počénjati počéti to do
kaj počenjate? what are you doing!, what are you up to?, what are you at?
kaj počenjaš ves dan? what do you do with yourself all day?
nimam kaj počénjati, počéti s tem I have no use for it
ne ve, kaj bi počel od veselja he is mad with joy
Zadetki iskanja
- footle1 [fú:tl] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
pogovorno počenjati neumnosti; čenčati, žlobudrati - monkey2 [mʌ́ŋki]
1. prehodni glagol
oponašati, rogati se komu
2. neprehodni glagol
počenjati neumnosti, zganjati norčije
to monkey about (ali around) igračkati se (with s, z) - rogue [róug]
1. samostalnik
lopov, falot, slepar, goljuf, malopridnež, ničvrednež
arhaično potepuh, klatež, vagabund
pogovorno, šaljivo navihanec, hudomušnež, razposajenec, porednež; neubogljiv konj, mrha, kljuse; samec (slon, bivol itd.) samotar; rastlina presajenka slabše vrste
rogue elephant hudoben samotarski slon
rogues' gallery uradna zbirka fotografij kriminalcev v Scotland Yardu
to play the rogue smešne uganjati, počenjati vragolije
2. neprehodni glagol & prehodni glagol
počenjati vragolije; varati, (o)slepariti, (o)goljufati
arhaično potepati se, klatiti se; pleti in uničevati (npr. rastline slabše vrste) - tomfool [tɔ́mfú:l]
1. samostalnik
bedak, norec; šaljivec, burkež; (ptič) deževnik
2. pridevnik
bedast, nor, aboten; smešen
3. neprehodni glagol
počenjati norčije, budalosti
prehodni glagol
pogovorno za norca (koga) imeti
Tom Fool (redko) norec (poosebljena neumnost) - accustomed [əkʌ́stəmd] pridevnik
navajen; navaden; značilen
to get accustomed to navaditi se česa
to be accustomed to do s.th. navadno kaj početi, počenjati kaj - ass [æs] samostalnik
figurativno tepec, bedak, norec
to make an ass of s.o. norčevati se iz koga
to make an ass of o.s. osmešiti se, neumno se vesti
sell your ass! pusti neumnosti!
to play (ali act) the ass počenjati neumnosti
to be an ass for one's pains doživeti nehvaležnost za svoj trud - vrág devil; Satan, the Evil One, the Tempter; the Prince of Darkness, the Adversary; arhaično the old gentleman, the archfiend, Old Nick; demon; dickens, deuce
vrág v ženski podobi she-devil
k vrágu! hang it!; what the dickens!
obseden od vrága possessed by the devil
vrág! the deuce!
vrág vzemi to! devil take it
k vrágu delo danes to hell with work today!
vrág ga je obsedel! he has the devil in him
kdo vrága ti je to rekel? who the devil (ali the dickens) (who on earth) told you that?
pojdi k vrágu! go to hell, go to the devil!
iti k vrágu to go to the devil, to go to the dogs, to go to rack and ruin
vse gre k vrágu everything is going to the dogs!
v sili vrág muhe jé (žre) beggars can't be choosers
ne kliči vrága! let sleeping dogs lie!
počenjati vrága in pol to raise the devil, to play hell
slikati, risati vrága na steno to paint the devil blacker than he is
vrág vzemi muhe bother the flies!
vrág te vzemi! (the) devil take you!
naj me vrág vzame, če... I'll eat my hat if..., I'll be (ali I'm) damned if..., I'll be shot (ali hanged) if...
kaj vrága delaš danes tukaj? what the devil (ali what the dickens) are you doing here today?
kar vrág prikveka, nima teka arhaično what is got over the devil's back, goes under the belly
vrág ga vzemi! confound him!
z vrágom ni dobro buče saditi! (figurativno) he that sups with the devil must have a long spoon
»danes bi se šel z vrágom metat« (figurativno) I feel full of vim to-day
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Število zadetkov: 8