once2 [wans] veznik
čim, brž ko
once he hesitates brž ko se obotavlja
Zadetki iskanja
- brž ➞ brzo
brž ko as soon as - dospéti (priti) to arrive (v at, in), to come (v to), to get (v to); (poteči, rok) to mature, to become mature, to fall (ali to become) due, to expire
dospéti o pravem času to arrive at the right time
dospéti v zadnjem trenutku to arrive at the last moment
brž ko boste dospeli v London as soon as you arrive in London
je to pismo dospelo z jutranjo pošto? did this letter arrive by the morning post?
dospeli smo bili do Maribora we had got as far as Maribor - ešofírati se to get excited
on se ešofira, brž ko to omenite he flares up as soon as you mention it - mogóč possible; likely; (izvedljiv) feasible, achievable, practicable
vse mogóče every possible (case), all possible (cases), all the possibilities
vse mogóči ljudje people of every sort and kind
ni mogóče! no!, is it possible!; you don't say!
kar največ mogóče as much as possible, to the utmost
če je mogóče if possible
vse, kar nam je mogóče everything possible, everything within our power
kolikor mi bo le mogóče to the best of my power
storil bom vse, kar mi bo mogóče I'll do my best (ali my utmost)
napraviti vse mogóče to do all in one's power, to do (ali to try) one's best, to try every possible means, to leave no stone unturned, to strain every nerve, to exert oneself to one's utmost
ni nam bilo mogóče it was beyond us
brž ko mogóče as soon as possible
vzpon na goro je mogóč le z ene strani the ascent of the mountain is possible (ali practicable) on one side only - núditi to offer; (na dražbi) to bid; to tender
več núditi (na dražbi) to bid up, to outbid
prilika se nudi opportunity offers
brž ko se bo nudila priložnost as soon as an opportunity appears
núditi svoje usluge to tender one's services - obískati to visit; to pay a visit (koga to someone); to come to see (someone), to call on (someone); (za kratek čas) to look (someone) up, to drop in, to come round
obiščite me jutri come and see me tomorrow
dovolil si bom obískati vas, brž ko bom mogel I shall take the liberty of calling on you as soon as I can - pròst free, (na prostosti) free, at liberty, at large; (vstop) free; (brezplačen) gratuitous, free of expense; (dovoljen) permitted, allowed; (neodvisen) independent; (brez zaprek) unhindered, unobstructed, unimpeded; (brez nadzora) uncontrolled; (neprisiljen) unforced, uncompelled, unconstrained, unfettered, unconfined, unshackled; (nezasužnjen) unenslaved; (neujet) uncaught; (spuščen) released, freed, liberated; (nezaposlen) unengaged, unoccupied, disengaged, idle, at leisure, off duty
pròst vseh davkov exempt from all taxes (ali duties)
carine pròsto duty-free, free of duty
pròsta sobota Saturday off, free Saturday
pròst dan an off day, a day off
pròst službe off duty, off work
pròsti čas spare time, leisure hours pl, leisure
pròsta luka free port
pròst prehod free pass
pròsto službeno mesto vacancy
pròst predmet (v šoli) optional subject
pròst vseh skrbi free from all cares
poštnine pròsto prepaid, postpaid, (paket) carriage-paid
pròst prevod free (ali not literal) translation
pròsti pad fizika free fall
pròsti stil (plavanja) free-style (swimming)
pròsti strel šport, nogomet free kick
pròsta rokoborba catch-as-catch-can, all-in wrestling
pròsta trgovina free trade
pròste vaje gymnastic exercises pl, callisthenics pl
pròsta vstopnica free (ali complimentary) ticket
pròst izvod (za avtorja) author's (free) copy, gratis copy, (reklamni) free copy, free specimen, (za knjigarnarja) odd copy
prosto! (= naprej!, vstopite!) come in!, step in!
na prostem in the open air, outdoor, out of doors
plavalni bazen na pròstem open-air swimming pool
s pròstim očesom with the naked eye
v pròsti prodaji off rations, unrationed
vstop pròst! admission free!
prosto za pristanek! aeronavtika cleared for approach!
ob sobotah sem pròst I am free on Saturdays
ste pròsti jutri? are you free tomorrow?
ste pròsti? (taksistu) are you free?, you're not engaged, are you?
nobenega pròstega sedeža ni več bilo there wasn't a single seat left
brž ko bom pròst, vas obiščem as soon as I am free (ali through), I shall call on you
dati prost dan to give someone a day off
na pròsto vam je dano, da se lahko pritožite you are free (ali at liberty) to complain, it's up to you whether or not you complain
vsak teden imam en pròst dan I have a day off every week
dobiti pròst dan to get a day off
jutri bomo imeli pròsto we shall have a day off (ali a free day) tomorrow
imeti pròst dostop do koga to have free access to someone
imate kaj pròstih sob? have you any rooms unoccupied (ali free, available)?
imeti pròsto hrano in stanovanje to have free board and lodging
nimam nič pròstega časa I haven't any time to spare
imeti mnogo pròstega časa to have much time to spare
imeti pròste roke to have a free hand, to have full power
ne imeti pròste minute zase not to have a spare moment for oneself
prenočiti na pròstem to camp out
voziti kolo po klancu navzdol v pròstem teku to freewheel (ali to coast) down a hill
dati pròst polet svoji fantaziji to give one's fancy full scope - soon [su:n] prislov
kmalu, v kratkem; (zelo) hitro; zgodaj; rad
soon afterward malo potem; malo pozneje
as soon as brž ko, čim, kakor hitro; prav tako rad ... kot
as soon as 6 a.m. že ob šestih zjutraj
I would as soon walk as ride prav tako rad bi šel peš, kot se peljal
I would just as soon stay at home jaz bi prav tako rad ostal doma
thank you, I'd just as soon stand hvala, bi kar (rad) stal
what makes you come so soon? zakaj prihajate tako zgodaj?
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Število zadetkov: 9