Zadetki iskanja
- ate [et, eit] preteklik od eat
- pozóbati to eat up by pecking
kokoš je hitro pozobala vso koruzo the hen quickly ate up the maize
pozóbati grozdne jagode to eat grapes one after another - scarcely [skɛ́əsli] prislov
komaj, težkó, z muko, prav komaj; pač ne, komaj
scarcely anything komaj kaj, skoraj nič
I scarcely know him komaj ga poznam
he scarcely ate anything skoraj nič ni jedel
she is scarcely 20 komaj 20 let je stara
he had scarcely spoken when... komaj je spregovoril, ko...
you can scarcely expect that to morete komaj (tega pač ne morete) pričakovati - sredíca (kruha) soft inside of bread or cake, crumb
pojedel je sredíco, skorjo pa pustil he ate the soft part but left the crust
reaktorska sredíca (reactor) core
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Število zadetkov: 4