
Zadetki iskanja

  • and [ænd, ənd, ən] veznik
    in, ter, pa tudi

    both... and tako ... kakor
    bread and butter kruh z maslom
    coffee and milk bela kava
    some good and ten dobrih deset
    and so forth, and so on in tako dalje
    and how! pa še kako!
    miles and miles neskončno daleč
    nice and warm prijetno toplo
    to come and see obiskati
  • thick and thin [ɵíkəndəín] samostalnik
    figurativno prijetno in neprijetno
  • touch and go [tbčəngóu] samostalnik
    hipen dotik; površno, naglo dejanje; tvegana stvar; kočljiv položaj

    it is touch and go now to visi (je) na lasu sedaj
  • tweedledum and tweedledee [twi:dldʌ́məntwi:dldí:] samostalnik
    figurativno malenkostna razlika (med dvema stvarema ali osebama)
  • whip and derry [wipəndéri] samostalnik
    tehnično škripčevje
  • anglístika English studies; English philology; English language and literature
  • belogardíst White Guard, member of a right-wing political movement in Slovenia before and during World War II
  • bíbavica tide; high tide and low tide; ebbing and flowing tide
  • caríniti to examine travellers' luggage, assess liability and collect import or export duty
  • cukrárna sugar works pl, sugar factory, sugar mill, arhaično sugar house; (v Ljubljani) building in Ljubljana once used as a sugar factory and associated with the poets Kette and Murn
  • čŕno-bél black and white
  • čŕno-žólt black and yellow
  • domáč home (-); homely; domestic; homelike; local, national; (ukročen) domesticated, tame; familiar; (neprisiljen) at one's ease, unceremonious, free and easy; (prvoten) aboriginal, native, indigenous; home-grown

    domáč kruh home-made bread
    domáča hrana household fare
    domáča halja dressing gown
    domáče moštvo šport home team
    domáča obrt home manufacture, home (ali cottage) industry
    domáče platno homespun linen, home-made cloth
    domáča zabava family party
    domáče zdravilo domestic remedy, (univerzalno) nostrum
    domáča žival domestic animal
    za domáčo uporabo for home use
    po domáče informally, without ceremony
    domáčega se napraviti to make oneself at home
    kar po domáče! make yourself (quite) at home
  • drhál mob; populace; the rabble; rag, tag (ali ragtag) and bobtail

    vlada drháli mobocracy
  • dróbnica small cattle; sheep, goats and pigs pl
  • dvovpréžnik carriage and pair
  • ekipáža (vprega itd.) horse and carriage; carriage and pair; (posadka na ladji) crew, turnout; ship's company; (v letalu, balonu) crew; (kneza itd.) train, suite; retinue; equipage
  • ekstremitéte pl anatomija hands and feet pl, extremities pl; (konja) points pl
  • elíta francosko the élite; the cream, the flower, the choice, the pick; the chosen few, (ironično) the great and the good; la crème de la crème

    družbena elíta the cream of society
    intelektualna elíta kake dežele the intellectual aristocracy, the intelligentsia of a country
  • enainpóluren of an hour and a half, an hour and a half's
Število zadetkov: 1579