slédnjič at last, at long last; (nazadnje) in the end, finally
slíniti se to slobber; to slaver; to drivel; to foam at the mouth; (figurativno, prilizovati se) to flatter (komu someone)
splòh at all
splòh ne not at all
če splòh if at all
splòh nihče no one at all
če splòh kaj if anything (at all)
če splòh kateri if any (at all)
kaj splòh hoče? what is it he actually wants?
za to splòh ne gre that is not the point in question at all
si ga splòh videl? have you seen him at all?
jaz splòh nisem ničesar videl I have not seen anything at all
spôdaj below; beneath; (na dnu) at the bottom; underneath; (v pritličju) downstairs
tam spôdaj down there
spogledáti se to look at each other; to exchange glances
spogledala sta se they looked at each other, they exchanged glances
spóren contestable, disputable, debatable, contentious, controversial, litigious, questionable; pravo moot; at issue
spóren primer a controversial case
spórna točka moot point, point of controversy, point at issue
spórno vprašanje moot question
spórna zadeva, stvar, točka matter at issue, matter in dispute
biti spóren to be at issue, to be in dispute
spóren problem controversial problem
spréti (razdvojiti) to set at variance
spréti se to quarrel (with each other), to have a quarrel (ali a dispute); to fall out with one another
to jih je sprlo that set them at variance
biti sprt z to be at odds with (someone) (gledé regarding, concerning)
spŕva at first; in the beginning
státi2 (stojim) to stand; to be at a standstill; (ne se premakniti) to stagnate, not to budge
pokonci státi to stand upright
státi na prstih to stand on tiptoe
státi v pozoru vojska to stand at attention
státi voljno vojska to stand at ease
vod, stoj! vojska squad, halt!
státi na straži to be on sentry-go, to stand guard
státi komu ob strani to stand by someone
státi na lastnih nogah (figurativno) to stand on one's own legs
moja ura stoji my watch has stopped
stvari stojé dobro matters stand well
(takó) kot stvari stojé as matters stand
bil je preveč pijan, da bi mogel státi (na nogah) he was too drunk to stand up
nekaj ostankov rimskega zidu še stoji some remains of the Roman wall are still standing
stoj! stop!, halt!, stand still!
státi ravno kot sveča to stand bolt upright
koliko časa stoji vlak na tej postaji? how long does the train stop at this station?
státi trdno kot skala to stand firm as a rock
státi v vrsti (in čakati) ZDA to stand in line; VB to stand in a queue, to queue (up)
strádati to be hungry, to go hungry, arhaično to hunger; to starve, to live at starvation level; to be starving (ali famished); to suffer extreme want
svátovski belonging to (oziroma concerning) the guests at a wedding
svátovska pesem epithalamium, pl -mia
svobôden free; (na prostosti) at liberty, at large; (neodvisen) independent; (poklic) liberal; (nezasužnjen) unenslaved; (neujet) at large, uncaught
svobôdna ljubezen free love
svobôden mislec, duh freethinker
svobôden poklic liberal profession
svobôden prehód free pass
svobôdno pristanišče free port
svobôdna trgovina free trade
svobôdne umetnosti the liberal arts pl
svobôdna volja free will
svobôden promet blaga free sale of goods
svobôdna menjava dela free exchange of labour
svobôdno združeno delo freely associated labour
svobôdna skupnost free community
svobôdna in vsestranska dejavnost free and all-round activity
šahírati to play at chess
švadronírati to talk much at random; to jaw
tačás at that time; (medtem) (in the) meantime, meanwhile
takój at once, immediately, presently, instantly, instantaneously, on the instant; directly; on the spot; right away; then and there; straight away, straight off; forthwith; ZDA right off, right away
takój po večerji right after dinner
takój po prejemu naročila immediately (ali at once) upon receipt of the order
takój plačljiva anuiteta immediate annuity
ki stopi takoj v veljavo effective immediately
takój plačati to pay ready money, to pay cash, to pay on the nail
ne morem vam povedati (kar) takój I cannot tell you straight away (ali straight off)
takój bom govoril z njim I shall speak to him right away
smrt je nastopila takój death was instantaneous
tákrat at that time, at that period; then
do tákrat till then, by then, by that time
od tákrat from then
tákrat sem bil v Italiji I was in Italy then
si bil tákrat v Parizu? were you in Paris at that time?
skušal bom priti nazaj do tákrat I shall try to be back by that time
tarokírati to play at tarot (ali tarok)
tarokíst player at tarot
tedáj then; at that time; at that period
do tedáj till then
od tedáj dalje, naprej from then on
šele od tedáj naprej not till then
tedáj sem bil v Italiji I was in Italy then