motíti to disturb; to inconvenience; to intrude (koga on someone); to trouble; (spanje) to interrupt; (radio) to jam; (posegati v) to interfere with; to violate; (nadlegovati) to inconvenience
motíti se to be mistaken (v kom in someone
v čem about something), to err
kaj vas moti? what is troubling you?, what is upsetting you?
vas moti, če kadim? do you mind if I smoke?
zelo se motiš you're badly mistaken
ne pustite, ne dajte se motíti! don't let me disturb you!
oprostite, da vas motim! excuse my disturbing (ali troubling) you!
upam, da ne motim? I hope I'm not disturbing (ali bothering) you, I hope I'm not in the way
obžalujem, toda moram vas še enkrat motíti I am sorry, but I shall have to trouble you again
nekoliko se motite you are slightly mistaken
če se ne motim if I am not mistaken, unless I am mistaken
ne daj se motíti! do not inconvenience yourself!
motíti se je človeško to err is human
motiš se! (si na napačni sledi!) you are barking up the wrong tree
ali motim? am I in the way?, am I intruding?
Zadetki iskanja
- mràz cold; chill; frost
mràz brez slane black frost
oster mràz biting (ali severe) frost; hard (ali sharp) frost
suh mràz ground frost
leden mràz frostiness
trd od mràza numb with cold
Dedek Mraz Jack Frost
občutljiv za mràz sensitive to cold
odporen proti mràzu resistant to cold, cold-resistant
občutek mràza sensation of cold
nenaden nastop mràza sudden inroad of cold weather, ZDA cold snap
val mràza cold wave
10° mràza 10 degrees of frost
mràz mi je I am (ali I feel) cold
mràz mi je v noge my feet are cold
mràz je danes it is cold today
mràz me je rezal do kosti the cold pierced me to the bone
drgetati, tresti se od mràza to shiver with cold
mràz grize, ščiplje there is a nip in the air
mràz je kar grizel it was a biting cold
mràz popušča the cold is abating
mràz me spreletava I feel cold all over
mràz me spreleti ob tem that gives me the shivers; it gives me the creeps
težko prenašati mràz, trpeti od mràza to suffer from the cold - mŕzel cold; frigid; chilly; icy
ledeno mŕzel frosty
mŕzli pas frigid zone
mŕzlo je it is cold
mŕzlo mi je I am cold - mrzéti to disgust, to excite disgust
mrzi mi it is my abhorrence
to mi mrzi I detest it, I am disgusted by it
posebno mi mrzi (pogovorno) it is my pet aversion (ali abomination) - múčiti to torture; to torment; to rack; to inflict pain on, to martyr; to maltreat; (bolečina) to hurt, to ail; (v šoli) to bully, to intimidate; (dražiti z varljivimi upi) to tantalize; (nadlegovati, jeziti) to bother, to worry, to vex, to plague, to tease, to grieve, to harass
skrbi jo mučijo she is tormented with worry
muči ga protin he is a martyr to gout
muči me misel na... I am uneasy (ali anxious) about...
do smrti múčiti to martyr
múčiti se (z delom) to labour, to slave, to toil, to moil, to toil and moil; to be at pains; to take pains, to make efforts, to strive hard, to struggle; to trouble oneself
múčiti se navkreber, v hrib to toil up the hill
múčiti se kot črna živina to drudge
muči se na žive in mrtve he is working himself to death - mudíti (zavlačevati) to delay, to detain, to retard, to slow down
mudíti se to tarry, to delay; (bivati) to stay, to dwell
ne mudi se the matter is not urgent, there is no hurry
mudi se mi I am in a hurry, I've no time to spare, I am pressed for time
ne mudi se mi tako zelo I am not in that much of a hurry
ne mudi se za to there's no hurry for it
ne mudi se tako strašno there's no tearing hurry
pri tem delu se rad mudim I like to take my time over this job
kam se ti tako mudi? what's your rush?
mudil seje dva meseca v Zagrebu he stayed for two months in Zagreb
mudíti se pri čem to linger over something - načúditi se to wonder (at)
ne morem se dovolj načúditi se I am lost in wonder, I cannot get over my surprise - nadléga trouble; bother; annoyance; molestation; vexation; inconvenience
povzročiti nadlégo, biti v nadlégo komu to be a nuisance, to cause annoyance to someone
to mi ni v nadlégo it is no inconvenience to me
če vam to ne bo v nadlégo if it is no inconvenience to you
bojim se, da vam bom v nadlégo I am afraid I shall inconvenience you (ali be in your way)
obžalujem, da vam delam tako nadlégo I am sorry to be such a nuisance (ali cause you so much inconvenience)
upam, da vam ne bom delal nadlége I hope I shall not put you to any inconvenience - naj
naj vstopi! let him come in!
naj bo very well!; all right!, agreed!, pogovorno O.K. arhaično so be it!
naj počiva v miru! may he rest in peace!
naj pride, kar hoče! come what may!
naj stane, kar hoče! cost what it may!
kaj naj to pomeni? what can (ali does) that mean?
kaj naj storim? what am I to do?
reci mu, naj pride! tell him to come!
naj ljudje rečejo, kar hočejo! let people say what they will!
naj je še tako mlad... young though he may be...
naj bodo (še tako) bogati, (oni) ne morejo... rich as they are (ali no matter how rich they may be), they cannot...
ne vemo, kaj naj naredimo s tem we don't know what to do with it
nisem vedel, ali naj se smejem ali jočem I did not know whether to laugh or to cry - naklónjen inclined; kind, favourable, favourably disposed, benevolent, friendly
biti naklónjen komu to be in favour of someone, well disposed to someone
streha je strmo naklonjena the roof slopes sharply
nisem temu naklónjen (nisem za to) I am not in favour of it - nálog order; commission; charge; instruction; errand; writ
po nálogu by order
po vašem nálogu in accordance with your order (ali your instructions)
plačilni nálog order to pay
sodni nálog court order
zaporni nálog writ of attachment
imam nálog I am charged
dati nálog to give a commission (za kaj for something)
izvršiti nálog to execute an order - naréd (pripravljen) ready
naréd za izplutje ready to put to sea
naréd za vzlet ready for takeoff
sem naréd za odhod I am ready to go - naredíti to do; (izdelati) to make, to manufacture; (izvršiti) to carry out, to perform, to execute; (dovršiti) to bring to an end, to complete
kaj naredíti? what is to be done?
ne vem kaj naredíti (figurativno) I am all at sea
kaj naj človek naredi? what is one to do?
prav vse (možno) naredíti to leave no stone unturned
nerad kaj naredíti to do something with a bad grace
površno, slabo naredíti to bungle
naredíti čemu konec to put an end to something
naredíti napako to make a mistake (ali a blunder)
naredíti komu uslugo to do someone a service (ali a favour)
naredíti komu slabo uslugo to do someone a bad turn, to do someone a disservice
rad kaj naredíti to do something willingly, to do something with a good grace
to bi se dalo naredíti that could be done
naredíti se nevednega to pretend not to know, to act as if one did not know
naredil sem se gluhega I pretended to be deaf
naredíti se bolnega to feign illness, to malinger
naredil sem (se), kot da sem jezen I pretended to be angry - nasprótje contrast, contrary, opposite; opposition, contrariety; antonym
biti nasprótje to be in contradiction (with)
v nasprótju z... unlike..., in opposition to, in contrast to; in contradistinction to
biti v kričečem (ostrem) nasprótju z to be in striking contrast to
v nasprótju z vami sem jaz optimist unlike you I am an optimist
v nasprótju z našimi pričakovanji contrary to our expectations - naváditi
naváditi koga na kaj to accustom someone to something, to inure someone to something
naváditi se na kaj to get used (ali inured) to something, to get into the habit (ali the way) of, to get accustomed to; to become familiar with something, to acquire (ali to contract) the habit of
naváditi se na neko podnebje to acclimatize, ZDA to acclimate
navadil sem se na to zdaj I am used to it now, I have got into the way of it now - navájen accustomed (na to); used (to), wont, familiar (with)
biti navájen to be wont (to), to be in the habit (of), to be used (ali inured) to
nisem navájen takega ravnanja I am not used to such treatment - navelíčan weary (česa of something), tired (of); sick (of); fed up (with something)
navelíčan sem tega dela I am fed up with (ali sick and tired of) this work - nedólžen innocent (of); (nekriv) not guilty, guiltless; blameless; harmless; guileless; (deviški) virgin, chaste, maidenly, immaculate; (naiven) naive
nedólžno jagnje innocent lamb
nedólžno (neškodljivo) zdravilo a harmless remedy
po nedólžnem innocently
lahko dokažem, da sem nedólžen I can prove (that) I am innocent
proglasiti koga za nedólžnega to pronounce someone innocent, to bring in a verdict of not guilty (ali a not-guilty verdict), to acquit, to discharge, to vindicate someone
on nikakor ni nedólžen (brez krivde) he is by no means blameless - nékaj something; some, any; prislov somewhat; (nekoliko) a little, a bit
nékaj denarja some money
nékaj knjig some books
nékaj novega something new
nékaj tega some of this
nékaj kratov several times, a couple of times
za nékaj časa for some time
nékaj takega something of the kind, this kind of thing
to je nékaj zame that's what I want
nékaj je na tem there is something in that
lahko dobim nékaj tega kolača? may I have some of this cake?
nékaj je treba storiti something must be done
to mi bo vzelo nékaj časa that will take me some time
če nimaš denarja, ti ga dam nékaj if you have no money, I will give you some
gre mi nékaj na bolje I am getting on rather better
nékaj ljudi se je že drsalo tam there were some people skating already
dal ji je brošo ali nékaj takega (podobnega) he gave her a brooch or something of the kind - neràd reluctantly, with reluctance, unwillingly; with a bad grace; (z nevoljo) grudgingly
rad ali neràd whether willing or not, willing or unwilling, willy-nilly
neràd pišem I am averse to writing
neràd to napravim I am reluctant to do it
le neràd privoliti to give (a) reluctant consent
neràd to priznam I am unwilling to admit it
neràd te nadlegujem I am loath to trouble you