tap3 [tæp] samostalnik
(lahen) udarec, potrepljanje; lahno trkanje (at na)
zaplata (na podplatu čevlja)
vojska, ameriško znak (s trobento ipd.) za nočni počitek
tap dance step (ples)
tap dancer plesalec stepa
to give s.o. a tap on the shoulder potrepljati koga po rami
Zadetki iskanja
- tap4 [tæp] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
rahlo udariti, dotakniti se, dregniti, krcniti, potrepljati, (po)trkati (at na)
ameriško zakrpati (čevlje), popraviti z zaplato
to tap at the door potrkati na vrata
to tap s.o.'s fingers krcniti koga po prstih
to tap one's foot udariti z nogo (ob tla)
to tap s.o. upon (ali on) the shoulder potrepljati koga po rami - tarífa tariff; rate, rates pl; scale (of charges); price list
po tarífi in accordance with the tariff
maksimalna tarífa maximum tariff
preferenčna tarífa preferential tariff
zaščitna tarífa protective tariff
železniška tarífa list (ali table, schedule) of fares - task1 [ta:sk] samostalnik
naloga, naloženo delo, posel; šolska naloga; dolžnost; težavna naloga, težak problem
by task, to task po kosih, kos za kosom (o delu)
task force ameriško, vojska skupina vojakov, odrejena za izvršitev posebne naloge
to set s.o. a task dati komu nalogo
to take s.o. to task zahtevati od koga račun (o čem), poklicati koga na odgovornost, grajati, izreči ukor komu, kritizirati koga
to take up a task lotiti se (neke) naloge - taste1 [téist] samostalnik
okus (čut, lastnost); pokušanje (jedi); pokušnja; košček (of česa)
zalogaj; požirek, kapljica; priokus; umetniški okus; takt; smer okusa, moda; nagnjenje, posebna ljubezen (for za)
zastarelo užitek
a taste malce, nekoliko
out of taste, in bad taste neokusen
not to my taste ne po mojem okusu
bad taste netaktnost
a remark in bad taste netaktna opazka
a taste of garlic okus po česnu
a man of taste človek dobrega okusa
tastes differ okusi so različni
it is the taste now to je zdaj moda
there is no accounting for tastes vsakdo ima svoj okus
it is a matter of taste (to) je stvar okusa
there was a taste of sadness in his remark v njegovi opazki je bil priokus (sled) žalosti
to leave a bad taste in the mouth (zlasti figurativno) pustiti slab okus
to take a taste of s.th. poskusiti grižljaj česa - taste2 [téist] prehodni glagol
(p)okusiti, (p)okušati (jedi); preskusiti, preiskati; jesti majhne zalogaje; jesti, piti; (ob)čutiti, izkusiti, doživeti; poskušati; uživati; ohs (p)otipati
figurativno poskusiti
neprehodni glagol
imeti okus (of po)
figurativno dišati (of po)
po(s)kusiti, doživeti (of kaj)
to taste blood figurativno priti na okus
to taste of salt imeti okus po soli, po slanem
the milk tastes sour mleko ima kisel okus - tear*3 [tɛ́ə] prehodni glagol
(raz)trgati; razkosati; pretrgati, prekiniti; iztrgati, izpuliti; vleči, natezati; odtrgati (from od)
to tear one's finger raniti si prst
to tear one's dress on a nail strgati si obleko na žeblju
to tear in two raztrgati na dvoje
to tear a page out of the book iztrgati list iz knjige
to tear open odpreti z raztrganjem, raztrgati
to tear s.th. from s.o. iztrgati komu kaj
to tear one's hair (iz)puliti si lase
to tear to pieces raztrgati na kose, razkosati
to tear one's shirt raztrgati si srajco
to be torn between hope and despair biti razdvojen (kolebati) med upanjem in obupom
neprehodni glagol
(po)vleči (at za)
močno potegniti (at za)
(raz)trgati se; pretrgati se; prekiniti se, pokati
pogovorno drveti, dirjati, divje hiteti, leteti (through skozi)
pogovorno divjati, besneti
this thread will not tear ta nit se ne bo strgala
the children were tearing about the road otroci so se podili sem in tja po cesti
he tore down the hill zdrvel je po hribu navzdol - tečáj2 finance (denarni) exchange rate, rate of exchange; (denar v tečaju) currency
uradni tečáj official rate
nenaden padec tečájev sudden fall in the exchange rate
lista borznih tečájev stock exchange list
tečáj stoji, je al pari the rate stands at par
tečáj funta pada (the exchange rate of) the pound is falling (ali going down, declining)
tečáj funta se dviga (the exchange rate of) the pound is rising (ali going up, improving, advancing)
tečáj dolarja se je le neznatno dvignil the dollar has appreciated just slightly
po tečáju od... at the exchange of... - têči to run; to flow, to stream; (čas) to go by (ali on), to pass by, to roll by; (stroj) to go, to work, to play; (promet) to circulate; (posoda) to leak, to run out
beseda mu teče gladko he speaks fluently (ali volubly, glibly)
stvar teče gladko things are running smoothly (ali like clockwork), things are going swimmingly (ali without a hitch), it's all plain sailing, VB žargon it's a doddle
kri teče blood is (being) shed (ali spilt)
kri je tekla there has been bloodshed
kri mu teče iz nosa he has a nose bleed, his nose is bleeding
têči v prazno (motor) to idle
zadeva še teče the affair is still continuing (ali is not over yet)
pusti stvari, da tečejo, kot hočejo! let things take their course!
voda teče iz pipe the tap is running
kri, ki mi teče po žilah the blood coursing through my veins
obresti tečejo od 1. maja the interest runs (ali accrues) from May 1st
teči, kot da bi šlo za življenje to run for dear life - téden week, seven days pl
dva tédna a fortnight
nekaj tédnov a week or two
na téden (tedensko) a week, per week
téden za tédnom week by week, week in week out
enkrat na téden once a week
med tédnom in the week
dvakrat na téden twice a week
danes téden today week, this day week
včeraj téden yesterday week
pred enim tédnom a week ago
vsak téden weekly
v enem tédnu within a week
prihodnji téden next week
pretekli téden last week
jutri téden tomorrow week
v ponedeljek téden Monday week
konec tédna weekend
čez tri tédne three weeks hence
beli téden trgovina white sale
delovni téden working week
40 urni delovni téden 40-hour week
medeni tédni honeymoon
ves téden delati to work all week
med tédnom spim v mestu I sleep in town during the week
téden po beli nedelji religija Low Week - téhtanje weighing; weigh
téhtanje džokeja pred dirko (po dirki) weighing-out (weighing-in) - tékati to run; to flow
tékati po poslih, tékati sem in tja to be on the go - telefón telephone, phone; žargon blower
po telefónu by telephone, by phone
preko telefóna over the telephone (ali phone)
Gospod X. pri telefónu! Mr. X. here!, Mr. X. speaking!
telefón dvojček party line
telefón na kovance pay-phone, prepayment telephone
hišni telefón inter-office communication
ognjeni telefón signal fires pl
imate telefón (= telefonski aparat)? are you on the phone?
govoriti po telefónu to talk on the phone
ostanite pri telefónu! hold the line!
poklicati koga po telefónu to phone someone; to ring someone up, to give someone a ring
telefón zvoni! the phone's ringing!
telefón za te you're wanted on the phone, it's for you - telefóničen telephonic
telefónično prislov by (tele)phone, over the (tele)phone, on the (tele)phone
telefónično (po)klicati to phone, to ring, to ring up, ZDA to call up
telefónično vprašati to inquire by (tele)phone
vzpostaviti telefóničen pogovor to put through a call - telephone1 [télifoun] samostalnik
at the telephone pri telefonu, pri aparatu
by telephone po telefonu, telefonično
over the telephone preko telefona
a conversation on the telephone telefonski pogovor
a talk over the long-distance telephone telefonski pogovor na veliko oddaljenost
to be on the telephone biti pri telefonu; imeti telefonski aparat, biti telefonski naročnik
to ring s.o. up on the telephone telefonično koga poklicati, telefonirati komu - televizíja television, (krajšava: TV) pogovorno telly, the box, slabšalno goggle-box
na televizíji on television
(stalen) gledalec televizíje television viewer, televiewer
primeren za televizíjo telegenic
gledati televizíjo to teleview
nastopiti na televizíji to telecast
oddajati po televizíji to telecast, to televise
prenašati v televizíji, videti na televizíji to televise, to see something on television
barvna televizíja colour (ZDA color) television
ljubitelj televizíje television fan, TV fan, telly addict - tell* [tel]
1. prehodni glagol
povedati, pripovedovati, reči; izreči, izraziti, izpovedati; izdati; (po)kazati (o uri); obvestiti, sporočiti, navesti, (ob)javiti, označiti; prikazati, razlagati, razjasniti, prepričevati, trditi; zapovedati, ukazati, naročiti; izmisliti; poznati, prepoznati, razlikovati, (raz)ločiti
parlament šteti (glasove)
all told (vzeto) v celem, v celoti, vse skupaj
tell me another! sleng tega mi ne boš natvezel!
I was told (so) rekli so mi (tako)
I'll tell you what nekaj ti bom povedal (izdal)
I'll tell you the world ameriško o tem sem prepričan
I can tell you zagotavljam vam
I cannot tell him from his brother ne razlikujem ga od njegovega brata
to tell s.th. abroad pripovedovati kaj okoli, raznašati kaj
to tell fortunes from cards vedeževati iz kart
to tell one's money ameriško šteti svoj denar
to tell one's beads religija moliti rožni venec
to tell one's name povedati svoje ime
to tell the news naznaniti, povedati, objaviti novico
to tell a lie (ali lies) lagati
to tell the reason navesti razlog
to tell the tale pogovorno pripovedovati (povedati) žalostno zgodbo (ne da bi zbudili usmiljenje)
to tell tales zbrbljati, izklepetati; opravljati, obirati; spletkariti
to tell the truth povedati resnico
to tell the votes politika šteti glasove
he told him to go rekel (ukazal) mu je, naj gre
he can be told by his hat lahko ga prepoznate po njegovem klobuku
never tell me! ne čvekaj mi! ne kvasi mi jih!
the clock tells the time ura kaže čas
this tells its own tale to se razume samo po sebi, to je jasno
we were told to get up rekli so nam, naj vstanemo
you're telling me! sleng tega mi ni treba praviti!; komu pripovedujeto to?; kot, da jaz tega ne vem!
2. neprehodni glagol
pripovedovati, govoriti, praviti; obvestiti, informirati (about o)
spoznati, vedeti (by po)
imeti posledice, postati očiten, očitno se pokazati
pogovorno izdati, ovaditi, zatožiti
for all we can tell kolikor mi vemo
who can tell kdo ve
how can you tell? kako morete to vedeti?
you never can tell človek nikoli ne ve
every shot tells vsak strel pogodi
her tears tell of her grief njene solze izdajajo njeno bolečino
to tell on (ali of) s.o. izdati, zatožiti koga
don't tell on me ne izdaj(te) me!
the hard work began to tell on her težko delo je začelo puščati sledove na njej
that tells against you to govori proti tebi - teló body; frame; constitution; (oseb) corporation, corporate body
mrtvo teló (truplo) corpse
nebesno teló heavenly body
krepko, močno teló strong body
lepo zgrajeno teló a well-knit body
močnega telesa, močan po telesu strong-bodied, ablebodied
človek krepkega telesa a well-built fellow
trdno (tekoče, plinasto) teló solid (liquid, gaseous) body
Rešnje teló religija the body of Our Lord, Corpus Christi, (praznik) Corpus Christi
tuje teló foreign body
zakonodajno teló legislative body
biti vdan komu z dušo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
drgetati po vsem telesu to tremble all over
predstavniško teló representative body - temperament [témpərəmənt] samostalnik
temperament, čud, narava; prenapet značaj
medicina konstitucija, stanje
glasba temperatura
zastarelo klima, temperatura
choleric temperament koleričen temperament
he has a nervous temperament on je po naravi živčen, je živčne narave - temperamént temperament; disposition; frame of mind; temper; (živahnost) animation, vivacity, liveliness, spirit, verve
brez temperaménta spiritless
koleričen temperamént choleric temperament
brezbrižen po temperaméntu temperamentally (naturally) apathetic
nima nobenega temperaménta he has no life in him
on je živčnega temperaménta he has a nervous temperament