
Zadetki iskanja

  • uméti (úmem) to know (how to...); to be skilled (in), to be versed (in); to understand; to manage; to contrive; to be able

    on ume brati hieroglife he is versed in the reading of hieroglyphs, he can read hieroglyphs
  • understand* [ʌndəstǽnd]

    1. prehodni glagol
    razumeti, umeti, pojmiti; razumeti se, spoznati se (how to nedoločnik kako...)
    uvideti, spoznati, izkusiti; smatrati, misliti, predpostaviti, podrazumeti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    razumeti, imeti razum; biti informiran
    zastarelo zvedeti, slišati

    to understand about biti informiran o čem
    to understand one another (each other) razumeti se med seboj (eden drugega), zlágati se, harmonirati
    to understand business razumeti se na posle
    he understands horses razume se, spozna se na konje
    he can't understand a joke on ne razume šale
    I understand from his manner vidim po njegovem vedenju
    I understand he died last week zvedel sem (slišal sem, slišim), da je umrl pretekli teden
    I understand that you spread these rumours slišim (slišal sem, pravijo), da vi širite te govorice
    am I to understand that this sum is meant to cover all expenses? naj razumem (naj to pomeni), da naj ta vsota krije vse stroške?
    do I (ali am I to) understand that you refuse? hočete s tem reči, da odklanjate?
    it is an understood thing that... samo po sebi se razume, da...
    that is understood to se razume samo po sebi
    to give s.o. to understand dati komu razumeti
    to make s.o. understand dati komu razumeti; razložiti komu
    to make o.s. understood in French sporazume(va)ti se v francoščini, znati toliko francosko, da se sporazumemo (s kom)
    it must be clearly understood that if you go, you go alone moramo si biti čisto na jasnem, da, če greste, greste sami
    what did you understand him to say? kako ste razumeli njegove besede?
  • umévati ➞ umeti
Število zadetkov: 3