
Zadetki iskanja

  • doselíti se to migrate (to); (v deželo) to immigrate, to come (ali to enter) as a settler
  • doskočíti to jump; to make a jump
  • dôsti enough; sufficiently; (precéj) rather, pretty, fairly; (obilno) amply; a great deal of; (zadovoljivo, primerno) satisfactorily

    več kot dôsti more than enough, enough and to spare
    za danes bo dôsti that will do for today
    dôsti dobro veš, da je to prepovedano you know well enough that it is forbidden
    on ima dôsti denarja he has plenty of money, he is flush with money
    dôsti! enough!; that will do!
    dôsti je smeha! stop laughing!
  • dôstikrat often, frequently; many a time, many times; several times
  • dovóz supply; conveying (ali carting) to a place; (blaga) arrival; (za vozila) access, approach, drive
  • dragocénost a valuable thing (ali object)

    dragocénosti pl valuable things pl; valuables pl
  • drážiti1 to incite; to instigate, to stir up; (nagajati) to tease; a tease to irritate, to annoy, to gall, pogovorno to rile; (izzivati) to provoke

    ne draži ga! don't rub him up the wrong way!
  • drémati to slumber; to doze; to nap; to take a nap; to drowse
  • drevésast tree-like; arboraceous; resembling a tree

    drevésasta praprot tree fern
  • drevésen tree(-); of a tree

    drevésen a krona, krošnja treetop
  • drsálec -lka skater; woman skater; (brez drsalk) slider, someone playing on a slide
  • drugojezíčen pertaining to a foreign language; foreign
  • drúštven belonging to a society (ali association); of a society; society

    drúštvna blagajna society funds, club funds pl
    drúštvni lokal club house; premises pl of a (oziroma the) society
    drúštvna pravila club rules, rules of a club (ali society)
    drúštvni statut deed (ali articles pl) of an association
  • družábnik companion; (co)partner; fellow partner; associate; member of a company

    tihi družábnik silent (ali sleeping) partner
    on je dober družábnik he is good company
    sprejeti za družábnika to admit as partner
  • duelírati se to fight a duel
  • duhtéti to have a fragrant (ali pleasant, sweet) smell; to be fragrant (ali scented ali perfumed); to smell sweet

    duhtéti po to be redolent of
    duhtelo je po lipovem cvetu there was a scent of lime blossom in the air
  • dvajsetína a (ali one) twentieth; the twentieth part
  • dvajsetórica twenty; a score; about twenty
  • dvobojeváti se to fight a duel; to duel
  • dvóred a two

    v dvóredih in twos, two abreast