanske vojne mornarice White Ensign
zastáva angleške trgovske mornarice Red Ensign
zastáva ZDA Stars and Stripes
zastáva trgovske mornarice merchant flag
pozdrav zastávi trooping of the colour
z razvitimi zastávami with flying colours
pred odhodom ladje dvignjena modra zastáva Blue Peter
mesto je v zastávah the town is decorated (ali hung) with flags (ali with bunting)
okrasiti z zastávami to flag
izobesiti zastávo to hoist the flag (ali the colours)
izobesiti belo zastávo (figurativno, vdati se) to hang out the white flag
dvigniti zastávo svobode (figurativno) to raise the standard of liberty
pluti pod napačno zastávo (figurativno) to sail under false colours
razviti zastávo to unfurl the banner
priseči zastávi to swear allegiance to the flag
spustiti zastávo (= priznati poraz) to lower (ali to strike) the flag (ali one's colours)
spuščati in dvigati zastávo v pozdrav to dip the flag - zastòj deadlock; standstill; stop, stopping; stagnation, stagnancy
zastòj v prometu traffic jam, traffic hold-up, tailback, bottleneck
v zastòju at a standstill, at a deadlock
priti do zastòja to come to a deadlock
privesti do zastòja to bring to a standstill - zastúditi to disgust (komu kaj someone with something)
to se mi je zastudilo I was quite disgusted at it
vse se mu je zastudilo he is disgusted with everything - zatúliti to howl; to roar
zatúliti na koga to roar at someone
zatulili so od smeha they roared with laughter - zavez|a2 [é] ženski spol (-e …) biblično: der Bund
skrinja zaveze die Bundeslade
sveto pismo: Nova zaveza das Neue Testament (kratica : NT)
Stara zaveza das Alte Testament (kratica : AT) - zbíjanje nailing (ali riveting, joining, dovetailing) together
zbíjanje šal cracking jokes; making fun (of), making game (of), poking fun (at) - zbíjati to nail (ali to rivet, to join) together
zbíjati šale to crack jokes, to make fun (ali game), to poke fun (at), to play tricks (on), pogovorno to take the mickey (out of) - zbirálen de rassemblement, de ramassage
zbiralna akcija collecte ženski spol, souscription publique
zbiralni center centre moški spol de rassemblement (ali de ramassage)
zbiralna leča (optika) lentille convergente, condens(at)eur moški spol - zbudíti to wake, to wake up; to waken, figurativno to awaken; to rouse (from sleep), figurativno to arouse
žena me je zbudila ob šestih my wife woke me up at 6 o'clock
hrup ga je zbudil the noise woke him up
slika je zbudila žalostne spomine the picture awoke sad memories
zbudíti k življenju pesniško to awaken to life
zbudíti se to wake (up), to awake, to be roused, to be awakened
navadno se zbudim zgodaj I usually wake up early
zbudíti koga iz letargije, apatije to arouse someone from (his) lethargy, apathy, to shake someone out of (his) lethargy, apathy - zdráha discord, dissension; warfare; variance
delati, povzročiti zdráho to cause dissension
to je naredilo zdráho med njima that set them at variance
biti v zdráhi z to be in conflict (ali at loggerheads) with someone, to be constantly warring (ali feuding) with someone