
Zadetki iskanja

  • celína continent; mainland; (ledina) fallow; untilled (ali unbroken) ground; virgin soil
  • continent2 [kɔ́ntinənt] samostalnik
    celina; suha zemlja

    the Continent Evropa brez Velike Britanije
    the Dark Continent Afrika
  • mainland [méinlənd] samostalnik
    celina, kopno
  • zêmlja (planet) earth, Earth, (terrestrial) globe; (svet) world; (dežela) land, (tla) soil, ground

    na zêmlji on earth
    nad zêmljo above ground, overground
    pod zêmljo underground
    vse stvari na zêmlji all things on earth
    izčrpana zêmlja poor soil, impoverished (ali exhausted) soil
    mastna zêmlja fat earth
    rodovitna zêmlja rich soil, fertile soil
    slaba zêmlja poor soil
    kopna zêmlja land, (celina, kopno) mainland
    žgana zêmlja terra cotta
    Sveta zêmlja religija the Holy Land
    Ognjena zêmlja Tierra del Fuego
    zêmlja! (na vidiku!) land ho!
    sadovi zêmlje the fruits of the earth
    naša zêmlja je lepa our country is beautiful
    ležati na zêmlji to lie on the ground
    obdelovati zêmljo to cultivate, to till the soil
    pasti na zêmljo to fall to the ground
    pogrezniti se v zêmljo to sink into the ground
    spati na goli zêmlji (na tleh) to sleep on the bare ground
    Zemlja se vrti okoli Sonca the earth revolves around the sun
    zravnati z zêmljo to level (ali to lay level) with the ground, to raze (ali to rase) with the ground
    zvezati z zêmljo VB to earth (ZDA to ground)
Število zadetkov: 4