
Zadetki iskanja

  • zavêsti to seduce (v into); to mislead; to entice

    zavêsti v skušnjavo to tempt
    zavêsti v vojno to seduce into war
    nič me ne bi zavedlo, da bi storil nothing would tempt me to do it
    ki se da, more zavêsti temptable
  • zavézati to bind up; to tie up; (oči) to blindfold

    zavézati rano to dress (ali to bandage) a wound
    zavézati vozel to knot; to tie (ali to make) a knot
    zavézati vrečo to tie up a bag
    zavézati se to engage oneself; medicina (obvezati se) to bind oneself
    zavezujemo se, da bomo plačali stroške we bind ourselves to pay the expenses
    pogodbeni stranki se zavezujeta plačati... the contracting parties bind themselves to pay...
  • zavóhati to scent; to wind; figurativno to suspect, to perceive, to smell

    zavóhati kaj to get wind of something
    zavóhati, da se nekaj slabega plete, pripravlja (figurativno) to smell a rat
    zavóhati sleparijo to suspect (ali to smell) a swindle
  • zavrtéti to turn round; to spin; to whirl; to twirl; to rotate, to wheel round

    zavrtéti kolo to turn a wheel
    zavrtéti (zmešati) komu glavo to turn someone's head
    koga, da se vrti okoli svoje osi to send someone spinning
    zavrtelo se mi je v glavi my head is swimming, I feel giddy
  • zazdéti se to seem

    zazdelo se mi je, da slišim nekak glas I thought I heard a voice
  • zazíbati to rock; to cradle

    zazíbati otroka v spanje to rock a child to sleep
    potres je zazibal tla an earthquake shook the ground
    zazíbati se v upanje, da... to comfort oneself with (ali to find comfort in) the hope that...
    zaziban v varnosti lulled by a sense of security
  • zdéti se to seem; to appear; to look (like); to have the air (of)

    zdi se mi it seems to me
    zdi se (kazno je, kaže) it seems, it would seem
    to se mi zdi zelo čudno I find that very strange
    naj se zdi še tako čudno, nenavadno strange as it may appear
    tako se zdi (tako je videti) so it seems
    kot se vse zdi as it seems, to all appearances
    kot se zdi (kot je videti) apparently, seemingly
    zdi se, da bo deževalo it looks like rain
    zdi se mi znan I think I know him
    zdi se, da je bolan he seems to be ill
    zdi se, da pomoč ni potrebna it seems there is no need of help
    ni se mi zdel posebno inteligenten he did not strike me as being particularly intelligent
    meni se zdi (= jaz mislim) I think, in my opinion
    kakor se ti zdi primerno as you think proper (ali fit)
    zdi se, da jaz (ti, mi... itd.) I (you, we... etc) seem to...
    zdi se, da to verjamete (verjamejo) you seem (they seem) to believe it
    zdi se, da tega ne more zanikati it seems that he cannot deny it
    zdi se, da jabolka tu ne rastejo apples do not seem to grow here
    ta vest se zdi resnična this news rings true
  • zgodíti se to happen (komu to someone), to occur, to come to pass, to come about, to chance; to take place; to befall

    naj se zgodi, kar hoče! happen what may!, no matter what happens!
    prav se mu je zgodilo! it served him right!
    kar se je zgodilo, se je zgodilo what's done is done!
    da se (ti) to več ne zgodi! don't let that happen again!
    zgôdi se Tvoja volja! religija Thy will be done!
    in nič se ni zgodilo and nothing happened
    kdaj se je to zgodilo? when did it take place?
    takó se je to zgodilo this is how it came about
    zgodila se mu je nesreča he has had an accident, he has met with an accident
    nesreča se nikoli ne zgodi sama misfortunes never come singly
  • zíbati to swing, to rock; (zibelko) to cradle

    zíbati se to rock, to swing
    zíbati zibelko to rock the cradle
    zíbati na kolenih to dandle
    zíbati v naročju to cradle in one's arms
    zíbati se na (gugalnem) stolu to rock in a (rocking) chair
    zíbati se sem in tja to swing to and fro
    drevesa so se zibala v vetru the trees were swaying in the wind
    zíbati se v upanju, da... to comfort oneself with (ali to find comfort in) the hope that...
  • zlató gold

    lov za zlatom gold rush
    kopač (kopanje) zlata gold-digger (gold digging)
    rudnik zlata gold mine
    zlató v palicah bar gold, bullion, ingot gold
    kepica, zrno zlata gold nugget
    zlata žila medicina piles pl
    žila zlata vein of gold
    izpiralec (izpiranje) zlata gold-washer (gold-washing)
    odtok zlata outflow (ali drain) of gold
    zaloga zlata nahajališče zlata goldfield
    plačila se morajo izvršiti v zlatu (the) payments are to be made in gold
    on se valja v zlatu (figurativno) he is rolling in gold
    biti plačan v zlatu to be paid in gold
    biti zlata vreden (figurativno) to be worth one's weight in gold
    to se ne da plačati z zlatom (figurativno) this is beyond price
    govoriti je srebro, molčati pa zlató speech is silver (arhaično silvern), silence is golden
    ni vse zlató, kar se sveti all that glitters is not gold, appearances are deceptive
  • zločín crime; pravo felony, misdeed; evil deed; outrage (nad kom on, upon someone); evil deed; sin

    politični zločín political crime
    najhujši zločín crime of the deepest (ali blackest) dye
    zločín, ki se kaznuje s smrtjo capital crime, capital offence
    zločín, ki se kaznuje z zaporom in odvzemon državljanskih pravic ZDA infamous crime
    zločín je, da so porušili to staro hišo it was a crying shame (ali a crime, a sin) to pull down that old house
    zakriviti zločín to commit (ali to perpetrate) a crime
  • zmágati (sovražnika) to conquer, to defeat, to overcome, to vanquish; to be victorious; to triumph; to carry the day; to gain the upper hand; to come off with flying colours

    zmágati težave to surmount (one's) difficulties
    zmágati zapreko to surmount (ali to overcome, to master, to conquer) an obstacle
    ponižati se, da bi zmagali to stoop to conquer
  • zmázati

    skupaj zmázati to huddle together; to compile carelessly
    vedel sem, da me boste zmazali (iz neprilike) I knew you'd see me through
  • zmérjati to scold, to call (someone) names, to insult, to abuse; to swear (at someone), to inveigh (against someone); to bullyrag; to reproach (someone for something); to blackguard (someone)

    zmerjal me je, češ da sem mu napoti he swore at me for getting in his way
    začeti zmérjati to become abusive
  • zmóten erroneous; mistaken; wrong; incorrect

    zmótni nazori error of judgment
    zelo zmótno je od tebe, da ga podpiraš it is very wrong of you to support him
  • znán known; noted (po for); well-known

    splošno znán notorious (po, zaradi for)
    po vsem svetu znán well-known all over the world
    znán pod imenom... known as...
    znán obraz familiar face
    znána substanca kemija (the) known
    znána veličina matematika (the) known quantity
    drugače znán pod imenom... alias, also known as (krajšava: aka)
    kolikor je znáno as far as is known
    kolikor mi je znáno as far as I know
    znáno mi je, da... I know that...
    znáno je dejstvo, da... it is a well-known fact that...
    on je znán kot dober učitelj he is known to be a good teacher
    on mi je znán he is known to me
    biti znán s kom to be acquainted with someone
    si znán z njim? are you acquainted with him?
    nisem osebno znán z njegovim bratom I am not personally acquainted with his brother
  • znáti to know

    znáti na pamet to know by heart
    dobro znáti kaj to be A1 at something
    ne znam angleško I cannot speak English, I do not know English
    znate francosko? do you know French?
    znaš igrati šah? can you play chess?
    on misli, da vse zna he thinks he knows everything
    on zna brati grško he can read Greek
    znaš dobro današnjo lekcijo? do you know your lesson for today well?
    tega si ne znam razložiti I don't know what to make of it (ali of this)
    zelo dobro znáti lekcijo to have the lesson at one's fingertips
    ona zna vsaj (najmanj) 5 jezikov she knows at least five languages
    znáti (spoznati se na) svoj posel to know one's own business, (žargon) to know one's onions, (pogovorno) to know the ropes, to know what's what
  • znoréti to become (ali to go) mad (ali insane, crazy); to go off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali pogovorno one's marbles)

    si znorel? are you out of your senses?
    človek bi znorel ob tem! it is enough to drive one mad!
    menda nisem znorel, da bi to storil? surely I'm not such a fool as to do that?
    je znorel? has he taken leave of his senses?
  • zvédeti to learn (od from), to come to know, to get to know, to discover, to ascertain, to find out, to hear, to be informed

    zvedel sem (= kot slišim) I learn, I am told, I understand, I am informed
    zvedel sem, da je on odšel I heard he'd gone, (pred kratkim) I've heard he's gone
    včeraj se je (ra)zvedelo it was learned yesterday
    to smo zvedeli od naših prijateljev we got to know it through our friends
    pravkar sem zvedel, da je umrl I've just heard he's dead
    to sem zvedel iz zanesljivega vira I have it on good authority
  • zvedríti se to clear up

    mislim, da se bo kmalu zvedrilo I think it will soon clear up