
Zadetki iskanja

  • čèš čèš da as if to say; as if; as though
  • ground2 [graund] samostalnik
    dno, globina; zemlja, tla; zemljišče, igrišče, lovišče, gradbišče (for)
    osnova (for, of)
    vzrok, povod; osnovna barva; ozadje
    množina park, vrt
    množina naselbina
    množina gošča, usedlina; uzemljitev

    above ground živ
    below ground mrtev, pokopan
    to break new (ali fresh) ground orati ledino
    to cover ground potovati, opraviti določeno delo
    ground clearance razdalja med šasijo in zemljo
    common ground stična točka
    to cut the ground under s.o.'s feet spodnesti komu tla, vzeti mu oporo
    to be dashed to the ground propasti
    pogovorno down to the ground popolnoma
    to fall to the ground propasti
    on firm ground na trdnem položaju
    figurativno forbidden ground nedovoljeno področje, prepovedana tema
    to gain ground napredovati, širiti se
    to give ground popustiti
    to hold one's ground vztrajati na svojem mestu, ne popustiti; ostati pri močeh
    to meet s.o. on his own ground razpravljati o predmetu, ki ga nasprotnik sam določi
    on the ground of zaradi
    pogovorno to run into the ground pretiravati
    ground staff letališko tehniško osebje
    to stand one's ground vztrajati
    to strike to the ground vreči na tla
    to suit one down to the ground popolnoma se strinjati
    to take ground nasesti
    to touch ground dotakniti se dna; figurativno preiti na predmet pogovora
    on the ground that češ da
  • swear*2 [swɛ́ə] prehodni glagol
    prisegati (kaj), s prisego potrditi, priseči (na kaj); položiti prisego; zapriseči (koga)
    neprehodni glagol
    priseči, izjaviti pod prisego; zatrjevati; zakleti se; preklinjati, zmerjati (at koga)

    sworn enemies zakleti sovražniki
    sworn friends prijatelji na življenje in smrt, pobratimi
    to swear a charge against s.o. s prisego koga obtožiti
    to swear a crime against s.o. s prisego koga zločina obtožiti
    to swear s.o. to (secrecy) s prisego koga obvezati k (tajnosti)
    I can swear to the man lahko prisežem, da je to on
    to swear falsely, to swear a false oath po krivem priseči
    to swear friendship priseči prijateljslvo
    I swear to God that... prisegam pri bogu, da...
    to swear it s prisego to potrditi
    to swear an oath priseči
    to swear a solemn oath slovesno priseči, obljubiti
    he swore at me for getting in his way ozmerjal me je, češ da sem mu napoti
    to swear obedience (revenge) priseči pokorščino (maščevanje)
    he swears by the quality of his goods prisega, da je njegovo blago dobro
    to swear like a lord (like a trooper) preklinjati ko Turek
    have you sworn the witness? ste zaprisegli pričo?
  • têmelj foundation; basis, pl bases; base; ground; groundwork

    iz têmelja fundamentally, radically, thoroughly; from the very bottom
    na têmelju on the grounds of, on the basis of, by reason of, in (ali by) virtue of, on the strength of
    na têmelju, da... (= češ da) on the grounds that...
    brez têmelja groundless
    položiti têmelj to lay the foundation(s pl)
    do têmelja pogoreti to be burned down to the ground
    do têmelja porušiti to level with the ground, to raze, to rase
    spodkopati têmelje države to undermine the foundations of the State
  • zmérjati to scold, to call (someone) names, to insult, to abuse; to swear (at someone), to inveigh (against someone); to bullyrag; to reproach (someone for something); to blackguard (someone)

    zmerjal me je, češ da sem mu napoti he swore at me for getting in his way
    začeti zmérjati to become abusive
Število zadetkov: 5