
Zadetki iskanja

  • túzemstvo homeland; native land

    v túzemstvu in inozemstvu at home and abroad
  • tvój -a, -e your, arhaično thy; (zaimek) yours, arhaično thine

    tvój, -a, -e prijatelj your friend
    neki tvój, -a, -e prijatelj a friend of yours
    tisti tvój, -a, -e klobuk that hat of yours
    moj in tvój, -a, -e brat my brother and yours
    to je tvoje this is yours
    tvój, -a, -e vdani, vedno tvój, -a, -e ever yours
    tvój, -a, -e vdani X. (v pismih) yours sincerely, X.
    naj bo po tvojem have it your own way
    po tvojem to ni tako according to you (ali to your idea) it isn't so
    ti in tvoji you and yours
    kar je moje, je tvoje what's mine is yours
  • two [tu:]

    1. pridevnik
    dva, dve; oba, obe

    one or two books ena ali dve knjigi, nekaj knjig
    in a day or two v nekaj dneh
    he is not two yet on še ni dve leti star

    2. samostalnik
    dvojka (številka 2); dvojica, dvoje, par

    the two oba(dva); obe(dve); oboje
    the two of us midva (oba)
    by twos, in twos (po) dva in dva, v parih
    two and two po dva, v parih
    in twos and threes po dva in tri
    in two na dvoje, na pol
    in twos v zelo kratkem času, v hipu
    two of a trade dva konkurenta
    the two of spades pikova dvojka
    to cut in two prerezati kaj na dvoje
    this cost me two and two to me je stalo dva šilinga in dva penija
    to go two and two iti po dva in dva, v parih
    to walk by twos and threes hoditi v gručah po dva in tri
    to put two and two together zbližati dejstva in potegniti zaključek, zaključiti; napraviti pravi, logični zaključek po presoji dejstev
    two can play at that game figurativno to znam tudi jaz ali kdo drug; bomo videli, kdo bo potegnil boljši konec (kraj); palica ima dva kraja
  • udárjati

    udárjati na levo in desno to hit out right and left ➞ udariti
  • uhó ear; (šivanke) eye (of a needle); (košare, posode) handle

    srednje uhó middle ear
    zunanje uhó auricle
    ostro uhó keen ear, quick ear
    oslovsko uhó (v knjigi) dog-ear
    napraviti oslovsko uhó (v listu, knjigi) to dog-ear (a page, a book)
    bolečina v ušesu earache
    vnetje ušesa otitis
    vnetje srednjega ušesa inflammation of the middle ear
    ušesa me bolé I have (ali pogovorno I've got) earache
    krik, ki gre skozi ušesa an earsplitting, earpiercing scream
    šumenje v ušesih buzzing in the ears
    ščitnik za uhó earflap, ZDA earmuff
    zrcalo za uhó medicina auriscope, otoscope
    biti gluh na levo uhó to be deaf in the left ear
    do ušes je zadolžen he is up to his ears in debt, he is over head and ears in debt
    biti do ušes zaljubljen to be head over heels in love
    imeti ostro uhó (figurativno) to have a quick (ali a sharp) ear, to have excellent hearing
    pocukati, povleči koga za uhó to tweak, to pull someone's ear
    napeti ušesa to prick up one's ears, to be all ears
    naleteti na gluha ušesa to find deaf ears
    nekaj bi ti rad povedal na uhó I'd like a word in your ear
    prišlo mi je na uhó it came to my hearing
    naviti komu ušesa to tweak someone's ears
    pridigati gluhim ušesom (figurativno) to fall on deaf ears
    (za)mašiti si ušesa to stop up one's ears
    poslušati le z enim ušesom to listen with only half an ear
    konj striže z ušesi the horse twitches his ears
    vleči na ušesa to listen attentively, to prick up one's ears
    za ušesa privleči (kako zadevo) (figurativno) to drag in a matter by the ears
    v (levem, desnem) ušesu mi zveni my (left, right) ear is ringing (ali is burning)
    pri enem ušesu noter, pri drugem pa ven (figurativno) (it goes) in (at) one ear and out (at) the other
    v ušesih mi je zvenelo (= morali so govoriti o meni) my ears were burning
    stene imajo ušesa walls have ears
    v uhó me piši! (žargon) go and fly a kite!
  • ujémati se to agree (z with), to be in agreement (with); to accord (with), to be of accord, to be in accordance (with); to correspond (z to), to tally (with)

    dobro se ujémati se to get along fairly well
    ujemata se (= razumeta se) kot pes in mačka they agree like cat and dog
    ne se ujémati se to disagree (z with), to differ
    roba se ne ujema s fakturo the goods don't tally with the invoice
    računi se ne ujemajo the accounts don't balance
    vaš račun se ne ujema z mojimi knjigami your account does not agree with my books
    poročili se ne ujemata the two reports do not tally
    to se ne ujema z našimi nazori this is not in accordance with our views
  • uméten artificial; (nepravi) false, imitation

    uméten diamant imitation diamond
    umétne cvetlice artificial flowers pl
    umétno gnojilo artificial manure, fertilizer
    umétni kamen artificial stone
    umétni lasje false hair
    umétna mast synthetic fat (ali grease)
    umétno maslo margarine, slabšalno ersatz butter
    umétna obrt arts and crafts pl, applied (ali useful) art
    uméten nakit imitation jewellery
    uméten led artificial ice
    uméten ognjemet, ogenj fireworks pl
    umétna osemenitev artificial insemination
    uméten proizvod artificial product
    umétna smola synthetic resin, synthetic plastic material, plastic
    umétna snov synthetic material, artificial substance, plastics pl
    umétna svila artificial silk, rayon
    umétno vlakno synthetic (ali man-made) fibre
    umétna volna artificial wool; shoddy
    uméten ud (proteza) artificial limb
    umétno usnje imitation (ali artificial) leather, leatherette, leatheroid
    umétni zobje (proteza) false teeth pl
  • umíti umívati to wash; pesniško to lave; (rano) to bathe

    umíti, umívati si glavo (lase) to shampoo, to have a shampoo, to wash one's hair
    umíti, umívati si roke to wash one's hands
    umíti, umívati se to wash (oneself), to have a wash, to do (ali to perform) one's ablution
    umíti, umívati si roké nad čim (figurativno) to wash one's hands of something (nad to zadevo of this affair)
    roka roko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
  • under [ʌ́ndə]

    1. predlog
    pod; pod vodstvom, pod zaščito; pod vplivom (pritiskom); za časa, za vladanja, med; na osnovi, na temelju, v smislu, po

    from under izpod
    under age mladoleten
    under arms pod orožjem
    under one's belt figurativno v želodcu
    no one under a bishop nobeden manj kot škof
    under darkness v temi, v zaščiti teme
    under construction v gradnji
    under 20 years of age pod 20 leti starosti
    the children under her charge otroci v njenem varstvu
    under these circumstances v teh okoliščinah
    a criminal under sentence of death na smrt obsojeni zločinec
    under consideration v proučevanju, v pretresanju
    under that edict na osnovi one odredbe
    under favour če se sme reči
    employee under notice nameščenec z odpovedjo
    the matter under discussion zadeva, ki je v diskusiji
    under my hand and seal z mojim podpisom in pečatom
    under (ali by) one's own hand lastnoročno
    under hatches v zaporu; propadel, mrtev; navtika pod palubo
    under the king John za časa vlade kralja Ivana
    under the novelty pod vtisom te novosti
    patient under misfortunes potrpežljiv v nesreči
    under pretence that... pod pretvezo, da...
    under pain of death pod smrtno kaznijo
    under penalty of fine pod kaznijo globe
    ship under the sea navtika brez pomoči morju izpostavljena ladja
    under the treaty po pogodbi
    the under thirties osebe pod 30 leti
    under the rose figurativno zaupno
    the car is under repair avto je v popravilu
    she is under treatment ona je na zdravljenju
    I cannot do it under an hour potrebujem najmanj eno uro za to
    to be under a cloud figurativno biti v nemilosti; biti v denarni stiski
    the ship is under sail ladja pluje z razpetimi jadri
    the ship is under way ladja je na poti
    he spoke under his breath govoril je zelo tiho
    to study under a professor študirati pod vodstvom profesorja
    the total falls under what was expected celotna vsota je ostala pod pričakovanjem

    2. prislov
    spodaj; niže; manj

    as under kot (je) niže navedeno
    boys of 15 and under 15 let in manj stari dečki
    to go under ameriško podleči, propasti
    the firm is sure to go under tvrdka bo gotovo propadla
    the sun is under sonce je zašlo

    3. pridevnik
    spodnji; nižji; podrejen

    the under classes nižji razredi
    the under dog pogovorno pes (; figurativno oseba), ki podleže v boju
    the under jaw spodnja čeljust
    the under side spodnja stran
    an under dose premajhna doza
  • unity [jú:niti] samostalnik
    enota; enotnost, edinstvo; sloga, složnost, solidarnost; soglasnost, harmonija
    matematika enica

    at unity složno, v slogi
    gledališče unities of place, time and action enotnost kraja, časa in dejanja
    it destroys the unity to ruši enotnost dela
    to live together in unity živeti skupaj v lepi harmoniji
  • unjust [ʌndžʌ́st] pridevnik (unjustly prislov)
    krivičen, nepravičen; (redko) nepošten, nezvest

    the just and the unjust pravičniki in nepravičniki (grešniki)
  • unless [ʌnlés]

    1. veznik
    če ne, razen če, ako ne

    I always walked unless I had a bicycle vedno sem šel peš, razen če sem imel kolo
    unless it is too late (razen) če ni (ali če le ni) prepozno
    he always comes on Sundays unless he is ill vedno prihaja ob nedeljah, razen če (razen kadar, če le) ni bolan
    unless and until vse dokler ne, šele ko

    2. predlog

    unless on occasions razen ob nekaterih priložnostih
  • unsay* [ʌnséi] prehodni glagol
    preklicati; ovreči, spodbiti; vzeti nazaj besedo

    to say and unsay reči enkrat da, enkrat ne
  • up1 [ʌp] samostalnik
    vzpetost, strmina, višina
    ekonomija porast (tečajev, cen)
    pogovorno srečen človek, srečko, povzpetnik; predstojnik; vlak (avtobus), ki vozi v mesto

    ups and downs of a country valovitost tal
    the ups and downs of life sreča in nesreča v življenju
    my ups and downs imel sem dobre in slabe čase (srečo in nesrečo) v življenju
    the up and up stalni napredek
    on the up-and-up pogovorno vedno boljši; v redu, brezhiben
  • up2 [ʌp] pridevnik
    ki gre (vozi) gor; ki vodi proti (glavnemu) mestu; višji; s tendenco navzgor; pokonci; vzšel (sonce); narasel (reka); živeč v notranjosti (dežele)
    pogovorno razburjen; končan; enak(ovreden)

    the up coach kočija, ki vozi navkreber
    up line železnica proga, ki vodi proti (glavnemu) mestu
    up platform peron za vlake v mesto
    up stroke tanka črta pri (pisanih) črkah
    the up train vlak, ki vozi proti (glavnemu) mestu, v London
    1 d up povišana (cena) za 1 peni
    up and doing before day pogovorno že pred dnevom na nogah
    already up and about pogovorno že (zopet) na nogah
    to be up late dolgo čuti, bedeti
    to be high up in school biti med najboljšimi v šoli
    he is up in this subject v tem predmetu je on na višini, je dobro podkovan
    to be up with the lark figurativno zelo zgodaj vsta(ja)ti
    to be up against a hard job pogovorno stati pred težko nalogo
    to be up against opposition naleteti na odpor
    to be (had) up for pogovorno biti pozvan pred sodnika zaradi
    to be one up šport biti za točko boljši
    up for pripravljen za
    to be up for election biti na volilni listi
    to be up biti na čelu
    to be up in years biti že v letih
    to be up for examination opravljati (delati) izpit
    to be up for sale biti naprodaj
    to be up for trial biti (stati) pred sodiščem; obravnavati se
    the fire is up ogenj plamti, plapola
    the game is 10 points up igra se do 10 točk
    the game is up igre je konec (tudi figurativno)
    he is still up with his competitors še vedno je dorasel svojim tekmecem
    how are you up for cash? pogovorno kako si (kaj) pri denarju?
    the hunt is up lov je odprt
    it's all up (ali sleng U.P.) with him z njim je konec
    his temper is up razburjen je
    the storm is up navtika vihar besni
    Parliament is up parlament je končal zasedanje
    time is up čas je potekel
    there's much money up on this game pri tej igri gre za velike vsote
    what's up? pogovorno kaj pa je?, kaj se je zgodilo?
    prices are up cene se dvigajo
    school is up pouk se je končal
    I was up at six bil sem pokonci ob šestih
  • up3 [ʌp] prislov

    gor, navzgor, kvišku, v zrak; proti toku (reki, vodi); nazaj

    up from the grounds figurativno od temeljev
    up till now doslej
    from my youth up od moje mladosti naprej
    up with the Democrates! živeli demokrati!
    hands up! roke kvišku!
    you can sail up as far as Sisak lahko se peljete z ladjo do Siska po reki navzgor
    he looked for it up and down po vseh kotih in oglih je iskal to
    this tradition can be traced up to the Reformation ta tradicija sega nazaj (tja) do reformacije

    bliže k, bliže proti (mestu, kjer se nahajamo)
    figurativno više, na višjo stopnjo

    up and up više in više, vedno više
    come up! pridi bliže!
    speak up! govori(te) glasneje!
    he came up and asked me the way približal se mi je in me vprašal
    to move up in the world povzpeti se, napredovati v svetu (v družbi)
    I think of running up North mislim napraviti majhno turo na sever

    v razvoju, v gibanju, v razburjenju, v uporu itd.

    to grow up (od)rasti
    hurry up! pohiti!, brž!
    the nation is up in arms narod se je uprl z orožjem
    my blood was up kri mi je zavrela
    the cider is up very much jabolčnik se zelo peni
    shares (prices) are up delnice (cene) se dvigajo

    popolnoma, čisto, do kraja; skupaj

    to burn up zgoreti
    to eat up all the cherries pojesti vse češnje
    to drink up izpiti, popiti
    to follow up a success do kraja izkoristiti uspeh
    to bind up skupaj povezati
    to lock up the house zakleniti vsa hišna vrata
    to tear up a piece of paper raztrgati kos papirja na koščke
    the street was up ulica je bila popolnoma razkopana

    zgoraj, visoko; pokonci, na nogah

    high up in the air visoko v zraku
    I live two storeys up stanujem v 2. nadstropju
    to be early up biti zgodaj na nogah, zgodaj vstajati
    the Prime Minister is up ministrski predsednik govori, ima besedo
    to stand up stati pokonci
    to sit up sedeti v postelji

    v mestu, na univerzi, v šoli

    up in London v Londonu
    up to town v London
    up for a week teden dni v mestu (v Londonu)
    the undergraduates come up next week študentje se vrnejo (na univerzo) prihodnji teden
    to stay up for the vacation ostati v kraju študija (v kolidžu) za počitnice

    7. up to
    a) (vse) do; proti, prek

    up to now doslej
    I had mud up to the knees blato mi je segalo do kolen
    he was all right up to yesterday bil je čisto zdrav do včeraj
    to be up to date biti sodoben (moderen, v koraku s časom)
    I'll give up to 1000 dinars for it plačal bom do 1000 din za to
    b) na ravni, na nivoju, ustrezno

    up to the door (ali knocker) sleng izvrstno, prima
    up to par figurativno "na višini"
    not up to expectations neustrezno pričakovanjem
    not yet up to the ropes figurativno še neuveden, ki se še ne spozna
    up to sample po (ustrezno) vzorcu
    his book is not up to much njegova knjiga ni kaj prida vredna
    to live up to one's income živeti ustrezno svojim dohodkom
    your work is not up to your usual standard tvoje delo ni na nivoju tistega, ki ga navadno dosežeš
    to be up to nameravati kaj, snovati kaj, biti dorasel čemu, ustrezati čemu, biti (komu) do česa; biti odvisen od česa; biti pripravljen na; spoznati se na kaj
    what are you up to? kaj nameravaš?
    it is up to you (to decide) vaša stvar je, da odločite; od vas je odvisna odločitev
    to be up to a thing or two figurativno biti prebrisan
    to feel up to čutiti se doraslega čemu; biti pripraven, razpoložen za, dobro znati kaj
    to get up to s.o. držati korak s kom
    to be up to the mark figurativno biti na višini
    to be up to snuff sleng biti zvit (premeten, izkušen)
    I am up to your little game dobro vem, kaj spletkariš
    what has he been up to? kakšno neumnost je spet napravil?
    you have been up to some trick again! si že spet naredil kakšno budalost!
    I am not up to travelling nisem sposoben za potovanje
    it is up to you to prove it vi morate to dokazati

    pod vodstvom (pri študiju na univerzi)

    I was up to A. A. je vodil moje študije, je bil moj mentor (tutor)


    up with na isti višini z, v isti oddaljenosti z
    to come up with s.o. dohiteti koga
    to keep up with držati korak s
    up with you! vstani!, pridi gor!
    up against proti
    up into gori v, gor
    up on više (od, kot)
    up till vse do
  • up4 [ʌp] predlog
    (gori) na; gor, navzgor, navkreber kvišku; proti, k, do, ob, vzdolž; proti notranjosti

    up the hill navkreber, po hribu navzgor
    up hill and down dale čez hribe in doline
    up the river po reki navzgor
    up the street po ulici (cesti) navzgor
    I saw a monkey up a tree videl sem opico na drevesu
    up a tree figurativno v stiski, v škripcih
    to climb up a precipice plezati po prepadu navzgor
    he has gone up country šel je na deželo (na kmete)
  • up5 [ʌp] neprehodni glagol
    (nenadoma) vstati, se dvigniti
    pogovorno dvigniti (kvišku)
    ameriško povzpeti se (to na)

    to up and ask nenadoma vprašati
    up and at him! nanj!, za njim!
    he upped with his head iztegnil (pomolil) je glavo ven
    prehodni glagol
    pogovorno dvigniti, pobrati
    ameriško povišati, povečati (cene, proizvodnjo itd.)
  • upward(s) [ʌ́pwəd(z)] prislov
    kvišku, gor, navzgor (tudi figurativno)
    dalje, naprej; proti vodnemu toku, ob vodi navzgor; proti notranjosti dežele; proti (glavnemu) mestu

    upward(s) of (10 years) več kot, nad (10 let)
    16 years and upward(s) 16 let in več
    from 10 dollars upward(s) od 10 dolarjev naprej, dalje (više)
    from the l6th century upward(s) od 16. stoletja dalje
    upward(s)s of ten thousand več kot deset tisoč
    men of forty and upward(s) možje, stari 40 let ali več
    upward(s) cercle šport veletoč
    the boat turned bottom upward(s)s čoln se je prevrnil
    to look upward(s) pogledati kvišku
    to follow a stream upward(s) iti ob reki v smeri proti izviru
    the prices tend upward(s) cene se dvigajo
  • úra (čas) hour; (žepna) watch; (stoječa, stenska, stolpna) clock; (namizna) timepiece

    úra budilka alarm clock
    peščena úra sand glass
    sončna úra sundial
    cerkvena úra church clock
    úra z nihalom pendulum clock
    zapestna úra wristwatch
    ladijska úra chronometer
    úra štoparica stopwatch
    policijska úra curfew
    konične úre rush hour
    huda úra thunderstorm
    učna úra lesson
    proste úre free (ali spare) hours pl
    smrtna úra the hour of death, dying hour, last hour
    v zgodnjih úrah in the small hours
    úra X vojska zero hour
    v teku ene úre, v manj kot eni úri in less than an hour, within an hour
    o úre do úre from hour to hour
    prav ob tej úri at this very hour
    po moji úri by my watch
    pol úre half an hour, a half hour
    pred pol úre half an hour ago
    5 milj na úro 5 miles per hour, 5 miles an hour
    vsake tri úre every three hours
    več kot eno úro over one hour
    ob tej úri at the present time, ZDA presently
    polni, celi 2 úri for two hours at a stretch (ali pogovorno on the trot)
    dobro úro a good hour
    ob 12. úri at 12 o'clock, at noon
    v smeri kazalca úre clockwise, (v nasprotni) anticlockwise
    jermenček za zapestno úro watch strap, strap for wristwatch; (wrist) watch band; strap (ali cord, link, expansion) band
    verižica za úro watch chain, (pri telovniku) watch guard
    kolesje úre movement of a watch
    ohišje úre clock case
    vzmet úre watch spring
    utež pri úri clock weight
    kazalec úre hand
    kazalec sončne úre gnomon
    številčnica úre dial
    tovarna úr clock factory, watch factory
    trgovina z úrami clock trade, watch trade, trade in clocks and watches
    koliko je úra? what time is it?, what's the time?, (redko) what o'clock is it
    úra je 5 it is five o'clock
    četrt na šest je it is a quarter past five
    pol šestih je it is half past five
    tri četrt na šest je it is a quarter to six
    na moji úri je tri it is three by my watch
    ob kateri úra? at what time?
    je ta úra prav? is that clock (tvoja zapestna úra your wristwatch oziroma pogovorno watch) right?
    on je točen kot úra he is as regular as clockwork
    moja úra je točna my watch keeps perfect time
    dobrih 5 úr je do mesta it's a good five hours to the town
    moja úra gre dobro my watch is a good timekeeper
    moja úra ne gre (se je ustavila, se je iztekla) my watch is not going (has stopped, isn't working)
    moja úra je pokvarjena there is something wrong with my watch
    navijte svojo úro! wind up your watch!
    moja úra je navita my watch is wound up
    úra bíje the clock strikes (oziroma is striking)
    úra bo zdajci (od)bila 11 the clock is just about to strike eleven
    úra je odbila 7 the clock has struck seven
    odbila mu je zadnja úra his last hour is come
    moja úra prehiteva my watch is fast (ali gains, is gaining)
    moja úra zaostaja my watch is slow (ali loses, is losing)
    vprašati koliko je úra to ask the time
    naravnati (regulirati) úro po... to regulate (ali to set) one's watch by...
    držati se rednih úr to keep regular hours
    letalo je doseglo poprečno 450 milj na úro the plane averaged 450 miles an hour
    dajati angleške úre (= lekcije) to give English lessons
    to úro je treba naviti this clock needs winding up (ali rewinding)
    moja úra je potrebna popravila my watch needs repairing
    razmakniti konične úre (da ni navala na avtobuse itd.) to stagger office hours
    rana úra zlata úra early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
    delati 24 úr brez prekinitve (noč in dan) to work around the clock