corner1 [kɔ́:nə] samostalnik
vogal, ogel; kot, kotiček; rob; zavoj; ovinek
figurativno stiska, zadrega, težava
trgovina nakup celotne zaloge blaga; strel iz kota (nogomet)
round the corner čisto blizu; zunaj nevarnosti
a tight corner lepa godlja
to drive s.o. into a corner ugnati koga v kozji rog
to turn the corner premagati težave, preboleti krizo
hole-and-corner sumljiv, zakoten
to cut off corners iti naravnost; zmanjšati stroške
in the (four) corners of the earth povsod
hole and corner transaction tajne spletke
to take a corner rezati ovinek
Zadetki iskanja
- corner2 [kɔ́:nə] prehodni glagol
ugnati v kozji rog; dvigniti cene z nakupom zalog
to corner the market pokupiti zaloge - kórner šport corner; (strel) corner kick, corner
- kót1 angle; corner; nook; recess, retired spot
pravi (ostri, topi) kót right (acute, obtuse) angle
lomni kót angle of refraction
odbojni kót angle of reflection
vidni, zorni kót angle of sight, optic angle, visual angle, figurativno point of view
deklinacíjski kót angle of declination
sokot adjacent angle
kót ob peči (zapeček) inglenook
strel iz kóta šport corner kick, corner
iskati kaj po vseh kótih to search high and low for something, to search every nook and cranny
postaviti otroka v kót (kazen) to make a child stand in the corner
mrtvi kót (avta) blind spot, vojska spot sheltered from enemy fire
vrh kóta point of an angle - ógel1 (vogal) corner
na oglu at the corner (ulice of the street)
ogelni kamen cornerstone - ovínek turn, turning; detour; corner; (dolg) roundabout way; (cestni) bend, twist, wind; (rečni) meander
brez ovínkov (figurativno) bluntly, straight
po ovínkih (figurativno) indirectly, in a devious way
oster ovínek a hairpin bend
nepregleden ovínek blind corner
velik ovínek a long way round, a roundabout way (ali route)
napraviti ovínek to make a detour
napraviti velik ovínek to go a long way round
morali smo napraviti ovínek we had to take a roundabout way
je le majhen ovínek it's only a short way round
povem brez ovínkov I don't mince my words
po ovínkih sem zvedel, da... I have learned by devious ways that...
izjaviti brez ovínkov to declare bluntly
govoriti brez ovínkov to speak straight out
rezati ovínek to cut a corner
zaviti na desno po ovínku to take a right turn round the bend, to take the right turn - vogál vógel corner
na vogál, vógelu at the corner
okoli vogál, vógela round the corner
hiša na vogál, vógelu the house at the corner, the corner house
zaviti okoli (uličnega) vogál, vógela to turn the street corner - vógeln corner(-)
vógelna hiša corner house
vógelni kamen, vógelnik cornerstone - zapéček chimney corner; inglenook; fireside
- around2 [əráund] predlog
okrog, okoli
around the clock dan in noč, nenehno
around the corner čisto blizu - blind1 [blaind] pridevnik (blindly prislov) (to za)
slep, zaslepljen; neviden, neopazen; skrit, tajen; jalov; nepremišljen, prenagljen; topoglav, nepoučen
sleng pijan
botanika brez cveta
blind alley slepa ulica; figurativno zagata; mrtvi tir
blind-alley occupation poklic, ki nima bodočnosti
blind coal antracit
anatomija blind gut slepič
blind (drunk), blind to the world pijan ko žolna
figurativno to have (ali apply) the blind eye zatisniti oko
to go at blind na slepo srečo se česa lotiti
blind leaders of the blind tisti, ki dajejo nasvet v stvareh, ki jih sami ne razumejo
blind letter pismo brez naslova
a blind man may perchance hit the mark slepa kura zrno najde
blind man's holiday somrak
as blind as a mole (ali a beetle, an owl) čisto slep
to get on s.o.'s blind side izrabiti slabo stran koga
blind pig, blind tiger nedovoljena točilnica
blind shell slepi naboj
blind spot mrtva točka
to strike blind oslepiti
to turn a blind eye to delati se slepega za kaj
there's none so blind ne da si dopovedati
it will happen when the devil is blind to se ne bo nikdar zgodilo
blind window (door) zazidano okno (zazidana vrata)
blind side nezavarovana, slaba stran
blind corner nepregleden ulični vogal
blind in an eye na eno oko slep
blind to one's defects zaslepljen - désni -a, -o right, right-hand; grboslovje dexter
na désni on the right
na désno to the right
na désni strani on the right-hand side
na désnem bregu Ljubljanice on the right bank of the Ljubljanica
na désno! right turn!
na désno usmerjen rightward
désni bok ladje, na desni strani ladje starboard
désno krilo vojska politika šport right wing
désna stran (konja, voza) off side
biti komu désna roka to be someone's right-hand man
v désnem zgornjem kotu in the top right-hand (ali right-hand top) corner
hoditi, voziti po désni strani, držati se désne to keep to the right
zaviti na désno to turn right, to take a right turn - drive*1 [draiv]
1. prehodni glagol
gnati, goniti, pognati; zabiti; vreči, zagnati (žogo); vbiti; voditi, upravljati, šofirati; pregnati, spoditi; siliti; peljati; preutruditi; graditi (cesto); vrtati (predor)
2. neprehodni glagol
peljati se; hiteti; voziti se; meriti, ciljati
to drive a bargain dobro voditi kupčijo
to drive a good (hard) bargain dobro (slabo) opraviti
to drive a coach and four through spregledati lažnivost pripovedovanja
to drive a nail home popolnoma zabiti žebelj
to drive home a point neizpodbitno dokazati
to drive a roaring trade narediti sijajno kupčijo
to let drive at zamahniti proti
to drive to the wall (ali into the corner) pritisniti ob zid, ugnati v kozji rog
to drive one's pigs to the market glasno hrkati
to drive a quill (ali pen) biti pisatelj(ica)
to drive to one's wit's end popolnoma koga zbegati
to drive s.o. mad razbesniti koga
to drive into s.o. vbiti komu kaj v glavo
to drive s.o. hard zatirati koga
to drive s.o. to despair spraviti koga v obup - far1 [fa:] pridevnik
oddaljen, daljnji
figurativno sanjav
a far cry velika razlika; daleč
far bank nasprotni breg
Far East Daljnji Vzhod
in the far corner v nasprotnem kotu
on the far side na drugi strani - gŕm shrub; bush
kaj je za gŕmom? (figurativno) what's round the corner?
v tem gŕmu tiči zajec (figurativno) there's the rub, that is where the shoe pinches - híša house; (stavba) building
stanovanjska híša tenement (house); dwelling, arhaično habitation; (gosposka hiša) mansion; (graščina) manor
mestna híša (magistrat) town hall, city hall; (vladarska, knežja) dynasty
trgovska híša house, (business) firm, concern; store, department store; establishment
vogelna híša corner house
samostojno stoječa híša detached house
Spodnja híša angleškega parlamenta the lower house, the House of Commons
Zgornja híša the upper house, the House of Lords; ZDA (ljudsko zastopništvo) the House of Representatives
blok híš block (of buildings)
vrata híš a row of houses
lesena híša wooden house, frame house
javna híša brothel, house of ill fame, house of ill repute, bawdy house; vulgarno knocking shop; ZDA žargon cathouse
polna híša (gledališče) full house
gostov polna híša houseful of guests
híša ni sklepčna! (parlament) no house!
zabava ob vselitvi v híšo housewarming
dohod, pot k híši path, drive, driveway
boj od híše do híše vojska house-to-house fighting
velik kot híša as high as a house; huge, enormous
zunaj híše out of doors; outdoors
mati je nekje v híši Mother is somewhere around (ali about) the house
vsa híša je bila na nogah the whole household was stirring
naša híša Vam je vedno odprta you are always welcome here
pognati, vreči iz híše koga to turn (ali to throw) someone out (of the house)
postaviti híšo na glavo figurativno to turn the house upside down
stopiti v híšo to enter the house
stopiti iz híše to go out
prepovedati komu vstop v híšo to forbid someone to enter one's house
vseliti se v híšo to move into a house, to move in - instalírati to install; (elektriko, plin itd.) to put in, to lay on; (stroj) to put up, to set up; (tovarno) to equip; (hišo) to fit out, to furnish
instalírati radijski aparat to install a radio (ali wireless, wireless set)
instalírati se to install oneself, to establish oneself, to settle (oneself) in
instaliral se je v kot kupeja he settled himself in a corner of the compartment
instalírati se v hotelu za kratko bivanje to put up at a hotel for a short stay
instalírati se kot odvetnik to set up as a lawyer
instalirali so se na deželi they went to live in the country
špecerist se je instaliral na uličnem vogalu a grocer has opened a shop (ali has set up shop) at te corner of the street - nepregléden badly arranged, muddled; involved, hard to follow; difficult to scan; complex; unclear
nepregléden ovinek a blind corner - nook [nuk] samostalnik
kotiček, osamljen kraj, skrivališče
to look for in every nook and corner iskati po vseh kotičkih - okóli round, around; (približno) about, near, some
okóli vogala (čisto blizu) round the corner
okóli 100 (nekaj več) a hundred odd
okóli 10 let je tega ten years or so ago
okóli petih about five o'clock
okóli hiše round the house
vse okóli all round
tu nekje okóli around here
pričakuj me okóli treh! expect me at 3 o'clock, or thereabouts!
število znaša (je) okóli 3.000 the figure is in the region of 3,000
hoditi okóli to walk about
pogovor se je sukal okóli politike the conversation centred on politics
pogledal sem okóli sebe I looked round about me