
Zadetki iskanja

  • Amor Cupid; Roman god of love; pesniško the blind god

    amor (kip ali slika) cupid; (slaven kip na londonskem trgu, Piccadilly Circus) Eros
    Amorjeva puščica Cupid's arrow, pesniško the shaft of love
  • Británija Britain

    Velika Británija Great Britain, the United Kingdom, pesniško Britannia
    Velika Británija in njene kolonije Greater Britain
  • domá at home; in

    je on domá? is he in?, is he at home?
    je Vaš oče domá? is your father in, is your father at home?
    ni ga domá he is not at home, he is away, he is away from home
    domá narejen (kruh) home-made (bread)
    držati se domá to keep to the house
    on vedno tiči domá he never goes (ali gets) out, he is a stay-at-home
    on je domá iz Ljubljane he is a native of Ljubljana
    domá je najlepše there's no place like home
    počutiti se kot domá to feel at home
    bodite kot domá! make yourself at home!
    biti domá v (figurativno) to be at home in (ali with), to be familiar with
    nisem domá v tem predmetu (figurativno) I am not familiar with this subject
    ljubo domá, kdo ga ima east, west, home's best; pesniško be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
  • glás (zvok) voice, sound, noise; (novica, vest) news, tidings pl, message; (sloves) fame, reputation, repute, renown; (pri volitvah) vote; (volilna pravica) franchise, suffrage, right to vote

    na ves glás at the top of one's voice
    s preroškim glásom with the voice of a prophet, in a prophetic voice
    glás ljudstva public opinion, vox populi
    glás vesti the voice of conscience, pesniško the still (ali small) voice
    glás vpijočega v puščavi the voice of one crying in the wilderness
    glásovi za in proti the ayes and the noes
    s 400 glásovi proti 0 by 400 votes to nil
    dober glás (sloves) reputation, good fame, repute, renown
    na dobrem glásu well reputed, reputable
    slab glás (sloves) ill repute, bad name, bad reputation, notoriety
    na slabem glásu in bad odour, regarded unfavourably, notorious
    nabiranje glásov pred volitvami canvassing
    odločilni glás casting vote
    srebrni glás zvona the silver voice of the bell
    svetovnega glásu world-famous
    socialistični glási (pri volitvah) the Socialist vote
    večina 50 glásov a majority of 50 votes
    višina glásu pitch
    biti na dobrem glásu to be well regarded, to have a good reputation
    dati svoj (volilni) glás za to vote for
    dal vam bom svoj glás I will give you my vote
    predlog je dobil malo glásov the proposal was poorly supported
    dobiti večino glásov to win a majority, to top the poll
    govoriti na glás to speak in a loud voice
    ni na najboljšem glásu he has a rather poor reputation
    dobil, dosegel je večino 30 glásov he gained a majority of 30 votes
    ona ima lep glás she has a fine voice
    nimam glásu (vesti) od njega I have not heard from him
    imeti posvetovalen glás to have a consultative voice; to have a merely advisory capacity
    poslušati glás prijatelja to listen to the voice of a friend
    prešteti (volilne) glásove to count the votes
    povzdigniti svoj glás to raise one's voice; to make oneself heard
    pridobiti si dober glás to earn (ali to win) a good reputation
    spoznal sem jo po glásu I knew her by her voice
    slišijo se glásovi, da..., glás gre, da... it is rumoured that...
    biti poražen z 10 glásovi proti 8 (z 10 proti 0) to be defeated by 10 votes to 8 (by 10 votes to nil)
    ubogati glás svojega vodje to obey the orders of one's leader
    njegov glás je utonil v hrušču his voice was drowned by the noise
    uživati dober glás to enjoy a first-rate (ali a good) reputation
    zakričati, zavpiti na ves glás to shout at the top of one's voice
  • hlád hládnost cool, coolness; fresh, freshness; cool air; coldness; shade

    v jutranjem hlád, hládnostu in the cool (ali arhaično pesniško the fresh) of the morning
    uživati večerni hlád, hládnost to enjoy the cool of the evening
    biti v hlád, hládnostu to be in the cool
  • kášča granary, pesniško garner; (silos) silo; ZDA grain elevator

    spraviti v káščo to gather in, to store, pesniško to garner
  • kjêr where

    kjerkoli wherever; pesniško where'er
  • krásen beautiful, fine, fair; magnificent; splendid; glorious; grand

    krásni spol the fair sex; the gentle sex; pesniško the fair
  • króna crown; (star angleški kovanec = 5 šilingov) crown

    pol króne half crown, half-a-crown
    cesarska króna imperial crown, pesniško crown imperial
    drevesna króna crown (ali top) of a tree, treetop
    plemiška króna coronet
    zobna króna crown, cap
    naslednik króne successor to the crown
    prisvojitelj króne usurper of a crown
    biti króna česa to be the crown (ali the chief ornament) of something
    pokriti zob s króno to crown (ali to cap) a tooth
  • méšati to mix; to blend; to stir; to shuffle

    méšati barve to blend colours; (kovine) to alloy; (čaj, tobak) to blend
    méšati karte to shuffle the cards
    méšati si kavo to stir one's coffee
    (raso, pasmo méšati, križati) to interbreed, to mongrelize
    méšati poper in sol to mix pepper and salt
    méšati vino z vodo to mix wine with water
    méšati veselje z žalostjo to blend joy with sadness
    méšati se to mix, to mingle, finance, pesniško to commingle (z with)
    ne mešaj se v moje zadeve! mind your own business!
    méšati se v tuje zadeve to interfere with (ali to pry into; to meddle with) other people's business
    on se vedno v vse meša (figurativno) he is always poking his nose into other people's business, he likes to have a finger in every pie, he is always shoving his oar in
    meša se mu (figurativno) he is rambling, he is raving, he is mad, he is delirious
    se ti meša? are you crazy?, are you losing your mind?
  • mórje sea, (svetovno) ocean; pesniško billow

    ob mórju by the sea
    na mórju at sea; at the seaside, on the seashore
    na odprtem mórju on the open sea, on the high seas
    onstran mórja beyond the sea
    prek mórja overseas, oversea
    odprto mórje high sea, open sea, pesniško main
    Črno (Rdeče, Mrtvo) mórje the Black (the Red, the Dead) Sea
    Kaspijsko mórje the Caspian Sea, the Caspian
    Jadransko mórje the Adriatic Sea, the Adriatic
    Severno mórje the North Sea
    Sredozemsko mórje the Mediterranean, pogovorno the Med
    Tiho mórje the pacific, the Pacific Ocean
    kipenje mórja surf (of the sea)
    mirovanje mórja calm (ali calmness) of the sea
    bitka na mórju naval battle
    nagrbančeno, nagubano mórje choppy sea
    razburkano mórje a heavy sea, a rough sea, an angry sea
    mórje krví (figurativno) seas pl of blood
    mórje oblakov a sea of clouds
    mórje težav a sea of troubles
    vožnja po mórju naviagation, seafaring, voyage
    iti na mórje to go to the seaside, to go to the sea
    peljati se čez mórje to cross the sea
    biti na mórju to be at the seaside, to be by the sea
    potovati po mórju to voyage
    potovati po mórju in po kopnem to travel by land and sea
    mórje je razburkano the sea is running high, there is a heavy swell
    pasti v mórje (s krova) to fall overboard
    vreči v mórje (z ladje) to throw overboard
    to je kaplja v mórje (figurativno) it's a drop in the bucket
    mórje obliva obalo the sea washes the coast
    navadil sem se na mórje I have got used to the sea
    posvetiti se mórju (postati mornar) to go to sea, to follow the sea, to decide on a sailor's life (ali humoristično a life on the ocean wave)
    vsa družina je na mórju all the family are at the seaside
    kapljica v mórje (figurativno) a drop in the ocean
  • nekóč once, at one time, in times past, in old times, in former times; (v bodočnosti) some day

    nekóč boš moral vse poplačati you'll have to pay it all back some day
    davno nekóč long ago, in times past, in ancient times; pesniško in olden days, in days or yore
    nekóč je bil kralj... (v pravljicah) once upon a time there was a king
    nekóč sem to delal (zdaj ne več) I used to do it
  • nesréčnik unhappy (unlucky, unfortunate, wretched, miserable; arhaično distressed, woeful) man (ali fellow, person)

    nesréčnik! poor fellow, vulgarno pesniško poor bastard!
    pomagati nesréčnikom to help the poor and unfortunate
  • níkdar never; at no time; not once, never once, not a single time

    skoraj níkdar hardly ever
    níkdar več never again, arhaično pesniško nevermore
  • ôče father; pogovorno papa, pa, governor, pater

    cerkveni ôčetje Fathers pl of the Church
    brez ôčeta fatherless
    krušni ôče foster father, fosterer
    stari ôče grandfather
    očetje (predniki) fathers pl, pesniško sires pl
    on je čisto kot ôče he is a chip off the old block
    vreči se po ôčetu to take after one's father
    on je izrezan ôče (figurativno) he is the very spit and image (ali spitting image, exact likeness) of his father
    kakor ôče, tako sin like father, like son
  • odpŕt open, opened; uncovered; patent; (javen) public; figurativno (iskren) frank, sincere, candid; outspoken

    odpŕto mesto vojska undefended town, open city
    odpŕto morje open sea, (vidno od obale) offing, pesniško main
    odpŕt račun open account
    odpŕto vprašanje open (undecided, debatable) question, moot point
    pri na stežaj odpŕtem oknu with the window thrown open
    pustiti vprašanje odpŕto to leave a question in suspense
  • oskúbsti (perutnino) to pluck, to deplume

    oskúbsti koga za denar to fleece someone of his money
    pošteno koga oskúbsti (figurativno) to fleece someone well and truly; (preveč zaračunati) to overcharge (someone)
    oskúbsti perje, dlako to strip of feathers, hair; zastarelo, pesniško to displume
    oskúbsti odjemalca (figurativno) to fleece a customer
  • pésniški poetical; poetic

    pésniška dela poetical works pl
    pésniška duša a poetic mind
    pésniški jezik poetical language
    pésniško nadarjen poetically inclined
    pésniška oblika poetic form
    pésniška svoboda poetic licence
    pésniška umetnost the art of poetry, the poetic art, poetics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    pésniško prikazati, proslavljati to poeticize, to poetize
  • plúti to navigate; to sail; to voyage

    plúti ob obali to coast; to hug the coast
    plúti po morju to sail the sea, pesniško to plough the sea
    brod redno plove po reki the ferryboat plies the river
  • rage1 [réidž] samostalnik
    bes, besnost, besnenje, (divja) jeza, razjarjenost, gnev, razkačenost; (o morju) besnenje; silovitost; koprnenje, poželenje, sla, pohlep, lakomnost; navdušenje, gorečnost, vnetost, strast, strastna želja (for za, po)
    manija, norost; velika moda

    a rage for collecting stamps strast za zbiranje znamk
    poetic rage pesniško navdušenje
    chess was (all) the rage šah je bil velika moda, je bil zelo priljubljen
    to be in rage biti besen, besneti
    it is all the rage to je višek mode
    to fly (to fall, to get) into rage pobesneti, vzkipeti
    he has a rage for old prints, for hunting ima strast za (nor je na) stare grafične liste, za lov