
Zadetki iskanja

  • word1 [wə:d] samostalnik
    beseda; kar je (iz)rečeno; govor; besedilo, tekst (pesmi itd.); častna beseda, obljuba; pritrditev, zagotovitev, zagotovilo; nalog, ukaz, navodilo; geslo, parola; sporočilo, obvestilo, odgovor
    religija božja beseda, sveto pismo, biblija
    zastarelo pregovor, (iz)rek, moto
    množina pričkanje, prerekanje

    the words tekst, libreto
    at a word na besedo, takoj
    by word of mouth ustno
    in so many words dobesedno, (na) kratko
    word for word od besede do besede, dobesedno
    beyond words neizrazljiv
    on the word, with the word na to besedo, po tej besedi, s to besedo
    in a word z eno besedo, skratka
    in other words z drugimi besedami
    upon my word (of honour)! pri moji časti! (častna beseda!); saj (toda) to ni mogoče!
    my word upon it! pri moji časti! častna beseda!
    a word to the wise pametnemu človeku zadostuje ena sama beseda
    a word and a blow po besedah takoj pretep (ravs)
    a word in (out of) season (ne)primeren nasvet
    a word or two beseda ali dve, nekaj besed
    big words hvalisanje, širokoustenje
    words and deeds besede in dejanja
    burning words ognjevite, plamteče besede
    fair, good words lepe, laskave besede
    high (hard, hot, sharp, warm) words ostre, hude, trde, jezne besede
    wild and whirling words divje, nepremišljene besede
    my word! prav zares! bogme!
    a play upon words besedna igra
    too beautiful for words neizrekljive lepote
    too silly for words preneumno, nedopovedljivo neumno
    to be a man of few words biti redkobeseden, varčevati z besedami
    to be as good as one's word biti popolnoma zanesljiv
    to be better than one's word napraviti več, kot smo obljubili
    to be worse than one's word ne biti mož beseda, snesti besedo
    to break one's word prelomiti svojo besedo, ne držati (svoje) besede
    hard words break no bones oštevanje ne boli toliko kot palica; hude besede ne ubijajo
    fine words butter no parsnips lepe besede (še) niso dovolj
    word came that... zvedelo se je, da...
    to eat one's word snesti (svojo) besedo, preklicati svoje besede
    to give one's word dati (svojo) besedo, obljubiti
    to hang on s.o.'s words viseti na besedah kake osebe, pazljivo koga poslušati
    to have a word with imeti kratek razgovor z
    to have words with pričkati se, skregati se z; spreti se z
    to have the last word imeti zadnjo besedo
    he has not a word to throw at a dog figurativno on je prefin, da bi govoril z drugimi
    to have no words for ne imeti besed za, ne moči izraziti
    to keep one's word držati (svojo) besedo, biti mož beseda
    to leave word that... sporočiti, da...
    to make no word about ne izgubljati besed o
    to proceed from words to blows od besed priti do pretepa
    to put in (ali to say) a good word for zastaviti (reči) dobro besedo za
    to suit the action to the word od besed takoj preiti na delo
    to take s.o. at his word prijeti koga za besedo
    I took his word for it nisem dvomil o (verjel sem) njegovi besedi
    to retract one's word umakniti (nazaj vzeti, preklicati) svojo besedo
    send me word! javi mi, sporoči mi!
    to send word of one's arrival obvestiti o svojem prihodu
    to waste words tratiti besede, zaman govoriti
  • work out prehodni glagol
    rešiti (matematično nalogo), izračunati; napraviti, izvesti, izpeljati, uresničiti, doseči; obdelati, oblikovati, izdelati, razviti (idejo, načrt); izbrisati, zbrisati, prečrtati; izčrpati, izkoristiti, z delom plačati

    the sum will not work out vsota se ne da izračunati
    he work outed out his sentence in jail odslužil je svojo kazen v ječi
    this mine is work outed out ta rudnik je izčrpan
  • world [wə́:ld] samostalnik
    svet, Zemlja; vsemirje, vesolje, univerzum; vse, kar je na Zemlji; življenje (na Zemlji), obstanek, eksistenca; ljudje, človeška družba; skupnost ljudi; javno življenje, javnost; miljé, okolje; posvetno življenje; velika množina, masa, množica, veliko število; prostranstvo

    all over the world po vsem svetu
    in the world na svetu
    for all the world za vse na svetu, v vsakem pogledu, popolnoma, natanko
    not for all the world za nobeno ceno
    for all the world like natanko, kot
    not for worlds, not for anything in the world za nič na svetu ne
    out of the world odmaknjen od sveta
    out of this world pogovorno fantastičen, osupljiv, izreden
    worlds away from zelo oddaljen od
    to the world sleng popolnoma
    tired to the world sleng na smrt utrujen
    on top of the world na vrhuncu sreče, v sedmih nebesih
    a world of zelo mnogo, množica (of difficulties težav)
    a world too big mnogo prevelik
    the world of letters učeni svet
    world without end od veka do veka
    to the world's end do konca sveta
    the beginning of the world začetek sveta
    animal (vegetable) world živalski (rastlinski) svet
    citizen of the world svetovljanski človek, kozmopolit
    man of the world izkušen človek
    the lower world podzemlje; pekel
    the New World Novi svet, Amerika
    the wise old world dobri stari običaji, dobre stare izkušnje
    Prince of this world figurativno vrag
    all the world and his wife were there vse, kar leze in gre, je bilo tam
    to begin the world (v)stopiti v (začeti) življenje, začeti kariero; od kraja začeti, biti (stati) na začetku
    she is all the world to me ona mi je (pomeni) vse na svetu
    who in the world is that man? kdo vendar je oni človek?
    to be brought into the world zagledati luč sveta
    to carry the world before one imeti hiter in popoln uspeh; imeti srečo, uspeh v življenju
    to come into the world priti na svet, roditi se
    what in the world am I to do? kaj na svetu (vendar, za vraga) naj naredim?
    it did me a world of good zelo dobro mi je délo (storilo)
    to be drunk to the world pošteno pijan (nadelan) biti
    I would not do it for all the world za vse na svetu ne bi tega naredil (hotel narediti)
    to forsake the world odreči se svetu, opustiti posvetno rabo, posvetno življenje
    as the world goes v našem, sedanjem času
    to go out of the world umreti
    I would give the world to learn it vse na svetu (ne vem kaj) bi dal, da bi to zvedel
    how goes the world with you? kako je kaj z vami?
    to have the world before one figurativno imeti življenje pred seboj
    to let the world slide figurativno pustiti vse teči (potekati, iti), kot pride
    to live out of the world živeti sam zase, odmaknjen od sveta, samotariti
    to make a noise in the world figurativno postati slaven
    what will the world say? kaj bodo rekli ljudje?
  • worth1 [wə:ɵ] pridevnik
    vreden; veljaven

    for all one is worth pogovorno kolikor kdo (z)more, po najboljših močeh
    worth doing vreden, da se naredi
    not worth reading nevreden branja
    what is he worth? kolikšno premoženje ima?
    he is worth a million on je milijonar
    he is worth £ 1000 a year on ima 1000 funtov dohodkov na leto
    worth the money (price) vreden denarja (cene), ne predrag
    not worth a curse (ali a damn; ali a penny) piškavega groša (prebite pare) ne vreden
    worth the trouble vreden truda
    worth mentioning omembe vreden
    to be worth it; pogovorno, to be worth while biti vreden truda, izplačati se
    the game is not worth the candle ta stvar se ne izplača
    it is not worth much to ni drago
    to be not worth one's salt nič ne biti vreden, biti popolnoma brez vrednosti
    take it for what it is worth vzemi to táko, kot je
    I tell you the news for what it is worth povem vam novico brez vsakega jamstva (kot sem jo pač slišal)
    he pulled for all he was worth vlekel je, kar je le mogel (na vso moč)
    we worked hard but it was worth it trdo smo delali, a se je izplačalo
  • wrong1 [rɔŋ] samostalnik
    krivica; zmota, zabloda, napačnost, greh; (redko) škoda, žalitev
    pravno prestopek, prekršek, pregrešek, delikt, nedovoljeno dejanje

    public wrong javen delikt, kaznivo dejanje
    private wrong kršenje zasebnega prava
    to commit a wrong zagrešiti (zakriviti, narediti) krivico
    to be in the wrong biti v zmoti, ne imeti prav
    to do wrong napak, ne prav delati, grešiti
    to do s.o. wrong, to do wrong to s.o. delati (narediti) komu krivico
    to know the right from the wrong razlikovati pravico od krivice
    to make wrong right popraviti krivico, spremeniti slabo v dobro
    to put s.o. in the wrong dokazati komu, da nima prav
    to right a wrong popraviti krivico
    to suffer wrong trpeti krivico
  • wrong2 [rɔŋ] pridevnik
    zmoten, nepravi, pogrešen, napačen, naroben; ki ni v redu, ki je v neredu; neprimeren, nepripraven; nekoristen, neugoden

    wrong act prekršek
    a wrong answer napačen, nepravi odgovor
    the wrong side narobna stran (of material blaga)
    wrong one, sleng wrong'un (kriket) žoga, ki leti čisto drugače, kot je igralec pričakoval
    (the) wrong side out na ven (narobe) obrnjena notranja stran (oblačila)
    the wrong side of the blanket figurativno nezakonit
    to be wrong ne imeti prav
    the clock is wrong ura ne gre prav
    you are wrong in believing that nimaš prav (motiš se), če to verjameš
    not to be far wrong ne se zelo (z)motiti
    I was not far wrong in guessing skoraj sem uganil
    something is wrong with him nekaj je narobe z njim
    what's wrong with you? kaj pa je (narobe) s teboj?
    to be in the wrong box figurativno biti v škripcih (v nerodnem položaju, v zagati); ne biti na mestu; biti na zgubi
    it is the wrong side out to je narobe, obrnjeno
    to be on the wrong side of 50 biti nad 50 let star
    what's wrong with a cup of tea? pogovorno kako bi bilo s skodelico čaja?
    to do the wrong thing in the wrong place ravno narobe (napačno) kaj napraviti
    what do you find wrong with it? kaj se ti zdi pri tem narobe (ti ni pri tem všeč)?
    to get (to have) hold of the wrong end of the stick figurativno (popolnoma) napačno razumeti (imeti čisto napačno mnenje, vtis)
    to get out of the bed (on) the wrong side figurativno, pogovorno z levo nogo vstati; biti slabe volje
    he will laugh on the wrong side of his mouth figurativno smeh ga bo že minil
    to prove s.o. wrong dokazati komu, da nima prav
    to go wrong zaiti; spodleteti, ne iti (biti) v redu
    he holds the book the wrong way narobe drži knjigo
    he found himself in the wrong shop figurativno, pogovorno ni na pravega naletel
    it is very wrong of you to support him zelo napak je od vas, da ga podpirate
    to take the wrong train peljati se z napačnim vlakom
    to take the wrong turning (ali path) figurativno zaiti na kriva pota
  • yellow dog [jéloudɔg] samostalnik
    ameriško, pogovorno manjvredna oseba ali stvar

    yellow-dog contract ameriško, sleng pogodba med delodajalcem in delojemalcem, v kateri se slednji obveže, da ne bo pristopil k nobenemu sindikatu
  • yield2 [ji:ld] prehodni glagol
    donašati, prinašati, dajati; proizvajati; dopustiti, dovoliti; odstopiti ( to s.o. komu kaj)
    (redko) uvideti, priznati

    to yield 10% donašati 10%
    to yield assistance da(ja)ti, nuditi pomoč
    to yield a city, a fortress predati mesto, trdnjavo
    to yield good crops dajati dobre letine (žetve) (o zemlji)
    to yield consent privoliti
    to yield due honours izkazati dolžne časti
    to yield the point priznati poraz (v debati)
    to yield a profit trgovina prinesti dobiček
    to yield to be done dopustiti, da se nekaj naredi (zgodi)
    to yield s.o. thanks biti komu hvaležen
    to yield precedence to s.o. dati komu prednost
    to yield submission podvreči se
    to yield the palm (to s.o.) priznati se poraženega (od koga)
    yield right of way! dajte prednost (v cestnem prometu)
    to yield a place to s.o. odstopiti, narediti prostor komu
    to yield one's rights odreči se svojim pravicam
    to yield oneself prisoner predati se v ujetništvo
    to yield up the breath (ghost, life) izdihniti (dušo), umreti
    neprehodni glagol
    donašati, (ob)roditi, dajati; vdati se, popustiti; podleči, podvreči se; privoliti (to v)
    zaostajati (to za)

    to yield well, poorly dobro, slabo obroditi
    this apple-tree yields well ta jablana dobro rodi
    to yield to conditions privoliti v pogoje
    to yield to despair vda(ja)ti se obupu
    the ground yielded under him tla so se mu vdala pod nogami
    to yield to superior forces vdati se, ukloniti se premoči
    to yield to temptation podleči skušnjavi
    to yield under pressure popustiti pod pritiskom
    to yield to the times prilagoditi se časom (času)
    they yield to our soldiers in courage oni zaostajajo za našimi vojaki glede hrabrosti
  • za for; for the purpose of; in favour of; after; behind; (= za časa) during

    dan za dnem day by day
    eden za drugim one after another, one behind the other
    korak za korakom step by step
    enkrat za vselej once and for all
    za ves svet ne not for (all) the world
    za gorami beyond the mountains
    jaz za svojo osebo as far as I am concerned
    za mojim hrbtom behind my back
    za primer (v primeru) potrebe in case of need
    za glavo večji taller by a head
    za sedaj for the present
    za šalo by way of a joke
    argumenti za in proti the pros and the cons
    razlogi za in proti the reasons for and against
    za menoj! follow me!
    (kar) za menoj, prosim! this way, please!
    starejši za pet let five years older
    jaz, za sebe (zase) as for me
    beseda za besedo word for word
    mož za možem man by man
    zanimanje za... interest in...
    za mladino neprimeren film a film unsuitable (ali not suitable) for young people
    vstopnica za gledališče a theatre ticket
    za vlade (vladanja) kralja Karla II during the reign of Charles II
    za (= po pooblastilu) (acting) for, per pro., latinsko per procurationem (krajšava: p.p.)
    biti za kaj to be in favour of something
    kdo je za (to)? who is in favour?
    sem za to, da mu odpustimo I'm in favour of (ali I'm for) pardoning him
    večina je za nadaljevanje stavke there is a majority in favour of continuing the strike
    to je važno zame (za mene) this is important to me
    nekaj je za tem (figurativno) there's something behind it
    za hišo je vrt there is a garden behind the house
    to je hud udarec za nas it is a hard blow for us
    brali smo eden za drugim we took it in turns to read
    za koga me (pa) imate (smatrate)? who (arhaično whom) do you take me for?
    nimam ga za genija I do not regard him as a genius
    za to ceno lahko dobiš to blago povsod you can get these goods anywhere at that price
    on jé za tri he eats as much as three
    povleči koga za lase to pull someone by the hair
    on porabi preveč za sebe (zase) he spends too much on himself
    smatrati za dobro to think it advisable
    odšel je za vedno he left for good
    voditi koga za roko to lead someone by the hand
    vzel jo je za ženo he has married her, arhaično he has taken her to wife (ali as his wife)
    on zaostaja za časom he is behind the times
    zapri vrata za seboj! shut the door after (ali behind) you!
    zgrešil je za pol metra he missed by half a metre
    zmotil sem se za 10.000 SIT I made a mistake of 10,000 tolars
    sedeti za mizo to sit at the table
    pustiti za seboj to leave behind
  • začúden astonished; amazed; surprised

    bolj začúden kot prestrašen more surprised than frightened
    biti začúden to be astonished (at), to be amazed (at), to be surprised, to wonder (at, about)
    bil sem začúden, da me ne pozna I was surprised he did not know me
    bil sem močnó začúden I was struck with wonder, I was lost in astonishment, I was amazed
    bil je zelo začúden, ko me je videl he was astonished to see me
    ne bodi tako začúden! don't put on that look of surprise!
  • zadonéti to sound, to resound; to ring

    zasmejal se je, da je vse zadonelo the whole place resounded with his laughter
  • zadôsti enough; sufficiently

    zadôsti sem ga videl I've seen enough of him
    zadôsti je bogat, da živi brez dela he is rich enough to live without taking a job
    ni zadôsti močan za svoje delo he is not strong enough for his job (ali for that job of his)
  • zadovóljen satisfied (z with); pleased (with), contented (with), content (with)

    malo zadovóljen z dissatisfied with
    zelo sem zadovóljen I am highly satisfied
    zadovóljen s svojo usodo contented with one's lot
    nisem zadovóljen z njim I am not satisfied with him
    biti z malim zadovóljen to be thankful for small mercies
    mama ne bo zadovóljna Mother won't be pleased
    upamo, da boste zadovóljni s poslanim blagom we hope the goods sent will give you full satisfaction
  • zagotovílo assurance; promise

    imamo zagotovílo od njega, da... he gave us an assurance that...
    sprejmite zagotovílo, da... be assured that..., I beg to assure you that...
  • zagotovíti zagotávljati to assure (komu kaj someone of something); to give an assurance (of); to promise; (zajamčiti) to ensure

    zagotavljamo vam, da... you may be assured that...
    zagotovíti, zagotávljati si kaj to make sure of something, to secure something
    zagotovíti, zagotávljati si večino to secure a majority
    zagotovíti, zagotávljati si sedež, prostor to secure a place
  • zahtéva demand; claim; request; (pretirana) exaction; requirement; postulation; pretension (po to)

    na zahtévo on request, on demand
    na splošno zahtévo by request
    utemeljena zahtéva a just claim
    zahtéva za plačilo demand for payment
    kakšne so vaše zahtéve? what are your demands?
    biti kos vsem zahtévam to be up to all demands
    napraviti kaj na zahtévo to do something at the demand (of)
    umakniti svoje zahtéve to withdraw one's claims
    ugoditi, ustreči zahtévam to comply with the requirements
    da ustrežemo zahtévam naših odjemalcev to meet our customers' requirements
    popustiti v svojih zahtévah to moderate (ali to abate) one's demands
  • zahtévati to demand (od of, from); to make demands (upon); to claim; to require; (plačilo) to exact (from); to ask

    pravila tega ne zahtevajo this is not required by the rules
    kaj zahtevate od mene? what do you want from me?
    zahtévati zdravniško nego to require medical care
    to vprašanje zahteva našo takojšnjo pozornost this question demands our immediate attention
    zahtévati nekaj nemogočega (figurativno) to cry for the moon
    bi bilo preveč zahtevano od vas, (da bi prišli...)? would it be asking too much of you (to come...)?
  • zahvalíti se to thank (komu za kaj someone for something); to give thanks (to someone); to render thanks (for something); to return thanks (for something); (odklonilno) to refuse, to decline

    najlepše se zahvaljujem! (ironično) thank you for nothing!
    vnaprej zahvalíti se to thank beforehand
    zahvaljujoč se vam vnaprej... thanking you in anticipation (ali beforehand, in advance)
    zahvaljujem se vam za... I am much obliged to you for..., many thanks to you for...
    zahvalíti se se morate gospodu X., ne meni you must give your thanks to Mr. X., not to me
    njej se moram zahvalíti se, da... I owe it to her that...
    vam se moramo zahvalíti se, da je sedaj najhujše za nami thanks to you we are through the worst of it now
    zahvalíti se za službo (figurativno dati ostavko) to send in one's papers
  • zajezíti to dam (up); (reko) to stem; to build a weir; to dyke, ZDA to dike; figurativno to check, to restrain

    zajezíti (nadaljnje) širjenje (figurativno) to stem the tide
    ki se ne da zajezíti (figurativno) uncontrollable, irrepressible
  • zakléti (zakolnem) to curse, to swear (at), to spit out an oath

    zakléti se to swear (by), to vow
    zaklel se je, da se bo maščeval za žalitev he vowed to avenge the insult
    zaklel sem se, da ne bom več kadil, pil I've sworn off tobacco, drink
    zakléti se pri vsem, kar je svetega to swear by all that's holy (ali sacred)