
Zadetki iskanja

  • zamériti to resent, to take amiss, to take offence (at); to be in a huff (at something); to huff

    zamériti komu to bear someone a grudge, to hold (ali to have) a grudge against someone
    ne zamériti komu to bear no grudge against someone
    zamerim to I resent it
    zameril je, da so se norčevali iz njega he resented them making fun of him
    zameril mi je mojo opazko he resented my remark
    ne zamerite mi tega! don't take it amiss!, don't hold it against me!
    nihče nam ne more tega zamériti no one can blame us for it
    zamériti se komu to lose someone's favour, to incur someone's displeasure
    zameril se mi je he lost (ali forfeited) my esteem
  • zamíkati to tempt; to entice; to charm; to allure

    zamikalo me je (reči) I was tempted (to say)
    denar ga je zamikal money tempted him
    zamikalo nas je zelo, da bi se uprli we were strongly tempted to resist
  • zanêsti to carry away

    avto je zaneslo v stran the car went into a skid, the car skidded
    zanêsti koga (figurativno, očarati, navdušiti) to carry someone away
    zanêsti se na koga to rely upon someone, to depend on someone
    nanj se lahko zaneseš he is as good as his word
    nanj se ne moreš zanêsti he is not to be trusted
    se nanjo lahko zanesem? is she dependable?
    se lahko zanesemo na njegovo besedo? can we rely on his word?
    upam, da se lahko zanesem na to I hope I can rely upon it
    na to se lahko zaneseš! you may depend upon it!, depend upon it!
    zanêsti se na srečo to trust to luck
  • zaníkati to deny, to say no; to disavow; to answer in the negative; gramatika to negative; (zastarelo) to gainsay

    zanikal je, da bi bil šel tja he denied having gone (pogovorno going, being) there
  • zanímati to interest (koga someone), to be of interest (to someone), to be interesting (to someone)

    to me ne zanima I am not interested in it, it has no interest for me, this is of no interest to me
    zanimalo te bo zvedeti, da... if will be interesting for you to know that...
    zanímati se za... to be interested in, to take an interest in, to have an interest in, to interest oneself in
    zelo se zanimam za glasbo I take a great interest in music
    njega zanima vse (zanima se za vse), kar vidi he takes an interest in everything he sees
  • zapeljáti (voz) to drive, (z vozom) to carry; figurativno to seduce; (prevarati) to mislead (v into), to lead astray; (zvabiti) to entice, to allure; (preslepiti) to ensnare

    zapeljáti deklè to seduce a girl, to get a girl into trouble
    zapeljal sem se z avtom k prijatelju I ran my car over to my friend's
    ki se da (lahko) zapeljáti seducible, temptable
  • zapísnik minutes pl; protocol; record

    zapísnik o 1. seji skupščine minutes of the 1st session of the assembly
    sejni zapísnik minutes of a meeting
    iz zapísnika 10. seje izvršilnega odbora RSS from the minutes of the 10th session of the executive committee of the RSS
    pisati, voditi zapísnik to take (ali to keep) the minutes
    dati na zapísnik to make a deposition (ali a statement)
    napisati zapísnik to draw up the minutes
    smem smatrati, da je zapísnik odobren? may I take the minutes as read?
    ne določen za zapísnik not minuted, off the record
  • zaplóskatí to clap one's hands

    takó so mu zaploskali, da je moral še enkrat igrati they clapped him so enthusiastically that he had to play an encore
  • zapretíti to threaten (komu someone, z with); to menace (someone)

    zapretíti komu s pestjo to shake one's fist at someone
    zapretíti komu s smrtjo to threaten someone with death
    zapretili so nam s kaznijo they threatened us with punishment
    vsem nam je zapretil s kaznijo he threatened us all with punishment
    zapretil je, da bo fanta pretepel he threatened to beat the boy
  • zarotíti se to conspire (proti against), to plot (proti against)

    vse se je zarotilo proti njemu everything conspired against him
    vse se je zarotilo, da mu gre po sreči (figurativno) all things conspired to make him happy
  • zasledíti to trace, to find out; to track down; to detect

    najzgodnejša, najstarejša oblika se da zasledíti šele v 6. stoletju the earliest form cannot be traced back earlier than the 6th century
  • zasledováti (sovražnika) to pursue, to give chase to, to chase; (jelena itd.) to follow, to hunt; (figurativno) to haunt, to dog, to hound; to persecute

    zdi se, da me zasleduje nesreča misfortune seems to dog my footsteps
  • zaslúga merit; (zasluženje) deserts; worth; credit

    po tvoji zaslúgi thanks to you
    po zaslúgah deservedly
    lastiti si zaslúge za to take credit for
    šteti, pripisovati komu v zaslúgo to credit someone with
    šteti si v zaslúgo to make a merit of
    imeti, pridobiti si zaslúge to deserve well (za of)
    ima zaslúge za domovino he has deserved well of his country, he has served his country well
    nagraditi koga po njegovih zaslúgah to reward someone according to his merits
    pripisovati si, lastiti si zaslúgo za iznajdbo to claim for oneself the credit for a discovery
    v glavnem je njegova zaslúga, da... it's largely owing to him that...
  • zaslútiti to have a presentiment (of), to anticipate, to have a foreboding (of), to suspect; (predvidevati) to foresee, to guess

    zaslútiti nevarnost to suspect (a) danger, (pogovorno) to smell a rat
    zaslutili smo zasedo we suspected an ambush
    zaslutila je, da se bo zgodila nesreča she felt that an accident was going to happen
  • zaslúžiti to earn, to gain (z delom by work); (kazen, pohvalo) to merit, to deserve, to be worthy (of), to be entitled (to), to have a right (to)

    zaslúžiti mnogo denarja to earn a lot of money
    zaslúžiti kazen to deserve punishment
    on zasluži pomoč he deserves helping
    zasluži, da zmaga he deserves to win
    upal je, da bo pri tem kaj zaslužil he hoped to make some profit by it
    ta denar sem (si) zaslužil s poštenim delom I earned this money by honest labour
    on je to popolnoma zaslužil he has fully deserved it
    dobiti, kar smo zaslužili to meet with one's deserts, to get one's deserts
  • zasúmiti to suspect

    zasumil sem, da je lažnivec (da laže) I suspected he was a liar, I suspected him of lying
  • zasvítati se (to begin) to dawn

    zasvitalo se mi je, da... it dawned upon me that...
  • zatrjeváti to affirm, to assert

    zatrjeváti komu kaj to assure someone of something
    zatrjuje, da je nedolžen he maintains (ali protests) his innocence
  • zavédati se to realize, to be conscious (of), to be aware (of), to see clearly

    se zavedaš svoje zmote? do you realize your error?
    popolnoma se zavedamo nevarnega položaja we are well aware of the dangerous position
    začenjamo se... we are becoming aware of...
    zavedam se, da sem naredil napako I realize I made a mistake
  • zavést consciousness; senses pl; (prepričanje, vednost) knowledge, perception

    brez zavésti senseless, insensible, unconscious
    on ni pri zavésti he is not conscious
    imam zavést, da sem storil svojo dolžnost I feel conscious of having done my duty
    izgubiti zavést to lose consciousness, to lose one's senses, to faint
    priti k zavésti to recover (ali to regain) one's senses