
Zadetki iskanja

  • črníca1 botanika ➞ borovnica
  • črníca2 (zemlja) black earth; vegetable mould; humus
  • humus [hjú:məs] samostalnik
    humus, črnica
  • mould3 [mould] samostalnik
    britanska angleščina rahla prst, črnica, prst, zemlja

    man of mould navaden smrtnik
  • plóden fertile, fruitful; productive, prolific; (zemlja) rich, fat; (kritika) constructive

    plódno leto plentiful year, bumper year
    plódna zemlja (črnica) mould
    napraviti plódno to fertilize
  • tlà (sobna) floor; (zemlja) soil, ground

    na tleh on the floor
    na trdnih tleh on firm ground
    gola tlà (deske) bare boards pl
    na francoskih tleh on French soil
    rodna tlà native soil
    rodovitna tlà rich soil, (črnica) mould
    nerodovitna tlà barren ground, barren (ali jejune) soil
    peščena tlà sandy soil
    parketna tlà parquet floor
    tlà mu gorijo pod nogami (figurativno) the place is getting too hot for him
    ta tlà so jim prevroča (figurativno) this place is too warm (ali hot) for them
    napraviti komu tlà vroča pod nogami (figurativno) to make it hot for someone (ali too hot for someone)
    izgubiti tlà pod nogami to lose one's foothold (ali footing), (v vodi) to be swept off one's feet, to go out of (ali beyond) one's depth
    spodnesti, spodrezati komu tlà pod nogami to cut the ground from under someone's feet
    vreči na tlà to knock to the ground
    vreči koga na tlà to knock someone down, to floor
  • vegetative [védžiteitiv] pridevnik (vegetatively prislov)
    rastlinski, ki se tiče rasti, ki služi rásti; vegatativen; nespolen
    figurativno nedelaven, pasiven, nehoten; ki životari

    vegetative mould humus, zemlja črnica
    vegetative reproduction nespolna (raz)ploditev
Število zadetkov: 7