
Zadetki iskanja

  • pomágati to help, to aid, to assist; to support, to succour, to lend a hand; to be of assistance, to sustain, to relieve, to back up, figurativno to give a hand; (koristiti) to avail, to be of avail, to profit, to be good for, to be of use; (sredstvo, zdravilo) to remedy, to cure, to be efficacious

    pomágati si to find a way (iz težave out of a difficulty)
    sam si pomágati to help oneself, to shift for oneself
    pomágati si brez česa to go without something
    moram si pomágati, kot vem in znam I must shift as well as (ali as best) I can
    moram si pomágati s slovarjem I have to use the dictionary
    pri hoji si pomaga s palico he walks with the help of a stick
    ne si znati pomágati to be at a loss
    ti si znaš pomágati (si iznajdljiv) you are resourceful
    pomágati si medsebojno to aid (ali ta help, to assist) one another (oziroma each other) mutually
    pomagaj si sam in bog ti bo pomagal God helps those who help themselves
    prisiljeni smo, da si pomagamo, kot vemo in znamo we are reduced to expedients
    on si zna pomágati na vse načine he knows all the answers, he's up to all the tricks
    kaj to pomaga? (čemú to?) what is the use of it?
    tu se ne da nič pomágati it can't be helped
    temu je lahkó pomágati this is easily remedied
    kaj pomaga razlagati? what is the use of explaining?
    to nam prav nič ne pomaga that does not help us a bit
    ne vem si več pomágati I am at my wits' end, I do not know what to do
    kaj pomaga to? what is the use of that?, arhaično what will it avail?
    to mi nič ne pomaga that leaves me no better off, I am no better off for it
    kaj ji bo to pomagalo? what good will it do her?
    pomágati komu do česa to help someone to get something
    vam nekoliko pomagam? may I offer you some assistance?
    hočete, da vam pomagam? shall I give you (ali lend you) a hand?
    pomagaj mi, da vstanem! help me up!
    pomagal ji je preko potoka he helped her across the stream
    pomagal sem mu nesti paket I helped him to carry (ali I helped him with) his parcel
    vse skupaj ni nič pomagalo it was all no use
    vse moje pritožbe mi niso nič pomagale all my complaints were useless (ali of no avail)
    tako mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
    pomagali so mi na noge they helped me up, they helped me back on my feet
    pomágati vdovi in siroti to befriend the widow and the orphan
    to zdravilo mi je pomagalo this medicine has done me good
    komur ni svetovati, temu ni mogoče pomágati he who cannot be advised, cannot be helped; where counsel fails no cure prevails
  • abet [əbét] prehodni glagol
    podpirati, pomagati; dajati potuho, hujskati

    to aid and abet biti sokriv
  • abide on neprehodni glagol
    pomagati, biti komu ob strani
  • abide with neprehodni glagol
    podpirati, pomagati, biti komu ob strani; zadovoljiti se s čim
  • administer [ədmínistə]

    1. prehodni glagol
    voditi, upravljati, oskrbovati; uporabiti; vršiti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    prispevati; pomagati; služiti

    to administer an oath zapriseči
    to administer the law soditi
    to administer medicine dati zdravilo
    to administer a rebuke grajati
    to administer a shock prizadeti udarec
    to administer a will izvršiti oporoko
  • aid1 [eid] prehodni glagol
    pomagati, podpirati; pospeševati

    pravno to aid and abet pomagati, iti na roko
  • assist [əsíst]

    1. prehodni glagol (in, at, with)
    pomagati; podpirati

    2. neprehodni glagol (in, at)
    udeleževati se, prisostvovati, pomagati
  • avail1 [əvéil] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
    koristiti, pomagati; uporabljati

    to avail o.s. of okoristiti se s čim
    what avails it? kaj pomaga?
    to be availed of rabiti nekaj
  • back4 [bæk]

    1. neprehodni glagol
    nazaj stopiti, umikati se; zmuzniti se

    2. prehodni glagol
    nazaj potisniti, nazaj gnati, nazaj voziti; podpreti, podpirati; pomagati; staviti; (o)krepiti; biti opora; biti ozadje; indosirati

    I'll back myself against any odds stavim ne vem kaj
    to back a horse zajahati konja; staviti na konja
    to back the wrong horse ušteti se, staviti na napačno karto
    to back the oars, to back astern nazaj veslati
    to back and fill kolebati, ne se odločiti
    to back on one's word besedo snesti
    to back on s.o. izdati koga, pustiti ga na cedilu
    to back a cheque indosirati ček
    mornarica back her! vozi nazaj!
    to back water nazaj veslati
  • befriend [bifrénd] prehodni glagol
    pomagati, pomoči, podpreti, podpirati; zavzeti se za koga
  • benefit2 [bénifit]

    1. prehodni glagol
    koristiti; pomagati; prijati, pomagati

    2. neprehodni glagol
    okoristiti se
  • bestead [bistéd] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
    zastarelo koristiti; pomoči, pomagati
  • contribute [kəntríbjut] prehodni glagol (to)
    prispevati, sodelovati, pomagati

    to contribute to a paper pisati članke za časopis
  • co-operate [kouɔ́pəreit] prehodni glagol (with s.o., in
    sodelovati; prispevati, pripomoči, pomagati; združiti, zediniti se
  • deliver [dilívə] prehodni glagol (from, of)
    rešiti, osvoboditi, razbremeniti; roditi; izročiti, dostaviti, poslati; (udarec) zadati; opustiti; izvreči; (govor) imeti; (pri porodu) pomagati

    to deliver a blow udariti
    to be delivered of a child roditi
    to deliver o.s. of a duty opraviti dolžnost
    to deliver o.s. of an opinion (ali a subject) povedati svoje mnenje
    to deliver o.s. up vdati se
    stand and deliver! denar ali življenje!
    figurativno to deliver the goods izpolniti obveznost
    to deliver over izročiti
  • encourage [inkʌ́ridž] prehodni glagol
    (o)hrabriti, podž(i)gati, bodriti, spodbuditi, spodbujati; pomagati; pospeševati
  • favour2 ameriško favor [féivə] prehodni glagol (with)
    podpreti, podpirati, pomagati; počastiti, biti naklonjen; da(ja)ti prednost, protežirati; bodriti
    pogovorno biti podoben; olajšati komu kaj

    the wind favours the vessel veter je ugoden
    the boy favours his father deček je podoben očetu
    favour me with an answer odgovorite mi, prosim
  • forward4 [fɔ́:wəd] prehodni glagol
    pospešiti; pomagati, podpirati; (od)poslati, odpremiti; dostaviti
  • further3 [fə́:ðə] prehodni glagol
    pomagati, podpirati, pospeševati, koristiti
  • help2 [help] prehodni glagol
    pomagati, podpreti, podpirati; pripomoči, prispevati; (u)blažiti (s can in neg)
    ne moči se upirati, si pomagati, preprečiti, se izogniti; ponuditi, podati (pri mizi)

    I cannot help it ne morem pomagati, sem nemočen
    it cannot be helped ni pomoči
    if I can help it če se temu lahko izognem
    don't be late if you can help it ne ostani delj, kot je potrebno
    don't do more than you can help napravi le tisto, kar moraš
    I cannot help laughing moram se smejati; ne morem si kaj, da se ne bi smejal
    I cannot help myself ne morem drugače
    how could I help it? kaj sem jaz mogel za to
    to help s.o. in (ali with) pomagati komu pri čem
    to help o.s. to postreči si s čim, prisvojiti si kaj, ukrasti
    to help s.o. to ponuditi komu kaj (pri mizi), postreči komu s čim
    to help a lame dog over a stile; ali to help s.o. out pomagati komu prebroditi težave
    to lend a helping hand priskočiti v pomoč
    every little helps vse prav pride
    nothing will help now ni več pomoči