
Zadetki iskanja

  • sure1 [šúə] pridevnik
    gotov, zanesljiv, siguren; varen, nenevaren; nedvomen, nezmoten, nezmotljiv, nesporen; stalen; prepričan (of o, that da)

    for sure gotovo, sigurno, nedvomno, vsekakor
    a sure draw skrivališče, v katerem je zanesljivo lisica
    a sure shot zanesljiv strelec
    a sure proof nesporen, zanesljiv dokaz
    a sure faith trdna vera
    sure thing ameriško, sleng gotova, zanesljiva stvar
    sure (thing)! ameriško, sleng gotovo! sigurno! vsekakor! zanesljivo!
    slow and sure počasen, ali siguren
    I am sure gotovo, zares
    I am sure of his honesty prepričan sem o njegovem poštenju
    I am sure I don't know zares ne vem
    I'm sure I didn't mean to hurt you zares (prav gotovo) vas nisem hotel žaliti
    well, I'm sure! (vzklik presenečenja)
    well, to be sure! no, kakšno presenečenje!
    are you sure? ali res?
    be sure! ne pozabi!
    be sure to (ali and) shut the window ne pozabi zapreti okno!
    to be sure pogovorno gotovo, brez dvoma, seveda
    he is sure to come gotovo (zanesljivo) bo prišel
    it is sure to turn out well gotovo se bo dobro končalo
    I feel sure of success gotov, prepričan sem o uspehu
    to make sure of (of prepričati se (of o), biti prepričan (that da); zagotoviti si (kaj)
  • sustaining [səstéiniŋ] pridevnik
    figurativno redilen, krepilen

    sustaining program (radio); ameriško (oddajni) program brez vmesne reklame
  • sustenance [sʌ́stinəns] samostalnik
    vzdrževanje, preživljanje, oskrbovanje; sredstva za življenje, hrana; hranilna vrednost, hranilnost
    figurativno podpora, opora, zaslomba, pomoč

    sustenance for body (mind) telesna (dušna) hrana
    to be in want even of sustenance (celó) še jesti dovolj ne imeti
    there is more sustenance in peas than in potatoes grah je bolj hranilen kot krompir
    to live a week without sustenance živeti teden dni brez hrane
  • sweet2 [swi:t] samostalnik
    kar je sladko; sladek okus, sladkost; slaščica, bonbon; sladek poobedek, sladke jedi; sladkano vino
    figurativno sladkosti; prijeten vonj, parfum, dišava; prijetnost, slast; ljubi, ljubček, ljubica, dragica

    no sweet without sweat ni jela brez dela
    the sweets of power slast oblasti
    the sweets and bitters of life sladkosti in bridkosti življenja
    the flowers diffuse their balmy sweets cvetlice širijo svoj balzamov vonj
    to taste the sweets of success okusiti slast uspeha
  • šála joke, fun, jest; sport; pleasantry; buffoonery

    šále pl jokes
    v šáli in jest, jestingly, in sport, for fun, jokingly
    za šálo, zaradi šále for fun, by way of a joke
    brez šále!, šálo na stran! joking (ali jesting) apart!
    stara, obrabljena šála stale (ali ancient) joke, chestnut
    nespodobna, obscena šála indecent (ali risqué, blue) joke, dirty (ali ribald, obscene) story
    pisec šál za radio ali televizijo gag writer, ZDA gag man, žargon gagster
    surova, neslana šála horseplay, practical joke
    to ni šála (figurativno) this is no (ali not a) laughing matter
    nisem razpoložen za šále I am not in the mood for trifling
    on je predmet šál he is the butt (of ridicule)
    z njim ni šále he is not to be trifled with
    bila je samo šála it was only in (ali for) fun
    govoriti v šáli to be jesting
    to sem naredil za šálo I did it for a lark
    on razume šálo he knows how to take a joke
    on ne razume šále he can't take a joke, he's got no sense of humour
    reči v šáli to say something in jest
    pretiravati šálo to carry a joke too far
    vzeti za šálo to treat as a joke
    ni razloga za zbijanje šál there is no cause for laughter, this is no laughing matter
    zbijati šále to crack jokes
    zbijati šále s kom to poke fun at someone, to make merry with someone, to make sport of someone
    šála leti nanj, na njegov račun the joke is on him
  • ščít shield; (majhen) buckler; (z grbom) escutcheon

    brez ščíta shieldless
    dvigniti na ščít to raise on the shield, (figurativno) to choose as leader
  • šóla school; educational establishment; (stavba) schoolhouse, school; (poučevanje) schooling, teaching; (tečaj) course

    v šóli at school
    v šólo to school
    osnovna šóla elementary (ali primary) school
    srednja šóla secondary school, (zasebna) public school, (z internatom) boarding school
    klasična srednja šóla grammar school
    srednja šóla klasične smeri classical side (of a secondary school)
    srednja šóla realne smeri modern side (of a secondary school)
    deška (dekliška) šóla boys' (girls') school
    mešana šóla mixed school; coeducational school
    višja srednja šóla (5.-8. razred) ZDA high school
    glasbena šóla music school
    gospodinjska šóla school of domestic science
    jahalna šóla riding school, manege, manège
    konfesionalna šóla denominational school
    kmetijska šóla school of agriculture
    nadaljevalna šóla continuation school, extension college
    strokovna šóla vocational (ali professional) school
    šoferska šóla driving school, school of motoring
    tehniška šóla technical school
    trgovska šóla commercial school
    učiteljska šóla teachers' training college, ZDA normal college
    vojaška šóla military school, military academy
    večerna šóla evening (ali night) school, evening classes pl
    mala šóla nursery school, kindergarten, preschool
    dan brez šóle (pouka) day off (school), school holiday
    dorasel za šólo of school age
    danes ni šóle (pouka) there is no school today, there are no lessons today
    šóle (pouka) je konec school is over
    naša šóla se bo končala 30. junija in zopet začela 15. septembra our school breaks up (ali closes) on June 30th and will reopen (ali reassemble) on September 15th
    ti ne boš za šólo school is not for you
    hoditi v šólo to go to school, to be at school
    iti skozi trdo šólo (figurativno) to go through the mill
    končati, zapustiti šólo to leave school
    izključiti iz šóle to expel from school
    obiskovati šólo to attend (a) school
    zamuditi šólo (pouk) to be late for school
    neupravičeno izosta(ja)ti iz šóle (»špricati«) to play truant, to cut school, ZDA žargon to play hooky
    biti med najboljšimi v šóli to be near the top in school
    vsaka šóla nekaj stane (figurativno) we learn by experience
  • šúm noise

    brez šúma noiseless
  • tábor camp; encampment

    tábor brez šotorov bivouac
    postaviti tábor to set up (ali to pitch) camp
    podreti tábor to break camp, to strike camp, to strike tents
    narodni tábor zgodovina mass meeting, rally
    taborski ogenj camp fire
  • tákt2 (obzirnost, olika) tact, discretion; delicacy

    brez tákta tactless
    nima nobenega tákta he lacks tact (ali delicacy)
  • talènt talent; gift

    brez talènta talentless
    igralski talènt talent for acting
    imeti talènt za risanje to have a talent for drawing
    ne izkoriščati svojih talèntov to hide one's light under a bushel
  • talk away prehodni glagol
    kar naprej, neprestano govoriti; prekramljati; eno in isto ponavljati

    we talk awayed the afternoon away prekramljali smo vse popoldne
    he will talk away for hours together ure in ure bo govoril (govori) brez prestanka
  • ték1 (apetit) appetite; desire for food; (za kaj) zest, relish, gusto

    imam, čutim ték I have an appetite
    imam dober, zdrav (slab) ték I have a good, a keen (a poor) appetite
    jesti z dobrim tékom to eat with gusto
    izgubiti ték to lose one's appetite
    narediti, povzročiti ték to sharpen (ali to whet) the appetite
    dražiti, spodbujati si ték to stimulate one's appetite
    delati, dobiti ték to give, to get an appetite
    ték pride z jedjo the appetite grows with what it feeds on, start eating and you work up an appetite, figurativno the more you get, the more you want
    biti brez téka, ne imeti téka (žargon) to be off one's food, to be a poor eater
  • tékmec rival; emulator; competitor, contestant

    brez tékmeca without a rival
    tékmeca v ljubezni, (v snubljenju) rival lovers (rival suitors)
    on nima tékmeca there is no one to match (ali to rival) him
  • têmelj foundation; basis, pl bases; base; ground; groundwork

    iz têmelja fundamentally, radically, thoroughly; from the very bottom
    na têmelju on the grounds of, on the basis of, by reason of, in (ali by) virtue of, on the strength of
    na têmelju, da... (= češ da) on the grounds that...
    brez têmelja groundless
    položiti têmelj to lay the foundation(s pl)
    do têmelja pogoreti to be burned down to the ground
    do têmelja porušiti to level with the ground, to raze, to rase
    spodkopati têmelje države to undermine the foundations of the State
  • temperamént temperament; disposition; frame of mind; temper; (živahnost) animation, vivacity, liveliness, spirit, verve

    brez temperaménta spiritless
    koleričen temperamént choleric temperament
    brezbrižen po temperaméntu temperamentally (naturally) apathetic
    nima nobenega temperaménta he has no life in him
    on je živčnega temperaménta he has a nervous temperament
  • testamènt testament; (last) will; last will and testament

    dodatek k testamèntu codicil
    ustni testamènt (mornarjev) nuncupative will
    izreči ustni testamènt (zadnjo voljo) to nuncupate, to make one's will orally
    stari (novi) testamènt (biblija) the Old (the New) Testament
    napraviti, zapustiti testamènt to make one's will
    spodbijati testamènt to contest (ali to dispute) a will
    zapustiti komu kaj v testamèntu to leave something to someone in one's will
    umreti brez testamènta to die intestate
    preklicati testamènt to revoke a will
    spomniti se koga v testamèntu to remember (ali to include) someone in one's will
    voliti, zapustiti v testamèntu, s testamèntom to will, to bequeath
    lastnoročni testamènt holograph will
    skupni testamènt joint will
  • Thames [temz] samostalnik
    (reka) Temza

    to throw water into the Thames figurativno nositi vodo v Savo, opravljati nesmiselno delo (brez uspeha)
    he won't set the Thames on fire figurativno on ni iznašel smodnika
  • thank1 [ɵæŋk] samostalnik
    (samo množina) zahvala, hvala, zahvaljevanje

    thanks! hvala!
    many thanks, thanks very much! hvala lepa!
    thanks to (your intervention) zahvaljujoč se (zaradi) vašemu posredovanju
    in thanks for v zahvalo za
    cordial thanks prisrčna zahvala
    letter of thanks zahvalno pismo
    thanks be to God hvala (bodi) bogu
    no thanks to him brez njegove pomoči
    to give thanks to zahvaliti se
    to return thanks zahvaliti se
    please accept my thanks sprejmite, prosim, mojo zahvalo
    small thanks to you, I succeeded brez tvoje pomoči mi je uspelo
    small thanks I got for it! slabo zahvalo sem dobil za to!
  • thank2 [ɵæŋk] prehodni glagol
    zahvaliti se

    to thank s.o. for zahvaliti se komu za kaj
    (I) thank you! hvala!
    no, thank you! ne, hvala!
    (yes), thank you! (da), prosim!
    thank you for nothing (ironično) se najlepše zahvaljujem; hvala vam tudi za to, bom že brez vas!
    thanking you in anticipation (ali beforehand, ali in advance) zahvaljujoč se vam vnaprej
    I'll thank you for some bread prosim (vas) malo kruha
    I will thank you to leave that to me bil bi vam hvaležen, če bi to prepustili meni
    he has only himself to thank for it samo sebi se mora za to zahvaliti (si to pripisati)
    your tea, sir, thank you vaš čaj, gospod, prosim!