
Zadetki iskanja

  • tečáj2 finance (denarni) exchange rate, rate of exchange; (denar v tečaju) currency

    uradni tečáj official rate
    nenaden padec tečájev sudden fall in the exchange rate
    lista borznih tečájev stock exchange list
    tečáj stoji, je al pari the rate stands at par
    tečáj funta pada (the exchange rate of) the pound is falling (ali going down, declining)
    tečáj funta se dviga (the exchange rate of) the pound is rising (ali going up, improving, advancing)
    tečáj dolarja se je le neznatno dvignil the dollar has appreciated just slightly
    po tečáju od... at the exchange of...
  • telephone1 [télifoun] samostalnik

    at the telephone pri telefonu, pri aparatu
    by telephone po telefonu, telefonično
    over the telephone preko telefona
    a conversation on the telephone telefonski pogovor
    a talk over the long-distance telephone telefonski pogovor na veliko oddaljenost
    to be on the telephone biti pri telefonu; imeti telefonski aparat, biti telefonski naročnik
    to ring s.o. up on the telephone telefonično koga poklicati, telefonirati komu
  • telovádec; telovádka gymnast

    on je zelo dober telovádec; -dka he is very good at gymnastics
  • temperatúra temperature

    maksimalna temperatúra maximum temperature
    srednja letna temperatúra mean annual temperature
    povprečna temperatúra mean temperature
    variacija, variiranje temperatúre variation in temperature
    uravnavanje temperatúre (klimatizacija) air-conditioning
    merjenje temperatúre measuring the temperature, (telesne) taking someone's temperature
    stalnost, stanovitnost temperatúre temperature stability, constancy
    odvisen od temperatúre dependent on (ali responsive to) temperature
    krivulja temperatúre temperature curve
    normalna temperatúra normal temperature
    sprememba temperatúre change in temperature
    dvig temperatúre rise in temperature
    padec temperatúre drop in temperature, (nagel) slump (ali sudden drop) in temperature
    pri temperatúri pod ničlo at sub-zero temperature
    meriti komu temperatúro to take someone's temperature
    imeti (zvišano) temperatúro (= imeti vročino) to have (ali to run) a temperature
    temperatúra je padla na -5°C the temperature has dropped to minus 5 degrees centigrade
    temperatúra se je dvignila the temperature has risen
  • tenancy [ténənsi] samostalnik
    pravno zakup, najem; (začasna) posest; zakupna posest; trajanje zakupa ali najema; zakupna (najemna) doba

    tenancy at will (vedno lahko) odpovedljiv zakup (najem)
    tenancy for life dosmrten zakup
  • tenant [ténənt]

    1. samostalnik
    zakupnik; najemnik
    zgodovina fevdnik
    pravno imetnik; stanovalec

    tenant at will zakupnik, ki se mu lahko vsak trenutek odpove zakup
    tenant farmer kmet zakupnik
    tenants of the trees figurativno ptice
    to let out to tenants dati v zakup

    2. prehodni glagol
    imeti v zakupu ali najemu
    pravno imeti, biti imetnik; prebivati, stanovati v; imeti pod streho

    this house tenants three families v tej hiši stanujejo tri družine
    neprehodni glagol
    bivati, stanovati (kot zakupnik ali najemnik)
  • tenure [ténjuə] samostalnik
    pravno pravica do posesti; posest; opravljanje neke službe; čas trajanja, uživanja posesti ali položaja

    tenure at will zakupna posest, ki se lahko po volji odpove
    tenure of office čas (doba, trajanje) službovanja (npr. 4 leta za predsednika ZDA)
    military tenure posest, na katero je vezana obveznost služenja vojaščine
  • term1 [tə:m] samostalnik
    termin, strokoven izraz; beseda, izraz
    množina izrazi, način izražanja, govor(jenje); termin, rok, čas (doba) trajanja
    trgovina plačilni rok, čas dospelosti menice
    množina določbe, pogoji (v pogodbi); cena; honorar; odnosi
    britanska angleščina kvartal, plačilni dan, termin za plačanje
    pravno zasedanje, čas (sodnega) zasedanja; določeni čas posesti (zakupa, najema)
    britanska angleščina, univerza trimesečje, trimester; semester
    matematika člen
    logika pojem
    medicina, zastarelo menstruacija
    zastarelo mejnik, mejni kamen
    geografija skrajna, končna črta ali točka

    at term ob določenem terminu
    for a term of three years za dobo treh let
    in plain terms odkrito, naravnost
    on strained terms v napetih odnosih
    on easy terms v prijateljskih odnosih
    on any terms s katerimikoli pogoji
    not on any terms pod nobenimi pogoji, za nobeno ceno
    in terms of praise s pohvalnimi besedami
    term of office čas službovanja
    contradiction in terms protislovje
    inclusive terms skupaj s postrežbo, z razsvetijavo
    reasonable terms pametne, sprejemljive cene
    terms of delivery ekonomija dobavni pogoji
    short-term transaction kratkoročna transakcija
    technical term strokoven izraz
    to be on good (bad) terms with s.o. biti s kom v dobrih (slabih) odnosih
    to be on (familiar) terms with s.o. biti prijatelj s kom
    to be not on terms with ne imeti odnosov z
    to be not on speaking terms with s.o. ne govoriti s kom, biti sprt (skregan) s kom
    his terms are very high njegove cene so zelo visoke
    what are your terms? kakšne so vaše cene? kaj zahtevate?
    to bring s.o. to terms naložiti komu svoje pogoje
    to come to terms popustiti, odnehati
    to make terms, to come to terms with s.o. pogoditi se, sporazumeti se s kom
    to set a term to s.o. staviti komu termin
    to speak in flattering terms of laskavo se izražati o
  • têsen tight; (ozek) narrow; close; strait, straitened

    têsni čevlji tight shoes pl
    na têsnem smo s prostorom we are cramped for space
    na têsnem smo v tej pisarnici we are cramped tight in this little office
    têsno je z denarjem (figurativno) money is tight
    têsno mi je pri srcu I am sick at heart, I feel uneasy
    têsno zapreti to shut tight
    živeti na têsnem to have just about enough to live on; to be in straitened circumstances
  • tether [téðə]

    1. samostalnik
    povodec, konopec, tudi veriga (za privezanje živali h kolu itd.)
    figurativno obseg, področje (znanja itd.), (duševno) obzorje; razum; pamet

    to be beyond one's tether prekoračiti svoje sile, svoje sposobnosti
    to be at the end of one's tether figurativno biti pri kraju s svojo pametjo, ne vedeti naprej, ne vedeti, kaj bi napravili

    2. prehodni glagol
    privezati (žival na povodec)
    figurativno omejiti
  • težíti to weigh heavily on, to be heavy; to press down, to press hard

    težíti k čemu to tend to (ali towards), to veer (ali to trend) towards; to aim at
    težíti za čim to long for something, to crave for something, to strive for something, after something
    to breme mi teži ramena this burden weighs heavily on my shoulders
    ta odgovornost me začenja težíti this responsibility is beginning to get me down (ali to be too much for me)
    ta dolg me teží this debt weighs heavily on me
    to mu teži srcé that rankles in his mind
    njegov zločin mu teži vest his crime weighs heavily (ali lies heavy) on his conscience
    teži jo skrb za bodočnost worry about her future is getting her down
    vsi naši napori težijo k istemu cilju all our efforts are directed to the same goal
    on teží za bogastvom he craves wealth
  • that1 [ðæt, ðóuz]

    1. zaimek (množina those)
    (kazalni) ta, to; oni, -a, -o

    and that in to, in sicer
    at that vrh tega, poleg tega, pogovorno pri tem
    and all that in vse to (táko)
    for all that pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu
    like that takó
    this, that, and the other to in ono, vse vrste
    with that s tem
    that which... to (ono), kar...
    that house over there ona hiša tam preko
    to that degree that do tolikšne mere, da...
    that's all to je vse
    that's it! tako je prav! tako je treba!
    that's so takó je
    that's right! takó je! točno! res je!; vulgarno da
    and that's that! pogovorno in s tem je stvar opravljena! in stvar je končana! in zdaj dovolj tega!
    that may be to je možno
    that's what it is saj to je ravno; stvar je v tem; tako je to; za tem grmom tiči zajec
    (is) that so? ali res? je (to) res tako?
    that's the way! tako je prav!
    that is why zato
    that is because to je zato, ker
    that is (to say) to se pravi
    those are they to so oni
    those are his children to (ono) so njegovi otroci
    that was the children to so bili (so naredili) otroci
    that's a dear! to je lepo od tebe!
    what of that? (pa) kaj za to?
    what's that noise? kakšen hrup je to?
    that's what he told me tako mi je on povedal
    let it go at that pogovorno pustimo to, kot je
    why do you run like that? zakaj tako tečeš?
    this cake is better than that (one) ta kolač je boljši kot oni
    I went to this and that doctor šel sem k več zdravnikom

    2. prislov
    pogovorno takó (zelo)

    that much toliko
    that far tako daleč
    that angry (small, tired) tako jezen (majhen, utrujen)
  • that3 [ðæt] veznik
    da; da bi; (zato) ker; ko

    in order that, to the end that da bi
    so that tako, da
    now that sedaj, ko
    I am sorry that you can't come žal mi je, da ne morete priti
    we eat that we may live jémo, da bi mogli živeti
    he lives that he may eat on živi, da bi mogel jesti
    I was so tired that I fell asleep bil sem tako utrujen, da sem zaspal
    now that we know the reason sedaj, ko vemo za razlog
    it is 3 years that she went away tri leta je, da (odkar) je odšla
    at the time that I was born v času, ko sem se rodil
    it is rather that prej (je), ker
    not that it mightn't be better ne, ker ne bi moglo biti bolje
  • then [ðen]

    1. prislov
    nato, potem; takrat; (na)dalje, razen tega; torej

    now and then včasih, tu pa tam
    every now and then vedno zopet, od časa do časa
    then and there na mestu, takoj
    long before then davno pred tem, davno prej
    all right then torej prav, no pa dobro, v redu
    well then no!; no dobro
    now then toda prosim, pa dobro
    on then! kar (samo) naprej!
    then this, then that včasih to, včasih ono
    if ... then če ... tedaj
    but then ampak seveda
    and then some ameriško, sleng in še mnogo več
    what then? pa potem?
    there and then neposredno nato, takoj nato, precej nato
    then is it so? torej je tako? torej vendar?
    then how are you? pa kako se počutite?
    I think, then I exist mislim, torej sem
    I was in Italy then bil sem v Italiji takrat
    is it raining? then we had better stay at home ali dežuje? potem je bolje, da ostanemo doma

    2. pridevnik
    takraten, tedanji

    the then president tedanji predsednik

    3. samostalnik
    tisti (takratni, tedanji) čas

    by then do takrat, do tistega časa
    from then od tistega časa, od takrat
    not till then šele od tistega časa, odtlej, šele nato
    till then do tistega časa, do takrat, dotlej
  • there [ðɛ́ə]

    1. prislov
    tam, tamkaj; tu, tukaj
    figurativno takoj, précej; tja; v tem (pogledu)

    there and back tja in nazaj
    there and then takoj, précej, na mestu
    down there tam doli
    here and there tu in tam
    here, there and everywhere vsepovsod
    in there tam notri
    neither here nor there ne tu ne tam, figurativno nepomemben
    out there tam zunaj
    over there tam preko
    from there od tam, od tod
    up there tam gori
    there it is! v tem je težava! to je tisto! tako je s stvarjo!
    there is the rub tu je (tiči) težava
    there you are! (vidiš) kaj sem ti rekel! zdaj pa imaš!
    I have been there before sleng to že vse vem
    to have been there sleng dobro se spoznati
    all there pogovorno pameten, preudaren, priseben
    he is not all there on ni čisto pri pravi (pameti)
    there I agree with you v tem (pogledu) se strinjam z vami
    we had him there v tem smo ga prelisičili
    to get there sleng doseči kaj, uspeti
    put it there! postavi (daj) to tja!; figurativno udari(te) v roko! (v znak sporazuma)

    (oslabljeno) tam, tu (se ne prevaja: pred neprehodnimi glagoli često brezosebno)

    there is je, se nahaja
    there are so, se nahajajo
    there was a king bil je (nekoč) kralj
    there is no saying ne da se reči
    there arises the question... nastaja vprašanje...
    there comes a time when... pride čas, ko...
    will there be any lecture? ali bo (kako) predavanje?
    what is there to do? kaj naj storimo?
    never was there such a man nikoli ni bilo takega človeka
    there's a man at the door nekdo je pri vratih
    there were many cases of influenza bilo je mnogo primerov gripe

    3. medmet
    glej! no! na!; pomiri se!

    there! no, no, pomiri se! bodi no dober (priden, spodoben)!
    don't cry! no, no, ne jokaj!
    there now! glej ga no
    so there! zdaj pa imal! zdaj pa je dovolj!
    well there čuj!
    there, didn't I tell you? na, ali vam nisem rekel?
    there, it is done! na, pa je narejeno!
    there's a good girl! bodi dobra, pridna deklica (in podaj mi knjigo)!; dobra deklica si, tako je prav (ker si mi podala knjigo)!
  • thrash1 [ɵræš] prehodni glagol
    mlatiti (tudi figurativno)
    biti, tolči, tepsti, pretepati
    figurativno potolči, poraziti, premagati
    neprehodni glagol
    mlatiti; premetavati se sem in tja; udariti (at v, po)
    navtika prebijati se (proti vetru, plimi itd.)

    to thrash straw figurativno mlatiti prazno slamo
    to thrash s.o.'s jacket, to thrash the life out of s.o. pogovorno premlatiti, namlatiti koga
    to thrash in bed with a high fever premetavati se v postelji z visoko vročino
    to thrash out izmlatiti; prerešetati, pretresti; razpravljati (o); razlagati, pojasniti
    to thrash over old straw mlatiti prazno slamo
  • thrill2 [ɵril] prehodni glagol
    peti s tresočim se glasom, tremolirati (melodijo); pretresti, prevzeti, popasti (groza, žalost, skrb), vznemiriti; navdušiti, razburiti

    an earthquake thrilled the land potres je pretresel deželo
    her voice thrilled the listeners njen glas je elektriziral poslušalce
    the sight thrilled him with horror pogled ga je navdal z grozo
    neprehodni glagol
    zgroziti se (with ob)
    vznemiriti se, razburiti se, (za)drhteti, tresti se, vibrirati; biti preplašen, prestrašen (at, with ob, zaradi)

    he thrills with delight drhti od veselja
    the earth thrills zemlja se trese
    fear thrilled through my veins strah me je spreletel
  • throat [ɵróut]

    1. samostalnik
    grlo, žrelo, požiralnik, goltanec, sapnik; vrat
    figurativno zoženje, ozek prehod, zožena odprtina
    figurativno glas

    a throat of brass figurativno pogumen, močan glas
    throat of a vase vrat vaze
    clergyman's (sore) throat kroničen katar v žrelu
    to clear one's throat odkašijati se, izkašljati se, odhrkati se
    to cut s.o.'s throat komu vrat prerezati
    to cut one another's throats figurativno medsebojno se uničiti
    to cut one's own throat figurativno sam se uničiti
    to give s.o. the lie in his throat obtožiti koga velike laži
    I have a sore throat grlo me boli, grlo m je vneto
    to jump down one's throat figurativno prekiniti koga z ugovarjanjem, protestiranjem ipd.
    to lie in one's throat debelo, grobo lagati
    to pour down one's throat izpiti, pognati po grlu
    he shouted at the top of his throat na ves glas je zakričal
    to take s.o. by the throat zgrabiti koga za vrat
    to thrust (to ram) down s.o.'s throat vsiliti komu kaj
    the words stuck in my throat besede so mi obtičale v grlu

    2. prehodni glagol
    izžlebiti, izdolbsti
    zastarelo momljati
  • throttle1 [ɵrɔtl] samostalnik
    (večinoma narečno) grlo, golt, sapnik
    tehnično throttle lever
    plinski pripirnik

    at full throttle z vso močjo, s polno brzino, z vsem plinom
    with a throttle against the stop s polno hitrostjo, z vsem plinom
    to open the throttle avtomobilizem dati plin
  • throw*2 [ɵróu] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
    vreči, metati, zagnati, zalučati; treščiti
    železnica vreči s tračnic; podreti, zrušiti, premagati; zvreči (jezdeca); odvreči (kožo, o kači); izgubljati (perje, dlako); nasuti (nasip); nametati; skotiti (mlade); izstreliti (naboj); izigrati (karto), odvreči; sukati, oblikovati, modelirati (v lončarstvu); hitro položiti, zgraditi (most); predati, izročiti (oblast); prestaviti (čete); izraziti, prevesti (into v)
    nagnati, napoditi, pognati; razpisati (natečaj)
    ameriško, pogovorno z goljufivim, sleparskim namenom izgubiti (the race dirko)

    to throw a banquet (a dance) dati, prirediti banket (ples)
    to throw the bull ameriško, sleng širokoustiti se, lagati (da se kar kadi)
    to throw a chest sleng prsiti se, postavljati se
    he was thrown with bad companions zašel je v slabo družbo
    to throw dust in s.o.'s eyes figurativno metati komu pesek v oči
    he threw his eyes to the ground figurativno povesil je oči
    to throw a fit sleng razkačiti se
    to throw a gun on s.o. ameriško nameriti revolver na koga
    to throw one's heart (soul, life, spirit) into popolnoma se predati neki stvari
    to throw light on osvetliti, pojasniti kaj
    to throw the javelin šport metati kopje
    to throw good money after bad figurativno zopet izgubiti denar, ko skušamo popraviti neko drugo izgubo
    to throw open naglo (na široko, na stežaj) odpreti
    to throw overboard figurativno rešiti se (česa), vreči s sebe
    to throw o.s. zaupati se, izročiti se (upon s.o. komu)
    to be thrown upon o.s. biti sam nase navezan
    to throw a rope to s.o. vreči komu vrv; figurativno pomagati komu
    to throw a sop to s.o. figurativno stisniti komu (napitnino, podkupnino), z drobtinico koga utišali
    to throw a scare into s.o. pognati komu strah v kosti
    to throw stones at s.o. vreči kamenje na koga, figurativno obdolžiti koga
    to throw in s.o.'s teeth vreči komu kaj, v obraz očitati komu kaj
    to throw cold water on z mrzlo vodo politi, figurativno odvzeti pogum; spodbijati vrednost, zasluge (kake osebe)
    to throw o.s. into work vreči se na delo
    to throw one's daughter at the head of a young man vsiljevati svojo hčer mlademu moškemu