border samostalnik
neformalno (športnik) ▸ boardos, boardozó
Letos načrtujejo še odprtje parka za borderje. ▸ kontrastivno zanimivo Az idén még egy boardpark megnyitását tervezik.
Sopomenke: deskar na snegu, deskar
Zadetki iskanja
- border collie stalna zveza
(pes) ▸ border collie
Sopomenke: borderski ovčar, škotski mejni ovčar - bordúra border; edge
bordúra preproge the binding of a carpet - mêja (državna, deželna) frontier, border; (ločnica) boundary (-line); (mejno področje) borders pl, confines pl; figurativno limit, (skrajni konec) extreme point; (rob) edge, verge, skirt
na mêji on the frontier
onkraj mêje beyond the frontier, (v tujini) abroad
v mêjah (česa) within the borders (ali limits) (of something)
do (neke) gotove mêje to a certain extent, to some extent, up to a point
mestne mêje city boundaries pl
starostna mêja age limit
živa mêja hedge, hedgerow, quickset hedge
določitev mêje demarcation; delimitation
kršitev mêje violation of the frontier
prestopitev mêje frontier-crossing
mêja, ki se ne sme prestopiti figurativno pogovorno deadline
prekoračiti, prestopiti mêjo to cross the frontier, (figurativno) to exceed the limit (ali permission)
postaviti mêjo, mêje to put (ali to set) bounds to, to limit
začrtati mêjo to draw a boundary
določiti mêjo to determine (ali to set, to fix) a boundary
vse ima svoje mêje there is a limit to everything, we must draw the line somewhere
ne poznati mêje (figurativno) to know no bounds
njegova hvaležnost (njegovo začudenje) ni poznala mêjá his gratitude (his surprise) knew no bounds
to presega vse mêje that passes all bounds
moje potrpljenje je skoraj doseglo svojo mêjo I have almost reached the limit of my patience
držati v mêjah to keep within bounds, to check, to restrain
tvoriti mêjo čemu to form the boundary of something - obkrájek edge; border
- obméjen frontier, border
obméjna dežela (postaja) border land (station)
obméjni promet frontier traffic - obróbek border; (obšiv) trimming
- obróbiti border, lisérer, ourler
- obšítek obšív border; (na obleki) (dress) trimming; (trakec) ribbon
- obšíti border , (s trakom) lisérer, ourler
- okrájek border; brim; edge
- rób2 (mize) edge; (prepada, groba itd.) brink; (ceste) roadside, verge; (strani) margin; (mesta itd.) outskirts pl, confines pl; (gozda) border, margin, pesniško marge; figurativno verge; (kozarca, klobuka) brim
čisto na róbu on the verge of
na róbu propada (vojne) on the verge of ruin (of war)
do róba poln brimful
čez rób poln full to the brim, brimful
napisan na róbu (obroben) marginal
kot (je) ob róbu (zapisano) as per margin
na róbu dobrega okusa on the margin of good taste
biti na róbu histerije to be on the verge of hysterics
na (skalnem) róbu griča on the brow of the hill
napolniti do róba to fill to the brim
napraviti rób (zarobiti) to hem
privesti na rób to lead to the brink (of)
postaviti se po róbu to make a stand against, to get up on one's hind legs - róben -a, -o border
- róbiti (obleko) ourler, border, galonner, faire un bord ; (kovance) créneler, cordonner
- zaróbiti ourler, border , (s trakom) galonner
- borderski ovčar stalna zveza
(pes) ▸ border collie
Sopomenke: border collie, škotski mejni ovčar - gráničar border guard
gráničarji pl frontier force; frontier regiment - krájina1 region; country; zgodovina March, the Border
Julijska krájina Julian March
Vojna krájina borderland, military frontier
Bela Krajina White Carniola - mejíti to border (na on); to abut; to adjoin; to be adjacent (to)
to meji na blaznost that verges (ali is verging) on insanity
moj vrt meji na cesto my garden borders on the road
njegova zemlja meji na mojo his land is adjacent to mine
naše njive mejijo na vaše our fields adjoin (ali abut on) yours
njegova brezobzirnost meji na nesramnost his bluntness verges on insolence - obróbiti to hem; to border; to rim; to edge; to trim; (podplat, obleko) to welt
temno obrobljen darkrimmed
zlato obrobljena očala gold-rimmed spectacles pl
črno obrobljen ZDA black-bordered