odzád odzádaj (kje?) behind, at the back, at the rear of, in the rear; pomorstvo aft
oglédati si to examine (closely); to inspect, to view; to take a good (ali close, thorough) look at; to visit
oglédati si mesto to visit a town
oglédati si znamenitosti (mesta) to see the sights, to go sightseeing
okoréj (obklej) at what time; when
omalovaževáti to belittle, to slight, to disregard, to disdain, to depreciate, to hold in disdain; to think little or nothing of; to set at naught; to despise, to scorn; to run down; to cast a slight (kaj upon something)
omízje company at table; guests pl
opljúvati to spit at (ali on)
opoldánski midday, noonday; done at midday (ali at noon)
opoldánski jedilni obrok (kosilo) midday meal, (early) dinner, lunch
opoldánsko sonce midday sun
opoldánska ura noon
opoldánska vročina midday heat
opóldne at noon, at midday
opólnoči at midnight
osméšiti to ridicule; to hold up to ridicule; to treat with ridicule; to poke fun at, to make fun of, to make a fool of
osméšiti se to make oneself ridiculous, to make an ass of oneself, to make a fool of oneself
ne osmeši se! don't go and make a fool of yourself!
zelo pošteno se osméšiti to make a complete prize ass of oneself
osoréj at this time; by this time
pári at par; at parity
tečaj (kurz) je (stoji) al pári the rate stands at par
pári tečaj par of exchange
počívati to rest, to take one's rest; to repose; (o tovarni) to be idle, to be at a standstill; (spati) to sleep, to be dormant; (biti neobdelan, zemlja) to lie fallow; (biti pokopan) to lie
tukaj počiva (počivajo) here lies (lie)
tukaj počiva v miru... here rests in peace...
naj v miru počiva! may he rest in peace!
počívati na stolu to take the weight off one's feet, pogovorno to have a sit-down
podgórje country (oziroma district, region) at the foot of a mountain range, submontane region
podróben detailed; in detail; minute; at great length; full; (izčrpen) exhaustive
podúhati to smell (kaj at something), to take a sniff at something; to sniff (at)
podúhati vrtnico to smell a rose
podvòz (cestni) underpass; road leading under another road or railway at a crossing
podzavéstno subconsciously; at the back of one's mind
podžágati to saw through something at the base
pokúkati to peep (noter in, v into); to get a peep at
pokúkati iz to peep out of, to peer out
pokúkati čez to peep over, to peer over