
Zadetki iskanja

  • kdó who; anybody, anyone

    kdó drugi? who else?
    kdó še? who else?
    je kdó v hiši? is there anyone (ali anybody) in the house?
    ne vem več, kdó vse je bil tam I don't remember everybody who was there
    kdó bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
    malokdó hardly anyone, very few
    vedeti, kdó je kdó to know who's who
  • kick1 [kik] samostalnik
    šport strel (nogomet)
    ameriško spurt; udarec, sunek, sunkovita vožnja; sunek, udarec nazaj (strelno orožje); udarna moč, odporna sila, elan, energija
    ameriško, sleng opojnost alkoholne pijače; dražljaj, mik
    ameriško ugovor, očitek, pritožba
    britanska angleščina, sleng kovanec za 6 penijev
    britanska angleščina najnovejša moda

    ameriško to get a kick out of uživati v čem
    sleng to get the kick biti vržen iz službe
    for kicks le za šalo
    that cocktail has got a kick ta koktajl ima nekaj v sebi
    he's got a kick pijan je
    to give a kick to pognati kaj v tek
    to have no kick left biti na koncu svojih moči
    to have the kick on one's side imeti srečo
    let's have one more kick! poskusimo še enkrat!
    more kicks than halfpence več graje kot hvale
    šport free kick prosti strel (nogomet)
  • knowledge [nɔ́lidž] samostalnik
    znanje, poznavanje, vednost, spoznanje; izkustvo, veščina; poznanstvo; obvestilo, vest

    carnal knowledge of s.o. spolno občevanje s kom
    general knowledge splošna izobrazba
    it is common knowledge splošno je znano, vsi vedo
    to the best of my knowledge and belief po moji najboljši vednosti in vesti
    not to my knowledge ne da bi vedel
    to my certain knowledge za gotovo vem
    to come to one's knowledge zvedeti, priti na ušesa
    without my knowledge brez moje vednosti
    it has grown out of all knowledge ne da se več prepoznati
  • ko when; as; (= če) if, in case of, in the event of; (= kot, kakor) than; as

    ko ne bi bilo tega »ko« if ifs and ans were pots and pans
    šli bomo, ko boste pripravljeni we shall start when you are ready
    to boš naredil, ko bo prepozno you'll do it when it's too late
    strese me, ko samo pomislim na to I shudder even to think of it
    ko ga človek samo vidi, bi mislil, da... if you only saw him, you'd think that...
    aretirali so ga, ko je odhajal iz hiše he was arrested as he was leaving his house
    močnejši sem kot ti I am stronger than you
    več ko ima, več hoče imeti the more he has the more he wants
  • kóklja broody hen; hen

    pišče več kot kóklja vé (figurativno) to teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
  • kolesáriti to cycle, to bike, to ride a bicycle; to pedal

    ne kolesarim več I've given up cycling
    si kaj kolesaril lani? did you do any cycling last year?
  • kòt2 as, like; (za primernikom ter za other, otherwise, else, rather) than; (za nikalnicami) but

    čisto tako kòt just like
    ne tako kòt unlike
    več kòt 500 ljudi more than 500 people
    bolje je to naredila ona kòt on she did it better than he (did) (ali pogovorno than him)
    rajši kòt rather than
    noben drug kòt ti none other than you
    kòt kompliment by way of a compliment
    to je lažje rečeno kòt storjeno it is easier said than done
    prav kòt, baš kòt just as, just like, just the same as
    kòt da as if, as though
    kòt po maslu, kòt namazano (figurativno) like clockwork, swimmingly, without a hitch
    kòt za stavo fast, quickly, hard
    delal sem kòt za stavo I worked hard and fast
    toliko je star kòt jaz he is old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
    ni toliko star kòt jaz he is not so old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
    kòt primer by way of example
    kòt vedno as usual, as always
    umreti kòt berač to die a pauper
    kòt na primer as for instance
    ona to jemlje, kòt da se to samo po sebi razume she takes it for granted
    znan je kòt oderuh he is a notorious usurer
    jaz bi rajši šel peš, kòt pa da bi se peljal I would rather walk than drive
    ni ga bolj priljubljenega človeka, kòt je on there is no one more popular than he is (ali than he, pogovorno than him)
  • laying [léiiə] samostalnik
    polaganje; nošenjejaje

    a hen past laying kura, ki ne nosi več jajc
  • less2 [les] prislov (primernik od little)
    manj, manj pomembno

    a less known author manj znan avtor
    less and less vse manj
    still (ali much) less še mnogo manj, kaj šele
    the less so as tem manj ker
    none the less kljub temu, vseeno
    no less (than) nič manj, nihče manj (od)
    not the less nič manj
    more or less več ali manj
  • long2 [lɔŋ] prislov

    as (ali so) long as dokler, samo če
    long after dolgo potem
    long ago zdavnaj
    not long ago pred kratkim
    as long ago as 1900 že l. 1900.
    long before že zdavnaj prej
    long since že davno
    all day long ves dan
    so long! na svidenje!
    don't be long ne pomudi se
    to be long in doing potrebovati mnogo časa za kaj napraviti
    I won't be long ne bom dolgo odsoten
    he won't be long for this world ne bo več dolgo živel
    no (ali not any) longer nič več, ne delj
    to hold out longer dlje zdržati
  • looker-on [lúkərɔ́n] samostalnik

    looker-on sees most of the game neprizadeti vidi več kot prizadeti
  • made [méid]

    1. preteklik & pretekli deležnik od to make 2

    2. pridevnik
    (umetno) narejen; izmišljen; gotov, ki je uspel; izučen (vojak); (dobro) grajen (človek)
    pogovorno določen, mišljen

    made dish iz več pridatkov narejena jed
    made gravy umetno narejena mesna omaka
    made road utrjena cesta
    English-made narejeno v Angliji
    made of wood lesen
    made from narejen iz česa
    a made story izmišljena zgodba
    a made man človek, ki je uspel
    a well-made man dobro grajen človek
    it is made for this purpose mišljeno je za ta namen
  • mánj less

    vse mánj, vedno mánj less and less
    več ali mánj more or less
    mánj kot less than
    še mnogo mánj still (ali much) less
    še mánj still less, much less
    nič mánj kot no less than, as much as, as many as
    tem mánj, ker... all the less so since...
    nič mánj (= vseeno, kljub temu) nevertheless, none the less
    mánj znan avtor a less known author
    tri dni mánj kot en mesec three days short of a month
    mánj govoriti in več delati to speak less and to do more
    moral bi piti mánj vina he should drink less wine
    15 - 7 = 8 fifteen minus seven equals eight
  • mèd (predlog) (mèd dvema) between, pesniško betwixt; (med mnogimi) among, amongst, amid(st); (časovno) during

    mèd učno uro during the lesson
    biti mèd dvema alternativama to be between two alternatives
    nobene podobnosti ni mèd njima there is no likeness between them, they bear no likeness to each other
    to naj ostane mèd nama this must remain a secret between us
    mèd nama rečeno between you and me, between ourselves, humoristično between you, me and the gatepost
    lebdeti mèd nebom in zemljo to hover between heaven and earth
    zaprt med štirimi stenami shut up within four walls
    oče je razdelil svoje imetje mèd otroke the father shared his property among his children
    mèd štirimi očmi in private, tête-à-tête
    je razlika mèd njim in menoj there is a difference between him and me
    ni ga več mèd nami he is no more amongst us
    razdeliti si vsoto mèd seboj! divide the sum among you!, pogovorno split the lot between you!
    ženijo, poročajo se mèd seboj they intermarry
  • meet*2 [mi:t]

    1. prehodni glagol
    srečati, sestati se s kom; spoznati, predstaviti, biti predstavljen komu; počakati koga (na postaji)
    figurativno zadovoljiti, izpolniti (željo); spoprijeti se s kom, nastopiti proti komu
    figurativno postaviti se po robu, premagati (težave), rešiti (problem), opraviti s čim; naleteti na koga; ustrezati, ujemati se; izpolniti (obveznosti), plačati (stroške)

    2. neprehodni glagol
    srečati se, sestati se, zbrati se; spoznati se; združiti se, stikati se (ceste), dotikati se, priri vstik; ujemati se, skladati se; naleteti (with na)
    doživeti, pretrpeti (with)

    to meet each other (one another) srečati se
    well met! lepo, da smo se sestali!
    pleased to meet you veseli me, da sva se spoznala
    meet Mr. Brown da vam predstavim g. Browna
    ekonomija to meet a bill plačati dolg, honorirati (menico)
    to meet the case zadostvovati, biti primeren
    to meet one's death umreti
    he met his fate umrl je
    he met his fate calmly sprijaznil se je zusodo
    to meet the eye prikazati se, pasti v oči
    to meet s.o's. eye spogledati se s kom
    there is more in it than meets the eye za tem tiči več
    to meet the ear priti na ušesa
    to meet expenses plačati stroške
    the supply meets the demand ponudba ustreza povpraševanju
    to meet s.o. half way popustiti, iti na pol pota nasproti
    to meet one's match naleteti na sebi enakovrednega človeka
    to make both ends meet shajati (s plačo)
    to meet misfortunes with a smile hrabro prenašati nesreče
    to meet trouble half way biti prezgodaj zaskrbljen, prezgodaj se razburjati
    to meet s.o.'s wishes izpolniti komu želje
    to meet with doživeti, naleteti na kaj, ameriško strinjati se
    he met with an accident ponesrečil se je
    to meet with success uspeti
    to be well met dobro se ujemati
    this coat does not meet ta suknja je pretesna
  • mísliti to think (na of, o about); to believe; (premišljevati) to cogitate (o upon) to reflect (o upon), to meditate

    logično mísliti to reason (o about, on); (natančno, skrbno pretehtati) to deliberate; (meniti, domnevati) to mean, to suppose; ZDA to guess, to reckon; (biti mnenja) to be of the opinion; (predstavljati si) to imagine, to fancy, to conceive, to envisage, to realize; (upoštevati) to consider, to contemplate; (nameravati) to intend, ZDA to figure
    mislim da I think so, I suppose so, I should think so
    mislim da ne I don't think so
    mislim, da imate prav I dare say you are right
    ne morem si mísliti, da... I cannot imagine that...
    na to ni mísliti it's not to be thought of; that is out of the question
    to mi da mísliti this sets me thinking, this gives me food for thought, this makes me ponder
    kaj misliš o tem? what is your opinion about it?, what's your idea?
    povem, kar mislim I speak my mind
    mislim si svoje I have my own idea (ali ideas)
    mislili bomo na to we shall think of it, we shall not forget it
    na kaj (na koga) misliš? what (whom) are you thinking of?
    ni mísliti, da... it is not to be supposed that...
    ona dobro misli (hoče, namerava) she means well, her intentions are good
    ne misli več na to! don't give it another thought!, forget about it!
    oni dobro mislijo o tebi they think well of you, they have a good opinion of you
    nemogoče si je mísliti, da... it is unthinkable that...
    kaj misliš storiti? what do you intend to do?
    kaj pa misliš! what are you thinking of?
    misli name! remember me!
    to sem si mislil I thought so, I thought as much
    tega si ne bi mislil od tebe I wouldn't have expected that from you, I am surprised at you
    mísliti pri sebi to think to oneself
    to si lahko mislim I can well imagine (that)
    on misli le nase he only thinks of himself (ali pogovorno number one)
    človek bi mislil, da... anyone (ali one) would think that...
    mislim, da ne bo prišel I do not think he will come
    jaz mislim drugače I don't agree, I beg to differ
    kdo pa mislite, da sem jaz? who (ali arhaično whom) do you take me for?
    mislite si, kar hočete! you may think what you like!
    kdo bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
    o njem mislijo, da je bogat he is thought (ali supposed) to be rich
    takó se splošno misli that is the current opinion
    mislim, da je stara 30 let I imagine (ali I guess) she is (ali must be) thirty
    mísliti s svojo glavo to do some indepenedent thinking
    še v sanjah ne mislim nothing is further from my mind
    javnost misli the public feeling is...
    ne mislim nič hudega I mean no harm
    menda ne misliš, da... you don't suppose that...?
    ne bi si bil mislil, da so tako pošteni I would not have credited them with so much honesty
    tega ne misliš zares (resno)? you don't mean it?, surely you can't be serious?
    mislimo vse najbolje o tvojem prijatelju we hold your friend in the highest esteem
    ona misli le na svojo zabavo she thinks of nothing but her own pleasure
    takó jaz ne mislim that's not my way of thinking
    glasno mísliti to think aloud, to think out loud
  • mlád young; youthful; adolescent, juvenile

    od mládega, od mládih nog since one was a child, from childhood
    v mojih mládih letih in my early years, in my youth
    še mlád youngish
    mládi in stari young and old
    mláda kri youthful blood
    mláda luna new moon
    mlád krompir new potatoes pl
    mládo vino new wine
    Mladi Turki, mladoturki the young Turks
    moj mlajši brat my younger brother
    Grad mlajši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
    ona ni več tako mláda she is no chicken
    samó enkrat si mlád! you're only young once!
    postati zopet mlád to grow young again
    ko sem bil mlád in my early life, in my youth
    mláda ljubezen young love, first love, early loveaffair
    ona je bila njegova mláda ljubezen she was his old sweetheart
    ostal je mlád od zadnjega he retained the spirit of youth to the last
    videti je mlajša, kot je v resnici she does not look her age
    tri leta je mlajši kot jaz he is three years younger than I, (ali pogovorno than me), he is my junior by three years
    povreči, imeti, dobiti mláde (o živalih) to bring forth young, to litter, (o psici) to have pups, to whelp, (o medvedki) to cub
  • mladóstnica girl

    ni več mladóstnica (pogovorno) she is no chicken
  • mnógo (pred ednino) much; a great (ali a good) deal (of), a lot (of), pogovorno lots (of), bags (of); (pred množino) many, a great (ali a good) many; (pred ednino in množino) plenty of; a considerable amount

    mnógo manj much less
    v mnogem in many respects
    mnógo boljši (bolje) much better
    mnógo sreče! good luck!, lots of luck!
    mnógo zabave! have a good time!
    mnógo več ljudi many more people
    mnógo bolj težaven much (ali far) more difficult
    imajo mnógo denarja they have a lot of money, pogovorno they've got loads (ali pots, bags) of money
    imam mnógo časa I have plenty of time
    imajo mnógo dela they have much (ali a great many things) to do
    ni mnógo takih, kot je on there are few men like him, there aren't many like him
    nisem ga mnógo videl I haven't seen much of him
    on mnógo bere he is a great reader
    on mnógo dela (pije) he works (drinks) hard, he is a hardworking (hard-drinking) man
    jaz mnógo dam manj I have a high opinion of him
    mnógo vpitja za nič much ado about nothing
    ne si mnógo storiti iz... not to make much of...
    preli(va)ti mnógo krvi (solzá) to shed much blood (many tears)
    jaz bi mnógo rajši (šel) I had much rather (go)
    imamo mnógo časa, da ujamemo vlak (žargon) we've bags of time to catch the train
    mnógo hoče več (pregovor) much wants more
  • môči (morem) to be able, to be capable, to be in a position (to do something); to be enabled; (biti sposoben) to have the faculty, to have the capacity

    ni môči (ni moč) it is impossible
    morem I can
    ne morem I cannot, I can't, I am unable, I am incapable
    morem samó pohvaliti... I can't help praising, I can only praise, I have nothing but praise for...
    ne morem ga trpeti I cannot bear (ali stand) him
    če le morem if I can help it
    ne morem si kaj, da se ne bi smejal I can't help (ali resist) laughing
    on me ne more (figurativno) he can't stand me
    ne morejo se (figurativno) they cannot agree
    ne morem več (od utrujenosti) I am dog-tired, I am dead with fatigue, I am knocked-up
    ne morem si tega privoščiti I cannot afford it
    nič ne morem za to it is not my fault
    morem samo (reči)... I simply must (say)...
    storil bom, kar bom največ mogel I'll do my best, I'll do all I can, I'll do my utmost, I'll do my very (ali level) best
    ne bom mogel plačati I shall not be able to pay
    obžalujem, da ne morem I regret my inability
    ne morem biti brez I cannot go (ali do) without
    denar more vse money talks
    njemu ne moreš verjeti he is not to be believed
    nanj se ne moreš zanesti he is not to be relied upon
    moglo bi biti takó it might possibly be so, pogovorno could be