vóščiti1 (želeti) to congratulate; to wish
vóščiti dober dan to bid good day
voščil mi je mnogo uspeha he wished me great success
voščim vam vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Zadetki iskanja
- voting [vóutiŋ] samostalnik
(iz)glasovanje, volitev
voting paper glasovnica
voting machine stroj za štetje glasov
voting by rising and sitting glasovanje z vstajanjem in sedenjem - vow2 [váu] prehodni glagol
zaobljubiti (se), slovesno (s prisego) obljubiti; priseči; obvezati se s slovesno obljubo; slovesno zatrjevati, zagotavljati, prepričevati (that da)
zastarelo prizna(va)ti
to vow and declare slovesno izjaviti
to vow fidelity to the king priseči zvestobo kralju
to vow obedience svečano obljubiti pokorščino
he vowed to avenge the insult prisegel (si) je, da se bo maščeval za žalitev
I vow, you are vastly amusing zares, vi ste nad vse zabavni - voyage1 [vɔ́iidž] samostalnik
(dolgo) potovanje (zlasti po morju, reki); krožno potovanje (z ladjo); potovanje po kopnem; potopis
broken voyage prekinjeno potovanje ali vožnja
homeward voyage potovanje domov
voyage out (and home) potovanje tja (in nazaj)
voyage in (out) potovanje z ladjo v domovino (iz domovine)
voyage outward odhodno potovanje
to go on a voyage, to make a voyage iti, narediti potovanje
to send s.o. on a voyage poslati koga na potovanje - vpís inscription; entry; record; (na univerzo) matriculation; registration; enlistment; (v društvo) enrolment
vpís v dobro (v dolg) credit (debit) entry
vpís posojila subscription of a loan
vpís rojstev, smrti in porok registration of birth, deaths and marriages - vpoglèd insight; perusal, view; examination
na vpoglèd on approbation, on approval
na vpoglèd in vrnitev for perusal and return
imeti (dobiti) vpoglèd v to have (to get) an insight into
dobil sem vpoglèd v tiste razmere I got an insight into those circumstances
predložiti komu v vpoglèd svoje knjige to submit one's books to someone for inspection
dovoliti komu vpoglèd v svoje knjige to allow someone to examine one's books
brezplačen izvod (knjige) na vpoglèd (ogled) specimen (ali free) copy
poslati na vpoglèd (ogled) to send for examination (ali on approval) - vpréči to harness
vpréči konje v voz to harness horses to the carriage
dati vpréči konja v voz to have a horse harnessed to a carriage
biti vprežen v (figurativno) to be tied (ali yoked) to
izpregli so konja in se vpregli v voz they took out the horse and harnessed themselves - vrág devil; Satan, the Evil One, the Tempter; the Prince of Darkness, the Adversary; arhaično the old gentleman, the archfiend, Old Nick; demon; dickens, deuce
vrág v ženski podobi she-devil
k vrágu! hang it!; what the dickens!
obseden od vrága possessed by the devil
vrág! the deuce!
vrág vzemi to! devil take it
k vrágu delo danes to hell with work today!
vrág ga je obsedel! he has the devil in him
kdo vrága ti je to rekel? who the devil (ali the dickens) (who on earth) told you that?
pojdi k vrágu! go to hell, go to the devil!
iti k vrágu to go to the devil, to go to the dogs, to go to rack and ruin
vse gre k vrágu everything is going to the dogs!
v sili vrág muhe jé (žre) beggars can't be choosers
ne kliči vrága! let sleeping dogs lie!
počenjati vrága in pol to raise the devil, to play hell
slikati, risati vrága na steno to paint the devil blacker than he is
vrág vzemi muhe bother the flies!
vrág te vzemi! (the) devil take you!
naj me vrág vzame, če... I'll eat my hat if..., I'll be (ali I'm) damned if..., I'll be shot (ali hanged) if...
kaj vrága delaš danes tukaj? what the devil (ali what the dickens) are you doing here today?
kar vrág prikveka, nima teka arhaično what is got over the devil's back, goes under the belly
vrág ga vzemi! confound him!
z vrágom ni dobro buče saditi! (figurativno) he that sups with the devil must have a long spoon
»danes bi se šel z vrágom metat« (figurativno) I feel full of vim to-day - vráta (sobna, hišna) door; (vrtna, dvoriščna) gate; (vhod) entrance, doorway; (nogomet) goal
hišna vráta street door, front door
dvokrilna vráta folding door
mestna vráta town gate
steklena vráta glass door, French window
spustna vráta drop door
vrtljiva vráta revolving door, swing door
vzdižna železna vráta zgodovina vojska portcullis
zadnja, zadajšnja vráta back door
zunanja vráta outer door
za zaprtimi vráti behind (ali with) closed doors
smučna vráta sliding door
vráta so zaprta the door is shut (ali closed)
vráta so odprta the door is open, na stežaj wide open
vráta so priprta the door is ajar
vráta so zaklenjena the door is locked
vráta so zapahnjena the door is bolted
vojna je pred vráti war is imminent
zima je pred vráti winter is upon us (ali is at the door)
iti in odpreti vráta (ko pozvoni zvonec) to answer the bell (ali the door, the door-bell)
pokazati komu vráta (figurativno) to show someone the door, to turn someone out of doors
iti ven (noter) skozi zadnja vráta to go in (to go out) by the back door
na stežaj odpreti vráta to throw the door wide open (komu to someone)
na trkanje odpreti vráta to answer the door
vlomiti vráta to force open the door
zaloputniti vráta to slam (ali to bang) the door
zapreti in zapahniti vráta to shut and bolt the door
zapreti komu vráta pred nosom to shut the door in someone's face
vráta so se zaprla the door swung to - vrečevína sackcloth
delati pokoro v vrečevíni in pepelu to do penance in sackcloth and ashes - vréden worth, (moralno) worthy; deserving; (dragocen) costly, valuable, precious
vréden pozornosti worthy of notice
vréden pohvale praiseworthy
vréden življenja worthy to live
vréden graje blameworthy
biti vréden česa to be worthy of something
ta stvar je vrédna 10 funtov this thing is worth ten pounds
še prebite pare ne biti vréden not to be worth a brass farthing (ali a fig, a straw)
vrédno je vedeti it is worth knowing
ni omembe, ni besede vrédno it's not worth mentioning
ni vrédno govoriti o tem it's nothing to speak of
on je vréden našega spoštovanja he showed himself worthy of the confidence placed in him
biti vréden truda (pogovorno) to be worth it
je vrédno truda it's worth the rouble
ni vrédno truda it isn't worth the trouble, it is not worth (one's) while
sta eden drugega vrédna (figurativno) the pot calls the kettle black
vem, koliko je kaj vrédno I know the difference between chalk and cheese - vsák -a, -o every; (posamezen) each
vsák, -a, -o dan every day, daily
vsák, -a, -o tretji dan every three days
vsák, -a, -o teden every week, weekly
vsák, -a, -o od dveh (obeh) either
vsák, -a, -o posamezen each and every one
vsák, -a, -o čas any time
vsák, -a, -o učenec every pupil
vsák, -a, -o učenec tega razreda each pupil of this class
na vsák, -a, -o način at any rate
vsakih 20 korakov every twenty paces
ob vsák, -a, -oem vremenu in all weathers
vsák, -a, -o posebej, vsák, -a, -o ločeno separately
vsák, -a, -oemu svoje! to every man his due!, to each his own!
vsák, -a, -o po svoje each (one) in his own way
imava vsák, -a, -o svoje mnenje we have each our own opinion
vsák, -a, -o je dobil 5 SIT they got 5 tolars each
poznam vsák, -a, -oega učenca tega razreda I know every pupil in this class
vsák, -a, -o učenec mora to vedeti, znati every pupil must know this
lahko prideš ob vsák, -a, -oem času you can come at any time - vsákdo everybody; everyone; anyone, anybody; (ločeno) each
vsákdo od njih je dobil 1 tolar they got 1 tolar each
vsákdo po svojem okusu every man to his taste
kakor vsákdo vé as every one knows
vsákdo to lahko naredi anybody can do it
vsákdo, ki nekaj pomeni everybody who is anybody
vsákdo za sebe (figurativno) everyone must stand on his own feet, every tub must stand on its own bottom
vsákdo je sebi najbližji (figurativno) charity begins at home
vsákdo (= vsi) (arhaično) all the world and his wife - vsè all; everything; all included; without exception
vsè, kar... all that...
vsè ali nič all or nothing, (figurativno) neck or nothing
vsè to all this
vsè zaman all in vain, all to no purpose
vsè do zadnjega to the last
vsè skupaj all together
vsè v vsem all in all
vsè več in več more and more
vsè manj in manj less and less
nad vsè above all, first of all
ona mu je vsè she is all to him
njemu vsè prav pride nothing comes amiss to him
vsè je izgubljeno all is lost
vsè mi je povedal he told me everything
vsè sem tvegal I have risked my all
vsè se mi zdi, da ti ni zanj I half suspect you don't care for him
jaz bi vsè prej kot (šel) I would rather have anything than (go)
vsè je dobro, kar se konča dobro all's well that ends well
vsè, kar se sveti, ni zlato all that glitters is not gold
storil bom vsè, kar želiš I shall do whatever you desire - vseêno all the same; all one; still; nevertheless; for all that
meni je vseêno it's all the same to me, it makes no difference to me, I don't care, (žargon) I don't give a damn (ali a darn)
vseêno je, če... it comes to the same thing, if...
če vam je vseêno, da hodite 10 minut if you don't mind walking ten minutes
vseêno mi je it is all one to me
to je čisto vseêno it is all one and the same thing
vseêno je it comes to the same thing, it is six of one and half a dozen of the other, (ni važno) it is of no consequence - vsèlej always; (at) every time
enkrat za vsèlej once (and) for all - vsí ➞ ves
vsí skupaj, vsi in vsak all and sundry; arhaično (vse, kar leze in gre) all the world and his wife (so bili tam were there)
Vsi sveti religija, praznik 1. nov. All Saints' Day, Allhallows - vzdrževáti to keep (up), to maintain; to support, to sustain, to provide sustenance (for)
vzdrževáti veliko družino to keep (ali to maintain) a large family
vzdrževáti prijateljske stike, zveze to maintain friendly relations
vzdrževáti se česa to abstain from something
sam se vzdrževáti to keep oneself in food and clothing, to be selfsupporting; to support oneself
njegov stric ga vzdržuje his uncle pays for his upkeep
vzdrževáti se s čim to subsist by something
vzdrževáti pogovor to keep a conversation going
vzdrževáti pogum (moralo) čet to support the courage (to maintain the morale) of the troops
vzdrževáti svojo družino to support one's family
vzdrževan kept, supported; provided for (od koga by someone) - vzròk cause; reason; ground; motive; source
iz kakšnega vzròka? for what reason?
iz istega vzròka for the same reason
brez vzròka without reason, causeless, groundless
prav iz tega vzròka for that very reason
vzròk (vir) vsega zla the source of all evil
ni vzròka za... there is no reason for...
ti si vzròk tega this is your fault
imam vzròk za... I have a reason for...
ni vzròka za bojazen there is no cause to be afraid
ni vzròka za kako spremembo there is no reason (ali no ground) for making a change
vzròk tega je tvoja lenoba it's your laziness that's to blame
iz enega (tega) ali drugega (onega) vzròka for one reason or another
kaj je vzròk takemu dviganju cen? what is the cause of (ali reason for) this rise in prices?
razjezil se je brez pravega vzròka he got angry without any real reason
nimate vzròka za pritožbo you have no ground(s) for complaint (ali for complaining)
kakšne vzròke moreš navesti za takšno ravnanje? what reasons can you give (ali can you allege) for such treatment?
ne more navesti nobenega vzròka za to, kar je storil he can produce no motive for what he has done
vzròki in učinki causes pl and effects pl
brez pravega vzròka for no particular reason - waif [wéif]
1. samostalnik
pravno odvrženo ukradeno blago; stvar brez lastnika, brez gospodarja; (od morja) naplavljen predmet; odvržen predmet; (domača) žival, ki se je izgubila, je zašla; zapuščena oseba, zlasti otrok; brezdomec, sirotek, najdenček
waifs and strays odpadki, ostanki; zapuščeni otroci, brezdomci, potepini, ptički brez gnezda
2. pridevnik
klateški, potepuški, nenastanjen; navaden, v rabi